International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 7 – Oct 2014 Peer to Peer Message Verification and source security in Ad-Hoc network Madhavi Perla 1, Behara Vineela 2 1,2 Final M.Tech Student1, Assistant Professor2 Dept of CSE, Sarada Institute of Science, Technology And Management,Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh. Abstract: Message authentication is one of the most effective ways to thwart unauthorized and corrupted messages from being forwarded in wireless sensor networks. For this reason so many techniques are available for authentication message in the network. For this purpose we are using elliptic curve cryptography technique for message authentication. These techniques have the limitations of high computational and communication overhead in addition to lack of scalability and resilience to node compromise attacks. So that to overcome these issue we are introduced certification technique for message authentication. This paper focus basically three concepts i.e. secret key generation, message authentication, message encryption and decryption. First one is used for generation secret key for message encryption and decryption. After completion generation secret key we are using certification technique for message authentication. In this User1generate signature for that message and sent to User2. After receiving signature from User1,User2 will verify his/her the message is authentication or not. Before sending signature User1will encrypt message by using binary xor operation technique and send to User2. User2 can decrypt message after successful completion authentication process. By providing those concept we can provide more computational and communication of proposed system. I. INTRODUCTION In peer to peer networks for the security systems the traditional approaches uses key distribution methods such as cryptographic systems. In decentralized, communicational, datanetwork systems. There is increase in usage, bandwidth and network applications is required novel ideas. A increasing application areas such as web conferencing the group properties in an interactive model.[1,2] In many different key distribution [3, 4, 5] methods there is pair of users such as session keys. The general idea is purely secure methods which consist of distributing initial keys to users that is the possible group of users spreads a common key. In conferences generally the users symmetric encryption it must share common key. In the key distribution methods the common keys of secure communication in conference. The data is generated and distributed by a trusted server which is mainly active at the distributive stage. ISSN: 2231-5381 Given the high complexity of such a distribution mechanism [6], a natural step is to trade complexity for security. We may still require that keys are perfectly secure, but only with respect to an adversary controlling coalitions of a limited size. This novel approach was initiated by Blom [2] for the case of session keys (other related schemes are given in [10, 4]. We are motivated by Blom’s (somewhat forgotten) pioneering work. We consider key-distribution for dynamic conferences and study the theory and applications of such systems. Our scheme has two parameters: t, the size of the conference (group), and Ic, the size of adversary coalitions. Another characteristic of such schemes is whether they are interactive (users discuss during common-key establishment phase) or non-interactive. If users of a group (a conference) wish to communicate in a network using symmetric encryption, they must share a common key. A key distribution scheme (denoted KDS for short) is a method to distribute initial private pieces of information among a set of users, such that each group of a given size (or up to a given size) can compute a common key for secure conference. This information is generated and distributed by a trusted server which is active only at the distribution phase. II. RELATED WORK Methods for key pre-distribution[7] provides nodes in a huge network to achieve on pairwise secret keys. At the time of deployment a global authority reads and loads some secret data Sd into each node ni, for i ∈ {1, . . . , N} and N is the network size. By taking two nodes i and j can achieve on a shared key ski,j of size κ using their secret information. In Probabilistic methods where any two nodes are capable to calculate a shared key with more probability and also have been assumed but will not take concern us here. The main aim is to offer resilienceas large as possible and where a method has resilience t if an adversarywho consists t nodes I = {i1, . . . , it} is not able to define any information about the shared key ski,j for anyi, j ∈ I. The efficient assumptions needs calculation ofthe shared keys to be quick performance and thus ruling out of publickey methods, and explanation is that the storage that is the size of the keying information si should be minimized. One simple approach is for all nodes to share a single key k that is the set si = k for all I that is used also as the pairwise keyfor any pair of nodes. While having Page 349 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 7 – Oct 2014 minimal storage this scheme has resilience t = 0 since it is completely broken after only one node is compromised. A second trivial approach is for each pair of nodes to store an independent key. This has optimal resilience t = N, but the storage requirement of(N − 1) · κ per node is unacceptably high[8]. There are two main methods in distribution of keys to reduce the complexity of the public key distributions in authentication servers. There are so many researches are done for secure key generation and distribution methods for shared keys. In another method that is pioneering the key generation methods which is calculated for very seemingly negated results. In another methods such as innovated methods is a method which is based on ID that is predated the formatted definition given by several researchers. Some other authors extended the works on symmetric and asymmetric key distribution methods in way of explanation.[8] Some authors show that information theoretic resilience to t corruptions can be achieved with κ·(t+1) bits of secret information stored per node; moreover, this is optimal if information-theoretic security is desired. Let F be a field of size 2κ > N. To achieve resilience t using the scheme of Blundo et al., the authority chooses a random symmetric, bivariate polynomial F ∈ F[x, y] of degree t in each variable as the master secret key; a node with identity i ∈ F is given the unvaried polynomial si(y) = F(i, y) as its secret information. The shared key ki,j between nodes i, j is si(j) = F(i, j) = sj(i), which both nodes can compute (since F is symmetric). It is not hard to see that an attacker who compromises at most t nodes learns no information about any key that is shared between two non-compromised nodes. However, an attacker who compromises t + 1 nodes can use interpolation to recover the master polynomial and thus obtain all the keys in the system.[9,10] III. PROPOSED SYSTEM MESSAGE authentication plays a key role in thwarting unauthorized and corrupted messages from being forwarded in networks to save the precious sensor energy. For this reason, many authentication schemes have been proposed in literature to provide message authenticity and integrity verification for wireless sensor networks. In this paper we proposed message authentication and privacy message in a wireless sensor network. By performing this operation we are proposed three concepts Authentication of Message User1 Calculate the SA =rSAA mod p and send values m!A, rA, SA to User2 then If gmA _= yrAA SA mod p authentication fails.Otherwise, ISSN: 2231-5381 User1randomly selects vB ∈[1, p − 2] and calculatescB = rvB A mod p and send to Alice Calculates KA,B = csA B mod p, Kt A,B = D(KA,B) Randomly selects vA ∈[1, p − 2] Calculates cA = rvA A mod p and Ack = h(KtA,B, cB_cA) and sends ack value and CA to User2 Calculates the value KB,A = SvB A mod p KtB,A = D(KB,A) If Ack = h(KtB,A, cB_cA) then User1is authenticated and cvA B = cvB A mod p is the established key. otherwise, the authentication fails Now both User1and User2 are in Authentication with Each Other. secret key generation User1Calculates SA = gsA s_)), SA, hHK(m_, s_) And sends it to User2 A mod n mA, SSK(hHK(m_, Verifies signature S(hHK(m_, s_)) of hHK(m_s_), and hHK(mA, SA) = hHK(m_, s_)) The program ends if the authentication fails. Otherwise, it randomly selects vB ∈[n − 1], and calculatescB = gvB mod n and sends the CB to the Alice Calculates KA,B = csA B mod n,K_ A,B = D(KA,B) Then it randomly selects an integer vA ∈[1, n − 1] calculates cA = gvA mod n, and Ack = h(KtA,B, cB_cA)and sends Ack and CA to User2 Computes KB,A = SvB A mod p KtB,A = D(KB,A) If Ack = h(KtB,A, cB_cA), then A is authenticated and cvA B = cvB A mod n is the established key. Otherwise, the authentication fails. Encryption PT=plain Text 1.Enter Some Character in the plain text in between as a random character and add them for every three character as a duplicate character. 2. Change the Plain text which is added with random character into ASCII codes . 3. Now convert into Binary format from ASCII codes. 4. Complement of the plain text. 5. Apply Exclusive OR (XOR) for both characters of plain text and selected series 6. Convert the result after Xor into decimal values. Now you will get the cipher text. Page 350 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 7 – Oct 2014 Decryption 1. Convert the cipher text into Binary format. 2. Apply Exclusive OR (XOR) operation between cipher text and key. 3. Select the series and convert it into the binary format (the series must be same in both encryption side and decryption side). 4. Get complement of the result of step3. 5. Convert the result from binary to decimal format. 6. Now you can get the plaintext. Key Generation Key Generation Authentication of message USER1 USER2 Se nd cip he r En te r M es Encryption/Decryption IV. CONCLUSION The data transferring plays an important part in our day to day life but the transfer may not be secure so to prevent this we follow the technique of authentication and for the communication key generation algorithm is used . In this we are using another technique for generation of secret key for the encryption and decryption of transmitted data. For the generation key we are using binary xor operation technique equation. By providing those technique we are provide more security and efficiency for transferring data. REFRENCES 1. R. Bird, I. Gopal, A. Herzberg, P. Jansen, S. Kutten, R. Molva and M. Yung SystematicDesign of Two-Party Authentication, Advances in Cryptology: Proceedingsof Crypto 91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 576, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1991. 2. R. Blom, An Optimal Class of Symmetric Key Genemtion Systems, Advances inCryptology: Proceedings of Eurocrypt 84, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.209, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984, pp. 335-338. 3. E. Brickell, P.J. Lee and Y. Yacobi, Secure Audio Conferencing, Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto 87, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 239,Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987, pp. 418-426. 4. I. Csiszk and J. Kcmer, Information Theory. Coding theorems for discrete memorylesssystems, Academic Press, 1981. 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