Appendix B Community & Economic Development Service Area Service 2013/14 Actual 2014/15 2015/16 Variance Base Budget Base Budget 2015/16 Base to 2014/15 Base £ 118,493 41,360 225,307 70,389 251,261 10,266 223,576 0 136,462 (390,239) (511,280) 93,490 £ 75,814 68 186,952 77,338 671,763 0 308,021 65,683 146,323 (155,517) 39,884 138,713 £ 73,550 20,000 166,878 62,338 370,250 0 308,650 61,619 150,762 (46,492) 11,106 145,249 (2,264) 19,932 (20,074) (15,000) (301,513) 0 629 (4,064) 4,439 109,025 (28,778) 6,536 269,085 1,555,042 1,323,910 (231,132) Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges 1,070,735 (526,032) 697,500 1,029,653 (732,955) 6,007,241 (443,000) 547,816 1,211,770 (946,864) 4,000,000 (466,046) 516,491 1,336,030 (1,033,554) (2,007,241) (23,046) (31,325) 124,260 (86,690) Net Cost of Service 1,807,986 7,932,005 5,676,831 (2,255,174) Arts & Entertainments Museums General Economic Development Tourism Coast Protection Pathfinder Regeneration Management Comm & Econ Dev Mgt Independent Living Team Hsg Strategy Community and Localism Coastal Management Total Net Costs £ Appendix B COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICE AREA 2014/15 Base Budget £ Arts & Entertainments Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 2015/16 Base Budget £ Variance Explanation for Major Variances £ 77,274 1,471 (1,460) 23,390 75,010 211 (1,460) 39,220 100,675 112,981 Museums Gross Direct Costs 68 20,000 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 20 88 0 20,000 General Economic Development Gross Direct Costs 282,910 252,074 Gross Direct Income (95,958) (85,196) Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 240,400 427,352 251,770 418,648 Tourism Gross Direct Costs 77,338 62,338 (15,000) Non recurring use of Reserves on DMO (Destination Management Organisation). Support Service Charges 82,980 61,940 Net Expenditure 160,318 124,278 (21,040) Reduced recharge Management. (36,040) Coast Protection Gross Direct Costs 671,788 370,275 Gross Direct Income Capital Charges Support Service Charges (25) 546,345 228,250 (25) 516,280 237,090 1,446,358 1,123,620 308,021 308,650 Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 74,600 (382,621) 0 78,340 (386,990) 0 Comm & Econ Dev Mgt Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 65,683 0 (65,683) 0 61,619 6,320 (67,939) 0 Net Expenditure Net Expenditure Regeneration Management Gross Direct Costs (2,264) (£2,264) - Pension Fund adjustments. (1,260) 0 No Major Variances 15,830 £26,590 Recharges from Economic Development, offset by reduced recharges from other service areas. 12,306 19,932 £20,000 - Contribution to Norfolk Museums Service, funded from an earmarked reserve (20) No Major Variances 19,912 (30,836) (£10,762) Learning for Everyone Direct Costs. (£18,270) Non recurring use of reserves 10,762 £10,762 - Learning for Everyone, reduced funding to match reduction in direct costs. 11,370 (8,704) from Regeneration (301,513) Non-recurring expenditure funded from Reserves for Storm repairs 0 (30,065) Depreciation 8,840 £15,980 Additional recharges from Coastal Management offset by reduced recharges of (£4,270) from Accountancy and (£5,220) Internal Audit (322,738) 629 £5,059 Employee inflation. (£2,194) Superannuation IAS19 adjustment. 3,740 No Major Variances. (4,369) 0 (4,064) Reduced Staffing costs. 6,320 No Major Variances. (2,256) 0 Appendix B 2014/15 Base Budget £ Variance 2015/16 Base Budget £ Explanation for Major Variances £ Independent Living Team Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Refcus 146,323 2,402,091 150,762 500,000 Gross Direct Income - Refcus (443,000) (466,046) 260,700 287,460 Support Service Recharges (195,463) (215,412) Net Expenditure 2,170,651 256,764 90,138 128,508 Gross Direct Costs - Refcus 3,605,150 3,500,000 Gross Direct Income (245,655) (175,000) Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges 172,300 (116,744) 189,650 (160,314) Net Expenditure 3,505,189 3,482,844 990,950 481,206 (951,066) (470,100) 81,490 126,590 45,100 £82,170 Recharges from Economic Development, offset by reduced recharges from other service areas. Net Expenditure 121,374 137,696 16,322 Coastal Management Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 148,293 (9,580) 47,640 155,929 (10,680) 57,650 (186,353) (202,899) 0 0 2,858,786 6,007,241 547,816 (1,303,744) (443,000) 1,211,770 (946,864) 7,932,005 2,066,371 4,000,000 516,491 (742,461) (466,046) 1,336,030 (1,033,554) 5,676,831 Support Service Charges Housing Strategy Gross Direct Costs Community and Localism Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Refcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Income - Refcus Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 4,439 No Major Variances (1,902,091) This reflects expenditure within the Capital Programme. (23,046) This reflects expenditure within the Capital Programme. 26,760 This variance is made up of a number of movements but the largest relates to an £12,580 increase from Legal Services. (19,949) No Major Variances (1,913,887) 38,370 £33,831-This reflects temporary posts funded from reserves. £2,954 Superannuation IAS 19 adjustment. (105,150) This reflects expenditure within the Capital Programme. 70,655 £70,655 - Estimated Vat Shelter Receipts from Victory Housing Association, this income is transferred to the Capital Projects Reserve. 17,350 (43,570) Increased direct costs recharged to services supported. (22,345) (509,744) (£495,886) - Reduction in grants payable from the Big Society Fund following reduction in 2nd Homes funding. (£13,849) - Savings in travel, training and contributions. 480,966 £480,960 - Reduction in Norfolk County Council 2nd Homes funding returned to Districts from 50% to 25%. 7,636 Staffing costs (1,100) 10,010 Increased recharges of £3,710 from Computer Network and £4,200 for Business Transformation (16,546) Increased recharges reflecting higher service costs 0 (792,415) (2,007,241) (31,325) 561,283 (23,046) 124,260 (86,690) (2,255,174) Appendix B Customer Services Service Area Service It - Support Services Tic'S Homelessness Housing - Service Mgmt Transport Publicity Graphical Info System Media & Communications Customer Services - Corporate Total Net Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Cost of Service 2013/14 Actual 2014/15 2015/16 Variance Base Budget Base Budget 2015/16 Base to 2014/15 Base £ 851,976 139,605 11,462 233,403 1,189 (431) 21,603 304,635 460,995 £ 1,006,219 163,878 8,802 239,419 (1,500) 0 26,832 279,775 522,261 £ 930,643 143,937 8,650 240,639 0 0 22,830 361,888 447,968 £ (75,576) (19,941) (152) 1,220 1,500 0 (4,002) 82,113 (74,293) 2,024,437 2,245,686 2,156,555 (89,131) 237,902 1,057,132 (2,548,409) 141,420 1,093,051 (2,759,111) 179,873 980,641 (2,704,308) 38,453 (112,410) 54,803 771,062 721,046 612,761 (108,285) Appendix B CUSTOMER SERVICES SERVICE AREA 2014/15 Base Budget £ It - Support Services Gross Direct Costs Variance 2015/16 Base Budget £ Explanation for Major Variances £ 1,006,629 931,053 (75,576) £13,604 - The mobile phones used by staff are now part of a centralised contract, therefore phone costs have been transferred from other service areas. £6,000 - Transfers from other service areas to cover various licenses. (£19,275) - Staff costs. £6,835 Employee inflation. £37,000 - Staff costs funded from the Business Transformation Reserve. (£15,649) - Auto enrolment costs not incurred as anticipated. £10,000 Increased license costs. (£115,000) - One-off use of Business Transformation Reserve in 2014/15 76,875 (410) 87,950 108,044 (410) 74,390 31,169 0 No Major Variance (13,560) (£12,300) - Lower recharge from Customer Services. (1,171,044) (1,113,077) 0 0 57,967 Reduced recharges reflecting lower service costs. 0 TIC'S Gross Direct Costs 196,589 181,647 (14,942) (£5,000) - Saving in staff costs. (£5,863) Auto enrolment costs not incurred as anticipated. (£3,000) - Planning reduction in grant awarded. (£1,997) - Savings in travel, training & overtime Capital Charges Gross Direct Income 8,105 (32,711) 6,473 (37,710) Support Service Charges 133,081 94,100 Net Expenditure 305,064 244,510 (1,632) (4,999) (£5,000) - Additional income from the sale of souvenirs. (38,981) (£21,140) - Lower recharge from Customer Services. (60,554) Homelessness Gross Direct Costs 55,802 64,942 Capital Charges 24,130 7,170 Gross Direct Income (47,000) (56,292) Support Service Charges 342,150 352,431 Net Expenditure 375,082 368,251 Customer Services Housing Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges 239,419 109,430 240,639 98,640 (348,849) (339,279) 0 0 31,500 (33,000) 41,790 40,290 0 0 0 0 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Transport Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 9,140 £9,292 Your Choice Your Home (YCYH) expenditure offset by income. (16,960) This reflects the level of expenditure anticipated within the Capital programme. (9,292) Your Choice Your Home (YCYH) income offset by expenditure. 10,281 Increased allocation from Customer Services Housing to reflect work on YCYH. (6,831) 1,220 No Major Variances. (10,790) This reflects a more accurate allocation of 9,570 support charges following service restructure. 0 (31,500) No longer issuing concessionary rail cards 33,000 (41,790) (40,290) Appendix B 2014/15 Base Budget £ Publicity Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Variance 2015/16 Base Budget £ Explanation for Major Variances £ 610 610 0 0 26,832 22,830 3,780 190 (30,802) 0 620 (23,450) 0 0 Media & Communications Gross Direct Costs 287,275 369,388 82,113 £51,777 - Transfer of staff costs from Democratic Services. £7,598 - Employee inflation. £6,420 - Staff costs funded from reserves. £7,613 - Pension Fund adjustments. £10,975 - One-off savings in 2014/15 relating to equipment lease rental. Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 0 (7,500) 100,130 19,500 (7,500) 82,480 (379,905) (463,868) 0 0 19,500 0 No Major Variances (17,650) (£17,530) - Reduced recharge from IT. (£9,480) - Reduced recharge from Customer Services. £7,410 - Recharge of Business Transformation costs. £4,500 - Recharge of Internal Audit costs. (83,963) Increased recharges reflecting higher service costs. 0 Customer Services - Corporate Gross Direct Costs 545,511 477,038 Gross Direct Income (23,250) (29,070) 28,530 277,720 (828,511) 38,686 277,980 (764,634) 0 0 2,389,557 141,420 (143,871) 1,093,051 (2,759,111) 721,046 2,287,537 179,873 (130,982) 980,641 (2,704,308) 612,761 Graphical Info System Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure (610) No Major Variances (610) (4,002) (£4,000) - Transfer made to cover additional license costs in IT Support service area. (3,780) 430 No Major Variances 7,352 Reduced recharges reflecting lower service costs. 0 (68,473) (£59,557) - Staff costs transferred to another service area. £22,238 - Employee inflation and other staff costs. (£5,762) - Pension Fund adjustment. (£21,321) - Auto enrolment costs not incurred as anticipated. (£8,240) - Savings in travel, training and overtime. (5,820) (£5,000) - Internal recharge for the cost of envelopes. 10,156 260 No Major Variances 63,877 Reduced recharges reflecting lower service costs. 0 (102,020) 38,453 12,889 (112,410) 54,803 (108,285)