Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Corporate Risk Register March 2012, updated following Performance and Risk Management Board 16 March 2012 Number 1213/01 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority The maintenance of sound technical competence. 5x4=20 Fully resourced training budgets to support vocational and technical training at the highest level. 4x3=12 Delivering the Vision Officer External Changes: It is clear that there is a new urgency about change in local government driven by the current financial pressures and the ambition to ignite community engagement. In such an atmosphere there is an even greater need to ensure that vision and action are fully supported by sound assessment and solid understanding of policy implications at national and local level. Previous incremental change is being replaced by a more wholesale restructuring of local government and its place in local service delivery. The response to “Open Public Services” and the Localism Act requirements. The risks are that in moving to a new agenda so quickly there is no basic framework within which the new arrangements can be undertaken. The development of networks to underpin the policy direction Strategies at political and officer levels. Maintenance and commitment to national learning and policy initiatives. Encouraging commitment to high level policy forums at political and officer levels. Identify a dedicated officer to keep on top of this area with periodic reports to the P&RMB on new legislation and consultation. Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 1 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls Localism Act: Working party established with Member involvement to investigate the best way forward in taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the legislation This new act contains a number of new initiatives which will be implemented over the medium term. The “general power of competence” provides the Council with certain freedoms but issues such as charging, commercial service companies, standards, annual pay policy, are combined with Council Tax referenda requirements. In planning the Act introduces the “Community Right to Build” and the Community Infrastructure Levy. For housing services requirements include the ability to offer private tenancies to homeless people and a complaints procedure focused on the Independent Housing Ombudsman. Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority 4x4=16 Best practice will develop. Initial solutions should be flexible and capable of change. It is important that the immediate requirements of the Act are in place by 31/03/2012. 3x3=9 Delivering the Vision Officer Without detailed preparation the initiatives in this legislation will be ill considered and piecemeal. The whole offer needs to be understood and alternative models of implementation assessed. The Open Public Services White Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 2 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer Coast, Countrysid e and Built Heritage Brian Farrow Paper (July 2011) puts the Localism Act into a wider context and longer time frame 1213/02 Coastal Defences: Lack of Coalition Government funding to maintain coast defences and / or to support local compensation claims results in coastal erosion and blight of coastal settlements through loss of public and private infrastructure and assets. Increased coastal erosion through loss of defences presents a reputational risk to the authority in the eyes of local communities and direct loss of Council owned assets / infrastructure which are fundamental to the district’s tourism offer and therefore the economic well-being of the district. Loss of confidence in respect of business investment and residential property market; blight of properties in erosion zone; direct loss of tourism assets and infrastructure promenades, beach The Pathfinder Project has stimulated actions in Coastal Management which the conventional funding streams did not facilitate. As Pathfinder draws to its conclusion the Council is preparing a review of its impact for the Coalition Government. Completion of all accepted offers on properties by November 2011. On-going work to secure planning consent for replacement dwellings 5x4=20 Continued work through the revenue budget with repairs and maintenance programme. 4x3=12 Capital schemes continue to be identified and submitted as bids to DEFRA/Environment Agency. Work on SMP continues Monitoring of the coast Cromer sea defence works Control of coastal management schemes through procurement and health and safety checking/monitoring Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 3 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls chalets, cafés, public toilets, car parks etc.; loss of tourism income / employment. in Happisburgh The Council has devoted significant resources to pursuing sustainable answers to coastal management issues. There is a considerable Health and Safety context here which serves to increase the reputational risk for the Council at the same time. 1213/03 Replacement of Council Tax Benefit: The current Local Government Finance Bill going through parliament seeks to reform Council Tax Benefit with a local system of rebates rather than a national approach. Fundamentally this will shift the risk from national to Local Government. Each billing authority will develop a scheme for its area. The detailed parameters of the scheme are not available from Central Government. The commencement date is currently 01/04/2013. The time frame for Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer 5x4=20 Networking, training staff, publication of the model scheme. 5x3=15 Delivering the Vision Louise Wolsey However, there is little sign of significant change in the conventional approach to funding coastal defence work. Early contact with software providers. Discussions at a County /Police about common areas of the scheme and coordination of implementation. Working groups at local and county level established Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 4 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer Regular progress reports, transparent advice from HR, members full engagement. 4x4=16 Individual staff supports (training/ mentoring). 4x3=12 Delivering the Vision CLT producing a local scheme is very compressed. The development, testing and implementation of IT systems will have to be completed in a short timescale. Funding locally means that demands on the “rebate” would financially impact on the other services that the Council provides. Protection for pensioner claimants will probably mean that the 10% saving target is recovered over only 50% of current recipients = a 20% reduction in their benefit/rebate. Failure to provide a comprehensive scheme will disadvantage vulnerable members of the community. Adverse publicity will focus on the Council. 1213/04 Organisational Restructuring: Following the changes at strategic level and the emergence of the new Corporate Leadership Team there are further structural changes that need to be undertaken within the Team building Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 5 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Council. These could lead to further instability and reduced morale. Lack of understanding of proposals, impact on recruitment and retention, ambiguity and disruption while services realigned. Loss of continuity with past actions (loss of experience), low staff morale. May be timing issues if appropriate appointments cannot be made. 1213/05 Existing Controls Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority 4x3=12 Delivering the Vision Officer Cultural changes reinforced by communications strategy. Regular updates in “The Bulletin”. Appraisal process. Impact on staffing below Director level to be monitored. Central Government Funding: There is increased uncertainty about the Council receiving adequate funding from central government through the Formula Grant and/or other targeted funding stream that the Council can access. This level of uncertainty makes it very difficult to plan for the 2013/14 transitional year. Corporate Planning / Service Planning The freezing of Council Tax increases has meant a focus on Medium Term Financial Strategy Continue to focus central government mind on needs of local authorities and maintain high standards. Policy work. Achieve Corporate Plan. Budget Monitoring 4 year Budget Forecasting. Membership of Plans for managing 4x4=16 Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 6 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls tax base growth alone. SPARSE impact. Financial forecast updated October 2011 Work streams agreed and being progressed to deliver savings year on year with longer term target savings identified for contract procurement and shared services. The Local Government Finance Act is still passing through its stages in Parliament and has yet to become law. The Corporate Plan is unable to be delivered to the identified timescales. Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Regular review of reserves position with justification The level of service currently provided would be at risk especially some of the discretionary service areas. 1213/06 Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer Housing Delivery – Policies – grant funding Challenge over ability to provide target number of affordable homes through a combination of lack of developer confidence because of recession / weak financial markets and pressure on public finances meaning reduced availability of grant funding for affordable housing provision Inability to secure planning permission for provision of affordable housing Use of capital to invest in development; Partnership work with Registered Providers LDF policies Service plans Internal planning protocol Local Development Framework Core 4x4=16 Have clear forward development plan for affordable housing provision across the district, schemes are planned across financial years and ensure an ongoing programme of schemes. 64 additional affordable homes expected to be completed in 2011/12 with a further 82 planned for delivery in 2012/13 which includes 24 section 4x2=8 Housing and infrastructure Karen Hill Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 7 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls Increased housing need and reputational risk in non-delivery of key corporate priority. Strategy and Site Allocations Documents Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Local Investment Plan adopted by Cabinet Jan 2011 Delivering the Vision Louise Wolsey Annual action plan consultation Mar 2012 Housing Strategy discussion with Cabinet 29 Feb 2012 Revenues and Benefits: A detailed plan has been developed with a dedicated project manager working across both Councils. Officer Considering ways to support Housing Associations to deliver more affordable housing to address issues of lack of/cost of finance and upfront costs of achieving a planning consent, Housing and Infrastructure as Corporate Plan priority The new proposals for shared working with kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council require a comprehensive development and implementation plan that is fully resourced and capable of meeting the identified deadlines for the successful completion of the project. Corporate Objective / Service Priority 106 agreement dwellings. Housing Strategy discussion document issued for consultation July 2010 1213/07 Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed 4x4=16 Improved staff briefing with a web based notice board on which the agenda and minutes of project meetings and other notices are posted. 4x2=8 A project management group is in place The revenues and benefits system is a key deliverable of the Council. This will be the first shared service Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 8 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer Delivering the Vision Julie Cooke undertaken by the Council. The reputational damage from an incomplete implementation is great as the systems touch some of the most vulnerable members of the local community. In addition this project is being undertaken against a back cloth of the Coalition Governments intention to introduce Universal Credit from 2014 and the detailed changes in the shape and detail of Council Tax support and the Business rates retention scheme in the Local Government Finance Bill now before Parliament. 1213/08 3x4=12 Pay and Grading: The implementation of the new job evaluation scores in the shape of a revised structure for pay and grading is to be introduced in 2012-13. While the costs and savings have been modelled undoubtedly some staff will appeal against their new grading and pay. Delay in implementation will increase the costs and reduce the savings in the first year of Detailed work with staff and trades Union representatives to inform the project and report progress on developing the new scheme. Publication of the appeals process and parameters to Trades Unions and staff. 3x3=9 Revisiting job Evaluation scores for comparison across the organisation. Cabinet interaction to Resources made available Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 9 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls introduction. With regard to appeals there are risks associated with the capacity to deal with the potential appellants and the cost of successful appeals. provide Member input. There may potentially be a significant impact on staff morale as a result of this process (which may lead to staff losses. The key driver is a fair, equitable and transparent pay structure that removes the risk of any legal challenge on the basis of equal pay. 1213/09 Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer 2x3=6 Delivering the Vision Duncan Ellis to deal with appeals and to fund any additional costs. Professional and legal advice regarding the scheme Partnership Working: 3x4=12 Key stakeholder / partner organisations fail to engage appropriately / commit resources (staff, finances, actions) to key partnership structures. Failure of partnerships to deliver stated objectives / outcomes Non-delivery of key outcomes leading to reputational risk to Council. Revised Partnership Framework redefines partnerships and provides for graded governance arrangements related to involvement and risk. Monitoring through the Audit Committee and Annual Governance Statement. Implement new partnership profile(s) to complete a comprehensive partnership register. Review partnership operation at least annually and more frequently for major partnerships. Clarify Members roles when on “Outside Bodies” Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 10 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1213/10 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Asset Management: A lack of investment and sound decision-making in Asset Management leads to a loss of revenue and possible legal liability. The Council’s assets continue to deteriorate and the Council does not achieve value for money from its investment and/or possible legal liabilities either directly or through its leasing arrangements. This scenario is detrimental to the local tourism economy as well as damaging to local communities contributing to a lack of community pride and possible increase in vandalism. The capital tied up in assets cannot be released to support wider Council initiatives and income streams are not maximised. 1213/11 Business Continuity Plan: The lack of a Business Continuity Plan (including IT Disaster Existing Controls Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Asset Management Plan in place overseen by Asset Management Board. 4x3=12 Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority 3x2=6 Delivering the Vision 3x2=6 Delivering the Vision On-going work on the repair and maintenance schedules will strengthen the Council’s approach to pro-active management and maintenance of assets. Team resourced but still serious under resourcing of team to take forward significant programme of disposals, particularly in the light of Localism Act requirements for community asset transfer and the creation of a community asset register/ community right to buy. Officer Implementation of Concerto asset management system will ensure better estate and asset management. Introduction of a robust inspection regime with associated risk assessment and prioritisation of works. Latest Asset Management Plan approved by Council February 2011. Risk Management Board; Corporate Business Continuity Plan in 3x3=9 Within risk tolerance. Low level risk test carried out on 30/11/2011 used to Steve Hems/ Richard Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 11 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls Recovery plans) place; Business service failure; also a breach of statutory duty Capture of issues from events here and in other organisations to enable learning; Reputational risk as result of audit / VFM failure. Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed highlight need for individual team plans. Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer Cook BCWG to help embed BC into working culture Training for key staff Planned testing/exercising; Business Continuity Working Group in place Back-up power generation for whole building. Mutual aid arrangements Disaster Recovery (DR) and WAR site contract; Develop DR and continuity plans and test Business Continuity Working Group Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 12 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1213/12 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer During the temporary re-arrangement of duties a joint procurement protocol has been established with Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council to maintain a watching brief. 3x3=9 In the light of the reduced resources within the Finance function it may be necessary to re-evaluate the current procurement arrangements, strengthen the procurement tool kit and provide a greater degree of self-service. 3x1=3 Delivering the Vision Duncan Ellis 4x2=8 All critical services need to complete team BCP 4x2=8 Delivering the Vision Steve Hems/ Richard Cooke Procurement: Following the development of the procurement toolkit and the large scale exercise re Waste procurement it is important that the Council continues to obtain VFM in procuring the goods and services it uses. The reduced focus in this area during the maternity leave of the Financial Services Manager has increased the risks in this area. Value for Money in procurement is vital. The current financial climate makes this even more critical. The absence of a focus for this work over the past 9 months and the reduction in the available accountancy resources going forward increases the risk in this area. This is an important role in developing new service models. 1213/13 Existing Controls The Procurement Strategy and Guidance Notes are available on the intranet. Procurement advice is available to external suppliers on the internet. Significant Disruptive Event: Any event that has a significant impact on the ability of the Council to deliver services. Internal or external event resulting Corporate Business Continuity Plans Some teams have To be completed by 30/06/2012 Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 13 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls in one or more of the following impacts: operational BCP a) Loss of staff for ‘usual’ service delivery b) Loss of premises c) Loss of key partners/suppliers d) Loss of infrastructure services Both the National and Community Risk Registers have more information regarding the risk of specific events (e.g. Pandemic) occurring. 1213/14 Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer 4x1=4 Delivering the Vision Helen Mitchell Norfolk Resilience Forum Response & Recovery Plans Norfolk Resilience Forum Pandemic Flue Plan Reduction in the ability of the Council to deliver services, possibly at a time of increased demand from the community. Information and IT Security: Lax security means that information may be inappropriately used. Information (at whatever security level) is lost / mislaid / stolen from the organisation. Fraud, data corruption, damaged systems, reputation harmed. IT Security Policy Internal Computer Audit reviews Monitoring of IT security by IT. Information 4x2=8 CoCo compliance and for the ICT security policy in order to access the system. The Information Management Strategy is due for a review to be Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 14 of 15 Corporate Risk Register March 2012 Number 1. Cause of risk 2. Description of risk or potential event 3. Consequence of risk happening Existing Controls Increased use of mobile technology such as I Pads etc. Management Strategy. Code of Connection compliance. ICT are responsible for ensuring electronic data is secure (in conjunction with system owners who control access to their databases), Score (with controls) Impact x Likelihood = Total Action (to achieve target score) and Date for action to be completed Target Score Impact x Likelihood = Total Corporate Objective / Service Priority Officer scheduled for later this year (Director for Information). Also Data protection training may need to be refreshed, this is the responsibility of the Legal service. Data security protocols on mobile devices. m:\accountancy\shared information\performance and risk management board\corporate risk register march 2012 v2_update following prmb.docx Corporate Risk Register, March 2012, Sheet 15 of 15