International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- May to June Issue 2011 Help-MD: An Intelligent Online Medical Diagnostics Health Engine for Life Perpetuation 1 A.N.Sasi Kumar 1 , R.Elayaraja2 P. Radha 3 Associate Professor, 2 PG Scholar, 3Assistant Professor Department of MCA, Panimalar Engineering College Chennai - 600 123 • HELP-MD CARD to be given to all people in the country • This is to maintain Medical diagnostic record for a human from “BIRTH to DEATH” which would serve as a vital aid in diagnosis also it has the capability to run in any low cost devices at anytime from anywhere. • For All Disease self evaluation health calculators • HELP-MD is to reach all people in the country.To capture data at the point of care To integrate data from multiple internal and external sources To support caregiver decision making. The benefits are, but are certainly not limited to the following: Improved quality and patient care. More efficient tracking of patients and costs Benefits to the business of healthcare Better documentation and improved audit capabilities Avoidance of repeating expensive tests and time spent with patients. INTRODUCTION The fact on India’s health care situation is as follows: A recent survey by the Indian Medical society has found 75% of qualified ABSTRACT India today has more than 1 billion populations and there is finite limit of elasticity in providing health care in terms of infrastructure, facility, the manpower and the funds. Wide disparities persist between different income groups, between rural and urban communities, and between different states and even districts within States. The population is predominantly rural and distributed in distant geographical locations apart from the high-density urban areas; to provide the basic minimum health care has been one of the priorities of the Health administration all along. Further this is compounded by the following factors like: High cost of health care and lack of investment for health care in rural areas. Inadequate medical facilities in rural & inaccessible areas. Problem of retaining doctors in rural areas where they are required to serve & propagate widespread health awareness. Specialist doctors cannot be retained at rural areas as they will be professionally isolated and become obsolete and even monetary incentives also cannot prevent it. The objectives of this project are: • All Government hospitals to be maintained in a single server. • Have to maintain a “BIRTH TO DEATH MEDICAL DATABASE” to every one in the country. ISSN:2231-5381 - 64 - IJETT International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- May to June Issue 2011 consulting doctors practice in urban centers and 23% in semi urban areas and only 2% from rural areas whereas majority of the patients come from rural areas. Hospital beds / 1000 people is 0.19 in rural and 2.2 in urban areas. Technology integration within the health sector has great potential to promote healthy lifestyles, improve decisions by health professionals as well as patients, and enhances healthcare quality by improving access to medical and health information thereby facilitating instantaneous communication in places where this was not previously possible. The increased use of technology can help reduce health care costs by improving efficiencies in the health care system. Biomedical Informatics is the study of the generation, utilization, structure, transformation, and application of data, information and knowledge to basic biological research, clinical sciences, health care delivery, and health services research. It plays a very important role in providing timely care to critical patients instanteously. Timely help can be provided if the entire medical history is available to the doctor attending the patient. Further it also reduces the need for redundant medical examination tests. Therefore the need for an automated record of health details is the need of the hour. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a longitudinal electronic record of patient health information generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery setting. Included in this information are patient demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data, and radiology reports. The EHR automates and streamlines the clinician's workflow. The EHR has the ability to generate a complete ISSN:2231-5381 record of a clinical patient encounter, as well as supporting other care-related activities directly or indirectly via interface— including evidence-based decision support, quality management, and outcomes reporting. This project is to maintain Medical diagnostic record for a human from “BIRTH to DEATH” which would serve as a vital aid in diagnosis also it has the capability to run in any low cost devices at anytime from anywhere. A person starts his life from his childhood as a new born baby. In case of sick time, a person can’t say the exact problem in their body while he is serious condition, childhood etc. So a doctor asks many questions [Protocols] which is relevant to the disease in each stage of the human. The stage is defined according to the age of the patient. The set of questions are stored in the database with the diagnostic report according to the protocol and the corresponding treatment. While asking the questions to the patient it automatically compared and generates the diagnostic report. This project is having a special feature that a parent / Guardian taking a patient to the doctor [may the same or the different doctor] the doctor should know the previous and the present conditions of the patient. In the rural/urban area of the country illetrate people don’t know to maintain the records. Also there is no facility for the doctors over there to know the previous history of the patients. This project helps the patients and the doctors by storing the patient’s relevant medical history consisting of all the protocols, diagnostic report. Present situation can be compared with the previous reports of the particular patient and the doctor can take a good decision and go for the treatment. This project is developed using JAVA – J2EE and it can be deployed and run any kind of low cost devices. - 65 - IJETT International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- May to June Issue 2011 Technique Used Privacy Preserving - To secure the personal data of the patient. Association Rule mining Algorithm Hardware Software Intel Core 2 Duo JDK 1.6 and above Tomcat Server 4.5 320 GB HDD 2 GB RAM KEYBOARD JSP – Servlet – Servlet Runner NETBEANS IDE 6.0.1 MOUSE CDD, with GADGET MACHINE if necessary. - It used to retrieve the associated data from the large set of database. Hardware and Software Requirements Proposed Solution Implement the protocol Query with protocol Display the Diagnostic report Once again pass protocol and get the treatment method with the medicine and the dose SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE OF HelpMD ISSN:2231-5381 - 66 - MODULE EXPLANATION Help-MD is segmented into five modules based on its Informative, Interactive and Management part. Module 1----User’s search flow for health information on the Informative part- User search for the features and services offered by our website. Module 2----Requesting users for registration for the privileged services/business activities with the website. Module 3----Managing the site by providing the user’s details, updating and deleting records and involves in business dealings like Advertisements etc Module 4----Health Monitoring System Module 5----Calculating Analysis result of Heart Atttack, Cancer, Kidney and Diabetes. HEALTH MONITORING • Monitoring is a major class of health IT activity • A few different domains – Critical care monitoring – reporting back to humans who will respond quickly IJETT International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- May to June Issue 2011 – ‘Ubiquitous’ monitoring – getting data (probably over a long period of time) without being too obvious about it – Participatory monitoring – patients get a sense of engagement by participating in the medical record HEALTH CALCULATORS • Heart Rate Calculator • Calorie Count Calculator • Height Prediction Calculator • Male Body Calculator • Smoking Calculator • Body Water Calculator • Body Mass Index Calculator • Immunisation Chart • Kidney Calculator • Diabetes Calculator • Cancer Calculator Heart Calculator Innovative Models in Personal Health Records and Applications for eHealth Related Projects Introducing The Global Budget Policy of the Natiional Health Insurance System in Taiwan Informatics for Smart Ageing and Independent Living to Better Position Healthcare Systems for The Future Mobile Healthcare Delivery CONCLUSION “It is Time 100% Health care reaches The Common Man” By using HELP-MD: An Intelligent Online Medical Diagnostics Health Engine for Life Perpetuation REFERENCE : m/healthcare Integrating Technology in Cost Effective Patient Care Advancing the Benefits and Effects of Clinical Decision Support on Physican Performance and Patient Outcomes ISSN:2231-5381 - 67 - IJETT