Site registration form guidance notes North Norfolk 2016 - 2036

North Norfolk
2016 - 2036
Site registration form
guidance notes
North Norfolk
2016 - 2036
Guidance Notes
1. Your details
Fill out your name (first name and surname) and all contact details, if you are an agent please
fill out your clients details. This section is mandatory.
2. Agent Details
If you are an agent please fill in your full name and contact details. If you do not have an
agent acting on your behalf, leave this section blank.
3. Site Details
Submitting a Location Plan
When you submit a location plan, it is recommended that this is at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500,
showing at least two named roads and surrounding buildings. The properties shown should be
numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the application site is clear.
The proposal site must be edged clearly with a red line on the location plan. It should include
all land necessary to carry out the proposed development (e.g. land required for access to the
site from a public highway, visibility splays (access around a road junction or access, which
should be free from obstruction), landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings).
Potential access points (if identifiable) should be shown on the map (vehicular and non-vehicular).
A blue line must be drawn on the plan around any other land you own, close to or adjoining
the application site.
All plans must be to a metric scale and any figured dimensions given in metres and a scale bar
should be included. Each plan should show the direction of North.
Please enter the full postal address of the site. If the site does not have an address please
provide a grid reference or describe its location as clearly as possible indicating what road it is
likely to be accessed from ( e.g. ‘Land adjacent to 12 High Street.’)
Site Area
Please provide the total area of the site in hectares.
Net Developable Area
Net developable area refers to the total area of land that is available and suitable for development, not necessarily the total site area. For example, woodland on a site which would not be
developed should not be included within the developable area.
4. Indicate what your interest is in the site. Please tick which one applies to you. Are you a
developer connected to the site? Or the landowner? If you are representing a Parish or Town
Council, please indicate which Parish or Town Council in the box provided.
5a. Do you own all of the site? If you do own all the site, then select yes and move to
question 6. If you own part of the site, select no and fill out question 5b.
North Norfolk
2016 - 2036
5b. Ownership Details
If the site does not fall solely in your ownership and there are multiple owners, please provide
details of all other landowners including:• Full name
• Address
• Contact details.
If known please also indicate whether the other landowners support the submission of the site
to be considered for development as proposed.
Plan showing land holdings
When you submit a plan showing the extent of individual land holdings, it is recommended that
this is at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 and the site is clearly defined. This should be a separate
plan from the Location Plan as required in question 3. Please indicate clearly on the plan what
land falls into your ownership and what falls into different ownerships. This could be done
through different colours.
If you need further guidance or need to find out who the other owners are then please contact
Land Registry
Current and potential use
6. Current Use
Please describe the current lawful use of the site (i.e. employment, agricultural uses etc). If the
site currently has more than one use (mixed use) then please describe all the uses on the site.
7. Has the site been previously developed? Or would it fall under the definition of Previously
Developed Land? (Definitions are enclosed within the Glossary available
8. Please describe all known previous uses of the site.
Existing buildings
9a. Indicate whether there are existing buildings on the site that would be converted as part
of the development.
9b. Please indicate whether these structures/buildings (e.g. buildings, pylons, substations,
overhead wires) would need to be demolished or relocated to make way for development?
9c. Please provide further details of which buildings, if any, would be converted and any
buildings or structures that would need to relocated or demolished.
Proposed uses
10a. Please tick the use or uses you are proposing. If the site is for mixed use please indicate
all uses intended for the site.
North Norfolk
2016 - 2036
10b. If you have ticked that you would consider more than one use in question 10a then
please indicate whether you would consider a mixed use scheme. A mixed use scheme could
be the ‘Provision of a mix of complementary uses, such as residential, community and leisure
uses, on a site or within a particular area.’ Please indicate all of the uses that you would consider.
10c. Please provide as much detail as you can about the proposed use(s). Indicate the key
parts of the proposal that would require planning permission, stating the number of units, the
proposed floor space etc.
Example: ‘Mixed use development comprising 150 dwellings, B1 (a - c) employment buildings
(3150sqm), public open space, landscaping and associated highways and drainage infrastructure’
10d. Please state whether the land put forward would be suitable to be designated as Local
Green Space, meeting the following criteria:
• The green space is in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves.
• The green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular
local significance, recreational value, tranquillity or richness of wildlife.
• The green area concerned is local in character and is not an extensive tract of land.
Nature sites and areas of countryside can be ‘designated’, which means they have special
status as protected areas because of their natural and cultural importance, differing to land
allocations for development.
Site Constraints
For this section please fill in as much information as possible to complete the form.
11a. Access Issues (Vehicular access, Highway safety & Public rights of way)
• Do you think safe vehicular access can be achieved to the site?
• Is sufficient space available for visibility splays in the control of the site owner?
• Do any public rights of way such as footpaths, cycleways and bridleways cross the site
or run adjacent to it?
Example: ‘The site would access off North Walsham Road (B Classification), with clear visibility
in both directions. The site including space for visibility splays are fully in my ownership.’
‘There is a public right of way running through the middle of the site (the coastal footpath). ‘
11b. Topography or Ground Conditions
• Detailed description of the surface features of the site.
• Describe the land levels on site (do land levels vary within the site?)
• Explain the implications the topography would have for development.
Example: ‘the land slopes by 2.5m from north to south. This may affect building heights and
have implications for drainage.’
North Norfolk
2016 - 2036
11c. Stability and Contamination
• Does the site have unstable ground conditions? What is causing the instability?
• Is the site contaminated or is there potential for contamination from a previous or
nearby use?
• Has any survey work or remedial measures taken place? (if yes, please provide further
Example: ‘the site’s former use associated with agricultural activities has led to a potential
contamination issue making the ground unstable. Therefore a contamination survey was
completed as part of a previous planning permission and is attached’.
11d. Local Flood Risk Issues
• Is the site liable to flooding? Is any part of the site within an identified Flood Zone?
See Environment Agency for further information on flood zones
( topic=floodmap#x
=357683&y=355134&scale=2 )
• Does the site have any issues with surface water drainage?
• Would the site be impacted from coastal erosion?
• Describe the nature and source of the flooding and its frequency.
• Does it impact on neighbouring uses or highways.
• Have you had a site specific flood risk assessment done (if yes, please submit this with
your completed form)?
Example: ‘There is a reservoir along the southern boundary of the site and 2 hectares (of the
total 10 hectare area) falls within Flood Risk Zone 2 and 3a. There have been no cases of
flooding in the past 50 years and it would not be impacted by coastal erosion. No known
issues from surface water drainage. ’
11e. Legal Issues (including boundary disputes, squatters,
compulsory purchases, access and services)
• Is the site subject to any ransom strips?
• Do third parties have access rights over the land?
• Are there any restrictive covenants affecting the land?
• If a legal matter is known, then please provide brief details explaining its implications
on development.
Example: ‘Land along the northern boundary of the site falls under different ownership to the
rest of the site and would need to be acquired in order to provide access to the highway.
There has been verbal agreement that this land would be available to buy once the site has
got planning permission.’
North Norfolk
2016 - 2036
11f. Environmental Issues
• Does the site have any natural features such as woodland, hedgerows, nature reserves
• Is the site adjacent to a watercourse?
• Would development result in the loss of or prevent access to open space?
• Would biodiversity of the land be affected by development?
• Is the site covered by, or partially covered by, a local environmental designation?
Example: ‘There is woodland and associated biodiversity (including different planting and
animals) in the south-west corner of the site which would need to be removed as part of
redevelopment of the site. This part of the site also falls under a Special Area of Conservation.’
11g. Heritage Assets
• Are there any heritage assets, such as listed buildings, on site or nearby?
• Is any part of the site within a Conservation Area?
• Does the site contain scheduled ancient monuments?
Example: ‘The site includes a Grade 1 listed building which is currently vacant; the retention of
this building would be part of the housing development proposed for this site. The site falls
300m outside of Holt Conservation Area.’
11h. Neighbouring Uses
• What are the neighbouring land uses?
• Would the neighbouring uses have implications on the proposed development?
• Would the proposed development have implications on any neighbouring uses?
• Will development of the site reinforce distinctive places and communities?
• How would development fit within the wider context of the area?
Example: ‘The site is surrounded by agricultural farmland and should not have any adverse
implications on the proposed development. Northrepps aerodrome is within 1 mile of the site
which may cause noise issues, etc.’
11i. Other considerations
• Are there any other issues that may affect the development of the site?
12a. Please indicate whether utilities are available on site.
12b. Provide further information on the utilities available, and if not available on site how
this can be overcome. Give an indication of any discussions with utilities providers regarding
provision on site.
North Norfolk
2016 - 2036
13a. Please indicate whether the site is currently being marketed. If yes, please provide details.
13b. Indicate when you think the site is likely to become available.
13c. When could development start?
13d. If you have stated that your site is not immediately available for development please
briefly describe why.
13e. Please indicate approximately how long it would take to develop the site. If applicable
and if known, please also provide an annual expected build-rate for the site, such as
dwellings/floor space.
14a. Indicate whether any existing uses or buildings would need to be re-located before
development occurs.
14b.Indicate if there are any abnormal costs which would affect the viability of the site and
how these can be overcome.
14c. Please indicate whether neighbouring uses would have an effect on the marketability of
the site.
14d.Please indicate if and how the site will offer an opportunity to provide desirable or
necessary benefits to the local area. e.g. removing unsightly buildings from the site or by
providing public open space.
14e. Has there been any developer interest in the site?
Additional Comments
Please provide details of any other relevant information which supports the case for the
delivery of your site.
Please ensure that you have completed all sections of the form.
All sites should be submitted to the Council before the 31 May 2016.