AUDIT COMMITTEE 6 DECEMBER 2011 – ACTIONS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 1. To review the working protocol Ongoing To receive any changes in future years – not the complete document. Sandra King Julian Rickett 2. Partnership arrangements Update Report received on 6 December 2011 David Ablett Mary Howard 3. Network Audit Report Briefing note received on 6 December 2011. Members satisfied that recommendations have been implemented. Helen Mitchell Closed. 4. September Audit Committee Meeting programmed Mary Howard for 18 September 2012. Programme of meetings agreed at Full Council 14 December 2011. Closed. 5. Terms of Reference of Audit Committee To change the TOR from “approve” to “review the final accounts”. That the TOR should better reflect CIPFA guidance. Constitution Working Party Mary Howard 6. Business Continuity The March report to include information about the risks to each service area, the number of team business continuity plans in place and confirmation that arrangements for a generator were in place. Richard Cook Mary Howard 7. Audit Committee Work Programme The Democratic Services Team Leader to liaise with PWC regarding reports for the Agenda. Sarah Brown Mary Howard 8. Members’ Allowances To confirm that a trigger is in place on the HR system to prevent overpayments to Members after an election. Duncan Ellis 9. TEN system To review the TEN system Duncan Ellis Helen Thomas 10. Risk Management Framework To investigate the possibility of providing risk management training for Members of the Audit Committee. David Ablett 11. Performance Management Framework To receive the report in March. Helen Thomas Mary Howard 12. Audit Committee Self-Assessment To complete the SelfAssessment by 16 December 2011 for collation and production of an Action Plan for March meeting. Cllrs N Dixon, B Jarvis, A Moore, R Oliver, J Punchard, D Young David Ablett Mary Howard 13. Future of Public Audit To receive a further report when more information is available. David Ablett