Agenda Item no _________2________ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 6 February 2012 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am. Members present: Mrs H Eales (Chairman) Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T Ivory Mr K Johnson Mr J Lee Mr W Northam Also attending: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Ms V Gay Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P High Ms B Palmer Mr E Seward Mr B Smith Mrs A Sweeney Mrs H Thompson Mr D Young Officers in attendance: The Chief Executive, the Strategic Director – Information, the Coastal, Localities and Assets Manager, the Acting Financial Services Manager, the Technical Accountant and the Democratic Services Officer (AA). 82 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None. 83 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 9 January 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 84 PUBLIC QUESTIONS None. 85 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. 86 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. Cabinet 1 6 February 2012 87 MEMBERS TRAINING, DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT WORKING GROUP RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Members’ Training, Development and Support Working Group held on 30 August 2011 be received. 88 BUDGET MONITORING 2011/12 – PERIOD 9 The report presented the budget monitoring position for the revenue account and capital programme to the end of period 9 (31 December 2011) and also included a review of the current capital programme. RESOLVED to a) b) 89 note the contents of the report and the revenue account forecast for the current financial year; note the current position in relation to the 2011/12 capital programme and approve the additional funding for the emergency works to the roof of the Mundesley public conveniences. TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STATEMENT AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY 2012/13 TO 2014/15 The report set out details of the Council’s treasury management activities along with the Prudential Indicators, and presented a strategy for the prudent investment of the Council’s surplus funds for Members to approve. RECOMMENDED to Full Council that a) b) 90 the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy and Prudential Indicators, for 2012/13 to 2014/15, are approved. the revised Treasury Management Policy Statement is approved. 2012/13 BASE BUDGET AND PROJECTIONS FOR 2013/14 TO 2015/16 The report presented for approval the proposed budget for 2012/13 for both revenue and capital and also provided indicative budgets for the following three financial years 2013/14 to 2015/16. RECOMMENDED to Full Council a) The 2012/13 revenue account budget as outlined at Appendix F and that the surplus of £87,975 be allocated to the Restructuring Proposals reserve; b) The demand on the Collection Find will be subject to any amendments as a result of final precepts; (i) Cabinet £5,789,172 for District purposes; 2 6 February 2012 (ii) 91 £1,561,174 (subject to confirmation of one final precept) for Parish/Town precepts; c) The movement on the reserves as detailed at Appendix I; d) The updated Capital Programme and it’s financing for 2011/12 to 2014/15 as detailed at Appendix J and as contained within the report along with the authority to negotiate for the purchase of a new waste vehicle; e) f) The new capital bids as detailed at Appendix K; That Members note the current projections for 2013/14 to 2015/16. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN The report presented the Corporate Plan: Annual Action Plan 2012/13. RECOMMENDED to Full Council to approve the Corporate Plan: annual Action Plan: Annual Action Plan 2012/13 for consultation. 92 NORTH NORFOLK BIG SOCIETY FUND – PROPOSED OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK The report set out the draft operational framework for the Big Society Fund and considered how it could be segmented into a number of complementary funding streams. It looked at different arrangements for delivering outcomes involving the Council and partner organisations, and identified possible funding criteria as well as the form of service level agreements that could be adopted as a basis for procuring support services for capacity building and community development. RESOLVED to a) b) consider the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recorded at its meeting on 31 January 2012. give approval to the proposed operational framework but delegate to the Portfolio Holder, Mr T Ivory and the Chief Executive, the task of reviewing the detail of the comments received and recommend them to Full Council. RECOMMENDED TO FULL COUNCIL to c) d) e) Cabinet refer the Big Society Fund operational framework for adoption by Council at its meeting on 22 February 2012 and recommend that Council formally establishes the Fund to be launched on 2 April 2012 and appoints Members to sit on a politically balanced Big Society Board to act as the grant giving panel. require that the annual report will be produced bi-annually summarising how resources have been applied through the Fund and the outcomes achieved. agree a three month extension to Voluntary Norfolk’ existing contract. 3 6 February 2012 93 MATERIALS RECYCLING FACILITY (MRF) CONTRACT PROCUREMENT The report outlined the issues around procuring a contract to handle the dry recyclable waste collected by the Council. The current contract, which the Council shared with a Consortium of the other six Waste Collection Authorities in Norfolk, would run out in March 2014, and was of significant financial and reputational importance to the Council. RESOLVED that a) b) c) d) 94 the Council continues with its membership of the MRF Consortium in Norfolk on the basis that all costs associated with the new procurement and future processing will be equitably shared amongst its members. through the MRF Consortium, the Council enters into an EU compliant procurement process for dealing with dry recyclables. This contract to commence 1 April 2014 for the most effective term, as yet to be decided. a budget of £25,000 is allocated for the procurement process across the 2011/12 and 2012/13 financial years. delegated responsibility is given to the relevant Corporate Director, s151 Officer and Portfolio Members for Environment and Resources respectively to make appropriate decisions relating to this procurement up until the award of the contract which will need to be approved by Cabinet and Full Council. CROMER PIER STRUCTURAL REFURBISHMENT Cromer Pier was presently safe for public use. With regard to the Cromer Pier Major Works, at their meeting of the 7th June 2010 Cabinet resolved to:1 Promote a phased programme of work within current capital budgets 2 Instruct design consultants Hemsley Orrell Partnership (HOP) 3 Procure works contractors 4 Obtain all necessary consents. 5 Make an allocation in the revenue budget for annual inspections and maintenance. These recommendations were implemented and HOP was instructed to instigate a tender process which culminated in the submission of five tenders. Following a tender appraisal which included an in-depth financial investigation of the lowest tenderer it was considered unsafe to award a tender and a second tender process was initiated. This report summarised the re- tender process and examined the HOP tender appraisals of the four tenderers which incorporated an appraisal of the lowest tender. The meeting was informed that on Tuesday, 30 January 2012, Council representatives met with Hemsley Orrell Partnership (HOP), interviewed Fairport Process Equipment (FPE) and were satisfied as to their abilities and the sufficiency of their tender. They therefore recommended the tender submitted by FPE as amended in the tender report be accepted. Cabinet 4 6 February 2012 RESOLVED to a) b) c) d) accept the tender submitted by Fairport Process Equipment (FPE) as amended in the tender summary. instruct Hemsley Orrell Partnership (HOP) to project manage the implementation stage of the works. agree to increase the contingency sum by 5% as recommended in the HOP report. agree the principle of making provision for future inspection and maintenance of the Pier. The meeting closed at 10.42am. ___________________ Chairman, 12 March 2012 Cabinet 5 6 February 2012