Cabinet 3 December 2012

3rd December 2012
Agenda Item No_____10_______
Proposed designation of Local Development Order on land at Egmere to
accommodate onshore support facilities related to offshore wind energy
developments off the North Norfolk coast
This report proposes the designation of approximately 30 hectares of
land at Egmere for future development in support of offshore wind
energy developments off the North Norfolk coast through the use of
Local Development Order powers. This would directly support the
Council’s Corporate Plan objectives of seeking to attract new jobs and
investment associated with offshore wind energy developments to the
The report identifies an area of land at Egmere on the B1105 road to
the south of Wells-next-the-Sea which it is felt could accommodate
new investment associated with offshore wind energy developments
where a simplified planning regime could operate through approving a
Local Development Order.
Cabinet is recommended to:1. Note the contents of the report and accompanying documents as
they relate to the proposed designation of a Local Development
Order for 30 hectares of land at Egmere, so as to accommodate
new job-creating investment in support of offshore wind energy
schemes off the North Norfolk coast.
2. Authorises officers to undertake formal consultation on the
proposed Local Development Order with statutory bodies and
consultees, local Town and Parish Councils, the business
community and general public during January and February of
3. Requests that at the end of the consultation process a further
report is presented for consideration / endorsement by Cabinet
before seeking approval of the Local Development Order from the
Secretary of State.
Cabinet member(s):
Cllr Tom FitzPatrick, Cllr Rhodri Oliver
Ward(s) affected:
Primarily Walsingham, with some impact on the Priory
Cllr Tom FitzPatrick
3rd December 2012
Contact Officer, telephone
number, and e-mail:
Steve Blatch, Corporate Director
Tel:- 01263 516232
At the meeting of Cabinet held on 16th April 2012, Cabinet received and endorsed a
report on the growing importance of and opportunities presented to the district through
the development and operation of offshore wind energy schemes off the North Norfolk
Since this report was debated, SCIRA, the developers and operators of the Sheringham
Shoal offshore wind energy development have formally celebrated the completion of
construction and commenced operation of the Sheringham Shoal development and
licensing approval has been granted for two further wind energy developments off the
North Norfolk coast – these being the Dudgeon scheme to the north of Cromer and the
Race Bank scheme to the north of Wells-next-the-Sea.
Experience of working with SCIRA over a number of years during the planning and
development of their investment has shown that significant opportunities exist for inward
investment by specialist sub-contract companies as well as for local companies and
residents to gain business and employment associated with offshore wind energy
schemes, as well as there being demand for premises and facilities by wind energy
companies and their sub-contractors within the district. Whilst during the early phases of
the development of the Sheringham Shoal scheme much of the demand for premises
was accommodated locally in Wells-next-the-Sea, as the sector has become more
established, SCIRA has chosen to develop its Operations and Maintenance facility to
serve the offshore development at Egmere, to the south of Wells. This location is seen
as being able to accommodate future development in support of offshore wind energy
developments as it lies outside of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, builds upon
an established area of employment development which is believed to have relatively few
landscape or utility constraints and enjoys good road access by delivery and staff
vehicles and visitors from the south without introducing additional volumes of traffic into
Officers have therefore given consideration to the potential of the Egmere location to
accommodate future inward investment by companies taking forward or associated with
wind energy developments off the North Norfolk coast. This would directly support the
Council’s Corporate Plan objectives of seeking to “to increase the number of new
businesses and support the growth and expansion of existing businesses”,
through, amongst other actions, “seeking to maximise the opportunities for the
district to benefit from investment in renewable energy developments off the
North Norfolk coast”.
This report and accompanying reports / plans therefore propose the designation of land
and approval of a Local Development Order at Egmere in support of these objectives.
Historically there has been very limited demand for commercial land and premises in Wellsnext-the-Sea because of the town’s relatively peripheral location, and therefore the adopted
3rd December 2012
North Norfolk Core Strategy proposed that Fakenham be the principal location in the west
of the District where new employment-related development would be accommodated. The
Core Strategy was developed in the period 2006 -2008, which preceded the approval of
large-scale wind energy developments off the North Norfolk Coast, and therefore no
provision or allocation of land was made within the Core Strategy or Site Allocations Plans
to meet the future potential needs of the offshore wind energy sector.
In light of the experience the Council has gained in recent years through the SCIRA
development and the recent licensing approvals granted to the Dudgeon and Race Bank
offshore wind energy schemes, it is reasonable to anticipate that the promoters of these
two further developments and their sub-contractors will wish to establish facilities in support
of their offshore investments within the North Norfolk area. It is therefore recommended
that the Council seeks to positively accommodate such investment through identifying land
/ premises for such businesses in the future.
The Government is also encouraging local planning authorities to create a positive
environment for businesses wishing to make investments in employment generating
projects and the District Council believes that a positive “open for business” message can
be promoted to businesses involved in the offshore wind energy sector through identifying
land and agreeing a simplified planning framework for specified types of development
through the development and approval of a Local Development Order.
The proposal
Through the relationships the Council has developed with the Wells Harbour
Commissioners and the Holkham and Walsingham Estates in recent times with regards
accommodating the project planning, construction and operational and maintenance
phases of the SCIRA / Sheringham development, the potential of the Egmere location to
accommodate future commercial and business development is recognised.
Consideration has therefore been given to allocating / designating further land at this
location for future development by businesses associated with the offshore wind energy
sector. Whilst there are some areas of vacant land and under-used premises within the
existing commercial development at Egmere, it is felt that areas of greenfield and
brownfield land should be designated for future development, so as to provide a degree of
choice to potential investors.
An area of approximately 30 hectares is therefore proposed for designation under Local
Development Order powers comprising approximately 14 hectares of previously developed
land, 14 hectares of greenfield (undeveloped) land and just over 1 hectare of land currently
under development to provide SCIRA’s operational and maintenance facilities (comprising
a two storey office block, warehouse and car parking). The existing area of development at
Egmere extends to approximately 14 hectares, of which perhaps 4 hectares offers the
potential for re-use / redevelopment; with the remaining 10 hectares largely in use.
A paper and associated plans outlining the LDO proposal are attached as an appendix to
this report.
Initial discussions regarding the proposed Local Development Order have been held with
the two principal landowners – the Holkham and Walsingham Estates and both are
supportive of the proposed LDO designation. Initial consultations have also been held with
officer colleagues in Norfolk County Council’s Environment, Economy and Transport
Department particularly with regards the need for improvements to the B1105 which passes
through the middle of the area proposed for LDO designation so as to provide safe means
of access into any development sites etc. County officers have commented that the B1105
is an appropriate road to serve the level of development proposed through the LDO and are
3rd December 2012
preparing detailed comments on potential access / egress arrangements which would be
incorporated into any public consultation on the LDO. Similarly initial discussions have
been held with the County Council’s Historic Environment Team, recognising Egmere’s
historic role as a Second World War airbase which has requested that prior to any
development a photographic record is made of any development site / existing buildings.
Given the generally positive comments made by the principal landowners and County
colleagues / consultees regarding the proposed Local Development Order, it is
recommended that officers undertake further work in developing the proposal and then
undertake formal consultation on the LDO with local communities early in the New Year,
with the objective of inviting the Secretary of State to consider approval of the Egmere
Local Development Order by the middle of 2013.
Financial Implications and Risks
There are few direct financial implications arising from the recommendations made
within this report in the short-term – other than the officer costs associated with the
further development of the LDO proposal and undertaking public consultation on the
As further consultation is undertaken and deeper understanding gained regarding
highway issues, availability of utilities etc it might be that the Council wishes to consider
whether any investment required to bring the land forward for development under an
LDO should be met by inward investors, developers, the landowners and/or through the
Council taking some form of equity stake in any development through contributing
towards any site servicing costs. Any such model will be explored further in the coming
months and a further report presented to Cabinet for consideration.
The growth and development of the renewable energy sector and the potential
opportunities this offers to the district’s economy in terms of new investment, skilled
employment opportunities at rates of pay above those currently on offer locally, and
contract / supply chain opportunities for existing businesses, are considered to be
significant. The actions proposed in this report seek to position the Council positively in
terms of the district being able to realise the benefits of this emerging economic sector
for many years to come. In this respect it is considered that there are few if any risks,
but many potential benefits, from the actions proposed in this report in terms of bringing
quality jobs and investment to North Norfolk.
At a strategic level the growth of renewable energy technologies is seen as a
fundamental component of the UK energy supply mix moving forward. In this respect
the actions proposed in this report seek to place the North Norfolk District in a strong
position to benefit from the growth of this sector both within and off the coast of North
Norfolk into the future.
Equality and Diversity
This report does not raise any equality and diversity issues, but does seek to secure new
business and employment opportunities for local people in a sector where skilled
positions will offer rates of pay above the district average.
Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations
This report does not raise any issues relating to Crime and Disorder.
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