Agenda Item No_______11_____ BUDGET MONITORING 2012/13 PERIOD 4 Summary: This report summarises the budget monitoring position for the revenue account and capital programme to the end of July 2012 (period 4). Conclusions: The overall position at the end of period 4 shows a forecast overspend of £69,074 for the current financial year on the revenue account. The forward financial projections for the period 2013/14 to 2016/17 are currently being worked upon for the financial strategy that covers the same period and will be presented to Members in October. Recommendations: It is recommended that: 1) Cabinet note the contents of the report and the current forecast for the current financial year; 2) Cabinet note the current position on the approved capital programme and approve the recommended amendments. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Cllr Wyndham Northam All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Karen Sly, 01263 516243, 1. Introduction and Background 1.1 This is the first budget monitoring report for the current financial year and compares the actual expenditure and income position at 31 July 2012 to the profiled base budget for the same period. The base budget for 2012/13 was approved by Full Council in February 2012, subsequent updates to the budget have been made to reflect the carry forward of funds from the 2011/12 financial year as reported to Cabinet and Scrutiny in June within the 2011/12 outturn report and also for in year virements. 1.2 The base budget for 2012/13 includes savings and additional income totalling £897,096 within service areas. In addition to this savings totalling £375,446 to be delivered from two internal workstreams, pay and grading and management restructure are included in the budget for 2012/13. An update on the progress for delivering these savings is included within the report at section 3. 1.3 An updated capital programme for the period 2012/13 to 2013/14 was included within the 2011/12 outturn report presented to Members in June 2012. This report includes the latest monitoring position for the 2012/13 capital programme and also highlights any scheme updates where applicable. 1.4 The format of the revenue budget monitoring reports has been updated to reflect the new management structure. The revenue financial reports including the annual budget book were previously aligned to each of the former Strategic Directors, i.e. Community, Environment, Information and Resources. The presentation of revenue financial information is now aligned to each of the Heads of Service plus Corporate services which includes Legal, Members services and Corporate Leadership team. It is noted that some restructurings below the Heads of Service is still to be completed and there may be some further reallocation of services between the Heads of Service although it is anticipated that this will be minimal and this will be reflected in subsequent reports. 1.5 The capital reporting format has been updated to reflect the current corporate plan priorities. Further comments on this format are included at section 6. 2. Budget Monitoring Position – Revenue Services 2.1 The general fund summary at Appendix A shows the high level budget monitoring position at 31 July 2012. This shows a year to date variance of £119,228. Appendix B provides further details of the individual service variances. The following tables seek to provide reasons for the more significant variances along with those which are anticipated to have a full year effect. Over/ (Under) Spend to Date £ Assets and Leisure Car Parking – The current underspend reflects a number of variances on both income and expenditure compared to the profiled budget. These include additional repairs and maintenance totalling £24,900 of which £20,000 related to ticket machines. There is also an additional management fee relating to the previous financial year of £12,000. Additional car park fee and excess charge income totalling £59,800 has been received for the first four months compared to the profiled budget which has negated the impact of the overspend on expenditure. Due to the demand led nature of the income budget and the fluctuations relating to the weather, no full year impact is currently anticipated, although the position will continue to be monitored. Administration Buildings – The variance to date and the full year impact is mainly due to a reduction in the National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) costs following a revaluation of Cromer and Fakenham Connect offices. This has been offset by professional fees which were incurred in order to achieve the NNDR reduction. The net effect is an underspend of £14,000. Estimated Full Year Impact £ (20,693) 0 (20,305) (14,000) Over/ (Under) Spend to Date £ (24,563) Estimated Full Year Impact £ Leisure Complexes – The variance to date and full year impact reflects an inflationary increase on the Management fee. 5,744 14,000 CCTV – Contributions including those made voluntarily no longer anticipated. 1,111 3,045 (18,526) 0 (7,220) (19,000) 64,273 8,500 (4,304) 4,000 4,176 11,400 7,379 2,000 Sports Centres – The variance to date includes a credit of £31,972 that reflects a payment that has not yet been invoiced to NNDC for 2011/12. The remaining variance and the full year effect is the combined impact of staff savings from a vacant post (£6,000) and sports hall income being less than budgeted of £13,000. 7,000 Community and Economic Development No Major Variances Customer Services Homelessness – The variance to date reflects income received in respect of Your Choice Your home which is yet to be offset by expenditure. Customer Services (Corporate) – The full year impact reflects a post that has become vacant in the year which is not currently planned to be replaced. Development Management Development Management – The variance to date is due to actual planning income being less than the profiled budget, although there are a number of larger applications anticipated that would turn this situation around. The full year implication reflects a shortfall in income anticipated as part of the 2012/13 budget for pre application advice and for certificate of proposed lawful development. Planning Policy – The 2012/13 budget assumed a reduction in the level of external grants paid by NNDC of £9,500, the actual reduction is only now expected to be £5,500. Planning Management and Support – A savings proposal was accepted as part of the 2012/13 budget which covered a review of the management support. This has not yet commenced and therefore the saving will not be delivered in the current year as budgeted. This variance was highlighted as part of the 2011/12 outturn report and a service underspend was rolled forward as part of the year end process to mitigate the impact in 2012/13. Local Land Charges – The full year effect reflects the Over/ (Under) Spend to Date £ additional income that was included as part of the 2012/13 budget process which is not now anticipated as the revised charging structure is still to be agreed. Environmental Health Environmental Protection – The full year impact is due to the delay in implementing staffing restructure within the service. There is estimated to be an impact in the current year only. Cleansing – Of the variance to date £12,375 reflects an underspend on employee costs due to a vacant post. The remaining variance and full year effect relates to additional income anticipated from dog and litter bins. Estimated Full Year Impact £ (2,809) 9,047 (18,346) (3,690) (88,695) 0 Non Distributed Costs – This service includes the pension payments in relation to past employees. Inflation is chargeable on these payments, although this is normally contained by reductions in the payments following the death of members. The full year effect reflects inflation which has not been offset by reduced payments. 2,499 10,272 Corporate and Democratic Core – The variance to date reflects an outstanding creditor from the previous financial year in respect of external audit costs. The full year effect reflects the saving now anticipated to the audit fee following from the changes to the external auditing arrangements from 2012/13 onwards. (109,311) (50,000) (24,891) 0 79,463 0 (175,018) (17,426) Financial Services Local Taxation – The variance to date reflects a one-off grant received to assist in funding costs associated with the design and implementation of the new localised Council Tax Scheme. Organisational Development Human Resources and Payroll – The variance to date is due to the corporate training programme not yet being delivered. All training needs will be assessed following the interim appraisal process. Registration Services – The variance to date reflects income that has not yet been invoiced in relation to elections due to work still outstanding in agreeing returns and information. Corporate No Major Variances TOTAL 3. Budget Monitoring Position – Savings and Additional Income 2012/13 3.1 The base budget for 2012/13 includes savings and additional income totalling £897,096 within the service areas. The following table shows a summary of the savings across each of the service areas. The detail for each of the service savings is included at Appendix C. Table 2 below summaries the position for each service heading. Table 2 – Savings and Additional Income 2012/13 Assets Coastal Defence & Leisure Customer Services Community and Economic Development Development Management Environmental Health Financial Services Organisational Development Corporate Total 2012/13 Base Budget £ 231,778 165,976 5,000 111,500 201,837 93,285 20,160 67,560 897,096 2012/13 Updated Budget £ 231,778 165,976 5,000 85,598 192,790 93,285 20,160 67,560 862,147 Variance £ 0 0 0 25,902 9,047 0 0 0 34,949 3.2 The variances on the service savings are included in the position reported within section 2 of the report. 3.3 In addition to the service savings, two on-going work streams for pay and grading and management restructure were originally forecast to deliver savings of £225,446 and £150,000 respectively in 2012/13. The original saving to be delivered from the pay and grading review assumed a start date of 1 April 2012 and was based on the previous version of the pay scale model. Full Council approved the implementation of a new pay model at the meeting of Full Council on 18 April 2012 and new contracts have been issued to staff to move to the new terms and conditions and new pay model on 2 October 2012. The level of savings originally anticipated from the review will not now be achieved. The full implications of the pay and grading will be factored in to financial projections as they are revised over the coming months, however the initial forecasts suggests that the net impact to the 2012/13 budget will be in the region of £150,000. 3.4 An earmarked reserve has been established to fund one-off costs in relation to the pay and grading review, for example for the payment of arrears where individuals are entitled to back pay to the date of implementation (April 2009). If required this reserve can be used to cushion the impact of a reduced level of savings as a one-off to allow the ongoing implications to be addressed as part of the financial planning process. 3.5 Members will be aware of the progress that has been made regarding the restructure of Management Team. On-going savings of £150,000 have been included in the revenue budget from 2012/13. Based on the appointments made to date the actual savings are forecast to exceed the level included in the budget for 2012/13 by approximately £100,000. The restructure is yet to be finalised and as further appointments are made the forecasts will be updated and factored into the detailed employee budgets as part of the budget process. Overall between these two corporate savings workstreams there is an estimated full year cost of £50,000. 4. Treasury Management 4.1 The budget for 2012/13 anticipated that a net total of £269,900 would be earned in interest. This assumed an average balance of £26m at a rate of 1.03%. 4.2 At the end of period 4, a total of £76,524 had been earned resulting in a shortfall against the year to date budget of £14,421. The rate of interest achieved was 0.95% from an average balance available for investment of £24.3m. 4.3 Based on the actual results to period 4, a total interest receivable figure of £222,000 is forecast for the year from an average balance £24.4m at an average rate of 0.91%. This will result in a shortfall against the full year budget £47,900. 4.4 Although the maximum duration for investments with certain counterparties has recently been extended on advice from the Council’s treasury management advisors, the interest which can be earned from term deposits is anticipated to remain very low throughout 2012/13. The balance available for investment is also lower than anticipated in the budget. Options to enhance the rate of return from investment in pooled property funds are being considered, which may reduce the anticipated shortfall. 4.5 Table 1 below sets out investment activity for the first quarter of 2012/13. Table 1 Banks & Building Societies Money Market Funds Bonds The Debt Management Office 4.6 Balance Investments 31/03/2012 Made £000s £000s 17,900 20,100 Investments Repaid £000s (19,000) Balance 30/06/2012 £000s 19,000 Increase/ (Decrease) £000s 1,100 1,210 26,355 (23,775) 3,790 2,580 1,000 0 0 3,130 0 (3,130) 1,000 0 0 0 20,110 49,585 (45,905) 23,790 3,680 Credit Risk Table 2 below shows the level of risk within the Council’s investment portfolio on both a value weighted and time weighted base. Table 2 Date 30/06/2011 30/09/2011 31/12/2011 31/03/2012 30/06/2012 Value Weighted Average – Credit Risk Score AA AA AA A+ A+ Value Weighted Average – Credit Rating Time Weighted Average – Credit Risk Score AA AA AA AA AA 3.24 2.74 3.23 4.59 4.61 Time Weighted Average – Credit Rating 2.69 2.96 3.47 3.39 3.06 Scoring: Value weighted average reflects the credit quality of investments according to the size of the deposit, time weighted average reflects the credit quality of investments according to the maturity of the deposit. AAA = highest credit quality = 1, D = lowest credit quality = 15, The aim is to achieve a credit rating of A- or higher, with a score of 7 or lower, to reflect current investment approach with main focus on security. The reduction in value weighted credit score from AA to A+ is a result of the sale of £4m of AAA rating Eurosterling bonds in December 2011. Overall the score remains above the minimum of A-. 5. Budget Monitoring Position – Summary 5.1 The following table provides a summary of the full year projections for the service areas along with an updated use of reserves figure where applicable. Table 3 – Summary of Full Year Effects 2012/13 Estimated Full Year Effect £ Service Areas (Table 2) Corporate Savings (Para 3.5) Non Service Expenditure (Para 4.3) Transfers from Reserves Total Impact 5.2 (17,426) 50,000 47,900 (11,400) 69,074 Overall the revenue position shows a projected overspend of £69,074 for the current financial year. This position will continue to be monitored to ensure that the overall revenue budget remains achievable for the year. The information contained within this report will be used to inform the financial projections for the period 2013/14 to 2016/17. 6. Budget Monitoring Position – Capital 6.1 Members were provided with an updated capital programme for both current and future years as part of the 2011/12 final accounts report to Cabinet in June 2012. Appendix D shows the latest position for the updated programme, both for General Fund and Coastal Protection, which has been realigned to the priorities included within the Corporate Plan 2012-2015. The appendix also provides details of the individual schemes spend up to Period 4. 6.2 The following sections provide an update on the capital programme, incorporating the inclusion of three further schemes, all of which have received Cabinet approval. 6.3 Sheringham Skate Park – At the Cabinet meeting of the 16 July 2012, approval was given for a £20,000 contribution from capital receipts towards the Sheringham Skate Park. This scheme has been separately identified within the capital programme. 6.4 Big Society Fund – The capital programme now includes the £200,000 capital budget for the Big Society Fund. At the current time there is spend totalling £110,858, which relates to all schemes which received approval under round one of the grant applications process which took place in May 2012. 6.5 Cromer to Winterton Coastal Protection Scheme – This scheme has received approval from the Environment Agency, and has been included within the appendix with a total budget of £110,000. 6.6 Cromer Red Lion Toilet Refurbishment – The works in relation to this scheme have now been completed. Unfortunately, the scheme has gone over the original budget identified, and as such it is requested that the under spend on the completed Public Conveniences Improvements scheme of £7,095 is vired to partially cover this overspend. 6.7 Car Park Improvements works – There are currently two budgets within the capital programme relating to car park improvements. It is requested that the remaining budget of £6,456 on the Car Park Environmental Improvements is combined with the new scheme of Car Park Resurfacing and Refurbishment, to give an updated budget of £192,456 for improvement works to car parks. 7. Conclusion 7.1 The overall revenue budget is showing an estimated full year overspend for the current financial year of £69,074. The overall financial position for the current and future years will be considered in further details over the coming months as part of the budget and financial planning process. 8. Financial Implications and Risks 8.1 The detail within section 2 of the report highlights the more significant variances including those that are estimated to result in a full year impact. In addition the progress made in achieving the two workstream savings targets from the management restructure and pay and grading will continue to be monitored and managed to ensure that the overall impact to the Council’s budget is mitigated. 8.2 The budget for 2012/13 includes service savings and additional income totalling £897,096. The progress in achieving these is being monitored as part of the overall budget monitoring process and where applicable corrective action will be identified and implemented to ensure the overall budget remains achievable. 9. Sustainability - None as a direct consequence from this report. 10. Equality and Diversity - None as a direct consequence from this report. 11. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations - None as a direct consequence from this report.