An Efficient Supervised Learning approach over Firewall Log Data SanthaKumariAllam ,A Ramakrishna

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 1 – Oct 2014
An Efficient Supervised Learning approach over
Firewall Log Data
SanthaKumariAllam1,A Ramakrishna2
Final M.Tech Student1, AssistantProfessor 2
Dept of CSE,Vignan institute of engineering for women,Visakhapatnam
Abstract:Analyzing the firewall log data is always an
interesting research area in the field of network traffic
analysis. In this paper we are proposing an efficient
Classification(Naïve Bayesian Classification) technique for
analyze incoming node , based on the training dataset of
firewall log data .We compute the posterior probability of
the node by forwarding testing sample towards training
samples of firewall log.
Firewall protection is local security policy in local
networks. It will secure from unknown access of another
nodes in the local network. It secures from anonymous user
communication in local networks. It is very secure in small
size networks and more effective in managing networks.
In hosting intra networks firewall technology the
development of securing our networks and maintaining the
firewall policies limit the efficiency of firewall. In firewall
development the similar data packet mat similar more than
one filtering rule. Individual firewalls in inter firewall
protection in the same path perform various actions on the
similar traffic. The system administration must have
particular attention to maintain the similar firewall perform
different filtering actions[1][2].
The efficiency of firewall security dependent on
providing the management methods and the network
administrators used to analyze and verify the correctness of
filtering rules. In this firewall protection it uses IP Address
and default gateway to block computers to communicate
with another nodes. The data packet is blocked by
particular rule when the data is matched with other network
fields of the filtering rule[3].
Network layer firewalls is also referred as packet filters and
it operates at low level of the TCP/IP protocols. It not
allows thedata packets to send through the firewall until
they are similar to already declared group of rules. The
firewall manager defines the rules and regulations or
default rules may apply. The token packet filter is come
from the context of BSD operating systems.
ISSN: 2231-5381
In network layer the firewalls basically classified
into two categories such as stateful and stateless. Coming
to Stateful firewalls it maintainsa context about the active
sessions and it uses the state information to increase the
efficiency of packet processing. In any previously existing
network connection can be explained by many properties
consisting of source and destination IP address and the
present situation of communication’s life span. If any
packet does not similar toprevious connection and it will be
analyzingbased on group of rules for another novel
connections. If any packet matching to previous connection
based on comparative analysiswith the firewall's state table
and will allowsending without further processing[4][5].
The Stateless firewalls need less storage and it is very
faster for filters that need thelow time to filter than
maintain a session. They also required for
filteringthesession based network protocols and that have
no topic of a session. Theydon’t make much complex
predictions based on the stage communications between
hosts are reached.
A firewall is implemented in network and is operated
by trusted or untrusted locations. It permits traffic from the
trusted location to untrusted locations and it does not need
any external configuration. The main purpose of firewall is
maintaining the untrusted or non-requested users from
accessing our computers[6].
A firewall may be a software or hardware and it is
normally placed at the network with the range and safe
guard the incoming and outgoing connections. Its main
mechanism is limits the traffic. A device or any
applications are using one or many connections it protects
very deeply. The data packets are limited based on the
some features such as source address, destination address,
protocol (TCP/IP etc.), source port and the destination port.
It prepares some set of rules and regulations to filter the
data. It consists of the rules which deny or accept the
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 1 – Oct 2014
network connections based on the details of the nodes
which is going to connect[7][8].
There is a solution for filtering the data packets
based on the cryptographic techniques which is explained
below. This method consists of a secret key, encryption,
and decryption.
1. Key generation method: It is a dynamically changing
algorithm that gives keySk
2. Encryption: It is a method that inputs key Sk and formal
text message M results cipher text
3. Decryption: It is a method thatinputs a key Sk and
converts and results a plaintext m.
4. This method should the below property: For all m
∈ M and Sk∈ K,
Pr [Decrypt (Encrypt (m)) = m] = 1.
Encryption is a method that the informationwhich
could either be a file or mail message into ciphertextin
aunformatted without a decoding key in order to avoid
anyone except the intended recipient from reading thatdata.
Decryption is the reverse process of converting
encodeddata to its original un-encoded form, plaintext. A
key incryptography is a long sequence of bits used by
Cryptography (SKC): Usesa single key for both encryption
and decryption. A firewallconfiguration is specified as a
sequence of rules. Each rule ina firewall configuration is of
the form
The <predicate of a rule is a Boolean expression
oversome packet fields together with the [physical
networkinterface on which a packet arrives. The
<decision> of a rulecan be accept, or discard, or a
combination of these decisionswith other options such as a
logging option. A packet matchesa rule if a firewall
configuration overlaps if there is at least onepacket that can
match both rules[9][10].
We are proposing an efficient firewall data
classification over log data or training dataset which
ISSN: 2231-5381
consists of source ip address or name, Destination ip
address and port number, type of protocol and number of
packets transmitted from source to destination. When a
node connects if retrieves the Meta data i.e testing dataset
and forwards to the training dataset .both training and
testing datasets CAN be forwarded to Bayesian classifier
for analyzing the behavior of the connected node.
We proposed a novel and efficient trust
computation mechanism with naive Bayesian classifier by
analyzing the new agent information with existing agent
information, by classifying the feature sets or
characteristics of the agent. This approach shows optimal
results than the traditional trust computation approaches.
In our approach we proposes an efficient
classification based approach for analyzing the anonymous
users over network traffic and calculates the trust measures
based on the training data with the anonymous testing data.
Our architecture contributes with the following modules
like Analysis agent, Neighborhood node, Classifier and
data collection and preprocess as follows
1) Analysis agent –Analysis agent or Home Agent is
present in the system and it monitors its own system
continuously. If an attacker sends any packet to gather
information or broadcast through this system, it calls the
classifier construction to find out the attacks. If an attack
has been made, it will filter the respective system from
the global networks.
2) Neighbouring node - Any system in the network
transfer any information to some other system, it
broadcast through intermediate system. Before it
transfer the message, it send mobile agent to the
neighbouring node and gather all the information and it
return back to the system and it calls classifier rule to
find out the attacks. If there is no suspicious activity,
then it will forward the message to neighbouring node.
3) Data collection - Data collection module is included for
each anomaly detection subsystem to collect the values
of features for corresponding layer in an system.
Normal profile is created using the data collected during
the normal scenario. Attack data is collected during the
attack scenario.
4) Data pre-process - The audit data is collected in a file and
it is smoothed so that it can be used for anomaly
detection. Data pre-process is a technique to process the
information with the test train data. In the entire layer
anomaly detection systems, the above mentioned preprocessing technique is used
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 1 – Oct 2014
2. Get (source IP, dest IP, port no, protocol, no. of packets
Node 1 with firewall
Node 2 with firewall
1. Connect
3. Training &
Testing Sample
5. Status (o / 1)
4. Computes posterior probability
Node 3 with firewall
Node 4 with firewall
Fig1: Proposed Architecture
For the classification process we are using Bayesian
classifier for analyzing the neighbor node testing data with
the training information.Bayesian classifier is defined by a
set C of classes and a set A of attributes. A generic class
belonging to C is denoted by cjand a generic attribute
belonging to A as Ai. Consider a database D with a set of
attribute values and the class label of the case. The training
of the Naïve Bayesian Classifier consists of the estimation
of the conditional probability distribution of each attribute,
given the class.
P (H/Xi) is our confidence that Xi is an incoming node
In our example we will consider a synthetic dataset which
consists of various anonymous and non anonymous users
node names, type of protocols and number of packets
transmitted and class labels, that is considered as our
feature set C (c1,cc,……cn) for training of system and
calculates overall probability for positive class and
negative class and then calculate the posterior probability
with respect to all features ,finally calculate the trust
P(H), P(Xi) and P(Xi/H) may be estimated from given
training and testing data samples
Algorithm to classify malicious agent:
P(H) is Prior Probability of H and it is probability that any
given training sample is an agent regardless of its anomaly
or not anomaly behavior
P(H/X) is a conditional probability and P(H) is independent
of X
Estimating probabilities:
Steps Involved:
Each training data sample is of attribute type
X= (xj) j =1(1….n), where xj is the values of X for attribute
Sample space: set of agent
Suppose there are m decision classes Cj,
H= Hypothesis that X is a node
P(Ci|X) > P(Cj|X) for 1<= j <= m, j>i
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 1 – Oct 2014
i.e. classifier assigns X to decision class Cj having highest
posterior probability conditioned on testing sample X
The decision class for which P(Cj|X) is maximum is known
as maximum posterior hypothesis of the sample.
From Bayes Theorem
P(Xi) is constant and Only need be maximized.
if class initial probabilities not known prior then
we can assume all decision classes to be more equally
likely decision classes
Otherwise maximize the samples
P(Ci) = Si/S
Naïve assumption for attribute independence
P(X|Cj) = P(x1,…..,xm|C) = PP(xk|C)
To classify an unknown testing sample Xi,
compute each decision class Ciand Sample X is assigned to
the class
iff ( Prob(Xi|Ci)P(Ci)> P(Xi|Cj) P(Cj) ).
In the above classification algorithm , computes the
posterior probabilities of the input samples with respect to
the data records in the training dataset over all positive and
negative probabilities, analyzes the network traffic with
positive and negative probabilities
We are concluding our research work with efficient
classification approach by analyzing the anonymous
behaviors of the log data packet analysis with their
respective posterior probabilities of the individual attribute
And final class labels to compute final probabilities of the
connected node. Experimentally proved that Preprocessed
firewall log analysis gives optimal performance than
traditional approaches.
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Mr A Ramakrishna, a well-known by his
excellence in teaching who received Mtech(CSE) from JNTU Kakinada. He is
working assistant professor, Dept of CSE
at Vignan Institute of Engineer for
Women. He has motivated no.of students
in his seven years of teaching. His area of interest includes
Network Security, Wireless Sensor Networks and expert in
Web Technologies and guided many other projects.
SanthaKumari, received B-tech (IT)degree from Vignan
Institute of Engineering for Women under
JNTUK in the year 2012 and pursuing Mtech(CSE) in Vignan Institute of
Engineering for Women .My interested
area includes Data Mining, Image
Processing, Network Security.
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