Shoreline Management Plan 6 Action Plan Update 2014 Actions for Multiple Areas (Various Policy Units) Policy Unit 6.08, 6.13 Policy Unit Name Various Action Reference WFD/03 Action Description Investigations to improve understanding of the current use and expected life of existing SPZs identified as potentially at risk by SMP policies. Investigations will be required to: Address concerns relating to the long term change of policy at 6.08 and the potential for saline intrusion into the ground water body and associated impacts; and; concerns relating to the conditional hold the line policies 6.13 where saline Lead Organisation EA, NNDC Implementation Date Not determined Status Update 2014 Progressing Further understandin g required regarding this action and PU6.08. IDB completing investigations into upper Thurne catchment and saline seepage under the dunes and flow rates. inundation could lead tot he loss or contamination of water resources. 6.11, 6.13 Various WFD/05 Research into potential implications of SMP managed realignment policies in units 6.11 and possibly 6.13 for various freshwater bodies and Protected Areas, specifically East Ruston Stream, New Cut, River Thurne, Hickling Broad, Horsey Mere, Martham Broad and the associated Broads Protected Areas. EA, NNDC Not determined On hold Investigations underway for future management of PU6.11. IDB completing investigations relating to the Upper Thurne. Broads Authority investigating climate change implication on habitats, wildlife and communities. Note that a significant overtopping event occurred in PU 6.11 in December 2013. 6.02, 6.04, 6.17, 6.18, 6.24 Various WFD/01 Modeling/monitorin g to improve understanding of the implications of long term hold the line policies for alongshore and offshore sediment transport EA, NNDC, GYBC, WDC Not determined Progressing 6.04; 6.06; 6.08; 6.10; 6.11; 6.12; 6.15; 6.16; 6.18; 6.20; 6.22; 6.23. Various WFD/02 Investigations and monitoring to help prevent release of contaminants in to aquatic environment as a result of managed realignment and no active intervention policies. Remedial and other mitigation measures should EA, NNDC, GYBC, WDC Not determined Progressing Coastal monitoring under review to ensure it meets the needs whist operating under current financial constraints. Modeling incorporated in to strategies, studies and Pars where required. Investigations completed as required as sites become apparent as sites are necessarily known. Investigations underway regarding Eleni V oil sites. Need to incorporate be implemented as necessary. 6.08, 6.10, 6.11, 6.13, 6.15, 6.16, 6.17 Various HRA/01 Undertake NNDC/EA monitoring to provide a baseline for the assessment of the potential effects of the SMP policies, and natural changes, on sites of international importance for nature conservation. assessment of known sites into monitoring programme. Not determined On Hold Need to clarify what is required for a baseline. Unclear as to what is currently undertaken, what is required for a baseline and what is already undertaken by natural England. 6.06 6.07 & 6.086.11 Overstrand NNDC/10 - Ostend Where possible maintain defences from Overstrand to Ostend in the absence of an adaptation strategy. NNDC Not determined Progressing 6.06 6.07 Overstrand NNDC/09 - Eccles Removal of NNDC groynes and revetment as they become a health and safety problem between Overstrand and Mundesley. Not determined On Hold Combined NNDC/10 & 13 for wider frontage. Policy states defences will be held until adaption can be implemented. However funding is not available for the maintenance and investment required to complete this action. Funding is not available for adaptation. Combined with NNDC/ 12. Due to no adaptation strategy of funding for adaptation it is difficult to justify to local communities 6.14, 6.16, 6.19 Winterton GYBY/05 to Scratby, Caister-onSea, Gorleston to Hopton Monitor and review remnants form Eleni V. GYBC 6.18 6.24 Caister-on- GYBC/04 Sea to Lowestoft Ness Review monitoring EA/GYBC of any changes resulting from the development of the Outer Harbour and action in response to findings. Ongoing Progressing Ongoing Progressing the removal of failing sea defences. No funding is available for the removal of redundant defences. Action taken where Health and Safety requirement identified. Beach monitoring ongoing. Completed survey for remnant oil and awaiting report (funded by EA). Ongoing annual monitoring report and analysis via the Partner Monitoring Agreement. 6.18 6.24 Gorleston to Lowestoft Ness WDC/02 Undertake Gorleston to Lowestoft Study which includes a review of policies at Corton and Hopton and considers Hold the Line at north Lowestoft and management of derelict defences. WDC TBC Progressing Other documents are available for information on actions that have been cancelled or completed Planned start 1 April 2014.