Two Phase Utility Mining Algorithm Using P tree and Inter-Intra

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 6 – Dec 2014
Two Phase Utility Mining Algorithm Using P tree and Inter-Intra
Transaction Itemsets
M.Tech Student
QIS College of Engineering &
Technology, Ongole.
SK.Mahaboob Basha
Associate Professor, Dept. Of CSE
QIS College of Engineering & Technology,
The instructions of high utility item sets is maintained in
a tree-based data structure named utility pattern tree
UPTree so that candidate item sets might be generated
efficiently exclusively with two scans of database. Within
this work time consuming on each database scan is
exponentially increasing just like the size of the database
To beat this drawback, we are going to
present a Two-Phase algorithm to efficiently prune
through wide range of candidates and precisely obtain the
complete range of high utility item sets. High Two phase
utility mining algorithm is matched, intended for finding
item sets that contribute high utility. Within the first
phase of this very algorithm all utility items are collected
and then in the other phase Filtering non-utility frequent
candidates is likewise efficient because we only have to
design a hash based P tree from candidates and push all
transactions the tree to compute subsets. Consequently,
both time and space complexity are both viewed as fully
determined when using the complexity of a given
frequent itemsets mining method used.
The full Environment Vast World wide web acts as a big,
popular devices, world-wide data help centre. It contains
a rich and effective selection of website link resources
and info and Internet website connect to and custom
important information. Records going, which could
routinely learn beneficial and easy to understand patterns
from substantial facts models, is commonly misused
among the Net. World wide web making can easily be
completely classified as thee parts, i.e. website content
going, utilize digging, and hyperlink arrangement going
[1]. Site digging is typically a special situation of custom
cultivation, which actually mines Web site details to
uncover possessor traversal practices of The net page. An
on line web server normally registers a wood access
almost every connect to associated with a The net site.
Each opening holds the Title required, the Internet
protocol address in which which is a situation bid started
out, timestamp, etc. favorite Webpages, such as
Simulated online stores machines, might sign-up
examples among the investing in numerous megabytes on
a regular basis. Statistics digging may feel done on Site
details must purchase society patterns, sequential
preferences, and styles of Internet obtaining. Interpreting
and discovering regularities in Site posts can recognize
ISSN: 2231-5381
possible clients for e-comm, improve the good-quality of
The net data help, greatly enhance performance The net
supplier technique, and boost the web page design to
actually address the choice of owners. Among the many
aims of Site going will be to look for your recurrent
course traversal preferences within the Internet climate.
Route traversal sample digging will certainly be look for
your techniques that routinely co-occurred. It first
transforms the first order of wood important information
being a multitude of traversal subsequences. Each
traversal subsequence screens maximal forward quotation
straight away desire a practitioner connect to.
Furthermore, a string making process will probably be
made use to decide on regular traversal practices, known
as major study group, beginning with the maximal
forward documents, whereby a sizable study order is
naturally a note series that event occurs often adequate
contained in the folder.
The demand of grouping has come to be ever
increasingly crucial in present yrs. The grouping
difficulty is dealt with in most cases situations and also
experts in lots of disciplines; this proves its varied charm
and effectiveness as among the many treatments in
exploratory records interpretation. Segmentation
solutions goal at split a group of data features in lessons
all of these that in fact elements which typically are
precisely the same lesson are usually more too in
comparison with features that in fact remain in different
courses. All of these courses are titled groupings as well
as their extent is perhaps reassigned or is most certainly
parameter to actually feel figured via the procedure. We
have now apps of grouping in this way numerous places
as enterprise, sample authorization, message, chemistry
and biology, astrophysics and many mankind. Group
study would be the enterprise of one's variety of models
(generally symbolized for being vector of estimations,
there is the possibility that some extent in the next
multidimensional place) into groupings dependent on
similarities. Commonly, long distance actions are
administered. Records subdivision has its own
beginnings within one wider area, along with important
information making, machinery grasping, ecology, and
research studies. Conventional grouping techniques
might feel labeled into two types of types: hierarchical
and partitional . In hierarchical segmentation, the volume
of groupings won't will need to actually feel precise a
priori, and concerns on account of initialization and city
minima never take place. However, ever since
hierarchical specialist techniques consider validate close
Page 256
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 6 – Dec 2014
buddies in all move, they are unable to add a priori
seeing that it encounters regular itemsets without ever
expertise regarding the world-wide personal profile or
producing any nominee itemset and exams file just
volume of groupings. Just like a take place, they are
twofold. Inside the design of repeated itemset making,
unable to always particular person redundant groups.
the advantage of elements for people is not just thought.
Moreover, hierarchical segmentation is web, and
Thusly, the matter known as heavy organization concept
elements devoted to a specific lot inside of the earlier
digging appeared to be dropped at interest.Cai et alweer.
steps cannot migration to a special lot.
first planned the idea of measured things and measured
organization principles. However, considering that the
Old-fashioned data retrieval approaches show plain-text
structure of partisan organization regulations lacks down
agreement receiving a tell of 1-10 ideals for each doc.
regulation home, making efficiency couldn't be better. To
Each advantages is directly connected with a certain
deal with this difficulty, Tao et alweer. suggested the
phrase (statement) that could appear to acquire a file, as
notion of heavy down regulation house. Through the use
well as having the variety of possible options is
of agreement extra fat, measured help not only can
contributed across all paper work. The ideals might be
replicate the benefit associated with an itemset but in
dual, symbolizing the career or absence of the
addition keep up with the downwards foreclosure house
corresponding part. The beliefs could become a nonin the course of the digging procedure. Although
negative integers, which generally can be seen as level of
measured connection govern making dreams of the value
time a phrase shows going on a doc (ie. time period
things, in several programs, which can include sale
volume). Non-negative real quantities may also work
archives, items’ volumes in trades aren't consumed
outstandingly well, in this situation symbolizing the
into issues yet still.Liu et alweer. suggested an procedure
benefit or extra fat of each and every time period.
titled Two- Section that's mainly consists of a couple of
digging ways.In section I, it needs an Apriori-based
Subdivision is basically a frequently used skill in
level-wise strategy to itemize HTWUIs.In stage Specify,
important information making employing for locating
HTWUIs which get remarkable service itemsets are
designes in original data. Most old-fashioned subdivision
observed using an various other file inspect.
practices are tight in dealing with datasets that include
particular traits. Alas, datasets by using particular various
kinds of capabilities are usual in the real being records
Standard Technique of WUM
digging concern. In conventional editions, every one of
the Online page within one file are been able both by
World wide web hosts gather large wealth expertise seen
main considering any time a Net exists in the next
from the net internet websites choose. These statistics is
traversal course or negative not. Our team show the
held on to in Net accessibility record less.
appealing techniques our team found in our examination,
Simultaneously facilitated through Access to the internet
alongside their business's weight onto the result
journal with, different important information can easily
delivering procedure. This majority of each of these a
be carried out in Internet Utilize Going such as the online
note pad is planned as shown below. Portion 2 or more
place large world wide web modern construction
overviews the related accomplish the task. In Segment
resources and info, possessor profiles, Online internet site
around three, classic the practical phrases in value
items, etc. around three. The web Choose Verbiage
cultivation product. In Segment some, classic our
projected utility-based route traversal sample making
Our team launch facilitated through interpretation of this
process. Portion six describes the experimental
very number of circumstances the result is that the proper
profile of big value traversal method digging.
Before years, a great deal of research accomplish the task
might be performed to locate priceless data from
widespread of The web hosting server accessibility track.
The web going solution, titled WEBMINER is
introduced in [2].
Among the many aspects of repeated routine digging, the
foremost renowned are organization govern digging and
sequential plan going. One of the many renowned
practices for digging connection regulations is Apriori,
which is the simple forge for proficiently making
relationship policies from substantial records. Routine
growth-based relationship govern making practices
which can include FP-Growth have been after suggested.
It is frequently famous that often FP-Growth does a much
better capability compared to Apriori-based practices
ISSN: 2231-5381
a. Level of Touches: This quantity commonly denote the
total number of situations any supply is utilized in the
next Internet website. A loss is basically a need upon a
world wide web host to produce a report (web site,
graphic, JavaScript, Cascading Styles Page, etc.).
Whenever a an affiliate web page is synced typically
from host the utter number of \"touches\" or \"web
content contacts\" is similar to the level of records
estimated. Thus, one page content burden will not
repeatedly identical one success because normally spaces
equipped with different photograph in association with
other important information which generally build up
how much strikes put.
2 or more. Wide variety of Users: A \"viewer\" is what it
appears like. It's actually individual that navigates for
your their website and looks one or perhaps even more
page as part of your their google sites.
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 6 – Dec 2014
thee. Viewer Talking about Internet site: The finding
that have high utility beyond a minimum threshold. A
internet site offers the facts or title of a given internet site
web page refers to an item, a traversal sequence refers to
which generally was used the site in understanding.
an itemset, the time a user spent on a given page X in a
browsing sequence T is defined as utility, denoted as u(X,
some. Targeted visitor Refer-a-friend Internet website:
T). The more time a user spent on a Web page, the more
The refer-a-friend internet site gives the data or title of a
interesting or important it is to the user. Table 1 is an
given internet site and is actually having the reputation
example of a traversal path database[7-10]. The number
through diverse internet site in thought.
in the bracket represents the time spent on this Web page
which can be regarded as the utility of this page in a
six. Time as well as Period: This data inside the web
given sequence. In Table 1, u(<C>, T1) is 2, and u(<D,
server wood allow the effort and size for a way extended
E>, T8) = u(D, T8) + u(E, T8) = 7+2 = 9.
the site was also found typically from certain webmaster.
From this example, it is easy to observe that utility
mining does find different results with frequency based
top six. Trail Interpretation: Trail interpretation offers the
mining. The high utility traversal paths may assist Web
study of to try a particular consumer has followed in
service providers to design better web link structures,
opening items in the site.
thus cater to the users’ interests.
7 (seven). Client Internet protocol address: This info
furnishes the Up(I.P.) handle of a given users who might
traveled to the web page in thing to consider.
The comprehensive data applied to Net wood going is
Webpage opening file. Each admission within the record
consists of Title ask for, the Internet protocol address
which actually the call for tell, timestamp, etc. The file
might be preserved on Net web server, consumer or
professional. The fresh and raw Web site statistics really
need to be transformed into specific traversal traditions.
The objective of repeated traversal plan digging will be
to come across most of the recurrent traversal assortment
within the given file. All of us offer the reasons for of a
couple simple phrases.
X = <i1, i2, …, im>is a m-sequence of traversal path[3-6].
D = {T1, T2, …, Tn} is a Weblog database, where Ti is a
traversal path, 1  i  n
User Traversal
C(3), A(2)
B(5)E(1) ),D(1)
E(3) A(1)C(1)
A(1) E(5) D(18)
E(2) C(4)
1. Phase I: Mining and Storing Frequent IntraTransaction
2. Phase II: Database Transformation with Mining
Frequent InterTransaction Itemsets using P tree.
3.2. Utility Mining
Following is the formal definition of utility mining
I = {i1, i2, …, im} is a set of items.
D={T1,T2,..Tn} is a transaction database where each
transaction Ti belongs to D is a subset of I.
O(Ip,Tp) objective value,represents the value of item Ip
in Transaction Tq.
S(Ip), Subjective value, is the specific value assigned by
a user to express the users preference.
3.3. Utility-based Web Path Traversal Pattern Mining
By introducing the concept of utility into web
path traversal pattern mining problem, the subjective
value could be the end user’s preference, and the
objective value could be the browsing time a user spent
on a given page. Thus, utility-based web path traversal
pattern mining is to find all the Web traversal sequences
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add I 0 , I1 .....I p 1 , 0,..I w1 to S
add I 0 , I1 .....I w1 , 0 to S
end if
Let I p be an Intratransaction m-itemsets , m>1
Candidate Set
For each (m-1) subsets of I p
Let t be the ID of the (m-1) subset
Add I 0 , I1 ...I p 1 , t ...I w 1 to S
Intra Transaction
Phase 2:
Create p tree as below:
Mining Frequent
InterTrasactional Itemsets
Let S be the set of k-subsets of I taken from candidate
For p:=0 to w
If I 0 , I1 ...I p 1 , t ...I w 1 I p !=0
Itemset Patterns
Structure for intratransaction items a) links initiation
b) external links c) subset links d) generation frequent
itemsets in phase 1
Phase 1:
Mining Frequent IntratTransaction Candidate Itemsets: In
this phase, frequent itemsets are first mined using the
PredictiveApriori algorithm and then stored in a hash
linked data structure, called Hash link Frequent-Itemsets.
if p!=0 then
add I 0 , I1 .....I p 1 , 0,..I w1 to S
add I 0 , I1 .....I w1 , 0 to S
end if
Let I p be an Intratransaction m-itemsets , m>1
For each (m-1) subsets of I p
Let t be the ID of the (m-1) subset
Add I 0 , I1 ...I p 1 , t ...I w 1 to S
When a m-itemset is hashed to a linked list, then each
linked list to check for valid conditions for
intratransaction join or cross-transaction join. If the
conditions are valid, then a join will take place to
produce a new candidate itemset. When the end of the
hashed link list is reached, a pointer to the itemset that is
being hashed will be inserted.
To enhance efficiency, we do not check for crosstransaction join for k > w.
Check each node in the tree
If null then
Return empty
Step-2: Set k= 1, where l is used to store the level number
being processed whereas l {1, 2, 3} (As we consider up
to 3-levels of hierarchies).
Transforming the transaction databases into the boolean
form . Here 0 represent the absence of itemsets and 1
represent presence of itemsets.
Let S be the set of k-subsets of I taken from candidate
For p:=0 to w
If I 0 , I1 ...I p 1 , t ...I w 1 I p !=0
if p!=0 then
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Phase 2:
Create p tree as below:
Add node to the top level of the p tree
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Item 4 Item Utility :6
Set user defines minimum support on current level.
Item 6 Item Utility :5
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 0 Utility
Count the itemsets according the occurrences of itemsets
in the transaction dataset. After that evaluate predefine
minimum support threshold.
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 0 Utility
Determine frequent itemset L and infrequent itemset S.
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 0 Utility
Use S to update Maximal frequent candidate set
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 0 Utility
Generate new candidate set Ck+1 (join, recover, and
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 0 Utility
Generate k+1; (Increment l value by 1; i.e., l = 2, 3)
itemset from K and go to step-4 (for repeating the intact
processing for next level).
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 0 Utility
Item 3 Item Utility :3
Item 5 Item Utility :3
Item 2 Item Utility :8
Item 4 Item Utility :6
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 1 Utility
3 5 1 2 4 6:30:1 3 5 10 6 5
3 5 2 4:20:3 3 8 6
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 1 Utility
3 1 4:8:1 5 2
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 1 Utility
3 5 1 7:27:6 6 10 5
3 5 2 7:11:2 3 4 2
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 1 Utility
Item 3 Item Utility :1
Item 1 Item Utility :5
Item 4 Item Utility :2
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 2 Utility
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 2 Utility
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 2 Utility
Item 3 Item Utility :6
Item 5 Item Utility :6
Item 1 Item Utility :10
Item 7 Item Utility :5
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 3 Utility
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 3 Utility
Item 3 Item Utility :1
Remaining Items Utility in the Transaction : 3 Utility
Item 5 Item Utility :3
Item 1 Item Utility :5
Final High Utility Itemset :
Item 2 Item Utility :10
4 1 3:20
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 6 – Dec 2014
Final High Utility Itemset :
4 5:18
Final High Utility Itemset :
Sample Data2:
4 5 3:22
Final High Utility Itemset :
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
4 3:19
46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:723:56 8 18 12
Final High Utility Itemset :
12 45 8 3 6 21 3 5 3 18 40 30 30 1 6 77 5 7 7 21 45 30 8 20 6
40 3 4 4 56 10 48 7
Final High Utility Itemset :
1 3 5 7 9 12 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
2 1:15
46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:755:49 16 18 24
Final High Utility Itemset :
6 18 7 24 30 27 6 5 5 16 40 15 18 6 5 99 7 10 8 28 40 54 10 4 4
2 1 5:18
20 7 28 32 35 8 18 8
Final High Utility Itemset :
1 3 5 7 9 12 13 16 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
2 1 5 3:19
46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:607:14 12 21 15
Final High Utility Itemset :
4 20 3 18 15 9 2 25 7 6 40 21 48 6 7 77 8 3 2 35 15 6 2 12 1 16
2 1 3:16
4 4 16 42 14 48 9
Final High Utility Itemset :
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
2 5:31
47 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:809:70 20 24 24
Final High Utility Itemset :
12 15 8 27 27 6 2 25 8 6 8 18 48 4 8 11 1 7 9 70 25 54 9 40 3
2 5 3:37
36 1 40 24 35 20 60 4
Final High Utility Itemset :
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
2 3:28
46 48 51 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:536:35 20 30 9
Final High Utility Itemset :
14 5 4 6 3 21 10 20 5 6 20 27 6 2 8 44 5 3 9 42 8 24 3 28 5 12 3
40 12 21 4 12 10
Final High Utility Itemset :
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
1 5:24
46 48 51 52 54 56 58 60 63 64 66 68 70 72 74:771:63 36 3 9 12
Final High Utility Itemset :
45 5 21 9 9 8 45 7 14 12 24 30 9 5 33 9 1 8 63 8 42 1 12 10 24
1 5 3:31
12 12 12 70 20 60 8
Final High Utility Itemset :
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 21 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
1 3:28
47 48 51 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:660:7 28 12 30
Final High Utility Itemset :
18 5 9 18 21 6 6 50 3 20 24 9 12 3 9 77 3 8 9 35 6 30 5 4 10 4 1
20 32 63 6 48 9
Final High Utility Itemset :
1 3 5 7 9 12 13 15 17 19 21 24 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
5 3:27
46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:661:49 24 18 15
Final High Utility Itemset :
16 12 5 3 3 3 6 16 3 16 28 12 6 6 2 55 2 6 6 56 35 30 7 8 3 36 9
16 12 70 4 54 9
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 24 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 65 66 68 70 72 74:635:56 32 12 6
Total time ~ 76 ms
14 30 6 3 12 18 6 20 7 10 8 3 54 2 8 66 2 6 8 35 40 24 1 4 2 28
Memory ~ 2.887481689453125 MB
9 27 4 42 10 18 2
High-utility Itemsets Count : 71
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 16 17 19 21 24 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:667:49 20 18 18
20 30 2 21 9 21 8 12 1 18 28 30 12 7 4 99 7 9 10 7 25 24 1 8 1
24 4 24 36 21 12 24 3
1 3 5 7 9 12 13 16 17 19 21 24 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:602:63 24 30 30
16 16 6 3 3 3 10 10 3 8 4 6 24 4 6 55 3 3 3 35 5 18 10 8 10 4 3
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 6 – Dec 2014
40 28 35 18 54 1
34 38 40 42 52 54 56 58 60:528
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 21 24 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
Final High Utility Itemset :
47 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74:746:49 16 30 21
63 51 23 19 46 11 15 64 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 27 29 31
2 35 5 6 21 8 4 12 10 20 28 12 54 5 7 99 8 8 21 28 35 54 7 4 4
34 38 40 42 52 54 56 58 60 66:540
36 7 28 4 28 10 12 8
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 21 24 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 42 44
47 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 65 66 68 70 72 74:565:7 12 3 6 6
10 3 3 3 7 5 2 5 16 28 15 30 2 6 33 7 9 15 35 35 54 5 28 10 8 8
6 40 35 18 42 8
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 20 21 24 25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40 43 44
47 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 65 66 68 70 72
This paper defines a new mining measure called
the average utility and proposes three algorithms to
discover high average-utility itemsets. The first algorithm
discovers high utility itemsets from static databases in a
batch way. This algorithm is divided into two phases. In
phase I, it overestimates the utility of itemsets for
maintaining the “downward closure” property. The
property is then used to efficiently prune impossible
utility itemsets level by level. In phase II, one database
scan is needed to determine the actual high averageutility itemsets from the candidate itemsets generated in
phase I. Since the number of candidate itemsets has been
greatly reduced when compared to that by the traditional
approaches, a lot of computational time may be saved.
PHUIs can be efficiently generated from UP-Tree with
only two database scans. Moreover, we developed
several strategies to decrease overestimated utility and
enhance the performance of utility mining. In the
experiments, both real and synthetic data sets were used
to perform a thorough performance evaluation. Results
show that the strategies considerably improved
performance by reducing both the search space and the
number of candidates.
Final High Utility Itemset :
63 51 23 19 46 11 15 64 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 27 29 31
34 38 40 42 48 68 72:632
Final High Utility Itemset :
63 51 23 19 46 11 15 64 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 27 29 31
34 38 40 42 48 68 72 74:640
Final High Utility Itemset :
63 51 23 19 46 11 15 64 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 27 29 31
34 38 40 42 48 68 74:580
Final High Utility Itemset :
63 51 23 19 46 11 15 64 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 27 29 31
34 38 40 42 52 54:482
Final High Utility Itemset :
63 51 23 19 46 11 15 64 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 27 29 31
34 38 40 42 52 54 56:494
Final High Utility Itemset :
63 51 23 19 46 11 15 64 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 27 29 31
34 38 40 42 52 54 56 58:504
Final High Utility Itemset :
63 51 23 19 46 11 15 64 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 27 29 31
ISSN: 2231-5381
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Authors profile
P.Ramu M.Tech(cse)
Qis college of engineering and technology(qiscet),
Vengamukkalapalem. Ongole.
Sk.Mahaboob basha, M.Tech
Qis college of engineering and technology(qiscet),
Vengamukkalapalem. ongole
ISSN: 2231-5381
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