Agenda Item No______10______ FINANCIAL STRATEGY 2013/14 to 2015/16 Summary: This report presents the current financial forecast for the period 2013/14 to 2015/16 and provides a summary of the key issues facing the Council in relation to Local Government Finance. Options considered: Conclusions: The current financial forecast presents a funding gap for the next three years of up to £1.7 million. Estimates have been made on the level of future funding, although there is still a great deal of uncertainty on the level of grant reductions that Local Authorities will be facing. Recommendations: It is recommended that Members note: 1) the current financial forecast for the period 2013/14 to 2015/16; 2) the current capital programme and capital funding forecasts; 3) the revised reserves statement as included at Appendix C to the report. Reasons for Recommendations: To update members with the current financial position of the authority as further work on the detailed budget for 2013/14 is completed over the coming months. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Karen Sly, 01263-516243, 1. Introduction 1.1 The paper attached as an Annex to this covering report sets out how both the external financial changes and internal budget pressures will impact on the overall financial position of the Council during the period of the Corporate Plan. 1.2 There are significant changes to the financing of local government from the centre as the Formula Grant arrangements are dismantled and replaced by a predominantly more localised funding system. These issues are discussed in detail and cover business rates, council tax and other developments. 1.3 The changes need to be understood against the background of reduced public expenditure and the Government’s austerity programme and flow from the Corporate Spending Review 2010 (CSR2010). The Chancellor’s Autumn Budget Statement scheduled for 5 December 2012 should provide more detail to inform the detailed work on the forward estimates for 2013/14 and beyond. 1.4 In addition the Financial Strategy updates the Council’s financial projections. It identifies the budgetary pressures on the Council during the period of the Corporate Plan by examining inflation, service pressures, income streams, reserves and the capital programme and seeks to identify strategies for addressing these areas within the overall context of the revenue and capital budgets. 1.5 As part of the annual budget process the Financial Strategy is the first of a number of pieces of work which culminate in setting the annual budget for the forward financial year in February 2013. 2 Financial Implications and Risks 2.1 The detail within the financial strategy has highlighted the significant changes that Local Authorities are facing in terms of the funding they will be receiving in the future. In particular the Strategy addresses the shift from a fully funded national scheme for council tax relief to a localised scheme as well as the proposals for business rate retention. 2.2 Additionally the Strategy highlights the necessity that efficiency savings and other adjustments to the revenue budget base line identified in the various workstreams being undertaken across the Council need to be fully delivered. 3 Sustainability 3.1 None as a direct consequence from this report. 4. Equality and Diversity 4.1 This report does not raise any equality and diversity issues. 5. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations 5.1 This report does not raise any Crime and Disorder considerations.