Agenda Item 2__ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 09 March 2015 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am. Members Present: Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mr J Lee Mr W Northam Mr R Oliver Mr G Williams Also attending: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs L Brettle Miss B Palmer Officers in Attendance: Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr S Ward The Chief Executive, the Corporate Directors, the Chief Accountant, the Head of Economic Development and Communities, the Customer Services Team Leader (Housing), the Health and Communities Officer, and the Democratic Services Team Leader The Chairman opened the meeting by thanking members for attending the flag-raising ceremony to commemorate Commonwealth Day. 116. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None 117. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd February 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman 118. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None 119. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received 120. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None Cabinet 1 09 March 2015 121. MEMBER QUESTIONS The Leader confirmed that Members could ask questions as each item arose. 122. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE CABINET BY THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE OR COUNCIL FOR RECONSIDERATION None 123. CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE None 124. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE PLANNING POLICY AND BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY Mr B Cabbell Manners, Portfolio Holder for Planning introduced this item. He said that the proposals had been considered by the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party which had recommended approval. He clarified that the Council was not changing its current policy regarding the number of dwellings in those parts of the District designated as AONB or defined as a Rural Area under s157 of the Housing Act. It was proposed by Mr B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RESOLVED a) To agree that the Council indicates that it will not currently introduce a threshold of five dwellings in those parts of the District designated as AONB or defined as a Rural Area under Section 157 of the Housing Act and will reconsider the position as part of the review of the Housing Incentive Scheme in December 2015 b) That the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2014-2019 is approved. c) That the Fakenham Development Brief be approved. 125. BUDGET MONITORING – PERIOD 10 Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance introduced this item. He explained that the report summarised the budget monitoring position for the revenue account and capital programme to the end of January 2015. The overall position showed a year to date variance of £2,826,265 for the current financial year on the revenue account. Once commitments were taken into account this was expected to deliver a forecast full year underspend of £376,624. He drew Members’ attention to three areas where there had been a significant underspend – car parking, legal services and waste recycling credits. He went onto say that the government’s ‘Repair and Renewal’ grants schemes which provided financial support for businesses affected by the tidal surge had been extended until June 2015 and claims would be accepted until then. Mr Northam concluded by referring to the recent request by Broadland Housing Cabinet 2 09 March 2015 Group to vary the repayment schedule for the loan provided to them. He said that this was a much lauded scheme and although the money would come in a little slower it would benefit everyone. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr R Oliver and RESOLVED 1) Cabinet note the contents of the report and the current budget monitoring position. 2) Cabinet note the contents of the Revised Capital Appendix C. 3) Cabinet agree that the Head of Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder be able to approve the most financially advantageous loan repayment option for NNDC with Broadland Housing Group. Reason for the decision: To update Members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council, and make all amendments to the capital budget as appropriate. 126. NORTH NORFOLK BIG SOCIETY FUND Mr J Lee, Chairman of the Big Society Fund Grants Panel introduced this item. He said that he was very pleased to be putting the proposals forward. The Big Society Fund had been extremely successful and the Enabling Fund had also been very beneficial to local communities, supporting large projects such as the Homes for Wells scheme which had resulted in 11 new affordable homes. He said that there was an underspend of £200k in the Enabling Fund budget and it was proposed that in order to maximise the value of this budget that it was aligned to the emerging LEADER funding programme which focussed on themes that would bring more value locally. Members were invited to speak: 1. Mr G Williams said that due to the clawback of grant funding in recent years, the Big Society Fund was now the primary source of such funding in the District. By linking the Enabling Fund to the LEADER programme there was the potential to bring in l £300k of additional funding. 2. Mr R Reynolds commented on the great success of the Big Society Fund (BSF). He said that he hoped it would continue as it benefitted the towns and villages of the District and it was gratifying to see second homes money going directly to local communities. 3. MR W Northam said that the BSF money that had been spent on sporting facilities such as the skate park, MUGA, outdoor gym and table-tennis club in his own ward of Mundesley had made a huge difference and was much appreciated. 4. Mrs A Fitch-Tillet agreed. She referred to the the Northrepps Film Society which had received two sets of funding – initially to kick start the project and then to purchase equipment. The society was very popular and well supported. 5. Mr R Oliver, Deputy Leader, agreed with the previous comments. He said that in his own ward of Sheringham the BSF money had kick-started the skate park project and a further £200k of investment had been generated subsequently. 6. The Leader, Mr T FitzPatrick said that it was gratifying to hear so many positive comments. In his own ward there were several that had received grants. He had been pleased to see the recreation ground in Walsingham receive a grant and Cabinet 3 09 March 2015 the small villages of East and West Barsham had benefitted from funding for fitness equipment. The residents of Sculthorpe were also delighted with the new kitchen in the village hall. 7. Mr Northam said that all Members would like to thank Sonia Shuter, Health and Communities Officer for all her hard work in supporting the Big Society Fund. It was proposed by Mr J Lee, seconded by Mr G Williams and RESOLVED 1. To agree that the details and the ‘prospectus’ for the new grant scheme (to replace the Enabling Fund) would be brought to Cabinet at an appropriate future meeting, for approval. 2. That applications for funding under this new grant scheme be brought to Cabinet for decision at the appropriate time. RESOLVED to recommend to Council: 3. to agree to continue the Big Society Fund grant scheme at the current level of funding (£225,000) for another year and to delegate authority to the Head of Economic & Community Development, in Consultation with the portfolio holder, to make appropriate revision to the grant terms and conditions to address the matters raised in this report; 4. that £200,000 of the underspend from the budget allocated to the Enabling Fund in 2014/15 be carried forward from this year into next financial year, to be used as potential match-funding for projects relating to investment, development, regeneration, revitalisation, promotion or marketing of the District’s seven (market and resort) towns, bidding for funds under the LEADER programme; Reasons for the decision: To ensure Cabinet is informed about the operation of the Big Society Fund during its third year. To align financial resources to leverage additional funds to support initiatives aimed at development, investment and improvement in the District’s towns. 127. HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY Mr R Oliver, Portfolio Holder for Housing, introduced this item. He explained that the Homeless Act 2002 required all local authorities to undertake a review of homelessness in their area and publish a Homelessness Strategy based on the findings every 5 years. He confirmed that a review of homelessness and of current services had been undertaken and identified 5 aims that would be carried forward to improve and enhance services. Mr Oliver went onto say that the Council had a good record on affordable homes and in the last year the administration had delivered the largest ever number of affordable homes in the District and in Norfolk. He said that he believed the provision of affordable housing was key to tackling the number of people on the housing register Members were invited to speak: 1. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds said that there had been three families under threat of homelessness in her own ward of Fakenham and she was pleased to say that they had all been found new homes thanks to the support of the Council’s Housing team. Cabinet 4 09 March 2015 2. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett referred to the tidal surge of December 2013 and said that many people had been made homeless and as previously mentioned the Housing team had worked really hard to find them accommodation. She added that sometimes homelessness was triggered by large unforeseen events. 3. Mr R Reynolds agreed. He said that the fire in Fakenham in 2014 had left 9 families homeless but homes had been found very quickly for them. Mr T FitzPatrick thanked everyone for their comments. He reiterated the huge amount of work done by NNDC staff and councillors following both the tidal surge and the fire. It was proposed by Mr R Oliver, seconded by Mr B Cabbell Manners and RESOLVED: To adopt the Homelessness Strategy 2014-2019 Reasons for the decision: To ensure that the Councils Homelessness Strategy is reviewed and published as determined by the Homeless Act 2002. 128. NORTH NORFOLK GROWTH PLAN The Leader, Mr T FitzPatrick, presented this item. He explained that the report summarised the current economic context of North Norfolk and the infrastructure in place for supporting business investment and economic growth in the District. He went onto say that the report identified the challenges and opportunities for supporting further growth and outlined activities that the Council should undertake in order to develop and implement a comprehensive growth plan. Mr FitzPatrick then outlined the recommendations, explaining that the final Growth Strategy would be presented to Council for consideration. 1. Mr B Cabbell Manners said that he supported the recommendations and believed that focussing on growth and putting a framework in place to support this was one of the most important things that the Council could do. 2. Mr G Williams agreed, saying that without a Growth Plan in place not much else could happen. The District needed jobs, skills and investment to improve the quality of life. A holistic approach, as proposed was very important and would be the best way of achieving all of these ambitions. 3. Mr FitzPatrick made reference to the £1m set aside to support the roll-out of Broadband which was vital in supporting growth across the District. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mr B Cabbell Manners and RESOLVED a) To endorse the work streams outlined in the table appended to this report. b) To agree to commission a ‘Business Growth and Investment Opportunities’ study as set out in section 6.3 of the report. The results of this study and other evidence gathering processes will contribute to the development of a growth strategy, which will be recommended to Council as part of the policy framework. Reasons for the decision: Cabinet 5 09 March 2015 To agree the framework, which will guide the Council’s economic growth activities and consequently the resources allocated to supporting these. 129. PROPOSED CO-LOCATION OF DEPARTMENT OF WORK AND PENSIONS AND JOBCENTRE PLUS STAFF/SERVICES AT THE DISTRICT COUNCIL’S CROMER HEADQUARTERS AND FAKENHAM CONNECT OFFICES Mr R Oliver, Portfolio Holder for Assets introduced this item. He explained that the report outlined proposals to accommodate Department for Work and Pensions and Jobcentre Plus staff and services in two of the District Council’s offices. He said that the proposals would provide improved support for local residents whilst delivering efficiencies for public sector provision in North Norfolk. This supported the innovative approach taken by the Council in recent years and would ensure convenience and efficiency together with a cost saving for NNDC. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, in seconding the proposal agreed with Mr Oliver’s comments. She said that a ‘one-stop shop’ for residents was an excellent idea and would reduce the challenges that people losing their job already faced by providing them with a single point of contact and support. She added that she had some concerns about the bus service to the Cromer office and suggested that the Council lobby for improvements. Mr R Reynolds said that he welcomed proposals to fully utilise the Fakenham Connect building Mr T FitzPatrick said that the proposals supported the ‘one government estate’ approach and would provide a better service for customers and residents. It was proposed by Mr R Oliver, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RESOLVED to 1. Approve the co-location of Department of Work and Pensions and JobCentrePlus staff and services at the Council’s Cromer and Fakenham Connect offices, at a commercial rent. 2. Approve capital spending of up to £70,000 on the Fakenham Connect offices in order to accommodate Department of Work and Pensions and JobCentrePlus services, with the capital costs incurred being recovered through the rental stream paid over a five year initial rental period. Reasons for the decision: To provide improved services and outcomes for local residents and deliver efficiencies and economies of scale for public sector service provision in North Norfolk. The Meeting closed at 10.35 am _______________ Chairman Cabinet 6 09 March 2015