APPENDIX A North Norfolk District Council Corporate Plan 2011 – 2015 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction from the Leader of the Council Our values Our priorities Delivering the vision Introduction – Our Shared Vision North Norfolk is a unique and beautiful place. It is somewhere we cherish and we are proud to be entrusted with the role of leading our district and contributing to the future wellbeing and prosperity of the many communities we represent. The Council faces tough challenges and competing demands. Our new corporate plan is being launched at a time of national and global austerity. Here at North Norfolk District Council, our income from government has already been cut, and will be reduced further as the Coalition Government grapples with a legacy of inherited debt, and the interest received from our investments is at its lowest for years. We must therefore find ways to run the Council and deliver services far more efficiently than ever before. But the need for reform of the Council is not just the result of the tough economic climate. We believe that the Council has tried to do too much and spread itself too thinly in the process. By focussing now on the services that really matter to local people and businesses, we will improve our Council and deliver better value for money for taxpayers. Our priorities for North Norfolk are: • To boost employment and create more jobs. • To enable the provision of new homes and the infrastructure that goes with them. • To protect our coastline and the character of our countryside and built heritage. • To empower individuals and local communities to have a greater say in their own futures. • To reform the organisation to deliver high quality services that achieve our priorities in an efficient manner that represents good value for local taxpayers. Success in meeting these aims will involve making some difficult choices. We must ensure that our spending is focussed on the things that really matter to local people and businesses. We must create opportunities for parish and town councils and other voluntary groups and organisations to come forward with their own ideas and plans for their communities, and then help those communities to realise their ambitions through local initiative and leadership. We will do everything we can to help the district to modernise, grow and prosper while at the same time continuing to value and protect our heritage. This document sets out our plans through to 2015. It summarises our priorities and will guide the business decisions we will be taking to ensure that the Council is well-run and able to meet our objectives. The Government has brought forward its localism agenda and we will embrace it fully, putting it at the heart of all we do – local decisions and local actions for the benefit of local communities. Leader, North Norfolk District Council, October 2011 Our Values We will Empower people and communities to make their own decisions Support people in taking control of their own lives Be innovative and flexible in the delivery of our services Be open and transparent in our decision-making Work with partners in the private, public and voluntary sectors where appropriate for the benefit of the District Value and respect the roles of councillors and staff and act with integrity at all times Jobs and the Local Economy Our priority A district with a thriving economy offering better jobs and prospects for local people. What we want to achieve How we are going to achieve it Increase the number of new businesses and support the growth and expansion of existing businesses Engage with the North Norfolk Business Forum, the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership and our Town and Parish Councils to deliver initiatives that will support the diversification of the North Norfolk economy. Develop proposals to provide support to microbusinesses and business start-ups. Encourage business investment in the District by enabling suitable land and premises to be matched to the needs of businesses and by providing early advice and support through the planning system Improve the job prospects for our residents by developing a skilled and adaptable workforce that is matched to business growth and development Work closely with education and training providers and the business community to co-ordinate training provision and match skills to future business needs, including tackling the barriers to work faced by disadvantaged groups. Improve access to funding for local businesses. Develop and maintain a funding toolkit for local businesses and encourage greater availability of finance for small businesses. Reduce burdens to business by removing unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy at the local level. Provide businesses with support and guidance in better understanding and complying with necessary legislative and regulatory requirements. Streamline local regulatory processes where possible. Promote a positive image of North Norfolk as a premier visitor destination. Market North Norfolk as an attractive all year-round destination for domestic and overseas visitors. Maximise the potential of the District’s tourism assets. Housing and infrastructure Our priority Everyone in North Norfolk should have the opportunity to buy or rent a decent home at a price they can afford, in a community where they want to live and work What we want to achieve How we are going to achieve it Increase the number of new homes built within the District and reduce the number of empty properties Engage constructively with landowners and developers of sites allocated for future development to ensure the timely delivery of well-planned new residential developments Increase the number of affordable homes with a range of tenure types Respond to emerging legislation that will empower local communities to promote additional development should they so wish and work with those communities to ensure that they share in the benefits of growth Introduce more flexibility around the Council’s requirement for affordable housing to ensure the viability of residential developments Secure investment in new infrastructure Create a charging framework for infrastructure development to secure the investment required to balance population growth with the provision of high quality local services Coast, Countryside & Built Heritage Our priority A district where the beautiful natural environment and built heritage is valued and protected for future generations and where the coastline is defended against erosion wherever practicable What we want to achieve How we are going to achieve it Maintain the integrity of special landscape designations and balance the development of housing and economic activity with the need to preserve the character and quality of the countryside. Recognise the District’s built environment as a heritage asset when promoting North Norfolk. Design a more cohesive framework for coastline management. Be guided by the land use principles and designations in the Local Development Framework in managing the future development of the District Continue to defend coastal settlements against erosion wherever practicable. Influence Central Government policy on funding coastal defence Manage our parks, woodlands and beaches to the highest possible standard Apply proportionate and sympathetic planning controls. Draw together the main strands of coastal management activity into an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZM) Review and maximise funding opportunities Review the implied obligations in the Shoreline Management Plan and the status of coastline defence management designations. Consider options for local fund raising for coastal defence Localism Our priority To embrace the Government’s localism agenda to empower individuals and communities to take more responsibility for their own futures and to build a stronger civic society. What we want to achieve How we are going to achieve it Recognise the important role that Town and Parish Councils have as the democratic embodiment of their communities Review the need for partnerships and other bodies that duplicate and potentially compete with local councils. Review all Council activities to identify whether some might be more effectively carried out by Town and Parish Councils. Encourage communities to develop their own vision for their future and help them to deliver it Encourage the growth of the Big Society within communities To respond positively to requests from Town and Parish councils to take over the running of services within their area. Encourage the development of neighbourhood planning. Maximise the benefits that local communities receive from embracing growth. Review services and ensure that the Council’s activities are not competing inappropriately with or stifling alternative provision. Establish a community investment fund, to be known as The Big Society Fund to invest in local communities and strengthen civic society. Delivering the Vision Our priority To make the Council more efficient so that we can both deliver our priorities and offer value for money for local taxpayers. What we want to achieve How we are going to achieve it Strong governance arrangements Operate an effective audit committee. Effective Communications Strong and proportionate organisational management Prioritise services and functions in line with the wishes of our communities and to deliver our corporate objectives Deliver year on year improvements in efficiency Update the Local Code of Corporate Governance in line with the new Corporate Plan. Develop a communication and engagement strategy that defines our approach to internal and external communications and encompasses our approach to localism. Review the management arrangements within the Council, reducing hierarchies and empowering staff. Prioritise services and redirect resources in line with those priorities. Review business processes and create a culture of challenge. Invest in new technology where this can support more efficient ways of working. Explore opportunities to deliver high quality services more effectively through new partnerships with public, private and voluntary organisations. Encourage and reward our staff for finding innovative new ways to deliver higher quality services more efficiently. CPfinal/PJB210911