Enhancing Three Tier Security Scheme Using Fourteen Square Encryption

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 19 Number 5 – Jan 2015
Enhancing Three Tier Security Scheme Using Fourteen Square Encryption
Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network
Ms. Ankita Jaiswal1, Prof. R. Damdoo2.
M.Tech Scholar, CSE Department, SRCOEM, Nagpur, India
Assistant Professor, CSE Department, Nagpur, India2
Abstract: Wireless Sensor networks are a special category of adhoc networks that are used to provide a wireless communication
infrastructure among the sensors deployed in a specific application
domain. The mobile sink does not have a wide range as a base
station but has a rechargeable battery and so it can act as a
collector for getting data from sensor nodes and transmitting it to
base station via cellular network. However, when sensor networks
with mobile sinks are deployed in a hostile environment, security
becomes an important issue. Thus security schemes like mobile
sink's authentication and pairwise key establishment are needed
for secure functioning of such networks. There are some key
predistribution schemes to improve the authentication. But in these
schemes, an attacker can easily gain control on the entire network
by deploying a replicated mobile sink. To overcome this problem
we proposed a general three-tier security framework for
authentication and pair wise key establishment between mobile
sinks and sensor nodes. We propose a new fourteen square
algorithm to encrypt the data using which it becomes very difficult
for the intruder suspects to steal the data.
keywords: wireless sensor networks(WSN), mobile sink(MS),
fourteen square encryption algorithm (FSEA), pairwise key
Wireless sensors and wireless sensor networks have come to the
forefront of the scientific community recently. This is the
consequence of increasingly smaller sized devices, which can
enable many applications. The use of sensors and the possibility
of organizing them into networks have discovered many
research issues and have highlighted new ways to cope with
certain problems[10]. In this paper, different applications are as
where the use of such sensor networks has been proposed are
surveyed. Mobile sinks (MSs) are necessary components in the
operation of many sensor network applications, including data
collection in critical environments , localized reprogramming,
oceanographic data collection, and military navigation[12].The
Existing Systems used various techniques such as: Asymmetric
key technique for the key exchange technique, Probabilistic key
predistribution scheme[2], Two key predistribution schemes.
This schemes still does not solve the problem of pairwise key
establishment[3] and problem of replication attack[11][13].
ISSN: 2231-5381
The above problem can be solved by polynomial pool key
predistribution scheme. As a new security technique ,a general
three tier security scheme is established. This scheme includes
two pools that is mobile polynomial pool and static polynomial
pool. We proposed the new algorithm for encryption process
that is "Fourteen square encryption algorithm".
This approach scheme uses the blundo scheme ,which provides
the guarantee of clearer security analysis. We use, FSEA for
generating key pool for mobile sensor nodes and Sink
separately. In the propose algorithm, they use two separate
polynomial pools: the mobile polynomial pool and the static
polynomial pool. Polynomials from the mobile pool are used to
establish the authentication between mobile sinks and stationary
access nodes, which will enable the mobile sinks to access the
sensor network for data gathering. Polynomials derived from the
static polynomial pool are used to ascertain the authentication
and keys setup between the sensor nodes and stationary access
nodes. Thus, it is hard for an intruder to compromise at least a
single polynomial from the mobile pool to gain access to the
network for the sensor„s data gathering.
fig1: Working of three tier security scheme
For implementation, each mobile sink randomly picks a groups
of polynomials from the mobile polynomial pool. Stationary
access nodes play a role of providing an authentication access
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 19 Number 5 – Jan 2015
points for the network and trigger sensor nodes to transmit their
Kanagavalli.N,M.E1, Hema Rani.V2[3] In this paper, it
accounted data to the mobile sinks. A sink node sends data proposed an enhanced security scheme for wireless sensor
request messages to the sensor nodes through a stationary access network move at speeds in excess of the system-configured
node. The sink node data request messages will initiate the maximum speed. If the node not works properly it revokes and
stationary access node to trigger sensor nodes to transmit their randomly assign to the MS . Thus the replicated node and its
data combined from several measurements to the requested sink identity can be resolved. Hence data collection can be done in
node. Stationary access node may share a mobile polynomial secure manner.
with a mobile sink. All these sensor nodes randomly select a
subset of polynomials from the static pool. The main concept of
Pramod D Mane , Prof. D.H.Kulkarni [8] In this technique
using the two different pools is that mobile sink authentication is we implement a special kind of node,and this is called as
independent of the key distribution scheme used to connect the watchdog. This node does not involve in communication, if
sensor network. At the end of the process transaction must b intruder is detected by access point, the access point will send
done to send the acknowledgment to the mobile sink by the message to watchdog, and then watchdog check the keys, if key
sensor node that the right key will be received by the sensor matches then permit that node into network otherwise it will
node and when the key is wrong then it shows the access denied. throw that node out of the network.
Researchers have developed different methods to secure the
sensor network but each method has some sort of limitations.
There are some important operations like node authentication
and key distribution. Here we will discuss the different schemes
for authentication and key distribution used by the researchers.
Eschenauer and Gilgor [4] proposed a probabilistic key pre
distribution scheme which helps to bootstrap the initial trust
between the sensor nodes. The distribution and sending of keys
to sensor nodes and node re-keying without much computation
and communication capabilities are briefly explained here. To
select the random subset of keys from a large key pool before
deployment, the probabilistic key pre distribution scheme is
used. As a result, two nodes have assured a prospect to share at
least one key after deployment.
Chan et al. [2] proposed that any two neighboring nodes need to
find a single common key from their key rings to establish a
secure link during the key-setup phase. They proposed a
modification to the basic scheme where q common keys (q > 1)
are needed, instead of just one. By increasing the number of key
overlap required for key-setup, it increases the security of the
network against node capture. the q-composite keys scheme
differ only in the size of the key pool and the reason that
multiple keys are used to establish communications instead of
just one.
Chan et al. [2] in the random key schemes presented thus
far, while each node can check that some of its neighbors have
certain secret keys and are thus legitimate nodes, no node can
authenticate the identity of a neighbor to which it is
communicating .
ISSN: 2231-5381
Mathew, John [9] proposed a three-tier security using grid
framework for authentication and pair wise key establishment
between mobile sinks and sensor nodes. Since the grid based
communication is established between the mobile sink and the
access nodes, there is no communication overhead. The id of
mobile sink can be taken from grid itself. There will be a greater
chance for nodes to establish a pair wise key with others without
communication overhead as the sensors are deployed in a gridlike structure. The polynomial by which it establishes
communication with access nodes is known. So there is no need
of sending messages to each other. Hence the grid based scheme
will be faster.
We proposed a new algorithm for encryption of data that is
"Fourteen square encryption algorithm". FSEA that encrypts
alphabets, digits and special characters. It uses eight 9x6 size
matrices each arranged in a square, as shown in table-1. Each of
the 9x6 matrices contains the letters of the alphabet (upper case
and lower case) and another six 6x7 matrices arranged in
squares for digits and special characters, that is shown in table2. All the special characters and digits from your laptop/desktop
keyboard are included in this table.
So the following describes that how the table 1 is
prepared: In square-1, we have taken 52 alphabets and 2 special
characters, out of which 26 are capital letters and 26 are small
letters. In each row we have arranged nine alphabets and each
column contains six alphabets.Square-2 can be created from
square-1 by taking the first row of square-1 to sixth row place
and other rows one position up. Similarly square-3 can be
created from square-2 by taking the first row of square-2 to sixth
row place and other rows one position up. The same method is
repeated for square-4 which is created from square-3 by taking
the first row of square-3 to sixth row place and other rows one
position up. In square-5, we have converted rows into column
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 19 Number 5 – Jan 2015
Table 2: Plain text and cipher text (Digits and Special Characters)
and inter changed first and last alphabets. The same method is
followed in square-6 to square-8 by taking first row of previous
square and to sixth row place and other rows one position up.
The same method we have followed for table 2. We read the
plain text from left to right. If the character is an alphabet we
refer to table-1, otherwise if it is a number or a special character
we refer to table-2. While scanning the plain text the first
alphabet‟s plain text is in square-1 and its cipher is in same row
and column location of square-5. The second alphabet, its plain
text is in square-2 and cipher text is in same row and column
location of square-6. The third alphabet, its plain text is in
square-3 and cipher text is in same row and column location of
square-7. The forth alphabet, its plain text is in square-4 and
cipher text is in same row and column location of square-8
Similarly fifth alphabet corresponds to square-1 and square-5,
6th alphabet corresponds to square-2 and square-6, 7th alphabet
resembles to square-3 and square-7 and so on. The secret
message is combination of ,numbers, alphabets and special
characters. While reading the secret message, for the special
characters and digits we refer to table- 2. The first special
character (including digits), its plain text is in square-9 and
cipher text is in same row and column location of square-12. For
second special character (including digits), the plain text is in
square-10 and cipher text is in same row and column location of
square-13. For the third special character (including numbers) We explored the different security issues of WSN,
the plain text is in square-11 and cipher text is in same row and authentication and key distribution. Research work shows that it
column location of square-14. Similarly fourth special character is very challenging task to provide the secure communication
(including numbers) resembles to square-9 and square-12, 5th over network and the need to discover more efficient methods
special character(including numbers) corresponds to square-10 with the respect of resource constraints of WSN. To secure the
and square-13, 6th special character (including numbers) communication over WSN there must be a provision to
corresponds to square-11 and square-14 and so on. In addition to authenticate the data and as well as the sensors . In this paper we
proposed an efficient security algorithm FSEA for
this, we using a key to encrypt the data.
authentication and pair wise key establishment between mobile
sinks and sensor nodes in which the intruder cannot detect key
Table 1: Plain text and Cipher text (Alphabets)
easily in the network. There are some issues in this paper that is
it only shows the communication between single mobile sink
and single sensor node through stationary access node. Overall
project has been carried out with OMNETT++ simulator.
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