Appendix A GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROGRAMME Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate 2011/12 Projected Outturn Updated Budget 12/13 Comments £ Active and Sustainable Communities Employment and training Fakenham Industrial Estate Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) North Norfolk Enterprise Innovation Centre Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Fakenham Factory Extension Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 140,000 128,839 11,161 1,365 11,161 9,795 0 10,295 0 0 0 0 39,705 26,414 100,000 8,389 100,000 91,611 140,000 50,000 50,000 425,000 The project is complete, and the final retention invoice is awaited. The project is currently on hold following withdrawal of external funding. 298,586 The scheme is progressing and will be completed in the 2012/13 financial year 425,000 Leisure and culture Stalham Sports Improvements Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 130,000 Playground Improvements - Various Financed by: Contributions Grant NNDC (Capital Receipts) 274,672 Provision of Electricity at Holt Country Park Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) RCCO 29,727 100,273 92,352 100,273 7,921 0 242,260 32,412 1,897 32,412 30,515 0 0 21,522 23,084 23,084 (0) 130,000 The scheme is complete, and only the retention payments are still to be made. 51,679 222,561 432 21,522 0 The scheme has been completed. 13,000 8,522 Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) 2011/12 Projected Outturn Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate Updated Budget 12/13 Comments £ Communities that are safe, confident and involved Gypsy and Traveller Short Stay Stopping Facilities Financed by: Grant Street Signs Improvement Programme Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Grant Trade Waste Bins Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) TOTAL 1,015,842 393,158 9,199 393,158 383,958 56,908 42,692 16,867 42,692 25,825 72,700 138,300 6,990 138,300 131,310 0 2,760,793 1,582,986 839,517 160,143 841,079 680,935 338,291 40,023 31,594 5,303 5,303 5,303 0 3,126 70,743 100,000 7,539 100,000 92,461 1,409,000 0 1,409,000 99,600 0 Works are progressing. 95,500 4,100 211,000 211,000 Natural Environment and Built Heritage Planning and coastal management Sheringham Beach Handrails Financed by; NNDC (Capital Projects Reserve) NNDC (Capital Receipts) Cromer Pier Structural Works - Phase 2 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Works are progressing. 5,023 35,000 1,418,631 1,418,631 1,247,889 The scheme has been out to tender and works will commence shortly. Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp 2011/12 Projected Outturn Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate Updated Budget 12/13 Comments £ Sheringham Promenade Lighting Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Cromer Pier and West Prom Refurbishment Project Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) TOTAL 45,000 4,452 40,548 6,138 40,548 34,410 0 0 76 76 (0) 0 45,000 The scheme is expected to be complete by the end of the financial year. The scheme is 200,000 99,924 currently being prepared, although works are not due to commence until 2012/13. 200,000 1,703,654 106,789 145,850 19,056 145,926 126,871 BPR EDM Project Financed by; Planning Delivery Grant/Housing and Planning Delivery Grant NNDC (Capital Receipts) 422,789 264,462 200,326 15,300 158,326 143,026 Personal Computer Replacement Fund Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) NNDC (RCCO) 123,301 1,350,939 First Class Resource Management Technology as a key enabler Waste Management & Environmental Health IT System Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) WPEG Grant DEFRA Grant 0 A virement of £42,000 has been included from this scheme to fund the Sheringham East Prom Public 16,682 406,107 79,882 23,419 7,285 23,419 16,134 20,000 209,410 23,017 6,523 23,017 16,494 0 Further orders have been placed. 100,032 23,269 232,427 131,514 83,486 17,427 Works are progressing on the implementation of the on line service module. The system is anticipated to go live by the end of the year. Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp 2011/12 Projected Outturn Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate Updated Budget 12/13 Comments £ Asset Management Computer System Financed by; NNDC (Capital Projects Reserve) NNDC (Asset Management Reserve) E Payments System - Alternative methods of payment and replacement cashiers Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Probass 3 Financed by: Planning Delivery Grant/Housing and Planning Delivery Grant NNDC (Capital Receipts) Procurement for Upgrade of Civica System Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) DWP Performance Standards Fund 75,000 68,297 37,658 68,297 30,639 0 0 67,400 65,607 67,400 1,793 0 16,050 17,960 8,025 17,960 9,935 0 The scheme is progressing. 0 306,156 0 306,156 306,156 0 Negotiations on joint procurement are ongoing. 373,831 37,928 15,826 37,928 22,102 60,000 15,000 67,400 Progress is being made, although the full system is not yet operational. 6,703 Works are progressing. 67,400 34,010 18,850 15,160 306,156 264,747 41,409 Maximise efficiency of Council owned property Public Conveniences Improvements Phase 1and 2, and Mundesley Prom PC 411,760 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 411,760 Works are progressing 0 on several schemes within the district. The budget has been amended to include the £15,000 for Mundesley PC Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate 2011/12 Projected Outturn Updated Budget 12/13 Comments £ Cromer Red Lion Toilet Refurbishment 94,915 13,091 69,908 59,386 81,823 22,437 0 The redevelopment of the toilets is in progress and the 3rd interim payment has been made. 118,232 119,768 116,743 119,768 3,025 0 The new ticket machines have all been installed and are operational. 0 0 0 0 0 275,000 A report was taken to Cabinet on 9th January confirming in part the works to be undertaken. They will commence in the new financial year. 18,782 0 0 0 0 6,218 38,303 0 1,277 1,277 0 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 83,000 RCCO 11,915 Car Park Ticket Machines Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 238,000 Administrative Buildings 275,000 238,000 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 275,000 Fakenham Connect Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 25,000 Asbestos Works 51,000 This scheme is currently on hold. 25,000 11,419 Some minor asbestos removal works have been undertaken in year, and the expenditure will be clawed back from the Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 51,000 Rocket House Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 40,000 Wells Sackhouse Refurbishment Financed by; Other Contributions NNDC (Capital Receipts) 71,752 264 0 1,224 1,224 (0) 38,512 The scheme is currently on hold, whilst a damp survey is undertaken. 40,000 27,752 44,000 29,532 15,506 15,506 15,506 (0) 26,714 Flooring works within the building have now been completed. Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate 2011/12 Projected Outturn Updated Budget 12/13 Comments £ Maltings Wells 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 This scheme is currently on hold pending the outcome of a larger grant funding submission. 48,083 69,768 86,236 69,768 (16,468) 0 Various works have been undertaken on car parks within the district. 58,917 0 0 0 0 49,401 The scheme is currently on hold. 6,180 78,820 10,935 120,820 109,884 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 100,000 Car Park Environmental Improvements Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 117,851 Carbon Reduction Scheme Financed by; NNDC (Cap Receipts - Carbon Reduction Fund) 108,318 Sheringham East Prom Public Conveniences 117,851 108,318 127,000 Preliminary works have 0 been undertaken, and the scheme is due for completion by the end of the financial year. A virement of £42,000 has been added to the budget funded from Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 127,000 Worstead Churchyard Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 15,000 Fakenham Community Centre Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 45,000 Carbon Reduction Scheme - Evaporative Cooling System Financed by: RCCO 593 14,407 13,553 14,407 854 0 The scheme is complete. 0 45,000 36,194 45,000 8,806 0 Works are complete and final invoices are awaited. 0 14,100 0 14,100 14,100 0 15,000 45,000 14,100 14,100 Works are complete, and invoices awaited. Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate 2011/12 Projected Outturn Updated Budget 12/13 £ 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 3,040,778 1,282,318 1,171,780 497,277 1,186,196 688,919 572,264 North Walsham Regeneration Schemes Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 70,000 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 50,000 North Walsham Public Conveniences Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 68,000 0 68,000 0 68,000 68,000 0 0 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 168,000 0 118,000 0 118,000 118,000 50,000 7,673,225 2,972,092 2,275,147 676,476 2,291,201 1,614,724 2,311,494 Sheringham Little Theatre Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) TOTAL 45,000 45,000 North Walsham - Leadership of Place North Walsham Car Park Environmental Improvements Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) TOTAL PROGRAMME TOTAL 70,000 68,000 30,000 30,000 Comments Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) 2011/12 Projected Outturn Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate Updated Budget 12/13 £ Capital Programme Financing Other Grants Contributions Asset Management Reserve Revenue Contribution to Capital (RCCO) HPDG/PDG Reserve Land Charges Earmarked Reserve Capital Project Reserve Capital Receipts TOTAL 435,079 31,900 15,000 22,622 13,173 0 58,320 1,699,053 2,275,147 58,320 1,701,630 2,291,201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,311,494 2,311,494 TOTAL FINANCING 2,275,147 2,291,201 2,311,494 435,079 31,900 15,000 36,099 13,173 Comments Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp 2011/12 Projected Outturn Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate Updated Budget 12/13 Comments 874,246 Grant schemes are progressing £ Housing Schemes Housing Renovation Grants Private Sector Renewal Grants 50,000 Annual programme Financed by; Capital Grant NNDC (Capital Receipts) 1,000,000 Financed by; Specified Capital Grant NNDC (Capital Receipts) Strategic Housing & Choice Based Lettings System Financed by; NNDC (Capital receipts) NNDC (Capital receipts) Capital Projects Reserve 50,000 3,561 50,000 0 Disabled Facilities Grants Housing Associations Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) NNDC (Capital Projects Reserve) Other Grants Affordable Housing Contributions 46,439 58,000 816,246 679,147 1,000,000 320,853 443,000 557,000 2,856,481 Annual programme 100,650 113,950 6,700 Empty Homes Financed by; NNDC (Capital receipts) NNDC (Capital receipts) 200,000 200,000 TOTAL 320,650 20,000 550,899 844,899 294,000 200,000 0 20,000 20,000 4,126,481 0 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 100,650 3,100,178 2,700,178 400,000 0 0 16,000 4,000 0 Grant schemes are progressing 443,000 521,105 2,059,765 520,614 132,735 143,367 120,650 964,105 0 0 1,276,485 2,114,899 838,414 4,938,529 Schemes and projected payment dates have been revised, with the resultant slippage of £2,011,582 due to be spent in 2012/13. Further module purchases are anticipated by year end. Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) 2011/12 Projected Outturn Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate Updated Budget 12/13 £ Housing Capital Programme Financing DCLG Capital Grant - SRHP Grant Other Grants Disabled Facilities Grants Affordable Housing Contributions Capital Projects Reserve Capital Receipts 50,000 132,735 443,000 143,367 524,614 2,832,765 50,000 132,735 443,000 143,367 524,614 821,183 58,000 0 443,000 0 400,000 4,037,529 TOTAL FINANCING 4,126,481 2,114,899 4,938,529 Comments Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) 2011/12 Projected Outturn Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate Updated Budget 12/13 Comments £ Coast Protection Cromer Coast Protection Scheme 982 and SEA SMP Preparation of Common Version for Approval and Other Additional Studies Pathfinder Project TOTAL 10,400,000 183,237 25,000 4,200 25,000 20,800 4,748,763 Works are progressing on this scheme. The updated budget for 13/14 is £5.0m while 14/15 is £0.443m 131,000 123,054 7,946 (579) 7,946 8,525 0 Works are progressing on this scheme. 1,967,015 345,394 1,621,621 1,061,263 1,621,621 560,358 0 Works are progressing on this scheme. 12,498,015 651,685 1,654,567 1,064,884 1,654,567 589,683 4,748,763 Financing DEFRA Grant 32,946 1,621,621 32,946 1,621,621 4,748,763 0 TOTAL FINANCING 1,654,567 1,654,567 4,748,763 Environment Agency Grant NNDC RESOURCES Capital Projects Reserve Balance at 1 April Revenue contribution to / (from) Reserve Utilised in year - GF Capital Schemes Utilised in year - Housing Capital Schemes Utilised in year - Revenue Estimated balance at 31 March 1,501,644 500,000 (58,320) (524,614) 0 1,440,515 429,180 0 (400,000) 0 1,418,710 1,469,695 Appendix A Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/11 Actual Exp Actual Expenditure Revised to January Budget 11/12 2012 (period 10) 2011/12 Projected Outturn Variance 2011/12 Updated Estimate Updated Budget 12/13 £ Usable Capital Receipts Balance at 1 April 8,945,293 8,945,293 Capital Receipts In Year; Lockerbie Flats Other receipts 1,340,979 490,397 1,340,979 490,397 (1,699,053) (2,832,765) 6,244,850 (1,701,630) (821,183) 8,253,855 Utilised in year - GF Capital Schemes Utilised in year - Housing Capital Schemes Estimated balance at 31 March 8,253,855 390,000 (2,311,494) (4,037,529) 2,294,832 Comments