Secretary to the Faculty Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts 01063 T (413) 585-3000 F(413) 585-3070 Faculty Action Sheet At the fifth regular meeting of the 2014-2015 academic year on January 28, 2015 (Conference Room, Alumnae House), the following actions were taken by the Smith College faculty: I. The faculty unanimously approved the December 10, 2014 faculty meeting minutes. II. The following items were recommended by the Committee on Academic Priorities and unanimously approved by the faculty: A. Statistical and Data Sciences (SDS) will assume the responsibility of the following courses: 1. MTH 107 Statistical Thinking to become SDS 107 2. PSY/MTH 201 Statistical Methods for Undergraduates to become SDS 201 (leaving PSY 201 as a separate course) 3. MTH 292 Data Science to become SDS 292 B. Dual-prefix designations for these courses: 1. MTH 220 Introduction to Probability and Statistics to be dualprefixed as MTH/SDS 220 2. MTH 246 Probability to be dual prefixed as MTH/SDS 246 3. MTH 290 Research Design and Analysis to be dual prefixed as MTH/SDS 290 4. MTH 291 Multiple Regression to be dual prefixed as MTH/SDS 291 5. MTH 320 Mathematical Statistics to be dual prefixed as MTH/SDS 320 6. CSC 352 Parallel and Distributed Computing to be dual prefixed as CSC/SDS 352 III. The following motion was recommended by Faculty Council and approved by the faculty with 78 in favor, 9 against, and 2 abstentions: A. Amend section I.B.2.a. of the Policy of Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure to insert the following sentence in between the first and second sentence of section I.B.2.a.: “Unless there are compelling reasons, all members of the unit eligible to vote on reappointment shall participate, including those on leave or sabbatical.” Respectfully submitted, Carrie N. Baker Secretary of the Faculty