American University Residence Hall Association c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142 Phone: 202-885-1RHA | FAX: 202-885-1154 | E-mail: | General Assembly Minutes 15 December 2014 Call to Order o At 10:36 pm President Peter Wynn-Reifsnyder called the 1st General Assembly meeting of 2011-2012 to order Attendance o Quorum is established Agenda Approval o Motion to approve the agenda Seconded, passed o Motion to set the adjournment time no later than 11:45pm Seconded, passed Hall Reports o Anderson Pass o Centennial Pass o Hughes Pass o Leonard Coming up with a tissue issue o Letts Clark and Roper Had first meeting yesterday o McDowell Working on a “Rename the Leonard Lounge” campaign o Nebraska Pass o Tenley Campus Planning on a cultural awareness day Executive Board Reports o President Introduction o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination Introduction o Vice President of Finance and Administration Introduction o Vice President of Programming Introduction o National Communications Coordinator Introduction o Chief of Staff Introduction o Advisor Introduction Old Business o Tabled Motion Motion to amend Article I, Section i, Subsection 2 of the Constitution to read as follows Hall councils shall be made up of six (6) elected officers. However, in the case of Letts-Clark-Roper, because each of the halls is completely separate of each other, each hall shall be granted one (1) General Assemblyman. Point of Information The reason Clark and Roper don’t have specific representation is because they were new halls. Clark and Roper each have 59 Question What happens for elections? What if Letts wins all 6 positions? Point of Information Wouldn’t Tenley have to have a similar rule? Point of Information Could we look at this another way? Maybe give Clark and Roper residents access to Letts hall? We shouldn’t push people out of the elections because they aren’t from other halls Motion to move this to the Advocacy Roundtable Seconded, passed New Business o Resolution 11-12-001 Presentation by Kate Modic Question Is it financially feasible? o Yes Question Will we get a template of a resolution? o Yes, in your RHA folders. Motion by Fiona to vote Seconded, passed Vote: 32-1-1 Resolution passes o Positional Breakout (to end at 11:45pm) o Motion to adjourn once positional breakouts are finished Seconded, passed Adjournment o At 11:45pm the 1st General Assembly meeting of 2011-2012 is adjourned