Residence Hall Association American University

American University
Residence Hall Association
c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142
Phone: 202-885-1RHA | FAX: 202-885-1154 | E-mail: |
General Assembly 19 April 2012
Call to Order
o At 10:08pm President Cindy Zhang called the 22nd General Assembly
meeting of 2011-2012 to order
o Quorum is established
Agenda Approval
o Motion to approve the agenda
 Seconded, tertiaried, passed
Approval of Minutes
o Motion to approve last meeting’s minutes
 Seconded, tertiaried, passed
o DR of the Month
 Jess Cantor
o E-Board Member
 Paige Leong
o First Year Student
 Molly Wagoner
o RA of the Month
 Sydney Teglia
o Spotlight of the Month
 Aramark
o AU Staff Member
 Marico, Office of Information Technology
o Student of the Month
 3 Students from Congressional Hall
o Social Program
 Hall Wars Kick-Off
o April OTMs due by 11:59th at May 5th
Open Forum / Shoutouts
o GG, Lindsey’s grandmother, rocks
o Shoutout to Megan Turner for nominating the three students of the month
o Shoutout to Cindy, Sagatom, and Jasmine for judging the McDweller event
 Shoutout to Cora for helping greatly with the event!
o Shoutout to Evan for Beach on the Beach
o Shoutout to Anderson Hall for tonight’s 90s event
o Shoutout to the new E-Board and applicants for positions
o Shoutout to Tonei for being an awesome NRHH president
 Seconded, tertiaried
o Shoutout to the new members of the NRHH E-Board for next year
o Harass your RAs to make some recognition for your Aramark worker
o Shoutout to Fiona for creating an awesome Beach on the Beach video
o Shoutout to Leonard Hall for awesome lobby decorations
Hall Reports
o Anderson
 Had a 90s Event
 70 people attended
 Pat Anderson Awards for Anderson nomination
 Monday from 8-10pm in the Perch
o Centennial
 Advocacy event on Sunday
 Giving away cacti in the perch
 Event in a Bag / Centennial Superstar
 Sunday at 8pm in the Centennial 3 Lounge
o Hughes
 Tabled for advocacy for hall wars (mice)
 Event in a bag was on Wednesday
 Sydney Teglia won!
o Leonard
 Cookies and Coffee on the 25th
 Decorated lobby
 Planning a joint event with Hughes and McDowell
 Working on a resolution to get more TV channels in the halls
o Letts, Clark, and Roper
 Beach on the Beach was awesome!
 Making two videos
 Beach on the Beach
 Mr./Ms. LeCloper (advertising for Grill on the Hill)
o McDowell
 McDweller competition was successful
 Gave away a million Georgetown Cupcakes
 BYOM event
 April 29th from 8-10pm in the Informal Lounge
o Nebraska
 Trying to get someone to want to do the All American
 Barbeque for their Faculty in Residence on the 29th
o Tenley Campus
 Blowout Barbeque is on the 28th
 Go to Tenley Café to donate your swipes!
 Selected their Tenley Superstar (Andrew Gates)
 Event in a Bag will be next week
Executive Board Reports
o President
 HDP Meet and Greet with the new E-Board on Wednesday from
10:30am-1pm in the RHA office
 Working on some constitutional changes with the Presidents’
 RSVP for Transition!
 Email
o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination
 Hug your VPs of Advocacy!
 Next week’s Advocacy Roundtable will be Tuesday at 9pm
 Right to Party Party
 Tuesday the 24th from 12-3pm
 Please come by and show support!
o Vice President of Finance and Administration
 Finished the budget!
 VPAFs granted $200 to DC Reads
o Vice President of Programming
 Thank you to all the programmers for programming all year
 Grill on the Hill / American Banquet
 Wednesday from 5-8pm
 Relay for Life
 Thank you for coming
 Pick up posters for the Final Perk event!
 You can all program “study breaks” after 4/30 (just not eventy
o National Communications Coordinator
 Bidding and NACURH committee are still meeting (the other two
have wrapped up for the year)
 Preparing for NACURH
 Spirit points
 Regional roll call video
 Continuing with the Regional Director appointment process
o Chief of Staff
 RHA Network Drive organization in progress
 Posted laptop theft posters all over south side
 Make sure you RSVP for Transition!
 April 29th at 1pm at Maggiano’s
 Email
 Ordering the incoming E-Board nametags
 Making programs for transition
 Making RecycleMania congratulations banner
The War Report
o Kate presents hall wars points status as if she were in the military
 Rankings as of 1700 hours today
 1st: LeCloper
 2nd: Tenley
 3rd: Anderson
 4th: Centennial
 5th: McDowell
 6th: Hughes
 7th and 8th: Leonard and Nebraska
 Continue with wildcard points!
 Send us pictures of your base camp (lobby decorations)
Budget Report
o Motion to move $100 from the RA Fund to the Grand Request Fund
 Seconded, tertiaried, passed
o Will presents the budget
 Everything is up to date through March except for the Hall Wars
and Programming line items
o What is E-Board discretionary and what is the money spent on?
 On things for the good of the group. Generally things that we give
away to the residents.
o What is the technology budget for?
 For fixes to technology or new products we need.
o Can we see the breakdown for the E-Board discretionary fund?
 Yes. I'll bring it next week.
Thank you to Will for fully updating the budget!
o At 10:44pm the 22nd General Assembly meeting of 2011-2012 is