International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 13 Number 1 – Jul 2014 Compressive Modulation in Digital Communication Using OFDM Lokendra Singh1, Anuj Sharma2 1Post Grad. Scholar, ECE, DIT University, Dehradun, India 2Associate Professor,ECE, DIT University, Dehradun, India Abstract- In digital communication, the bandwidth efficiency is one of the most important parameter to measure different modulation schemes, while the separation of waveforms in time domain of existing modulation schemes make it difficult to improve their bandwidth efficiency. Hence, in past decade researchers and engineers continuously try to find out the way to solve out this biggest problem in the field of communication. Finally they were able to proposed such a scheme that is able to reconstruct the original signal in aliasing measurement, named as Compressive Sensing (CS). In this paper, we are using proposed scheme Compressive Modulation (CM) by combining Compressive Sensing (CS) with traditional OFDM in order to improve its bandwidth efficiency. Theoretical analysis and experimental results shows that bandwidth efficiency of OFDM is somewhat improved by using the proposed scheme (CS). Keywords: Compressive Sensing, Compressive Modulation, OFDM. I. INTRODUCTION In digital communication, every researcher is trying to attained high bandwidth efficiency during the modulation process of most commonly used modulation schemes i.e. BPSK, OFDM etc. While, due to separation of waveform in time domain of all modulation technique makes it difficult to increase their bandwidth in the large era of higher bandwidth. idea of increasing bandwidth efficiency, which early combines CS theory with traditional BPSK to make later one more bandwidth efficient. The main principle of CM is that, a transmitting signal can be aliased at modulation and original signal is reconstructed at the receiving end by using optimization algorithm at the during demodulation. In this paper, section II describe OFDM and CM scheme with in detail. The bandwidth efficiency of OFDM is given as: II. COMPRESSIVE MODULATION η =( × ) = (1) for, reliable transmission ⁄ ≥ 1or η≤ 1. While it is desirable that, for OFDM η should be equal to 1. Thus latest work in this field leads to a technique named as Compressive Sensing (CS) which states that it is possible to reconstruct a original signal from the few number of samples of that signal. By the help of CS theory compressible signals can capture and represented at the rate lower than nyquist rate. CS theory also able to deal with sparse signal as well as with under sampled signal containing noise. This also says that OFDM code element that carries information is aliased in time domain at transmitter end during modulation. The aliasing process can be achieved by first multiplying the code elements by a sinusoidal carrier wave, then adding the current elementary modulated code element with the next shifted code (in forward) for a portion of the carrier wave period. Compressing and adding all the code elements provides a time domain aliasing modulated signal. Compressive Modulation (CM) is the core ISSN: 2231-5381 In order to make OFDM more bandwidth efficient we combine it with Compressive Sensing and hence leads to new technique called Compressive Modulation. A. OFDM (Orthogonal Multiplexing) Frequency Division In Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) the whole channel is divided into many sub channels which have narrow bandwidth and are used in parallel transmission, which leads to increment in symbol duration with reduction in ISI (Inter Symbol Interference). Due to this, OFDM becomes a effective technique which able to combat multipath fading and have high-bit-rate transmission for mobile wireless channels. OFDM is based on the wellknown technique of Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). In FDM different streams of information are mapped onto separate parallel frequency channels and each channel is separated by a frequency guard band to reduce interference among the adjacent Page 5 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 13 Number 1 – Jul 2014 channels. While OFDM is minutely differ from FDM in following ways i.e.: Multiple carriers are used to carry the information data streams. All the subcarriers are orthogonal to each other. A guard time is added to each symbol to reduce the time delay spread and inter symbol interferences. one signal by using optimization algorithm. So, in this theory we make the aliased modulated signal in time domain in order to make it easy for improving its bandwidth. An OFDM signal that is to be transmitted is represent as: let consider that N symbols ( ) have to transmit in the OFDM symbol period through N sub channels of subcarriers spacing 1/(N ), x (t ) Ts NT f j N 1 s n ( i ) v ( t iNT ) e N 1 2 n ( t iNT ) 2 NT f i n 0 (2) Where, T is the symbol period of data, NT is the OFDM symbol period, 1/ is approx. the total bandwidth of OFDM signal, and v(t) is the OFDM symbol pulse shaping filter. The bandwidth efficiency of OFDM is given as: η =( Fig.1. Compressive Sensing Acquisition Process × ) = where, T is symbol period and bandwidth of OFDM. is approx. Acquisition of CS based signal is more efficient than simple sampling for sparse or compressible signal. Let us consider that x(t) is a analog signal that sampled at nyqist rate and processed with N samples in frames. Each frame is N× vector, x is given as x= ΨX, where Ψ is an N×N matrix whose columns are the similarly sampled basis function given by = , where Ψ is an matrix whose Ψ ( ), and X is the vector that chooses the linear combination of the basis function, X is thought as that x is in domain of Ψ, X is considered as sparse signal for CS for its well performance. is considered as -sparse if it contains only nonzero elements. In OFDM system, ICI (Inter Carrier Interference) and ISI have very important place because without these interference, the computational efficient FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is applied for decoupling of subchannels and their equalization is obtained simply by complex scalar. Major drawback of OFDM system without ISI and ICI are: First, a guard band should be used which is longer than channel delay in each OFDM symbol, which results in loss of bandwidth efficiency utilization. Second, demodulation method based on FFT is simple and do not use sufficient statistics for equalization of channel due to which performance degrades. In this paper, this problem of bandwidth efficiency is combat by using CM scheme. B. COMPRESSIVE MODULATION Fig.2. parallel segmented compressed sensing. 1). Modulation scheme The basic principle of CS theory is that, if a signal is sparse in a time domain, it will be treated as aliased and then that aliased signal is converted into original ISSN: 2231-5381 According to CS theory x can be reconstructed successfully from M measurements, where M≪ The measurement is achieved by projecting x over another random basis Ф that is incoherent with Ψ. Page 6 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 13 Number 1 – Jul 2014 Thus representation of measurement is by M×1 vector given by = Φ = ΦΨ (3) This is right CS signal for signal reconstruction, CS theory also employs convex optimization algorithm. The time delay between adjacent element is determined by sampling at the receiving end. The equation (3) can also written as, =∑ Component Analysis (PCA) theory dictionary of Φ is, Φ can be represented approximately by the linear component of first k principle component of it. i. e. B= 2). Optimization and Reconstruction of original code element (5) =Φ (6) =Φ In this way the problem is becomes convex and can be solved via existing algorithms. Let consider that channel is AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel, and the received signal is expressed as, = y+z (7) Where, z is noise in channel, following the normal distribution z ~ N(0, ). Incoherence of Φ is, ‖ − ‖ + ‖ ‖ (8) Where is a weight factor. Optimization result is only obtained when is, = (11) , 2 log (9) Where, n refers to the length of x, and can be determined by the noise signal received when no signal is sent in the transmitter. To reduce the influence of noise in received signals on reconstructive results and to reduce the scale of this problem we use SVD. According to the Principle ISSN: 2231-5381 − ∑ (12) Where, and are total energy of the modulated signal and noise. The speed of reconstruction algorithm is improved by reducing the scale of Φ, and respectively the length of measurement vector y can be shortened, as follows: = While, the equation (5) is non-convex optimization problem. According to CS theory if dictionary Φ is incoherent, the model of norm is, = , ∑ = The process of attaining the original code element stream is as follows, ^ Λ , (4) Where x(i) is projection of measurement vector in the dictionary Φ. If the period of original code element signal is T, then the bandwidth of CM will be ⁄ times that of OFDM modulation. ‖ ‖ s. t. (10) The parameter can be calculated as () ‖ ‖ s. t. Ʌ Φ= , , y (13) Where, is a low noise estimation of y since the first k principle component in have fewer noises than original received signal y has. The optimization model in equation (8) is expressed as, ^ = ‖ − ‖ + ‖ ‖ (14) A good estimation of x which have position information of code elements “1”s can be obtained faster and accurately. Hence, the original code element stream is reconstructed by using 3 -rule. 3). Spectral Analysis of Compressive Modulated Signal In communication system, the bandwidth is very important parameter, which often means higher cost communication. Let us consider that (t) = (1,2 . . . . n) is carrier wave form sequence correspond to (1,2 . . . . n), in Φ. it is all zeros but a period of code element with different amounts of shift in time domain, then the modulated signal can be formulated as, ( ) (t) (15) (t) = ∑ Where, ( ) is representing code element stream in time domain and n is number of wave atoms in Φ. Length of (t) and (t) is L = (n-1) +T (16) Page 7 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 13 Number 1 – Jul 2014 Where, is set of T and L is equal to Nt and (t) is same as OFDM modulated signal, which is given as η =( × ) where, T is symbol period and bandwidth of OFDM. = (17) is approx. According to Linear Theorem of Fourier Transform, spectral characteristics of (t) and OFDM modulated signal are similar. The above process shows that CM will not broadened the bandwidth due to which it is able to improve the bandwidth. Let the bandwidth of CM is and of OFDM is then the relationship between and is, = (18) Fig.3. simulation of OFDM using Compressive Modulation III. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENT This section, tells about the estimation that we made which is that, the maximum possible bandwidth efficiency under exactly same channel between CM and OFDM under certain BER values in same additive white Gaussian noise channel. The channel attenuation rate is set to 0.8 and the SNR of modulated signal at the receiving end is varies in between 5dB-20dB. The baseband frequency is set to 16 kHz and sample rate is 145 . “0”and ”1” are input code elements having equal probability. The solver that is being used in reconstruction process in CM is cvx, and other parameters are considered as default. Generally, BER in the order of 10e-4 is considered as the valid condition of a communication process. In fact, the BER of OFDM can be calculated by this formula = (19) ⁄ ⁄ { Where, is maximum Doppler frequency, is Bessel function and x is rician parameter. Approximate equation of calculating BER is given at (0)=0 i.e. ⁄ = ( ⁄ ISSN: 2231-5381 ) exp(− ⁄ ) (20) From the above experiment it is obtained that is 10 times of at most and 3 times at least of under the precondition which ensures the reliability of communications. While traditional OFDM performance is very fine only when the SNR of received signal is higher than 7 dB, but CM can perform very well when SNR is as low as 4dB. Hence the channel bandwidth of OFDM should be increased with increase in transmission rate of code element, while CM will not occupy more channel bandwidth, which obey that CM scheme highly improved the bandwidth efficiency. CM have good performance in bandwidth efficiency. But it also face some problem which needs to be improved in future works. 1st, the optimization algorithm used in the reconstruction need to spend lot of time and this is one of the main drawback in CS applications. 2nd, the sampling rate at receiving end of CM is much higher than OFDM. 3rd, the SNR level of CM can be improved by using effective error control coding to ensures the reliability of communication. IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, the inspiration of CS theory and amelioration of OFDM is helpful to proposed a new modulation scheme called Compressive Modulation which is able to highly improve the bandwidth in digital communication system with good robustness in terms of error even in the image processing.. By the effectiveness of this method it can be applied to various modulation scheme i.e. 4-PSK, 8-PSK etc. so on in the future works. Page 8 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 13 Number 1 – Jul 2014 ACKNOWLEDGMENT It was my great pleasure in extending special thanks to Miss. Vandana and my family under whose guidance and help, I was able to propose my work in the form of this research paper. I’ am deeply inhibited to themselves for their training and guidance throughout my work. They was always been a source of constant inspiration and encouragement for me. REFERNCES [1] B. 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