CABINET – 08 February 2016 Decision List Notes: All decisions in this Decision List which are not identified as RECOMMENDATIONS to Council are capable of being "called-in" under Section 8 of Chapter 4, Part 3 of the Constitution. If not called-in, they will take effect on the expiry of 5 clear working days after the publication of this decision list. For the avoidance of doubt, the deadline for a call-in request for this decision list will be 15 February 2016 The officer listed as taking action will generally be the author of the original report unless otherwise notified to the Democratic Services Team. ACTION BY ITEM 9: JOINT STAFF CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE DECISION RESOLVED: To implement the revised Foundation UK Living Wage of £8.25 to staff in the Council (excluding apprentices) with effect from the date 1 November 2015 and to review this on an annual basis Julie Cooke Head of Organisational Development 01263 516040 ITEM 10: PLANNING POLICY & BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY DECISION RESOLVED: To approve the proposed Neighbourhood Area designation Decision List – 08 February 2016 Sarah Ashurst Planning Policy Team Leader 01263 516144 ITEM 11: MANAGING PERFORMANCE QUARTER 3 2015/16 DECISION RESOLVED To notes the report, welcome the progress being made and endorse the actions laid out in Appendix 1 being taken by management where there are areas of concern. Helen Thomas Policy & Performance Management Officer 01263 516214 ITEM 12: ANNUAL ACTION PLAN 2016-2017 DECISION RESOLVED to approve the Annual Action Plan 2016-17 as set out in Appendix 1 and the targets and recommendations for performance indicators as set out in Appendix 2. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive 01263 516000 ITEM 13: 2016/17 BUDGET REPORT DECISION RESOLVED to recommend to Council 1)The 2016/17 revenue budget as outlined at Appendix A; 2)The surplus of £898,871 be allocated to the restructuring/Invest to save reserve and business rates reserve as outlined in the report; 3)The Fees and Charges for 2016/17 as set out in the report and appendices and the changes to the Local Land Charge with immediate effect as detailed at 5.4; 4)The demand on the Collection Fund for2016/17, subject to any amendments as a result of final precepts still to be received be: a. £5,473,605 for District purposes b. £1,887,810 (subject to confirmation of the final precepts) for Parish/Town Precepts; Decision List – 08 February 2016 Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 Council Decision Feb 2016 5) The statement of and movement on the reserves as detailed at Appendix F; 6) To extend the current car park enforcement contract with Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council by 1 year and delegate authority to the Head of Assets and Leisure to progress negotiations; 7) The updated Capital Programme and financing for 2015/16 to 2018/19 as detailed at Appendix G; 8) The new capital bids as detailed at Appendix H; 9) The prudential indicators as included at Appendix I; 10) That members note the current financial projections for the period 2017/18 to 2019/20; 11) That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive to submit the Council’s Efficiency Plan as required once further guidance is published and that the Council accepts the four year finance settlement as referred to within the report. ITEM 14: CAR PARK FEES AND CHARGES DECISION RESOLVED to recommend to Council Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure 01263 516330 1. To increase charges in coastal and resort car parks by 30 pence an hour 2. To freeze charges in standard car parks Council Decision Feb 2016 3. To freeze charges for annual season tickets, introducing a monthly direct debit option ITEM 15: TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STATEMENT 2016/17 DECISION RESOLVED to recommend to Council Tony Brown 01263 516126 That the Council be asked to RESOLVE that The Treasury Management Strategy Statement is approved. Council Decision Feb 2016 Decision List – 08 February 2016 ITEM 16: CUSTOMER CONTACT CENTRE SYSTEM PROCUREMENT DECISION RESOLVED To approve the release of £60,000 previously identified Digital Transformation capital funding to procure a Customer Contact Management System. The project to be complete by September 2016. Sean Kelly Head of Business Transformation & IT 01263 516276 That the procurement of the Customer Contact Management System be delegated to the appropriate Corporate Director. ITEM 17: PUBLIC SPACE PROTECTION ORDERS DECISION RESOLVED 1. 2. That reviews of existing Orders, to enable the transfer to Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs), are considered by Cabinet. That in future, reviews of existing, and requests for new, Public Space Protection Orders will be considered by Cabinet after appropriate consultation. ITEM 18: PROPERTY INVESTMENT STRATEGY – ESTABLISHMENT OF PROPERTY COMPANY DECISION RESOLVED 1. That the Chief Executive be instructed to prepare a business case for the establishment of a property company for consideration by Full Council and 2. If approved by Full Council, to take steps to establish a wholly owned property company Decision List – 08 February 2016 James Wilson Environmental Protection Manager 01263 516274