Residence Hall Association American University

American University
Residence Hall Association
c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142
Phone: (202) 885-1878 | FAX: (202) 885-1154 | E-mail: |
General Assembly Minutes
November 13, 2014
Megan O’Toole
Joanne Frangias
Vice President of
Administration & Finance
Nate Warszawski
Vice President of
Advocacy &
Community Coordination
Sarah Nylen
Vice President of
Jody Gregory
National Communications
Devin Moore
Chief of Staff
Daniel DeHollander
Letts Formal-9:30pm
Call to Order
o Called to order at 9:41pm
o Anderson
 6/6
 Proxies: 0
o Cassell
 3/6, 1 late
 Proxies: 0
o Centennial
 5/6
 Proxies: 0
o Hughes
 5/6
 Proxies: 0
o Leonard
 5/6, 1 late
 Proxies: 0
o Letts Clark and Roper
 6/6
 Proxies: 0
o McDowell
 4/6
 Proxies: 0
o Nebraska
 1/6
 Proxies: 0
Minutes Approval
o Motion- made by Arthur R- to approve last GA’s minutes by unanimous
 Seconded by Saagar G
Agenda Approval
o Motion- made by Arthur R- to approve last GA’s agenda by unanimous
 Seconded by Joe A
Hall Reports
o Anderson
 Busy end to semester
 Anderson Hall Pride week next week
 Monday –Free pizza
 Helping the Hungry- sandwiches for those in need
 Coat drive
 Holiday candy
 Speed dating event
 Final study break
 Tic Tac Toe for tailgate
o Centennial
 Sophomore social went well
 Printer needs to be fixed
 Toilet paper grams
 Promoting Diversival
 Centennial Kitchen reports
o Hughes
 Past Tuesday- Hot Chocolate
 Next Tuesday- Cereal Bar
 Hughes Newsletter
 Floor and door decoration contest
o Leonard
 Wing night
 Movie montage
 Good-bye party
o Letts Clark and Roper
 Floor decorating this weekend
 LeCloper pride week last week of classes
 Posters for finals
o McDowell
 Midnight pancakes
 Passive study break during finals
o Nebraska
 Door decorating competition
 Blow-out surprise Friday before finals
Executive Board Reports
o President
 What I did:
 Sexual Assault Working Group
 Went to AUSG It's On Us release
 First Bylaw Review Committee Meeting
 More Step Up coordination
 One Card meeting
 What I didn't do:
 Second Bylaw Review Committee meeting
 What I'm going to do:
 Dining Services Project team on Tuesday
 Breakfast Club on Wednesday
 Board of Trustees Campus Life Committee Meeting Thursday
 East Campus Construction Launch w/ Board of Trustees
 East Campus construction tour/photo op w/ Board of Trustees
and President Kerwin Friday
 Breakfast w/ Board of Trustees Friday
 Sexual Assault Working Group Subcommittee (x2)
o Vice President of Administration and Finance
 $300 fund request passed for South Campus Pridebucks
 SALTO lock for office
 Need to read and edit the financial policies
 Come by the RHA office and get posters
Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination
 What I Did:
 Leadership Committee
 Set up a meeting with Jessica Balerna for this Friday to talk
about move-out
 Spoke to Nicole Charpentier about the Polar Plunge
 LGBTQ in the Workplace
 What I didn't do:
 Nothing
 What I am going to do:
 HOTY revamp
 Start on spring orientation
 Meet with Jessica Balerna
 Discuss LGBTQ in the workplace
 Sayings
Vice President of Programming
 What I did:
 Finalized everything for Diversival!
 Worked with Landria on Football Night
 Set up Founders Meeting
 What I didn't do:
 Buy thanksgiving dinner things
 What I am going to do:
 Buy thanksgiving dinner things
National Communications Coordinator
 What I Did:
 What I Didn't Do:
 Get all the receipts for CAACURH
 What I'm Going to Do:
 Talk to Daniel about bidding
 Submit Bid Letters of Intent
Chief of Staff
 What I did:
 Sent out hall emails to all presidents and advisors
o Please advise your hall not to send sensitive
information; if you get sensitive information, send it to
your advisor right away
 Made sure the website will be back up soon
 What I didn't do:
 Get the past GAs minutes on the website because it was down
 What I'm going to do:
 Continue to check in on the website
 Look into shelving options in the RHA office
 Meet with the Delegates tomorrow
 What did Daniel Do?
 Met with Megan, Jody, Joanne, Sarah, Nate
 Attend By-Law Review Meeting (11/2)
 Attended CAACURH (11/7-11/9)
 What did Daniel Not Do?
 Schedule 1:1 Meeting Times with Monique and Natalie
 Receive budget lines clarification
What does Daniel Plan to Do?
 Assist with ordering Pizza and Wings for Football Night
HDP and Other Updates
 Halls Close 12/17 at noon OR 24 Hours after your last exam
Old Business
o None
New Business
o OTM Presentations
 Presented by Paul and Markie, NRHH
 Student of the Month- LeCloper, Nolan Russell
 Bulletin Board of the Moth, Taylor Heath, Centennial;
 DA of the month, Bobby
 Ed. Program of the Month- Nebraska
 Exec. Board of the Month- Markie
 inst. Faculty- Campbell
 Passive Program- Hughes High Five
 Spotlight of the Month- South Campus res ed
o Hall of the Year
 Presented by Nate, VP of Advocacy and Community Coordination
 Top Places
 1st- LeCloper
 2nd- Hughes
 3rd- Cassell
 More ways to get HOTY points, check the powerpoint sent in the
email with the minutes
 Challenge- take 2
 Send challenges to
o Sayings and Sigils
 Presented by Nate, VP of Advocacy and Community Coordination
 Game of Halls
 Every hall gets a saying and a sigil
o Saying- representing values
o Sigils- physical representation
 Sayings and Sigils bring us together
 First Task- choose a saying
 Certain list of adjectives- 20 words- as a hall council
o Pick top three by Wed. 11/19 to
 Subject- _____ Hall Saying Adjectives
o Make three sayings by Wed. 12/3 to
 Subject line- ____ Hall Sayings
 Presentation of each halls’ three sayings on last GA
 Hall Councils only
o Diversival
 Presented by Sarah, VP of Programming
 When?- November 14 NOON- 4 PM
 Sign up on the google doc
 AND say RHA is there to promote diversity on campus
 What will you do?
 Working either popcorn or table
o Socrative Voting
 Presented by Max, Parliamentarian
 Voice voting instead of placard voting
 Say aye or nay, abstain by saying nothing
 Instead of raising placards, Socrative voting
 Room: RHA1415
Resolution 14-15-003
 Presented by Jaime, Leonard Hall President
 A resolution to add VP of Recognition position and roundtables to the
 VP of Recognitions cannot vote right now
 Questions
 Saagar- does this affect the Delegates
o Jaime- No
 Josh- would this give the VP of Rec the right to vote explicitly
o Jaime- No, but this would still imply it
 Speaker’s List
 Arthur
o University spelt wrong
 Friendly amendment
 Matt
o This is a fantastic resolution
 Justin
o What happens if a hall does not have a VP of Rec
 The hall would have to fill the position to gain a
 Martin
o Maybe have a time to implement this resolution
 By the end of January to give the VP of Rec the
right to vote, so that halls can fill the position
 Katie
o What is the procedure if you do not have it filled
 Appointment process
 Matt
o When will GA reconvene
 January 15th
 Mark
o Would you only lose HOTY points, is that your only
 Wait until the formal amendment is made
 Saagar
o This is a beneficial resolution so that we can connect
o Have voting powers starting next GA, HOTY points
 Nate
o A lot of concerns over appointing. Focus debate on
making the VP of Rec to be a formal part of GA. Think
about when the VP of Recs can vote
 Justin
o Voting rights will be made immediately?
 Jaime- correctly
 Ricardo
o VP of Recs serve hall councils and should have the
right to vote
 Jody
o Not a difficult process to fill positions in the halls, most
hall councils had to do this
 Arthur
o Amendments do need 2/3rds passage
Motion to hear Matt’s amendment
 Voice vote motion made by Saagar
o Passes
Matt’s Amendment to the resolution
 Nate
o What are you issues with HOTY
 Joe- attendance at GA
 Nate- ok
 Saagar- move the previous question, seconded
o Voice vote
 Passes
Vote on Matt’s amendment to
Fire Alarm 10:48pm
Continuation of vote on amendment
 Voice vote
o passes
Vote to move on previous question
 GA Vote
o 33/0/0
 Executive Board Vote
o Jody-Yes
o Nate- Yes
o Devin- Yes
o Megan- Yes
o Joanne- Yes
o Sarah- Yes
 Resolution 14-15-003A passes, VPs of Rec can now vote
Open Forum
o None
General Announcements
o Megan- Dec. 6- PanHellenic Recruitment registration closes
o Terry- any other STEP Up training dates
 Megan- you will have to find a STEP Up session by first couple of
months of next year
 Christina- Tues. 18- Open to all
o Nate- GA shoutouts on twitter
o Motion- made by Joe A- to adjourn by unanimous consent
 Seconded
o Adjourned at 11:17pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Devin Moore
RHA Chief of Staff
These minutes were approved by unanimous consent by the 11/20/14 General Assembly