Agenda Item 2__ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 02 November 2015 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am. Members Present: Mrs S Arnold Miss B Palmer Mr N Dixon Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick (Chairman) Mrs J Oliver Mr J Rest Mr W Northam Also attending: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mr P W High Mr N Pearce Officers in Attendance: 61. Mrs M Prior Mr R Reynolds Mr B Smith The Chief Executive, the Head of Finance, the Head of Economic Community Development, the Public Protection Manager, Technical Accountant, the Health and Communities Officer, Communications Editor, the Democratic Services Team Leader the Democratic Services Officer. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None 62. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 63. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None 64. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None 65. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 66. Cabinet MEMBER QUESTIONS 02 November 2015 and the the and The Leader confirmed that Members could ask questions as each item arose. The Leader informed Members that the Challenge and Debate on Devolution was on Wednesday 4th November with Lord Heseltine and possibly the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. The Leader congratulated Cabinet Member Miss B Palmer for her acceptance onto the LGA Next Generation Programme which was extremely competitive with limited numbers every year. 67. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE CABINET BY THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE OR COUNCIL FOR RECONSIDERATION None 68. CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE None 69. BUDGET MONITORING REPORT 2015/16 – PERIOD 6 The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Mr W Northam introduced the report. He informed Members that there was once again a budget underspend and that car parking income was up on the profiled budget, although that figure was due to reduce. Mr Northam said that the costs included the May elections for which a reimbursement claim would be made. He added that there was a £200,000 reduction in the budget for the Cromer pier and West Prom refurbishment to reflect the fact that the FLAG funding was no longer available to finance the scheme. Mr Northam concluded by thanking the Head of Finance for her continued support. Mr N Dixon said that the levels of underspend were commendable in challenging financial circumstances. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr N Dixon and RESOLVED To note the contents of the report and the current budget monitoring position. Reasons for the decision: To update Members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council. 70. HALF YEARLY TREASURY MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 2015/16 Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance said that the report provided information on the Treasury Management activities undertaken in the first six months of 2015/16. He said that the 6% return on the LAMIT Pooled Property Fund in the period showed a good investment but that the money offered as a loan to Broadland Housing Association had not yet been advanced as they were awaiting planning permission and the Council was losing out on the higher interest on the loan. He added that the Council remained debt free. Mr N Dixon said that a 6% income return at a time of growth was an exceptional feature in the value of the fund. Cabinet 02 November 2015 It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr J Rest and RESOLVED To recommend to Council that the Council be asked to RESOLVE that the Half Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2015/16 is approved. Reasons for the decision: The recommendation was made in compliance with the CIPFA Code. 71. INFORMATION AND ADVICE SERVICE Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, Miss B Palmer, said that the report showed that after an open commissioning process a proposal had been received to provide a quality assured and generic information and advice service with improved stakeholder engagement, coordination and accountability from mid Norfolk citizens advice. Miss B Palmer informed Members that for the first time there would be the opportunity for residents to access citizens advice in each of the seven market towns in the district. Mrs S Arnold added that the contract would be thoroughly scrutinized and monitored on a regular basis. Mr R Reynolds commented that the service had previously been the subject of a report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee .He sought clarification on the future position of the Fakenham branch for the information and advice service or whether it was up and running with a fully trained team. Miss Palmer said that the current building that the Fakenham team was based in was closing and that once accommodation was found it was likely to be a smaller size and it was therefore possible that there would be reduced availability in the town. Ms M Prior asked about the position in Holt. Miss Palmer said that the services in Holt would remain the same. It was proposed by Miss B Palmer, seconded by Mrs S Arnold and RESOLVED to 1. Agree that North Norfolk District Council enters into a three year partnership agreement with Norfolk County Council to enable the pooling of North Norfolk District Council and Norfolk County Council budgets for information and advice services for the three year period starting January 2016. The pooled fund to be used to fund the provision of a new three year Information and Advice Service for North Norfolk at a combined annual cost of £109,000 (NNDC £66,323 NCC £42,677) in accordance with recommendations 2 and 3. 2. Agree that subject to the agreement of a satisfactory contract terms incorporating quality and service monitoring arrangements and the inclusion of break clauses and an appropriate partnership agreement between Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice and Norfolk Citizens Advice that North Norfolk District Council and Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice enter into a three year contract for Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice to provide a Cabinet 02 November 2015 generalist Information and Advice Service for the North Norfolk District Council area at an annual cost not exceeding £109,000 3. Delegate authority to the Head of Economic and Community Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing to negotiate and settle with Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice satisfactory contract terms 4. Agree that North Norfolk District Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee will receive a report every six months on the outcome of the contract monitoring and performance review meetings. 72. PARTNERSHIP OF MARITIME AUTHORITIES IN NORFOLK AND SUFFOLK The Portfolio Holder for Coastal, Mrs A Fitch-Tillett introduced the report by saying that in Spring 2015 the decision was made in principal that the maritime authorities should pool together their resources and work as one. Mrs Fitch-Tillett added that the sea paid no attention to administrative boundaries. She said that there were five recommendations and that she wanted to clarify the first two. Mrs Fitch-Tillett said that the first recommendation was the actual principal that North Norfolk, Great Yarmouth, Suffolk Coastal and Waveney form a partnership to pool resources to continue to manage the coast effectively. Mrs Fitch-Tillett then said that the second recommendation was how the partnership would be set up (to be in place for April 2016) and added that the portfolio holders from the authorities would be forming the partnership Board. Mr W Northam said that it was the right move at the right time and said that the Council couldn’t continue alone. It was proposed by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Mr W Northam and RESOLVED to 1. That a Norfolk & Suffolk Coastal Management Team be established in partnership between North Norfolk District Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Suffolk Coastal District Council and Waveney District Council. 2. That a Councillor Partnership Board and Operational Officer Group be created respectively to oversee and manage the work of the Norfolk & Suffolk Coastal Management Team. 3. That should secondment of staff be required that is arranged under Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972. 4. That the initial decision on the delivery of support services for the partnership be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members. 5. That the detailed terms of the relevant Agreement and protocols, including the secondment of staff under Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972 be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members. Reasons for the decision: To plan for an effective and sustainable way of continuing to deliver a robust coastal management service for North Norfolk and the other partner authorities. Cabinet 02 November 2015 73. REVIEW OF GAMBLING POLICY The Portfolio Holder for Licensing, Mrs J Oliver, introduced this item. She said that it was a statutory requirement every three years to review and publish a revised policy and that all of the amendments were shown in the tracked changes in the document. She added that it had gone to consultation and that there had been no comments so far. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, referring to the table of delegation at the back of the report, said that the Licensing and Appeals Committee had always set and agreed licensing fees and charges. She said that the Licensing Committee should be involved in fee setting and asked why Cabinet was listed as approving the setting of fees. Mrs Oliver said that all amendments were in the tracked changes and that her understanding was that the responsibility for the setting of fees was reserved for Cabinet. The Leader agreed. It was proposed by Mrs J Oliver, seconded by Miss B Palmer and RESOLVED: To recommend to Council that the draft policy is adopted by Full Council. Reasons for the decision: In accordance with the requirements of the Gambling Act 2005 the Licensing Authority is required to publish a statement of policy every successive three year period from the first appointed day, namely 31 January 2007. The Policy is now due to be revised to cover the next successive 3-year period from 31 January 2013 to 31 January 2016. The Meeting closed at 10.31 am _______________ Chairman Cabinet 02 November 2015