Agenda Item no _________2________ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 31 October 2011 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am. Members present: Mrs H Eales (Chairman) Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T Ivory Mr K Johnson Mr J Lee Mr W Northam Also attending: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Ms V Gay Mr P High Mr G Jones Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr D Young Officers in attendance: The Deputy Chief Executive, the Strategic Director – Information, the Coast and Community Partnerships Manager, the Acting Financial Services Manager and the Technical Accountant. 46 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mr T FitzPatrick. 47 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 3 October 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 48 PUBLIC QUESTIONS None. 49 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. 50 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Mr T Ivory Cabinet Minute No. 51 Item Interest Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party Personal and nonprejudicial as a Planning Lawyer. 1 31 October 2011 51 PLANNING POLICY AND BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY RESOLVED that The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party held on 12 September 2011 be received the recommendations contained therein adopted as follows: a) b) MINUTE 16: CROMER CONSERVATION AREA MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. That the Draft Cromer Conservation Area Management Plan, incorporating proposed boundary changes be approved for public consultation purposes. 2. That following consultation, the final version of the Cromer Conservation Area Management Plan, incorporating a Character Appraisal, is brought back to the Working Party and Cabinet for adoption by June 2012. MINUTE 17: CRITERIA FOR LOCAL LISTING OF BUILDINGS OF SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORIC INTEREST 1. 2. 3. 52 Approve the criteria for the local listing of buildings and structures of special architectural or historic interest as contained in Appendix 1 to this report and that the criteria be accordingly adopted. Ratify the local listing status of all those buildings or structures already considered eligible for local listing and included within adopted Conservation Area Appraisals. Confirm the process by which buildings will be identified for local listing or assessment in cases where Policy HO9 applies (as contained in Section 4 of this report). HALF YEARLY TREASURY MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 2011/12 The report set out the Treasury Management activities undertaken in the first six months of 2011/12. Mr W Northam presented the report and informed Members that Spanish banks had now been suspended from the Council’s lending list. He acknowledged the difficult financial climate in which the Council was operating and thanked the Technical Accountant and Arlingclose, the Council’s financial advisors, for their hard work. In response to a question, it was explained that the Council’s capital programme was funded by a range of different means, and details of the Council’s investments in bonds were provided. RECOMMENDED to Full Council to approve the Half Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2011/12. Cabinet 2 31 October 2011 53 BUDGET MONITORING 2011/12 – PERIOD 6 The report presented the budget monitoring position for the revenue account and capital programme to the end of period 6 (30 September 2011) and also included a review of the current capital programme. Mr W Northam presented the report. It was hoped that any projected overspend would be offset by savings. A revised budget report would be made to the next meeting of the Cabinet. In response to a question, it was considered that the Council could be criticised if it decided to not heed advice in respect of lending but it was explained that bank and building society ratings were reviewed regularly. Mr E Seward, a local Member for North Walsham (North), thanked Members and Officers for ringfencing funding for schemes in North Walsham. RESOLVED to a) b) 54 note the contents of the report and the revenue account forecast for the current financial year; note the current position on the 2011/12 capital programme and approve the amendments in relation to the revenue contributions to capital for the additional costs in relation to the provision of electricity at Holt Country Park and the capitalisation of the new evaporative cooling system for the ICT server room. ACTION ON EMPTY HOMES At the present time there were over 1400 empty homes in North Norfolk as classified on the Council Tax Register. A number of these homes had been empty for many years and despite contact being made with owners no action had been taken to either bring the properties back into occupation or sell them. The report therefore sought authority from the Cabinet to pilot an approach whereby the Council sought to take direct action to bring long-term empty properties back into use through exploring the use of Compulsory Purchase powers. Mr K Johnson informed the meeting that the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government was to announce the abolition of discount to second homes and that the Council would be looking into the benefits that this could bring. Concern was expressed over the number of empty properties in North Norfolk. It was noted, however, that much effort had previously been put into investigating this issue and an earlier report had suggested that taking action on empty homes could incur a number of reputational risks to the Council. It was explained that it was intended to pilot an approach to take direct action to bring long-term empty properties back into use, beginning with three. Progress would be reported back to Members. Cabinet 3 31 October 2011 RESOLVED to 55 a) agree to the use of the Housing Renewal Grant budget for 2011/12 to pilot an approach / develop the Council’s understanding of exercising Compulsory Purchase powers to acquire and sell on a long-term empty property (ies) in the district so as to inform future policy development and interventions to address an issue which generates concern in local communities. b) approve the making of compulsory purchase orders (“CPOs”) under Section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended) on the land and buildings described in the exempt appendix to this report and their submission to the Government Office for confirmation. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act. Definition of paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). 56 COASTAL CHANGE PATHFINDER: PROJECT TO DEMOLISH DWELLINGS AT BEACH ROAD, HAPPISBURGH AND REPLACE THEM WITH A DEVELOPMENT ELSEWHERE IN THE VILLAGE North Norfolk’s approach to managing coastal change included ‘roll-back’ or replacement of properties that were most imminently at risk. One element of the Pathfinder project for Happisburgh attempted to demonstrate how this could be successfully achieved by purchasing cliff top dwellings, demolishing them and facilitating a replacement development on a suitable site (or sites) further inland. The report explored the issues and options associated with implementing this project. Mr G Jones read out a statement from the local Member, Mrs L Walker, who was unable to attend the meeting. Mrs Walker declared an interest in this matter. She paid tribute to all the hard work which had gone into making the Pathfinder project a success and thanked all the Officers, Mr M Kerby of CCAG (Coastal Concern Action Group) and the former Councillor, Mr C Stockton for all their hard work. The demolition of the properties on Beach Road had local support but should be carried out expeditiously, although there would be the potential risk to the Council of loss of EN12 policy benefit. There should also be consideration of the Council’s S17 obligations. There was obvious local concern about the impacts of the replacement housing development. Happisburgh residents were very grateful for all the support and hard work carried out on their behalf. Cabinet 4 31 October 2011 The Coast and Community Partnerships Manager clarified that the redevelopment proposals were not for affordable housing. It was up to the Development Committee to make a decision ultimately on the proposed site. If a planning application was not approved on the suggested site, an alternative site would need to be sought. RESOLVED that a) b) c) Planning consent be sought as soon as possible for the replacement development of the nine dwellings on the site identified in the exempt Appendix 4 of this report. Negotiations for a suitable consortium agreement take place in parallel with the planning application. Delegated authority be given to the Deputy Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Cabinet Members with the Coastal portfolio and the Corporate Assets portfolio (following discussion with the local Member), to approve the demolition of the Beach Road Dwellings, should it be necessary by virtue of their imminent risk of loss due to coastal erosion, their dilapidation or other substantial risk to the properties or unacceptable impact upon the local environment or nearby residents, regardless of the status of the planning application or consortium agreement. The meeting closed at 10.35am. _________________________ Chairman, 28 November 2011 Cabinet 5 31 October 2011