Agenda Item 3 STANDARDS COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Standards Committee held on 17 July 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 2.00 pm. Members present: 1. District Councillors: Mr B Hannah Mr P W Moore Ms B Palmer Mr J Savory Mrs H Thompson Mr P Williams Independent Members: Mrs M Evans Mr H Gupta Mrs A Shirley Parish Members: Mr R Barr Mr M Coates Officers in Attendance: The Interim Monitoring Officer The Democratic Services Team leader (MH) The Democratic Services Officer (ED) TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Mr G Allen, Mr A Bullen and Mr A Nash 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE –CHAIRMAN The Interim Monitoring Officer explained that as this was the first meeting of the Standards Committee under the new regime, Members were requested to elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year. It was proposed by Ms B Palmer and seconded by Mr P W Moore that Mrs H Thompson be elected Chairman. As there were no other nominations it was unanimously RESOLVED that Mrs H Thompson be elected Chairman for the ensuing year It was proposed by Mr J Savory and seconded by Mr B Hannah that Mr P W Moore be elected Vice-Chairman of the Committee. There being no other nominations it was unanimously Standards Committee 1 17 July 2012 RESOLVED that Mr P W Moore be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year. 3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received . 4. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Standards Committee held on 08 May 2012 and the Hearing held on 26th June were approved as a correct record. 5. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There were no items of urgent business. 6. CO-OPTED MEMBERS The Monitoring Officer explained that there was no specific provision under current legislation for a Standards Committee and therefore, any appointments of elected members should be made in accordance with the requirements of proportionality. The Committee had the right to co-opt members to advise and assist and they could take part in the debate but they had no voting rights. ` The Chairman asked whether the appointment of an Independent Person would detract from the role of co-opted members. The Monitoring Officer responded that the role of the Independent Person was specifically to assist and give views on complaints. They could attend meetings to report and answer questions. It was anticipated that they would work closely with the Monitoring Officer. Mr H Gupta asked whether there was a bar to an Independent Person appointed by another local authority becoming a co-opted member of this committee. The Monitoring Officer assured him there was no restriction. Mrs A Shirley, former Independent Chairman of the Committee was concerned that there could be more co-opted members than elected members and suggested that it might be preferable to defer co-option until after the appointment of an Independent Person. The Monitoring Officer said that the Committee had the option to do this but if they did wish to co-opt members today then the appointments could be ratified at Full Council on 25th July 2012. Mrs Shirley added that the number of independent members had increased significantly over recent years to deal with the assessment of complaints and that the new committee may wish to reflect on whether such a large number was still necessary. Mr B Hannah said that there should not be a restriction on the number of coopted members. Mr J Savory agreed and said that the experience and knowledge that co-opted members could bring to the new committee should be welcomed. Standards Committee 2 17 July 2012 RESOLVED that the following members be co-opted onto the committee for the ensuing year: Mr G Allen Mr R Barr Mr A Bullen Mr M Coates Mrs M Evans Mr H Gupta Mr A Nash Mrs A Shirley 7. 8. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Minute No. Item Interest Mr P Williams 10 Local Assessment Framework Cases Personal and nonpecuniary - is referred to within the Local Assessment Framework cases PARISH AND DISTRICT MEMBERS’ REGISTER OF INTERESTS AND OFFICER REGISTER OF GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY The Registers were open to display and were available for inspection in the Legal Services area. 9. NEW STANDARDS REGIME The Interim Monitoring Officer updated the Committee on progress in implementing the new regime. He said that the Council was at a similar stage to other local authorities in the region. The government had acknowledged that the duty to register interests applied only to the 28 day period following an election. Despite this, Members were advised to update their register of interests to include any disclosable pecuniary interests. It was possible that there would be further amendments to the regime as the Localism Act 2011 gave the Secretary of State extensive powers to make changes. The Interim Monitoring Officer concluded by saying that a report would be presented to Full Council on 25th July 2012 addressing the disclosure of interests. Members discussed the update: 1. The minutes of a recent Standards Hearing were referred to. They highlighted conflicting advice from two senior officers and a Member asked whether officers would be covered by the new Code of Conduct. The Interim Monitoring Officer said that there was nothing in the new regime that would cover staff conduct. He explained that the reason for this may be due to the different sanctions that could be applied. Members would be subject to judgement by their peers, whereas officers’ misconduct would be dealt with through the Council’s disciplinary process. 2. Mr H Gupta requested that the minutes should record the Committee’s thanks to the former Monitoring Officer, Mr T Ing. Standards Committee 3 17 July 2012 10. LOCAL ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK CASES The Interim Monitoring Officer updated the Committee on the status of complaints received. He explained that from 1st July 2012 the process had switched to the new system. He had sought advice from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and had been informed that complaints prior to that date remained a breach of the old Code of Conduct but would be dealt with under the new arrangements. He had written to each complainant to advise them of the process and warn them of a possible delay. The Monitoring Officer would filter and assess all complaints received and could consult with the Independent Person on any complaint if he wished. Complaints subject to an investigation would be referred to the Standards Committee with a recommendation from the Monitoring Officer. Members discussed the report: 1. Mr P Moore asked whether the Committee would continue to deal with complaints about parish councillors under the new regime. The Interim Monitoring Officer confirmed that this was the case. He explained that each parish council had to adopt a Code of Conduct and every allegation can then only be dealt with under the district council’s arrangements. The complaint once dealt with will be sent back to the parish council with a recommendation as to whether the complaint is upheld and what sanction might be applied to the subject member but ultimately it was up to the parish council to decide how to respond. The Standards Committee of the district council no longer had any power of sanction over parish members. He added that each parish council involved in a complaints case would receive the views of the Standards Committee and these would be made public. 2. Mr B Hannah asked whether parish councils were fully aware of the situation. The Interim Monitoring Officer said that they had been sent documentation and briefings from NALC. It was not clear whether they were fully aware of the process. Some parish councils were intending to oversee their own investigations into complaints; however, it was not clear whether this was in accordance with the regulations. 3. Mr P Moore commented that many parish councils believed that they had now opted out of the complaints process, particularly those that had opted for a different Code of Conduct to the District Council. The Interim Monitoring Officer said that he envisaged training and possibly briefing sessions on the procedures as the new system settled in. The Chairman agreed that training was very important and should be one of the first things that the new Committee should focus on. 4. Mrs M Evans commented that having chaired a number of Standards Committee hearings in the past, it was clear that it was important to provide the right information at the right time to parish councils. The new Standards Committee could provide an opportunity to provide training for all parish councils. The Chairman agreed that this was something she would like to do and that she was prepared to attend parish council meetings to brief them on the changes. Mr P Williams added that he thought it was important that a full training regime was open to all parish councillors, clerks and district councillors. 5. Mrs M Evans said that a recent hearing had highlighted that Development Committee meetings recorded declarations of interest differently to other Standards Committee 4 17 July 2012 meetings and stressed that it was important that they were recorded clearly and in a standard format. AGREED To note the report The meeting concluded at 14.58 pm ___________ Chairman Standards Committee 5 17 July 2012