International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume18Number3 - Dec2014 Secure Data Forwarding in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Mr. Shrikant D. Bhopale , Prof .Mr. N.P.Chawande Department of Computer Engineering A.C.Patil College of Engineering, Kharghar (Navi Mumbai) Maharashtra, India II. LITERATURE SURVEY Abstract-An Adhoc network is a group of wireless nodes that co-operatively form a network independent of fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. The existing system uses the reputation based and credit based approach to enforce co-operation among non co-operative nodes in wireless Adhoc networks. Most of the existing solutions are context based ones which need to accurately identify selfish nodes, and punish the selfish nodes. From a completely new angle our paper proposes a context free protocol to enforce co-operation among selfish nodes which has the ability to transmit a packet over the path successfully without the dependency on the information of other packet’s transmission. Considering that every node in the network is rational, during the packet forwarding stage. Keywords- Mobile ad hoc network, selfish nodes, security I. INTRODUCTION: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected by wireless. Ad hoc is Latin and means "for this purpose". Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction, and will therefore change its links to other devices. Each must forward traffic which is not related to its own use. The primary risk in building a MANET is equipping each device to continuously maintain the information required to properly route traffic. This type of networks may operate by itself or may be connected to the Internet. MANETs are like Wireless ad hoc network that usually has a routable networking environment on top of a Link Layer ad hoc network. All the nodes in MANET must co-operate with each other to route to send the packets. The non cooperative nodes in MANETs may be of two types: malicious nodes and selfish nodes. The nodes which are in the first category are either faulty and therefore they cannot follow a rules, or are purposely malicious and try to attack the system. Selfish nodes will not transmit others’ packets and make use of the cooperative nodes to transmit their packets, which degrades the network connectivity and performance. The performance issue arises when the selfish nodes make use of the cooperative nodes to transmit their packets without any contribution to them, and thus the cooperative nodes are unfairly overloaded because the network traffic is concentrated through them. The selfish behaviour also degrades the network connectivity drastically, which may cause the multihop communication to fail. ISSN: 2231-5381 A.Reputation Based Schemes 1. Reputation Based mechanism to isolate Selfish nodes M. Tamer Refaei et al [1] proposed reputation-based mechanism as a means of building trust among nodes. Here a node autonomously evaluates its neighbouring nodes based on completion of the requested service(s). The neighbours need not be monitored in promiscuous mode as in other reputation based methods. There is no need of exchanging of reputation information among nodes. Thus involves less overhead, and this approach does not rely on any routing protocol. This approach provides a distributed reputation evaluation scheme implemented autonomously at every node in an ad hoc network with the objective of identifying and isolating selfish neighbours. A reputation table is maintained by each node, where a reputation index is stored for each of the node’s immediate neighbours. A node calculates reputation index of its neighbour based on successful delivery of packets forwarded through that neighbour. For each successfully delivered packet, each node along the route increases the reputation index of its next-hop neighbour that forwarded the packet and packet delivery failures result in a penalty applied to such neighbours by decreasing their reputation index. 2 .CORE PietroMichiardi and RefikMolva[2] proposed a Collaborative Reputation (CORE) mechanism that also has a watchdog component for monitoring. Here the reputation value is used to make decisions about cooperation or gradual isolation of a node. Reputation gives values are obtained by regarding nodes as requesters and provider and compare results. In this system the reputation value ranges from positive (+) through null (0) to negative (-). The advantage of this method is that having a positive to negative range allows good behaviour to be rewarded and bad behaviour to be punished. This method gives more importance to the past behaviour and hence tolerable to sporadically bad behaviour, e.g. battery failure. But the assumption that past behaviour to be indicative of the future behaviour may make the nodes to build up credit and then start behaving selfishly. 3 .CONFIDANT CONFIDANT was proposed by Buchegger et al [3]. Here evidence from direct experiences and recommendations is collected. Trust relationships are established between nodes based on collected evidence and trust decisions are made based on these relationships. There are four interdependent modules, monitor, reputation system, path manager and trust manager. Monitor collects proof by monitoring the transmission of a neighbour after forwarding a packet to the Page 155 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume18Number3 - Dec2014 neighbour. It then reports to the reputation system only if the collected evidence represents a malicious behaviour. Reputation system changes the rating for a node if the evidence collected for malicious behaviour exceeds the predefined threshold value. Then, path manager makes a decision to delete the malicious node from the path. Trust manager is responsible for forwarding and receiving recommendations to and from trustworthy nodes. But this approach does not talk much about isolating the misbehaving nodes from the network. 4. Reputation-based System for Encouraging the Cooperation of Nodes TiranuchAnantvalee and Jie Wu [4] in their paper, introduces, a new type of node called as suspicious node besides cooperative nodes and selfish nodes, Some actions will be taken to encourage the suspicious nodes to cooperate properly after further investigation. They introduce the use of a state model to decide what to do or respond to nodes in each state. In addition to a timing period for controlling when the reputation should be updated, a timeout for each state is introduced. 5. Cooperative On Demand Secure Route Cooperative On-demand Secure Route (COSR) proposed by FeiWang[5], is a novel secure source route protocol which takes action against malicious and selfish behaviours. COSR measures node reputation (NR) and route reputation (RR) by contribution, Capability of Forwarding (CoF) and RR is used to balance load and to avoid hot point. This paper addresses the problems like DoS attack, Black-hole attack, Rushing attack, Wormhole attack and also selfish nodes. In the COSR, node’s reputation depends on the information from Physical layer, Media Access Control (MAC) layer, and Network layer, and it can be computed by node’s CoF, history action, and recommendation. The CoF is the new concept introduced in this paper. CoF denotes the capability of forwarding packets of a certain node. As the information of CoF is provided by its owner, malicious node might cheat others by false data. To avoid the emergence of such malicious behaviour, COSR takes strategies like 1. Discounting where COSR uses node’s reputation to discount those providing CoF data. 2. Punishment. Where once COSR finds that any node provided a false CoF, it will punish such node through reducing its reputation level. But the authors have not clearly specified how COSR will decide whether the advertised information is false or not. 6. Reputation based secure routing protocol Sameh R and Milena [6] in her paper proposed a reputation model based on eigen vector based degree centrality. Here each node collects information about its neighbour by direct monitoring as well as from other neighbours. Trust is built based on these centralities. Nodes with higher centrality have higher probability of getting in contact with other nodes. Second hand information is collected only from those neighbours with high centrality not from all the neighbours. They claim that their approach can be used in a highly dynamic environment and in a sparse network also. B.Credit Based Schemes 1. SPRITE (simple, cheat- proof, creditbased system) SPRITE proposed by S. Zhong, J. Chen, and Y. Yang,[7] for mobile ad-hoc networks with selfish nodes, uses credit to provide incentive to cooperative nodes. When a node receives a message, it keeps a receipt of the message. Later, when the node has a fast connection to a Credit Clearance Service (CCS), it reports to the CCS the messages have been received/forwarded by uploading its receipts. The CCS then determines the charge and credit to each node involved in the transmission of a message, depending on the reported receipts of a message. There are some limitations of SPRITE system; firstly, there is an excessive burden on sender which loses credit for forwarding of its message. Secondly no punishment scheme is there for selfish nodes and also there is ambiguity between the nodes as to which one is selfish node. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 156 2. MODSPIRITE: A Credit Based Solution to Enforce Node Cooperation in an Ad-hoc Network Rekha Kaushik, Jyoti Singhai[8] proposed a credit based solution called MODSPIRIT to enforce cooperation among non cooperative nodes. This system is modification of SPIRITE system. The basic scheme of proposed algorithm is that when a node receives a message, it keeps a receipt of the message. It then communicates with the cluster head which is responsible for credit and debit of charges to nodes when they receive/forward messages to other nodes. Usage of cluster head reduces the burden of tamper proof hardware or CCS. Detection of selfish node is carried out by using neighbour monitoring mechanism. This mechanism is applied on limited number of intermediate nodes; hence reduces the computing overhead. III. CONTEXT FREE PROTOCOL This means that given a path and a packet, the protocol should be able to transmit the packet over the path successfully without the information of other packet’s transmission. Such a protocol has significant advantages in comparison with context based ones. The context- free protocol should have the following properties[9]. During packet forwarding stage, the identity of the destination should be hidden to all nodes, including all the intermediate nodes and the destination node. The destination node also be involved in packet forwarding and need to forward the packet. The identity of the destination can only be revealed after all nodes forwards the packet cooperatively. Advantages Context free method. Co-operation among all nodes is brings by means of hiding the packet’s destination. There is no need of punish the selfish nodes International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume18Number3 - Dec2014 IV. CONTEXT FREE PROTOCOLS DETAILS The context free protocol is a complete context free solution for stimulating packet forwarding. Its basic idea is to hide the identity of the destination until all packet forwarding is done. To describe its design, we use the sample network, in which node A is the source node, D is the destination, B, C, and N are other nodes in the network, and A-B-C-D is a route path. 2) Use of selfish nodes: Context free protocol uses the selfish nodes for packet transfer so not required to find out the selfish nodes and punish them. 3) Security: Context free protocol not share the information with other nodes so no need of share context information so So Context free protocol doesn’t need to maintain context information, and therefore doesn’t bring new security problems. VI.CONCLUSION A context free protocol brings high co operation among nodes. The existing methods are mainly interested in punish the selfish nodes. But context free method is completely from new angle. Context free method aims to forward the packets by selfish nodes. The context free method hides the destination until the packet is received by the destination as twice. Without the destination the nodes forward the packets of other nodes. So the co operation improves very well. Fig.1 REFERENCES: Context Free Path: As analyzed above, destination node D must also be an intermediate node. So in Context free method, source node A acquires D' s neighbor node N, and changes the route path to a new path A-B-C- N-D, as shown in fig.1 Thus, the packet will arrive at the destination node twice. [1]. M. Tamer Refaei, VivekSrivastava, LuizDaSilva, Mohamed Eltoweissy, " A Reputation-based Mechanism for Isolating Selfish Nodes in Ad Hoc Networks", Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services (MobiQuitous'05) , 2005 [2]. PietroMichiardi and RefikMolva, "CORE: A collaborative reputation mechanism to enforce node cooperation in mobile ad hoc networks," Sixth IFIP conference on security communications, and multimedia (CMS 2002), Portoroz, Slovenia, 2002. [3]. 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Encryption: The data packet is encrypted by A with a randomly generated key K. Then key K is also encrypted with the public keys of all nodes on the route path in reverse order. So K is first encrypted with D' s public key, then with N' s public key, then D' s public key again, then C' s public key, and then B' s public key .After such layered encryption, K can only be decrypted after nodes B, C, D, N, and D decrypt it with their secret keys one by one. Fig, 1. Context Free Packet Please note that in a context free packet there is no information about the route path at all. Only A knows the path. Packet Forwarding: Since there is no information about the route path at all, the Context Free packet is forwarded by broadcast. The receiving nodes decrypt the cipher-path and compare th result with hash key to see whether it is the destination, and compare with hash-cipher-path to see whether it is on the route path. If it is the destination, K can be decrypted out, and the packet’s cipher body can be opened. If it is on the route path, update cipher-path to its decryption result and forward the packet otherwise it drop packet. V. COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS TECHNIQUES 1) Not required to exchange context: The protocol does not required to share the information with other nodes so no matter of measurement of other nodes. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 157