Density Matrix Quantum Monte Carlo N.S. Blunt1 T.W. Rogers1 J.S. Spencer1,2 W.M.C. Foulkes1 1 Department of Physics Imperial College London 2 Department of Materials Imperial College London Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps VII 30th July 2012 Outline 1 FCIQMC 2 DMQMC 3 Initial Results 4 Importance Sampling 5 Importance-Sampled Results Outline 1 FCIQMC 2 DMQMC 3 Initial Results 4 Importance Sampling 5 Importance-Sampled Results The Full Configuration Interaction Method Expand the wave function in a basis of Slater determinants X |Ψi = ci |Di i i The coefficients ci that minimise E({ci }) = hΨ|Ĥ|Ψi hΨ|Ψi satisfy the matrix eigevalue problem Hi j cj = E0FCI ci where Hi j = hDi |Ĥ|Dj i. The FCIQMC Algorithm The lowest eigenvector of the full-CI matrix eigenproblem Hi j cj = E0FCI ci can be obtained by solving the imaginary-time Schrödinger equation ∂ci (t) = − Hij − Sδij cj (t) = Tij cj (t) ∂t Sampling Algorithm ∂ci (t) == Tij cj (t) ∂t Imagine a population of signed “psips” scattered through the configuration space. In one time step, a psip on Dj may spawn children on any configuration Di for which Tij is non-zero. The expected number of children spawned on Di is |Tij ∆t|. If Tij > 0, the children have the same sign as their parent. If Tij < 0, they have the opposite sign. Then hqi in+1 = hqi in + (Ti j ∆t)hqj in Sampling Algorithm (cont.) hqi in+1 = hqi in + (Ti j ∆t)hqj in This is a first-order finite-difference approximation to the imaginary-time Schrödinger equation ∂ci (t) = Tij cj (t) ∂t The FCIQMC psip dynamics solves the imaginary-time Schrödinger equation. Psip Cancellation As with all fermion QMC methods, there is a sign problem. Psips of both signs appear on the same configurations and the positive and negative populations almost cancel. To help control this problem, positive and negative psips on the same determinant at the same time are cancelled out. Similar psip cancellation algorithms have been tried many times in continuum DMC. They do not work very well. The surprise in Alavi’s work is that, for FCI spaces, psip cancellation works much better. No. of psips/108 Energy/t (a) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 −14 −15 −16 −17 −18 −19 −20 (b) 0 S(τ ) E(τ ) EFCI 5 10 15 20 Uτ 2D 18-site Hubbard model at half filling, U = 4t. (Spencer, Blunt, and Foulkes, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 054110 (2012)) Outline 1 FCIQMC 2 DMQMC 3 Initial Results 4 Importance Sampling 5 Importance-Sampled Results DMQMC The density operator ρ̂(β) = exp[−β(Ĥ − S Iˆ)] satisfies the Bloch equation ∂ ρ̂ = −(Ĥ − S Iˆ)ρ̂ = T̂ ρ̂ ∂β DMQMC The density operator ρ̂(β) = exp[−β(Ĥ − S Iˆ)] satisfies the Bloch equation ∂ ρ̂ = −(Ĥ − S Iˆ)ρ̂ = T̂ ρ̂ ∂β ∂ρij = Tik ρkj ∂β DMQMC The density operator ρ̂(β) = exp[−β(Ĥ − S Iˆ)] satisfies the Bloch equation ∂ ρ̂ = −(Ĥ − S Iˆ)ρ̂ = T̂ ρ̂ ∂β ∂ρij = Tik ρkj ∂β This looks rather like the imaginary-time Schrödinger equation. ∂ci = Tij cj ∂β Idea Can we solve the Bloch equation using an FCIQMC-like technique that works in the space of operators/matrices instead of in the space of states/vectors? Sampling Algorithm ∂ρij = Tik ρkj ∂β Imagine a population of two-index psips scattered through the configuration space of operators |kihj|. In one time step, a psip on |kihj| may spawn children on any operator |iihj| for which Tik is non-zero. The expected number of children spawned on |iihj| is |Tik ∆t|. If Tik > 0, the children have the same sign as their parent. If Tik < 0, they have the opposite sign. Psips of opposite sign on the same operator cancel. Sampling Algorithm (cont.) ∂ρij = Tik ρkj ∂β Psips spawn along columns of the density matrix only. However, since [ρ̂, Ĥ] = 0, we can equally well solve the symmetrized Bloch equation ∂ρij 1 = Tik ρkj + ρik Tkj ∂β 2 Now psips spawn along row and columns. ρkj (β = 0) = δkj , so psips are initially scattered at random along the diagonal of the density matrix. FCIQMC and DMQMC Compared The DMQMC equation of motion ∂ρij ∂t = 1 Tik ρkj + ρil Tlj 2 can be rewritten in the form ∂ρij ∂t = Lij,kl ρkl where Lij,kl = Tik δjl + Tlj δik . FCIQMC finds the large eigenvalue of the matrix Tij . DMQMC finds the largest eigenvalue of the matrix Lij,kl , with ij and kl regarded as composite indices. Advantages of DMQMC Finite-temperature properties accessible. Expectation values of operators that do not commute with Ĥ easily obtainable: hÔi = Oij ρji ρkk Disadvantages of DMQMC Problem 1 The dimension of the space of operators is the square of the dimension of the space of states. But . . . The number of determinants in the FCI space rises exponentially with the number of particles/sites n, and ND ∝ eαn ⇒ 2 ND2 ∝ (eαn ) = eα(2n) FCIQMC for an n-site Hubbard model ∼ DMQMC for an n/2-site Hubbard model. Not so bad. Problem 2 The simulation goes straight past every inverse temperature β: you cannot stop to accumulate statistics. Necessary to run many β-loops and average. But . . . Every β-loop provides data at all inverse temperatures from β = 0 (T = ∞) to β large (T → 0). Independence of β-loops makes statistical analysis easy. Outline 1 FCIQMC 2 DMQMC 3 Initial Results 4 Importance Sampling 5 Importance-Sampled Results The 2D Heisenberg Model Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian (J > 0) Ĥ = J X hiji Ŝi · Ŝj = J X hiji 1 + − − + Ŝ iz Ŝ jz + (Ŝ i Ŝ j + Ŝ i Ŝ j ) 2 2D square lattice is bipartite: no sign problem; no annihilation. Ground state and our simulations have Ms = 0. For 4 × 4 lattice, Ms = 0 Hilbert space has dimension NC = 16 C8 = 12870. Direct diagonalisation possible. For 6 × 6 lattice, NC = 9.08 × 109 . hĤi 0.0 Energy/JN Exact result DMQMC result −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 0 1 2 3 4 βJ 4 × 4; 103 psips; 103 β-loops. 5 6 hĤi (cont.) 0.0 Energy/JN Exact result DMQMC result −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 0 1 2 3 4 βJ 4 × 4; 105 psips; 103 β-loops. 5 6 Staggered Magnetization Staggered magnetisation squared hM̂ 2 i, where M̂ = 1 N P i (−1) xi +yi Ŝ i 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 Exact ground state = 0.276527 DMQMC result 0.05 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 βJ 4 × 4; 105 psips; 103 β-loops. 5 6 Heat Capacity Ch = −β 2 dhĤi/dβ = β 2 (hĤ 2 i − hĤi2 ) 0.2 Estimator Spline fit hCh i/N 2 0.1 0.0 −0.1 −0.2 0.00 1.50 3.00 4.50 βJ 4 × 4; 105 psips; 103 β-loops. 6.00 7.50 Larger Systems 4 × 4: NC = 12870 6 × 6: NC = 9.08 × 109 0.0 Energy/JN −0.3 −0.6 −0.9 −1.2 0.0 Greens function MC ground state DMQMC result 0.4 0.8 1.2 βJ 6 × 6; 105 psips; 5 × 103 β-loops. 1.6 2.0 Psip Spreading Fraction of psips 1.0 Diagonal elements Single excitations Double excitations Triple excitations 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 βJ 3 Psip Spreading (cont.) As β increases, psips appear further and further from the diagonal of the density matrix. Evaluating hÔi = Oij ρji ρkk becomes more and more difficult. Outline 1 FCIQMC 2 DMQMC 3 Initial Results 4 Importance Sampling 5 Importance-Sampled Results Importance Sampling: Nick’s Approach Idea Suppress psip population on density matrix elements ρij with d(i, j) large. Multiply spawning rate from operators of excitation level d to operators of excitation level d 0 by wd 0 ,d . Multiply reverse spawning rate by wd,d 0 = 1/wd 0 ,d . If d 0 > d, wd 0 ,d < 1: suppress spawning to operators further from the diagonal enhance spawning to operators closer to the diagonal Importance Sampling: Link to Standard Approach The psips now sample the modified density matrix ρ̃ij = wd,d−1 wd−1,d−2 . . . w1,0 ρij = ρTij ρij where d = d(i, j) = d(j, i). If ρ satisfies ∂ρij = Lij,kl ρkl ∂β then ∂(ρTij ρij ) dβ = ρTij Lij,kl 1 ρTkl ! ρTkl ρkl Importance Sampling: Link to Standard Approach The psips now sample the modified density matrix ρ̃ij = wd,d−1 wd−1,d−2 . . . w1,0 ρij = ρTij ρij where d = d(i, j) = d(j, i). If ρ satisfies ∂ρij = Lij,kl ρkl ∂β then d ρ̃ij dβ = ρTij Lij,kl 1 ρTkl ! ρ̃kl Outline 1 FCIQMC 2 DMQMC 3 Initial Results 4 Importance Sampling 5 Importance-Sampled Results Importance-Sampled Results The weights are chosen to make the numbers of psips on each excitation level similar as β → ∞. Fraction of psips 1.0 Diagonal elements Single excitations Double excitations Triple excitations 1/9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 βJ It is convenient to switch the weights on gradually as the simulation progresses (i.e., ρT is β-dependent). 6 × 6 Heisenberg Model: Energy 0.0 Energy/JN Greens function MC ground state = -0.678871 DMQMC result −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 0 2 4 6 βJ 6 × 6; 104 psips; 103 β-loops. (note slight error) 8 10 6 × 6 Heisenberg Model: Energy 0.0 Energy/JN Greens function MC ground state = -0.678871 DMQMC result −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 0 2 4 6 βJ 6 × 6; 106 psips; 10 β-loops. (error removed) 8 10 Staggered magnetisation squared 6 × 6 Heisenberg Model: Staggered Magnetization 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 Greens function MC ground state = 0.2099 DMQMC result 0 2 4 6 βJ 6 × 6; 106 psips; 10 β-loops. 8 10 Larger Systems Successfully studied an 8 × 8 Heisenberg model Ms = 0 Hilbert space dimension > 1019 Density matrix has > 1038 elements using the same psip population (106 ) and only 10–100 times more β-loops! Summary Achievement Importance-sampled DMQMC works surprisingly well. Can be applied to large sign-problem-free systems. Yields full thermodynamics at all temperatures at once. Yields full density matrix and hence arbitrary expectation values. Summary Achievement Importance-sampled DMQMC works surprisingly well. Can be applied to large sign-problem-free systems. Yields full thermodynamics at all temperatures at once. Yields full density matrix and hence arbitrary expectation values. Not bad for two undergraduate students! Outlook Open Questions Substantial population control errors in large systems need investigating. Severity of sign problem? Analogue of initiator approach? Where is it useful? The thermal properties of tiny molecules are not very interesting. When there is a sign problem, we may not be able to tackle large enough systems to study phase diagrams. Entanglement measures such as Tr(ρred ln ρred ) and the concurrence depend on reduced density matrices. DMQMC seems able to calculate these better than other methods.