LEADERSHIP OF PLACE Draft Plan for Partner Endorsement North Walsham: Leading Localism



Draft Plan for Partner Endorsement

North Walsham: Leading Localism

A report from the North Walsham Leadership of Place project setting out an action plan arising from research and consultation to improve community leadership and public service provision in this important market town.

North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report


North Norfolk District Council

North Walsham Town Council

Norfolk County Council

North Walsham High School

NHS Norfolk

Norfolk Constabulary

Paston Sixth Form College

Griffon Area Partnership

The North Walsham Chamber of




North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report

1. Introduction

This summary document reports on the findings of the Leadership of Place Project in

North Walsham. It is provided as the basis for a new approach to joint working in North

Walsham and includes an action plan which is owned by the various partner bodies. This document has been agreed by the Project Partnership Board, but is not yet endorsed by individual organisations.

A full report, which includes all consultation feedback is available from NNDC can be viewed at ( http://www.northnorfolk.org

) The aim of the project has been to encourage joint public sector working, based on local ownership and empowerment. The focus is on

“place-making”: that is, identifying actions to improve the town for residents, as a place to do business and to visit. Central to this approach has been the need to consider the nature of community leadership and to identify ways to strengthen leadership and vision and promote joint working.

The project is led be North Norfolk District Council and has been funded by Improvement

East. The project has been steered by a Project Board chaired by Eric Seward, District

Councillor for North Walsham (North) and North Walsham Town Councillor.

The Leadership of Place project aims to provide:

Improved service delivery for the local community

More effective and efficient use of public sector resources

Increased collaboration between local authority partners

Reduced costs in the medium term with improved efficiency savings

The project is identified as having the objectives and outcomes as set out below:


Endorsement of a common vision for future public service delivery in North


Enhanced community leadership provided by key community organisations within a three tier local government structure

Efficiencies generated by rationalising and consolidating public sector assets and exploiting opportunities for co-location of front office services and information facilities .

Identify key issues, a) Report of stakeholder consultation for future expectations for public service delivery b) Agreement to common vision for the future public service delivery in North Walsham a) Schedule of how services are being delivered within the town by the main public sector organisations ie Police, NHS Norfolk,

Paston College, High School, County Council, District and

Town Councils. b) Analysis of the cost of service delivery, and in particular, the capital resources and investment which supports the existing asset infrastructure. c) Improved relationships with and between local organisations d) Coordinated provision of information services to North

Walsham and surrounding area. a) Agreed structures and processes in place for partners to work together to deliver revenue and capital efficiencies from asset rationalisation and joint working a) Development of a locality model for three tier working



opportunities and projects that will support the town’s longer term sustainability, particularly focused around its economic viability

North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report b) Development of community hub and one stop shop information and advice facility c) Action plan to develop tourism infrastructure to strengthen and promote the local economy.

2. Background

North Walsham is the largest settlement in the east of the District Council area of North

Norfolk, with a population of approximately 12,500. It is an historic market town, once rich from the medieval wealth of the wool trade. It offers a range of services and employment, and is defined as a Principal Settlement in the Core Strategy of the North Norfolk Local

Development Framework. The strategy requires that allocations are made in North

Walsham for approximately 400 to 500 new dwellings on new sites that are well related to the built up area.

The North Norfolk Local Development Framework Core Strategy sets out a vision and strategic policy for North Walsham. It states:

North Walsham will have a vibrant town centre with a broader range of shops and services meeting the needs of a wide catchment and adding to the attractions of the town as a tourist destination. The town will also fulfil a role as an employment, learning and training centre for a wide area, supported by the links provided by the

Bittern Line Railway. New development will have enhanced the historic market town character and aided regeneration, ensuring that community needs are met.

Additional housing that helps to meet the needs of local people will have been provided in locations that are well related to the existing built-up area.

The town is a key service centre for a large rural hinterland of north-east Norfolk and a range of services are delivered from the town. There are also a large number of voluntary and third sector organisations providing services to the wider community. These are outlined in the full report and are summarised in the table below. This list is not comprehensive. The County Council has recently undertaken an Area Asset Review of the town and identified a range of asset rationalisation proposals, linked to changes in service delivery.

Registration Service (NCC)


Norfolk County Council (NCC) services including: Highways and Transportation,

Trading Standards, Adult Care, etc

Adult Education Centre (NCC)

Rose Meadow Care Home

Children’s Services & Children’s Centre (NCC)

Youth Service (NCC)

Fire Service


North Walsham High School

Atrium Centre at the High School

North Walsham Infant School and Nursery




North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report

North Walsham Junior School

NNDC: Benefits, Council tax, Environmental Health, Planning, Car parks and Public conveniences etc.

North Walsham Town Council: Parks, Cemetery, Churchyard, Market, Bus shelters,

Footway lighting, Street naming and numbering, etc

Policing and Community Safety

NHS Cottage Hospital

Birchwood GP Surgery

Paston GP Surgery

Citizens Advice Bureau

Range of Churches



Griffon Area Partnership

NN Business Forum

NW Chamber of Commerce

North Walsham Area Community Transport Association

3. Stakeholder Consultation

In order to garner the views of local stakeholders, a workshop was held on 13 January, attended by over 70 participants, including students from North Walsham High School and Paston College. This provided an important opportunity for networking and feedback was obtained on a vision for North Walsham along with valuable responses in relation to provision and grouping of services in the town. The responses can be summarised as shown below.

1. North Walsham is a vibrant and historic market town, acting as a key service and employment hub for north east Norfolk; this is its unique selling point and it is around this that its future should be planned.

2. There are three priority action areas where actions should be focussed so as to secure the town’s future viability and to improve the quality of life for those who live, study and work in North Walsham or who visit the town.

Town centre: There is a need to focus on the town centre environment, improving access into the town centre, the appearance of buildings, the retail and leisure offer, open areas and public spaces, while reducing the number of derelict sites. An information hub and focal point for public and voluntary sector service provision close to the centre of town is considered highly desirable.

Appropriate infrastructure: It is generally considered desirable to aim to cluster services around ‘youth services’ and ‘older people’s services’, and to seek to improve and integrate the transport network, (highways, public transport and pedestrian routes). Wider issues such as the speed of broadband connection and the availability of affordable housing were also raised.

Encouraging a vibrant economy: There was agreement that the North

Walsham community as a whole needs to work in partnership to seek and encourage new employment opportunities, particularly to identify ways to



North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report increase support for new business start-ups, and to increase promotion of the excellent tourist offer in and around the town.

The North Norfolk Business Forum hosted an event on 3 February 2011 at Rossis in

North Walsham to understand the views of the wider business community in North

Walsham. Over 200 invitations were sent out and 20 key business representatives attended. There was much positive feedback from participants who welcomed the opportunity to network and to discuss issues affecting the business environment in North


The key messages from the event were:

The need for strong leadership for the town and the business community, to increase networking and co-operation between businesses and improve confidence and morale;

The need to raise the reputation of the town as a place to do business, including branding and marketing the town as a visitor attraction and base for tourism and promoting local produce;

Work on the infrastructure of the town – in particular, the vitality and viability of the town centre as a place for the delivery of services: its physical appearance, pedestrian environment, signing, access issues, etc.; and

Strengthening the delivery of public and third sector services, by rationalisation, more joint working and provision of more business support and skills training.

4. Action Plan

As a result of the feedback outlined above, an action plan has been prepared which attempts to address the issues raised. The Action Plan is designed to set out the principles and priorities for implementation over the next few years and to achieve demonstrable improvements and lay the foundations for lasting change. The action plan arises from a vision which provides a sense of identify and confidence.


North Walsham: an historic market town, employment and service centre for a wide rural hinterland

North Walsham: a college town – a centre for training and enterprise with youthful vibrancy, ideas and enterprise

North Walsham: a place to do business, building on its strong employment base in services, the voluntary sector and manufacturing

Marketing: rail connected and a base for tourism in north east Norfolk with its own unique history.

To achieve this, three priority themes have been agreed, namely

A. Provide leadership for planning, promotion and implementation

B. Create physical and service infrastructure improvements

C. Rationalise and improve public assets to increase efficiency



North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report

This Action Plan is structured around the following themes:

A: Leadership:



• branding activities and resulting successes to all stakeholders)


Delivery mechanism: establish and resource appropriate mechanism to ensure deliverability

Resources: moving towards a more place-based approach to budgets.

B: “Infrastructure” improvements/programme of actions across partners:

Town centre vibrancy and environmental improvements

Economic development and Planning


C: Public and third sector service delivery:

Rationalise and improve public assets to increase efficiency

Business advice and training

Creation of “Town Hub” for tourism and business information to act as focal point

Feasibility study for a combined Enterprise and Town Centre Service Hub.

The table below outlines the actions under each of these headings.


Deliverability : Establish and resource appropriate mechanism to ensure deliverability




(C) or Target (T)

April (T) Agree a project lead. The Project Board has agreed to investigate the options for future delivery and leadership of the action plan. This could include the setting up of a

Community Development Trust.

Action: exploratory stakeholder meeting

Establish governance structure with mandate and capacity to take programme forward based on above.



Identify core resources (cash or in-kind) to take forward initiative over next two years.

NNDC have already committed £200,000 in the Capital Programme for projects in

North Walsham which will fund some of the projects identified.



Identify and appoint a resident or business leader, credible with all stakeholders and partners and able to chair and champion the future delivery vehicles



Establish clear mechanisms for sustained September (T)













Constabulary etc



North Walsham



participation of local young people in the governance and delivery structures

North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report

High School,

Paston College,



Promotion and Business Leadership: Communicate vision, activities and resulting successes to stakeholders

Activity Timetable Lead Partners

Plan a communication and promotion strategy for North

Walsham, including joint stakeholder engagement events around priority themes.

Extend activities of Business forum to North Walsham and hold quarterly meetings


April 2012 (T)

August 2011


Lead body as agreed



All, including

Businesses in



Activity Timetable Lead Partners

1. Appearance and Cleanliness of Town Centre

Town Centre Street deep clean

April 2011 (C) and then rolling programme

Environmental Clean up days

April 2011 (C) and then rolling programme

Improve and promote the retail offer


4 Market Place redevelopment and new Public Conveniences

2. Market Place

Summer 2011 (T)

Market Place traffic management improvements

Reaffirm proposal by July 2011.

Seek funding from March 2011.


Implement scheme from March

2013 (T)

3. Street Lights

Street Lighting

Design replacement lighting by

April 2011 (P)

Install lighting by March 2012


4. Car parking

Provision of motor home and coach parking at Vicarage Street

Autumn 2011 (C)

Refurbishment of car parks and Autumn 2011 (C)



Chamber of















North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report provision of new Pay and

Display Machines

Review of car park charges

Highway signing to car parks

Review in Autumn 2011 with new charging regime in April

2012 (C)

Agree specification with NCC

June 2011 (C) Installation Sept

2011 (T)




Lead Partners Activity Timetable

1. Business Promotion, Training and Marketing

Small business advice and training programmes delivered in weekly surgeries at Council


Develop a Tourism Marketing strategy /promotion based on historic market and college town, as part of Pathfinder Strategy for

North East Norfolk, using marketing toolkit

Promotion of Arts and Cultural organisations within North


Provide business support for tourism and museum developments

Summer 2011(T)

Spring 2012 (T)

Autumn 2011


2. Planning

Implementation of LDF Core

Strategy and Site Specific



Actions to address derelict/vacant sites




4 Everyone

GAP Tourism







NNDC and partners

Atrium, Paston and partners

Private sector

NNDC, NCC, utilities etc

HCA, private developers, etc

Activity Timetable Lead

1. Public Transport

Bus circulation, bus stop locations and interchange/hub options – programme and undertake review

Station travel plan and rail


Carry out review by April


Implement agreed actions from

April 2012 (T)


Action plan due for completion NNDC


NNDC and all



service improvements.

Improved taxi/drop off/ pedestrian access to station

Improved parking at rail station as part of HL Foods site redevelopment.

Review of taxi rank provision

(including consultation meeting with taxi drivers)

2. Highway signing

Highway signing to Industrial


March 2011. (T) Actions (‘quick wins’) to commence June 2011


North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report

Express East


April 2012 dependent on

Planning Application. (T)

NNDC NCC/NNDC/H opkins Homes

Autumn 2011 (T)

Review existing signing by Aug 2011(C)

Action any changes from March

2012 (T)




Taxi drivers


NNDC/ businesses

Lead Partners Activity Timetable

1. Town Hub and Enterprise Centre

Provision of tourist and business information hub at Council buildings on New Road to compliment Library provision. Operated by

Town Council

Refurbishment of ground floor offices for

Town Council, and refurbishment of business advice interview room/s to deliver business support.

Feasibility study for a town centre

‘Gateway’/Enterprise Hub development including public and voluntary sector services

– feasibility study and options appraisal of sites

June 2011


April 2011



2011 (T)

(depending on funding)

2. Asset Rationalisation and Development

Atrium Centre opening Sept 2011 with provision of a wide range of facilities for the use of NWHS and the community of North

Walsham and surrounding area. Crèche space, 5 multi purpose Consultancy / meeting rooms, Business Offices, Dance Studio,16 station Food Technology Suite, Music and

Recording Studio, Meeting room for 14, 202 seat Auditorium; a multi use space as a

Digital Cinema, Theatre and event facility,

Café and seating area for 184. There will be a variety of social and education and training opportunities for all ages. The Atrium is DDA compliant.

North Walsham War Memorial Cottage



2011 (C)



NW Town



Lead body/NNDC

NW High



Further partnerships currently being developed.








Hospital Development Completion of

Rebecca House refurbishment and construction of new 24 bed ward, with demolition of existing hospital once new development complete. This will re-provide and extend existing in and out patient facilities and “out of hours” service plus accommodation for social services.

Refurbishment of 1 St Nicholas Court to house between 80-100 NCC Children’s

Services staff from Northfields, Youth

Buildings, Area Education Office and possibly some people from bases in other areas.

Lease surrender of Northfields office (former

NHS owned health centre) subject to agreeing terms for alternative provision at

Rebecca House (NW Memorial Cottage

Hospital) with NHS

Closure and disposal of Area Education Office post refurbishment of 1a St Nicholas Court.

House opens mid-May

2011. (C)

Completed hospital opens


2011 (C)

North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report



Health & Care


June 2011


Currently under negotiation



Lease ‘break’ and closure of Tudor House.

Close July


Sale within 2 years thereafter.


2011 (T)



NCC Paston.

The former Courthouse is currently vacant and its future needs to be considered in relation to the adjoining police station

NCC Norfolk


Find medium term use of Youth Centre buildings currently occupying part of potential

‘Gateway’ development site. Possible

Development Trust input subject to feasibility results.

From May

2011 (T)

NCC NNDC, voluntary sector partners

3. The Next Steps

The action plan will be delivered through the partnerships involved in the Leadership of Place project and steered by a delivery body. The partnership board will explore a range of options for a delivery body, including the option of establishing a community development trust.

Development Trusts are social enterprises set up to bring about social, economic and environmental benefits to their communities. Each Trust has different aims according to the community needs, but they all adopt a self-help, enterprise approach, seeking community ownership of buildings and have the ability to raise funds and seek funding streams not open to Local Government authorities.

While a number of actions are already confirmed, many relate to further work and review and some of the objectives are aspirational at this stage. Further, in the current economic climate there are bound to be limitations on resources to take projects forward. However, it is important that although the delivery of these actions may take place over a number of years and priorities may change, that the consensus in terms of vision and actions provides a united view across all partners to ensure a co-ordinated and consistent approach to developments in



North Walsham Leadership of Place Project

Summary Report

North Walsham and that implementation is undertaken working with local interests and based on community participation.


