Residence Hall Association American University

American University
Residence Hall Association
c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142
Phone: 202-885-1RHA | FAX: 202-885-1154 | E-mail: |
General Assembly Minutes 8 December 2011
Call to Order
o At 10:33 pm President Cindy Zhang called the 10th General Assembly
meeting of 2011-2012 to order
o Quorum is established
Agenda Approval
o Motion to approve the agenda
 Seconded, passed
Approval of Minutes
o Motion to approve the minutes
 Seconded, passed
o Tonei and Kathleen present
 Advisor of the Month
 Jason Autry
 DR of the Month
 Taylor Thompson
 E-Board of the Month
 Kate Modic
 First Year Student of the Month
 David Horowitz
 RA of the Month
 Spotlight of the Month
 Ms. Margaret
 Student of the Month
 Sarah Connolly
 Community of the Month
 CAACURH Delegation
 Organization of the Month
 Screamin’ Eagles Pep. Band
 Diversity Program of the Month
 Call and Response
 Educational Program of the Month
 Social Program of the Month
 Iron Chef, Hughes
Motion to limit hall reports to 30 seconds each
o Seconded, passed
Hall Reports
o Anderson
 Decorated the hall lobby
o Centennial
 Showing Elf in the Perch tomorrow at 8pm
o Hughes
 Had a de-stress event
 Finger painting
 Bubble wrap
 Play dougg
o Leonard
 Planning for next semester
o Letts, Clark, and Roper
 Back to Basics event, just now
 Dinner at Panera tomorrow night
 Holiday Party this past Tuesday
o McDowell
 Cupcakes and Cards event
 Generated 267 cards to be sent to soldiers
 North Side Pride Bucks Event
o Nebraska
 Had a Holiday Party today
 Huge turnout (for Nebraska)
o Tenley Campus
 7 Deadly Sins event
Executive Board Reports
o President
 GA meetings will begin at 10pm next semester
 Dining Services Project Team
 Might announce something by the end of the semester
 Met with Tim McBride
 Preparing for next semester
o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination
 Calculated HOTY points
 Housing options will change next year
 Work with the RA’s to help communicate the new policies
 Creating a committee to explore ways to
o Contact Kate if you’re interested
 Next semester will be looking at smoking on campus and dining
 Thank you to Community Outreach Coordinator Sean Dugdale
o Vice President of Finance and Administration
 Completed all JV transfers
 Two new VP’s of finance
 AJ from Tenley
 Victoria from Centennial
 Care Packages are being distributed
 Budget is updated
o Vice President of Programming
 Winter Wonderland
 Friday, 8pm in the Perch
 Showing Elf
 First 50 people get a free Perch drink
 The Final Perk
 Wednesday, December 14th
 Free cookies and coffee in the library
 Founder’s Day
 Saturday, February 25th, 7-11pm
 Thank you to all the Programmers who are doing such a good job
this year!
 Planned all of next semester’s events with Frank
o National Communications Coordinator
 This is Marie’s last meeting
 Rory Slatko will take her position
o Chief of Staff
 Hall Security committee
 Resolution is complete, will present today
 Resolution template
 Created a template for resolutions
 Updated all resolutions to the same format
 Updated contact sheet
 Brian will send it out
 Winter Wonderland Posters
 Creepy and complete!
New Business
o Resolution 11-12-010
 Motion to extend presentation time to 15 minutes
 Seconded, passed
 Brian Weinstein presents on Resolution 11-12-010
 The Committee met six times, researched and wrote a resolution
 Reading of the Resolution by Brian
 Explanation of the methodology behind creating the points and the
shortfalls existing system
 Points of discussion:
Section about Hall Councils helping communicate raises
concerns about confidentiality interpretations. Bring general
concerns to HCs but communicate specific concerns to the
correct staff members.
o The wording wasn’t intended to make it sound that
way; HCs are more accessible than much staff, but
we can amend wording to reflect that
o RAs are also accessible, but they are also
friends/coworkers with desk staff, which puts them in
a difficult position
o HCs will just refer students to the correct staff
member, so is it necessary to state this in the
o Students are diplomatic about criticizing staff,
generally use Hall Councils for advice
o Educate hall councils on what is appropriate about
what to respond to and how to respond, teach Hall
Councils to act as a resource in a way that everyone
is comfortable with and that is appropriate.
 Vote: 37-0-4
 Resolution Passes
o Resolution 11-12-011
 Carson Lewis presents
 Motion to change the word “rising” in the second to last clause to
 Seconded, passed
 Motion to vote by show of hands
 Seconded
 Vote: 33-5-1
 Resolution passes
o Fund Request: SUB-Cinema
 Marlena Luhr presents
 SUB Cinema presents a movie every other Tuesday
 In 2009, 300 people came each week
 $1500 short for the semester
 Asking for $500 each from RHA, Women’s Initiative, and another
 Requesting $500
 Motion to extend questioning by 5 minutes
 Seconded, passed
 Questions
 Does that cost include marketing cost?
o Marketing isn’t too expensive
o Mainly use 4-Winds monitors
Point of Information
 What line item would this come from? How much is in that
fund currently?
o The Grant Fund, currently has $700
 Motion to grant SUB-Cinema $500
 Seconded, passed
o Swearing in of Rory Slatko
 Rory recites the oath of office
 Rory Slatko is the new NCC of RHA
o HOTY Point Update
 Current standings are announced
o Update on Semester End Finances
 Tabled until next semester
o CAACURH Presentation
 Marie presents a slide show
o At 11:39pm the 10th General Assembly meeting of 2011-2012 is adjourned