Cabinet 09 January 2012 Agenda Item No_____________ NORTH NORFOLK FLAG FISHERIES & COMMUNITIES ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMME Summary: Conclusions: Cabinet agreement is sought to make available to North Norfolk Business Forum (NNBF) an interest free loan for £50,000 over a 3 ½ year period. This loan is to provide cash flow support to the NNBF in advance of the organisation making retrospective quarterly claims for reimbursement from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). Authority is sought from Cabinet to advance a loan of £50,000 to the North Norfolk Business Forum, under the terms of a Loan Agreement made between this Council acting as Sponsor and the North Norfolk Business Forum acting as Programme Manager. The North Norfolk Business Forum agrees to repay the interest free loan to this Council following the final grant payment received from the MMO at the end of the 3 year programme. The project contributes significantly to maintaining a viable fishing industry in North Norfolk. The North Norfolk Business Forum is a Community Interest Company supported principally by volunteers. This facility will provide the working cash flow required in advance of retrospective reimbursement from the Marine Management Organisation. Recommendations: That Members agree: • to provide an interest free loan for £50,000 to the North Norfolk Business Forum (NNBF) for a period of 3 ½ years to help the organisations cash-flow while undertaking their agreed role and responsibilities as FLAG Programme Manager. Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Robin Smith Economic & Tourism Development Manager 01263 516236 Cabinet 2.1 09 January 2012 Introduction Members will be aware that the Council has been successful in helping the North Norfolk Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) secure European funding to bring forward a comprehensive package of projects around the North Norfolk coast valued in total at more than £2.4 million. The purpose behind this initiative is to ensure that the local fishing industry continues to have a sustainable and profitable future, with an exciting mix of initiatives likely to bring benefits well beyond the three year duration of the Programme. The North Norfolk FLAG comprises representatives from the fishing industry, public organisations and private business in the District and is chaired by local businessman John Williams. An agreement signed between the FLAG and the Marine Management Organisation, responsible for marine issues in the UK, has opened up access to this investment from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF). The monies, made of EFF funding (60%) and match-funding from other sources (40%), will be used to boost the competitiveness and sustainability of the North Norfolk fishery, open up new markets, provide new infrastructure (including an innovative approach to Broadband delivery) and ensure the environmental impact of fishing off North Norfolk remains minimal. 2.2 Background This Programme represents the collective aspirations of all the stakeholders involved in coastal matters across Norfolk. Over the last five years local stakeholders have worked tirelessly together and have now successfully established a Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) covering the Norfolk coastline between Thornham and Caister-on-Sea. It is the expressed wish of the newly formed FLAG that this initiative should deliver an integrated programme of mutually beneficial actions that support what is needed for the sustainable and profitable development of the sector. This can only happen through community adaptation and improving the resilience of the industry to the predicted future impacts of managing stocks and supporting ecosystems through to the development of new markets, diversification and smarter working. The North Norfolk FLAG is one of six organisations around the coast of England which will represent the interests of their fisheries area and implement the projects approved for delivery through EFF Axis 4. The North Norfolk FLAG has already progressed through a competitive selection process facilitated by the MMO and has produced a local development strategy and business plan detailing a range of projects accessible by businesses and communities in North Norfolk and the procedure for moving these projects forward between 2012 and 2014. The North Norfolk FLAG has been awarded an EFF allocation of £1,430,000 estimated to a total programme worth of £2,383,000. The EFF allocation has been divided up between seven workstreams under which individual projects have been streamed. 2.3 Responsibilities The North Norfolk Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) has been delegated responsibility by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to make decisions on applications for European Fisheries Funding (EFF) based on the terms and conditions laid down in the EFF Axis 4 Framework Agreement. The Framework Agreement governs among other things, the management of EFF Axis 4. It sets out the principles and standards that the MMO expects the North Norfolk FLAG to comply with and uphold. The Sponsoring Body, namely North Norfolk District Council, will be responsible for ensuring that the North Norfolk FLAG complies with the terms and conditions of the Axis 4 Framework Agreement. In appraising a project or determining the merits of providing grant support, the Cabinet 09 January 2012 North Norfolk FLAG will be required to carry out a formal assessment of the project and in doing so will be required to demonstrate a sufficient level of stringency which will satisfy the Sponsoring Body’s requirements. 2.4 The Fisheries and Communities Engagement Programme The North Norfolk FLAG is charged with developing and implementing an integrated local development strategy for the North Norfolk fishing sector based upon positive community engagement and a bottom-up approach. The FLAG must ensure that there is sufficient critical mass of resources to support the strategy, including sufficient administrative and financial capacity to administer the assistance, and ensure operations are successfully completed. These conditions define the nature of the partnership and the basis of its operation. Thus, we are talking here about a relationship that: • brings together – on an equal footing – entities from the public, private and civic society sectors; • ensures that the sectors work together to identify and pursue the achievement of common goals; • is long-term, ie goes beyond a single project or short-term cooperation; • involves the sharing of risks and benefits between all the partners; and • recognises that in working together, building on and complementing each other’s strengths and assets, the partners are stronger. Sponsoring Body Lead Body North Norfolk District Council North Norfolk FLAG Operational Body FLAG Project Board Project Manager North Norfolk Business Forum North Norfolk FLAG Project Programme The Fisheries and Communities Engagement Programme will provide the coordination and management which will: • bring forward project applications to the Project Board for approval in a timely manner; Cabinet 09 January 2012 • ensure that the programme outlined here will be commissioned according to a full business plan; and • deliver the aspirations of the whole North Norfolk fishing community. 2.5 Financial Implications and Risks The Fisheries and Communities Engagement Programme is a vital one to secure the future of the fishing industry along the North Norfolk coastline. Without this Programme it is unlikely that the FLAG will be able to bring forward the individual projects identified in the programme of activity. The North Norfolk Business Forum (NNBF) has been selected as the main facilitator to help drive through the North Norfolk Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) projects. The funding for this project is ultimately to be provided by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) through the FLAG but the NNBF are a small organisation and as such are not able to finance the project in advance of receiving the grant payments, which are to be drawn down from the MMO quarterly in arrears. The ‘facilitator’ role to be taken on by the NNBF has provisionally been allocated a total scheme budget of £270,000 over a 3 year period which equates to £90,000 per annum. It is hoped that the Council can provide a facility whereby an interest free loan is provided to the NNBF to enable them to start the project, which they will then repay to the Council at the end of the scheme upon receipt of the final grant income from the MMO. This arrangement will be in place for just over 3 years and cover the life of the project as the drawdown of funds will always be quarterly in arrears from the MMO and will mean that some form of financial support will be required by the NNBF over the period to help with the cash-flow requirements in advance of the drawdown of grant monies. It is assumed that cash-flow requirements will be fairly even over the year as the project is based on staffing and associated costs and therefore the quarterly anticipated spend would be approximately £22,500. The Council would need to advance this amount to the NNFB to cover the first quarter’s expenditure. Following the end of quarter 1 the NNFB would then submit a claim to the MMO to be processed to cover the quarter 1 expenditure. At this point the NNFB would still not have received any grant monies and therefore the Council would need to provide further cash-flow facilities to cover the second quarter’s expenditure. During this second quarter the MMO will be able to process the claim for quarter 1 and then pay this money over to the NNBF, which will then be used by the NNBF to help fund the next quarter’s expenditure (quarter 3). This situation will then continue over the life of the project, with the NNBF claiming grant monies from the MMO quarterly in arrears. Based on the assumptions above the maximum exposure to the Council would be no more than around £45,000 (2 quarters advanced payments based on £22,500 per quarter) although it is thought to be prudent to build in a bit of flexibility with this as there may be some upfront setup costs. A draft loan agreement has therefore been prepared to cover these arrangements and it is recommended that a loan offer of £50,000 be made to the NNBF for the purposes of providing cash-flow facilities in advance of the grant drawdown from the MMO. There is a potential risk to the Council as the repayment of the loan will be dependent upon the successful drawdown of funds by the NNBF from the MMO and this will be dependent upon the NNBF complying with the terms and conditions of the grant, for example in relation to what constitutes ‘eligible expenditure’. Based on the project proposals submitted by the NNBF there is no reason to believe the grant claims will not be successful, and monitoring and support for this process will be undertaken by both the FLAG and the Economic Development Team at NNDC. Cabinet 09 January 2012 At the end of the 3 year project following the final grant claim and audit of the project the NNBF will repay the £50,000 loan to the Council. However due to the fact that the claims are quarterly in arrears it is recommended that the actual loan agreement be for a period of 3 ½ years. Should any pre-condition set between North Norfolk District Council and North Norfolk Business Forum be contravened the Council will have the legal right to pursue formal action. 2.6 Summary This Council recognises that partnership working, based on wide industry support, is the only way of reaching this long-term horizon and that all the partners should play their part in delivering the strategic goals. New ways of working based on trust and new alliances must be sought in order to encourage the realistic ownership of projects by the fishing industry. A critical and central component to drive and steer the successful delivery of FLAG project over the next three years is the North Norfolk Fisheries Community Engagement Programme. This programme has been created to be directly owned by the FLAG as the underpinning resource that harnesses the strengths of all the stakeholders. This will create the necessary dynamic within the partnership to produce the required level of energy in order to sustain commitment to drive projects through to their successful conclusion. At the heart of the FLAG programme, the Fisheries and Communities Engagement Programme has been developed to promote and encourage the uptake of projects applied for by businesses and individuals within the target area. Local fishing businesses can expect to be contacted by the Animator (liaison officer) from the Business Forum, whose role is to help with project and funding applications, and to represent the fishery at future meetings and consultations. This model has been used effectively by this Council over the past ten years, enabling the communities in North Norfolk to successfully deliver more than £30 million worth of investment to projects jointly owned by public, private and third sector stakeholders. The adoption of this approach will ensure effective facilitation of projects from their earliest stage of development through to the timely and eligible targeting of European Fisheries funding. The Fisheries and Communities Engagement Plan will coordinate the initiation of projects in alignment with the workstreams (reference diagram above) and each project or initiative will undergo EFF, MMO and Fisheries proofing to ensure that the spirit and rationale of the programme is upheld for all the partners’ sakes. The project contributes significantly to maintaining a viable fishing industry in North Norfolk. The North Norfolk Business Forum is a Community Interest Company supported principally by volunteers. This facility will provide the working cash flow required in advance of retrospective reimbursement from the Marine Management Organisation. 2.7 Recommendations That Members agree: • to provide an interest free loan for £50,000 to the North Norfolk Business Forum (NNBF) for a period of 3 ½ years to help the organisation with cash-flow while undertaking their agreed role and responsibilities as FLAG Programme Manager.