CABINET – 30 November 2015 Decision List Notes: All decisions in this Decision List which are not identified as RECOMMENDATIONS to Council are capable of being "called-in" under Section 8 of Chapter 4, Part 3 of the Constitution. If not called-in, they will take effect on the expiry of 5 clear working days after the publication of this decision list. For the avoidance of doubt, the deadline for a call-in request for this decision list will be 07 December 2015 The officer listed as taking action will generally be the author of the original report unless otherwise notified to the Democratic Services Team. ACTION BY ITEM 9: BIG SOCIETY FUND GRANTS PANEL DECISION RESOLVED: To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Big Society Fund Grants Panel held on 29th June 2015 ITEM 10: MEMBER DEVELOPMENT GROUP DECISION RESOLVED: To receive the minutes of the Member Development Group meeting held on 8th July 2015 Decision List – 30 November 2015 ITEM 11: PLANNING POLICY & BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY DECISION RESOLVED To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party held on 17 August 2015 ITEM 12: SKY LANTERNS DECISION RESOLVED that 1. The Authority as from the date of this resolution (therefore with immediate effect) bans the release of sky lanterns and the mass release of balloons on Council owned or controlled land or at events organised and run by the Council Steve Hems Head of Environmental Health 01263 516182 2. The Authority supports the call by The Marine Conservation Society and National Farmers Union for a nationwide ban on the release of sky lanterns or mass release of balloons. ITEM 13: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION (DTP) UPDATE DECISION RESOLVED 1. That Cabinet notes the progress made on the Digital Transformation Programme. 2. That Cabinet approve the release of £35,000 from the Invest to Save budget to allow for the contracting of technical specialist resource to facilitate upgrades and enhancements to the IT infrastructure. 3. That Cabinet approves the release of £93,000 from the Invest to Save budget for the provision of temporary staffing to map key processes and produced scripts, for the Planning BPR project. Decision List – 30 November 2015 Sean Kelly Head of Business Transformation & IT 01263 516276 4. That Cabinet approve a capital budget of £52,000 in the current year to be funded from the Invest to Save capital budget to fund additional back up storage capacity for the Council’s IT system and delegates authority to the Corporate Director to complete the necessary procurement process. ITEM 14: MANAGING PERFORMANCE Q2 2015/16 DECISION RESOLVED To note this report, welcomes the progress being made and endorses the actions laid out in Appendix B being taken by management where there are areas of concern. Helen Thomas Policy and Performance Management Officer 01263 516214 ITEM 15: INDOOR LEISURE FACILITIES STRATEGY DECISION RESOLVED 1.That Cabinet adopts the North Norfolk Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy to provide an evidence base which the Council and other leisure facility providers can utilise to access external funding 2.That Cabinet tasks the Corporate Director (SB), working under direction from the Portfolio Holder, to identify and agree the relevant project work streams required to take forward the recommendations contained in the Strategy Decision List – 30 November 2015 Karl Read Leisure & Locality Services Manager 01263 516002