Hall Discretionary Fund Request Form Residence Hall Association American University

American University
Residence Hall Association
c/o Housing & Dining Programs RHA | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142
Phone: 202-885-1RHA | FAX: 202-885-1154 | E-mail: info@aurha.org | www.aurha.org
Hall Discretionary Fund Request Form
Today’s Date: ____/____/____
Date of Event: ____/____/____
Hall/Floor Hosting the Event: _____________________________________________________
Hall President: _________________________________________________________________
Event Coordinator Contact Info:
Presenter Contact Info:*
*Only if different than Event Coordinator
* The person requesting money or a designated person (from the same Hall) named on this form must appear to speak at the RHA General meeting or
the V.P of Finance Meeting. This presenter must be knowledgeable and be able to answer detailed questions about the event. If this condition is not
met, then RHA can choose to not hear the proposal.
**See Back of this Sheet for More Information and RHA Stipulations**
Name of Event: __________________________________________________________________________
Expected Attendance: _______
Total Cost of Event: $_______
Amount Requesting: $_______
Is there an admission charge? _____ If so, how much would it be before the RHA funding? $______
after? $______
How is the remainder of your event being funded?
List any other allocations the RHA has made to your Hall/Floor this year:
Please attach a typed rationale on the event. The rationale must include why you believe the event is
beneficial for our residents, an overview of what is being purchased, and a budget of how the money
will be spent. This rationale is necessary for your presentation to be placed on the agenda.
I verify that this request for money has been authorized by the
president of the hall council, and that the requested amount is correct.
Signature of Hall Council President
Due at the RHA Office, Anderson 1st Floor, by Monday at 2pm, at least one week prior to the event.
Step by Step Instructions to a Successful Hall Discretionary Request
You want RHA to provide money from Hall Discretionary for your program.
Pick up a HALL DISCRETIONARY FORM (YELLOW) outside of the RHA Office.
Fill out the entire form and attach a typed rationale (as detailed on front) and budget for your event.
Use the symbol n/a when you do not fill a section.
Return to RHA VP of Finance and Administration in the RHA Office (Anderson Hall, 1st Floor).
**Hall Discretionary forms must be received by Monday at 2pm at least one week prior to the event**
6. If the Hall Discretionary request is over $100 you will be required to present the request at an RHA
General Meeting (held Thursdays at 10:30pm). RHA General will then vote on the Hall Discretionary
Request. If the request is under $100 you will be required to present the event at the VP of Finance
Committee meeting (held Mondays at 9:30). The VP of Finance committee will then vote on whether
or not to approve the request. Funds will not be JV transferred until after the event has taken place.
7. If approved, the requestor must follow the following guidelines:
a. Copies of all receipts must be submitted to the RHA VP of Finance and Administration within
a week of the event. RHA reserves the right to adjust the amount based on changes to the
original event plan.
b. A final summary of what was spent, including the total spent, must be submitted in typed form
within one week of the event. RHA reserves the right to withhold transfer of funds until this
summary is submitted.
c. The RHA logo (provided by an RHA executive board member) must be present on any
publicity generated for the event.
d. RHA will not offer petty cash reimbursements for any Hall Discretionary expenses. All funds
will be allocated via JV Transfer.
e. RHA reserves the right to alter, decrease or withdraw the request if the organization fails to
abide by RHA stipulations.
Date Received:
Transfer to Account Number_____________________
Transfer from Account Number_____________
Amount Allocated: $___________
Amount Spent: $______________
Receipts Received Y / N
Banner Returned? Y / N
Final Financial Summary Submitted Y / N
JV Transfer form completed? Y / N
Signature when submitted to HDP _______________________________