Document 12927856

April 1989
Dear Alumni and Friends of the Texas Tech Law School:
The first issue of the Cornerstone in each calendar year reports on the financial support
provided by our alumni and friends.
Last year I reported to you on the Texas Tech Law School portion of the completed
Enterprise Campaign -- the endowment of our first professorship. This professorship honors
Judge Robert H. Bean. Professor J. Hadley Edgar was selected to hold this endowed
position. In addition, Professor Owen Anderson joined our faculty as the Jack Maddox
Professor of Law (an endowed position made available to the Law School by Texas Tech
University and the Maddox Foundation) and the Trustees of the Law School Foundation
named Professor John Krahmer the first Fellow of Commercial Law.
In April of 1988 the Trustees of the Law School Foundation met and approved a plan to
accelerate the completion of the Alvin R. Allison Professorship of Law. Hershell L. Barnes,
Jr., president of the Board of Trustees of the Texas Tech Law School Foundation, has
enlisted the help of a select group of alumni to complete a drive for pledges. This project is
rapidly nearing completion. A substantial contribution given by Aletha Faye Allison, AI's
wife, has served to energize this proj ect.
The Texas Tech School of Law now joins major national law schools in underwriting
faculty excellence through endowment support. We count on your help as we continue our
drive for additional endowed professorships.
Thanks to you, our annual fund drive set two milestones. Over fifty percent of our alumni
pledged to participate this year. This is a remarkably high number. You pledged over
$100,000 in gifts, also a Texas Tech Law School record! Thank you!
I am delighted to report that Dr. Robert W. Lawless has been named the new president of
Texas Tech University. He will be an outstanding president. I am anxious for Dr. Lawless
to arrive at Texas Tech (he plans to be in his office on July 1) so that I can tell him of the
support provided the Texas Tech Law School by its alumni and friends. You give us just
cause to be proud!
W. Frank Newton
A llison Professorship
"AI Allison dreamed of success for the Texas
Tech Law School. It is appropriate that there be
permanent support for a faculty member in his
name," commented Dean W. Frank Newton
regarding the establishment of the Alvin R.
Allison endowed professorship. The $25,000
donation of Allison's wife, Aletha Faye Allison,
assured the professorship, which should be
filled during the 1989-90 academic year.
Allison, a supporter of Texas Tech as well as
the law school, organized and served as the first
president of the University'S Red Raider Club
from 1951 to 1953 . Allison also served on the
board that worked to establish the Texas Tech
University Health Sciences Center.
The local team will advance to the national
finals at the University of Baltimore School of
Law in Maryland. International competition
also will be held at the University of Baltimore,
with national champions from Canada, the
United States and England.
In 1978, Al Allison was named a Distinguished
Alumnus of Texas Tech University. Students,
faculty, staff and administrators, however, know
him as the "Father of the Texas Tech School of
The Texas Tech team includes second-year law
students: Drue Ann Davis, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Davis of Lubbock; Christopher
Sharkey of Tyler, son of Barnard Sharkey of
Point Pleasant, N.]., and Katherine Sharkey of
Red Bank, N.].; and Greg Perry, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Perry of Ozona . Bubany and
Lubbock County Assistant District Attorney
Clay Abbott are coaches for the team.
Allison's name currently is connected to two
annual law school scholarships and a student
loan fund. The school's courtroom bears his
Although the Depression era kept Allison from
attending law school after his 1930 college
graduation, the Bosque County native passed
the Texas bar examination in 1934. The
following year, Allison began the first of two
terms as Hockley County Judge.
Allison was named to the Tech Board of
Regents by Governor Price Daniel in 1961.
Immediately thereafter, he began to work
toward his dream of a law school at Texas
Tech. Despite strong opposition, Allison
continually gathered data and built his case for
the need of a law school in West Texas. He
compiled a vast array of statistics, including the
application and enrollment figures at the
existing law schools in Texas and projections
for their continued growth. The law school
deans reported that they were operating at near
capacity for their physical facilities. Other data
illustrated the ratio of law students to
population, the number and geographic
distribution of lawyers in Texas and a
projection of the number of lawyers needed by
On July 13, 1964, the Commission on Higher
Education approved, with only one dissenting
vote, the request for a school of law at Texas
Tech. Allison later commented, "The victory
bells failed to ring on that occasion but Texas
Tech probably had claimed its greatest
academic victory since the establishment of
Texas Tech in 1925."
During the competition to evaluate legal
consultation skills, teams have 30 minutes to
interview a "client" and 15 additional minutes
to formulate a legal course of action and present
that plan to competition judges in each round.
(Standing L to R): Texas Tech Interim President
Elizabeth G. Haley and Hershell Barnes, president of
the Law School Foundation.(Seated L to R): Sandra
Allison, Aletha Faye Allison and Sharon Martin.
Tech Scores Victory at
National Client
Counseling Competition
Ten days before the competition "appointment"
teams are given general facts of the case, similar
to information supplied to a law firm's secretary
in setting up an appointment. This year's
competition subject is product liability.
December Hooding
Ceremony Held
Professor Walter F. Murphy of Princeton
University delivered the main address to the
December '88 graduates. Professor Murphy, a
nationally recognized constitutional authority,
is the author of The Vicar oj Christ, a novel
which is to be made into a movie.
December graduates are Greg Wesley Abel;
Ronnie Van Baugh; Carol Ann Carson; Denise
Jean Collins; Tonda Lynne Curry; Charles
Anthony Freas; Cary Dwayne Kirby; Joseph
Walter Kline; Rod]. McDonald; J erry G.
Matthews; Susan Louise Owen; Johnnie Beth
Page; Michael Pierce Reed; Jeffery Todd
Robnett; Garland Ray Sandhop, Jr.; Carolyn
Cook Sellers; Bruce Kirk Spindler; Teena Diann
Tatom; Barry D. Thomas; Joseph Wingate
Tombs; and David Charles Willingham.
Teams at the regional meet in Lubbock
represented the University of Houston, Texas
Southern University, Baylor University, South
Texas School of Law, University of Texas,
Texas Tech and St. Mary's University.
Texas Tech University law students captured
the regional crown of the American Bar
Association's 1989 National Client Counseling
Competition held March 3 & 4. A regional
winner in 1988, Texas Tech gained the 1989
regional title after bea ting S t. Mary's U ni versi ty
in the finals. The team now will advance to
national competition in Baltimore, Md.
"It was quite an achievement," said team coach
and Texas Tech law professor Charles P.
Bubany. "The team lost in the very first round
Friday morning and had to win that afternoon
to remain in the competition." Bubany said the
slow start could be a "good omen" noting that
the 1987 Texas Tech team also had a first-round
regional loss but followed with a winning
streak that climaxed with the national title.
American Bar Association's 1989 National Client
Counseling Competition regional winners, coached
by Texas Tech Law School faculty member Charles
P. Bubany. (L to R): Bubany; Greg Perry; Drue Ann
Davis; and Cristopher Sharkey. (Texas Tech Photo
by Mark Mamawal)
Professor Walter F. Murphy of Princeton delivered the
commencement address to December grad uates.
Annual Woodward
Lecture Held
In concluding his lecture, Judge Fitzwater
stated: "Attorneys must be ever mindful that
when they advocate the causes of their clients
they need not -- indeed must not -- rely upon
unprofessional conduct of any sort. Our
common law tradition does not require it, our
ethical canons do not suggest it, and our system
of justice cannot afford it.
The renaissance of professionalism in trial
advocacy may not be accomplished by one
lawyer or by one law class or by one bar
association . But, it is said that a journey of a
thousand miles begins with the first step. So let
us begin."
(L to R): Honora ble Sidney A. Fitz w ater, M rs. Na ncy
Fitzwater and Dean Newton.
Class Reuniorzs Set
The fifteen and ten year reunions for
the Classes of 1974 and 1979,
respectively, will be held Alumni
\Veekend. ()ctober 6 - 7, 1989. Texas
Tech University will play Texas A & M
on Saturday, October 7.
(L to R): Associate Dean J oe Conb oy v isits with
Lubbock attorneys Joe Nag y, H onora ble ]. Q.
Warnick and David Bass at the Halbert O. Woodward
Honorable Sidney A. Fitzwater, U.S. District
Judge, Northern District of Texas, delivered the
second annual Halbert O. Woodward Lecture at
the Texas Tech School of Law. The lecture is
funded by former law clerks of Judge
Woodward and members of the Lubbock
County Bar Association.
Judge Fitzwater's speech to students, faculty and
area a ttorneys was ti tIed "Toward A
Renaissance of Professionalism in Trial
Advocacy." In his remarks, Judge Fitzwater
called for a renewal of professionalism in trial
advocacy "so that a system designed to ensure
justice will not become a contrivance to deny
Judge Fitzwater, a member of the en bane panel
that authored the decision in Dondi Properties
Corp. v. Commerce Savings & Loan
Association, 121 F. R. D. 284 (N. D. Tex. 1988),
called for a restoration of civility to civil
Rooms have been blocked for October
6 & 7 for the school at Lubbock Plaza
Hotel , 3201 South Loop 289, at a rate
of $65 per night. Reservations Inust be
tonfinned with a credit card and
should be Inade by September 20,
1989. Specify that you are with the
Law School Alulnni . The Lubbock
Plaza phone nUlnber is (806) 797 -3241 .
Roolns have also been blocked at
Barcelona Court, South Loop 289 at
Slide Road for Onober 6 & 7. Rates
;ue $6q single with '10 additional per
adult . (Children under 12 stay free .)
Rate includes conlplinlentary breakfast
and (WO hours of free cocktails.
Confirm \\'ith a credit card no later
than Septeluber 8 to assure availability.
1-he Barcelona Court phone number
i~ (806) 794 -!J353. Ask lVlina to olake
the reservation, and state that you are
with the Law School Alumni .
Texas Tech Alumni
Elected to State TYLA
Two Texas Tech Law School alumni have been
elected to serve as officers of the Texas Young
Lawyers Association (TYLA) for 1989-90.
Serving as secretary of the organization is Wade
McMullen ('82). Wade practices with the Fort
Worth firm of Shannon, Gracey, Ratliff & Miller.
Larriet Thomas ('80), of Curry, Curry &
Robinson, in Lubbock, will serve as treasurer for
the coming year. Larriet also serves as treasurer of
the Texas Tech Law School Alumni Association.
Class of J71
The firm of BRUCE MAGNESS announced a
new location effective in January. The office
address is 1204 Avenue J, Lubbock, Texas
7940l. Bruce can be reached at 806/763 -1895.
Class of J73
HANK ANDERSON was certified in December
1988 as a specialist in personal injury trial law.
He is in practice with Rosendo Rodriguez ('76)
in Wichita Falls.
Class of J74
TERR Y HYATT has announced the addition
of Randall R. Moore ('78) as a partner in the
firm of Hyatt & Crabtree, Pc. The firm's new
name is Hyatt, Crabtree & Moore, PC. Offices
are located at 1380 Premier Place, 5910 North
Central Express)Vay, Dallas, Texas 75206.
I~ (r
On November 11,1988, SUSAN STEDMAN
JENNINGS and her husband, James,-welcomed
their third daughter into the family . Susan
serves as a vice-president and general counsel at
Life Insurance Company of the Southwest. The
company's new PO Box is 569080, Dallas, Texas
In June 1988, LINDA J. TODD'S firm,
Livingston & Todd-Bruse, PC, merged with the
34-attorney firm of Gandy, Michener, Swindle,
Whitaker & Pratt, with offices located at 2501
Parkview Drive, Ste. 600, Fort Worth, Texas
76102. Linda also was recently certified in
commercial real estate law.
RANDALL R . MOORE, formerly a director in
the law offices of Windle Turley, PC, has
become a partner in the personal injury trial
firm of Hyatt & Crabtree, Pc. The firm name
has been changed to Hyatt, Crabtree & Moore,
PC and their new address is 1380 Premier Place,
5910 North Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas
Class of J76
Class of J79
R.L. PETE McKINNEY has been certified in
civil trial law and personal injury trial law by
the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He is a
partner in the Abilene firm of McMahon,
Smart, Surovik, Suttle, Buhrmann & Cobb.
STEVEN M. WILLIAMS announced the
opening of his firm's new offices at 1101 Scott,
Ste. 9, Wichita Falls, Texas 76301,817/767 -1999
or 767 -LAWS . The law offices engage in the
practice of personal injury law, workers
compensation law, general civil law, criminal
law and family law .
Class of J77
CHARLES A. WYMAN recently became
assistant disciplinary counsel in Albuquerque.
His office is located at 400 Gold, S.W. # 712,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, 505/842-578l.
The city of Olney, Illinois appointed LARRY
P. TAYLOR city manager in May 1988. Larry
continues to serve as the city attorney.
Class of J78
MICK McKAMIE, former city attorney of
Greenville, Texas, has joined the firm of Curtis
& Paris. His new address is 2708 Washington
St., Greenville, Texas 75401.
D. LYLE ''''OOD now can be reached at 303 N.
Alameda, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88004.
As of February 1989, R. JEANETTE ROBISON
- JAMES will be associated with the El Paso
firm of Diamond, Rash, Leslie, Smith &
Saminago. Offices are located at First National
Bank Building, Ste. 725, El Paso, Texas 7990l.
The firm specializes in creditor rights,
bankruptcy and banking law .
KRISTOPHER R . TILKER has become a full time faculty member in the Department of
Business Administration at Midwestern State
University in Wichita Falls. Kristopher teaches
primarily business law-related subjects. His
address is MSU, Dept. of Business
Administration, W ichita Falls, Texas
Exxon's Southwestern Division in Midland .
Curtis N . Leonard ('79) and Shelby L. McCue
('79) are also with the group .
McCUE are with the Producing Properties
Acquisition Group of Exxon 's Southwestern
Division in Midland. Their new mailing
address is Petroleum Center One , 330 North
Avenue "A", Midland, Texas 79705.
MARCUS J. BUSCH has been certified in
criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal
Class of J80
RONALD D. WELLS, a partner with Milner,
Gornason, Udashen & Wells, recently was board
certified in criminal law .
GAIL ROBERTSON is practicing law in
Hawaii with the firm of Dinman, Nakamura,
Elisha, Nakatani & Neeley in their litigation
department. The firm is located in Honolulu, at
707 Richards St., PIt-I, 96825 .
Class of J8i
BRUCE A. MARTIN of WTichita Falls has been
certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of
Legal Specialization. He also was board
certified in fami ly law in 1987 .
J. MONTY STEVENS and Linda A. Stevens
('83) announce the arrival of their first child,
Justin Montague Stevens, born on August 24,
1988. Monty is a partner at the law firm of
Dudley, Dudley & Windle and is a practicing
insurance defense trial attorney .
JOHN FOMOUS has been reassigned by the US
Army to the Environmental Law Division in
Washington, DC, as a litigation attorney. Mail
can be addressed to him at US Army Judge
Advocate General's Corps, Attn: DAJA - ELL,
Pentagon Room lC480, Washington, DC 20310.
STAN A. WEAVER recen tl y was certified in
residential, commercial, and farm and ranch
real ~;;tate law by the Texas Board of Legal
Class of J82
DOUGLASS C. ROBISON is associated with
the Producing Properties Acquisitions Group of
WAYNE B. WHITHAM has moved to the firm
of Kelly, Hart & Hallman, located at 2500 First
City Bank Tower, 201 Main St., Fort Worth,
Texas 76102.
Frederick Mayer, Jr. ('89) were married in
Lubbock on November 23, 1988. The
Honorable Thomas L. Clinton officiated at the
private ceremony. The couple's address is 5414
43rd St., Lubbock, Texas 79414.
In November 1988, TOM HALL established the
Law Offices of Tom Hall, located at 6125
Airport Freeway, Ste. 100, Fort Worth, Texas
76117. The firm handles plaintiffs' personal
injury, workers compensation and product
liability litigation. Tom has been board
certified in personal inj ury trial law and was
awarded this designation at the Honoree's
Dinner this past February.
JACK M. GRAHAM is a partner with the new
law firm of Ham, Irwin, Graham & Cox. The
firm's mailing address is PO Box 749, Amarillo,
Texas 79105.
Class of '83
CHERYL OLESEN has become a partner in
the law firm of Wells, Reyton, Beard,
Greenberg, Hunt & Crawford, 550 Fannin St.,
Sixth Floor, Beaumont, Texas.
was appointed to fill an unexpired term as
judge of County Court at Law 2, Denton
County, Texas. His address is 401 W. Hickory,
Denton, Texas 7620l.
ELATA ELY'S address was listed incorrectly in
the recent Alumni Directory. She can be reached
at 1720 Avenue M, Lubbock, Texas 7940l.
ERIN BAKER married Dr. Lee Fitzgerald on
October 7, 1988. Erin is an attorney in the
Dallas office of Baker & Botts and Lee is a
C lass of (83 cont.
dentist in Richardson. Erin's business address is
2001 Ross Avenue, Eighth Floor, Dallas, Texas
TERRY JACOBSON has joined the firm of
Dawson and Sodd in Corsicana. The firm's
address is 5th & Main, Corsicana, Texas 75110.
In January 1989, DAN G. YOUNG became a
partner in the law firm of McCLesky, Harriger,
Brazill & Graf in Lubbock.
SHARON WEBB CURTIS is now a member of
the firm of J ouette and Curran, Attorneys at
Law. Offices are located at 201 S. McDonald,
Ste. A, McKinney, Texas 75069. Also, Sharon
and her husband, Bob, are the proud parents of
a baby boy, Zachary John Robert Curtis, born
on July 13, 1988.
LINDA A. STEVENS and her husband, J.
Monty Stevens ('81) had their first child, Justin
Montague, on August 24, 1988. Linda has been
an associate of the law firm of Ainsa,
Skipworth, Zavaleta & Butterworth in El Paso
for the past four years.
Class of J84
JAMES BRENNAN and his wife, Patsy, had
their first child, James Patrick, on October 25,
1988. James is with the firm of Garza, Brennan
& Walters in Lubbock.
BRENDA NORTON has a new mailing
address: 601 Baltimore, El Paso, Texas 79902.
ANN SPIEGEL changed positions in May 1988
from being an associate at Kirklin, Boudreau &
Joseph to serving as litigation attorney at Shell
Oil Company. She is specializing in toxic tort
litigation. Ann's new mailing address is One
Shell Plaza, PO Box 2463, Houston, Texas
Class of J85
ROGER C. DAVIE has become associated with
the firm of Hicks and Associates in El Paso. He
was formerly with the Lubbock law offices of
Crenshaw, Dupree & Milam. Roger's address is
211 West Yandell, El Paso, Texas 79902 - 3923.
EDDY ATKINS took office January -I, 1989 as
county attorney, Clay County, Texas. Also on
that date, Eddy became a partner in the firm of
Towery & Atkins. His mailing address is PO
Box 607, Henrietta, Texas 76365.
MARK DAVIS, formerly with Morris, Moore in
Amarillo, has become an associate with the
Dallas firm of Bailey & Williams. Mark can be
reached at 3500 NCNB Plaza, 901 Main, Dallas,
Texas 75202.
Excellence Through Your
R. MAX BEST has accepted the position of
legal counsel to Governor Garrey Carruthers of
New Mexico. His address is Governor's Office,
State Capitol, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Class of J87
Life Members
SCOTT KILLOUGH has changed addresses
to Route 23, Box 1558, Tyler, Texas 75703. Scott
is with the firm of Pye, Dobbs, Johnson & Berry
PC, located in Ste. 400 at 100 Independence
Place in Tyler.
LUCILLE ZAVALA is a hearings examiner
with the Texas Youth Commission (TYC). She
conducts parole revocation hearings for TYC
parolees throughout Texas. Lucille's new
address is 1806 W. Rundberg #101, Austin,
Texas 78758.
RICK D. DAVIS, JR. and his wife, Karen,
proudly announce the birth of their second
child, Taylor Kathryn.
D. KAY WOODS has accepted a position as
general counsel with Intertrans Corporation,
whose offices are located at 8505 Freeport
Parkway, Ste . 400, Irving, Texas 75063.
Class of J86
EMILIO E. ABEYTA established his own law
office in Lubbock in January 1989. He was
formerly associated with Javier Alvarez.
Emilio's mailing address remains the same,
except for the suite number, which has changed
to #8.
DAVID A. SCHULMAN has become a partner
in the law firm of Chappell, Lanehart, Aldridge
& Schulman in Lubbock.
After two years as briefing attorney to the 7 th
Court of Appeals, JEANETTE KELLEY
AHLENIUS has joined the firm of
Whittenburg, Whittenburg & Schacter in
AL WATKINS married Bethany Thompson of
Atlanta, Georgia on October 8, 1988. Al
continues to practice with the firm of Baker,
Mills & Glast in Dallas; Bethany is a flight
attendant for American Airlines.
M. FRANCES DORSEY, a solo practitioner in
bankruptcy and general civil law, has been
appointed to the panel of US Bankruptcy
Trustees, Northern District of Texas. Her new
address is 500 South Taylor, Lock Box 267,
Amarillo, Texas 79101.
In September 1988, LAYNE Y. NG joined the
firm of Dixon & Friedman, located at 1020 SW
Taylor #430, Portland, Oregon 97205.
ROBERT P. ODLE passed the bar exam in
Colorado and is presently an assistant district
attorney in Durango, Colorado. For two years,
Robert practiced law in San Diego, California.
His new address is PO Box 556, Durango,
Colorado 81302, 303/247-8850.
DANIEL OGDEN returned recently from
China, where he taught a course in
international business law at Tianjin University
of Finance and Economics. Dan also has opened
an office at 2525 McKinney Ave., Suite 900 in
Dallas. His practice will focus on general
business and commercial law as well as
international business transactions.
Class of J89
Boswell Botros ('82) were married in a private
ceremony in Lubbock on November 23, 1988.
The Honorable Thomas J. Clinton officiated.
The couple's address is 5414 43rd St., Lubbock,
Texas 79414.
Allison, Aletha Faye
M.D. Anderson Foundation
Banking Law Institute
Hall, Thomas G .
Nagy, Mr. & Mrs. Joe H.
Simpson III, John E . & Carolyn
Texas Tech University
Underwood Wilson Berry Stein & Johnson
Dis tinguished Members
Allensworth, William R .
Arkanada Corporation
Crawford, Joseph V.
Divine, Donna L.
Exxon Education Foundation
Fulbright & Jaworski
Gaston, Robert & Anne
Geary Stahl & Spencer
Gentry, R. Charles
Grambling & Mounce
Institute for Educational Affairs
Kemp Smith Duncan & Hammond
Mehaffy ·Weber Keith & Gonsoulin
Montford, John T .
Nelson, George H.
Newton, ,11/. Frank
Rake Jr., M.E.
Roberts, Burnett B.
Runge, Barbara K.
Scogin, Robert
Scott Hulse Marshall Feuille Finger &
Shank Irwin Conant Lipshy & Casterline
Sokolow, Craig B.
Thompson & Knight
West Foundation, Alice Sneed
Winstead McGuire Sechrest & Minick
Honor Members
Bankston Wright &: Greenhill
Carter, R. Guy
Clifford, Karl N.
Crenshaw Dupree &: Milam
Curry Jr., J. L. (Buddy)
El Paso Bar Auxiliary
Evans, R. Tim
Fenner, Suzan E.
Fletcher, Kay P.
Gardere &: Wynne
Gibson Ochsner &: Adkins
Hansen, Arthur G. &: Nancy T.
He bert, Theresa R.
Henderson, John R.
Hicks, Larry W.
Hile, Richard C.
Howe, Garry F.
Justice, Deets D.
Key, Roger A.
Lubbock Area Foundation
McWhorter Cobb &: Johnson
Morgan, Michael T.
Moss, William R.
Naman Howell Smith &: Lee
New, Paul
Price, Allen L.
Robason, Randy D. &: Donna Stephens
Scoggin-Dickey Buick
Shackelford, James B.
Sherrill &: Pace
Smith, S. Craig
Stoltz, Michael R.
Texas Tech Ex-Students Association
Todd Barron Bridges &: McKeel
Turner, Bruce E.
Ward, Gary A.
Weeks, John W.
Sustaining Members
Adcock, Daniel Lawrence
Alvarado, Pablo L.
Anderson, C. Denise
Bailey, Lori L.
Baskind, Stephen L.
Berman Mitchell Yeager &: Gerber
Blumrosen, J. R.
Boyd, Samuel L.
Bufkin, Richard L.
Burke, Hardy F.
Cassidy, Mary Lou
Cobb, Carroll
Conner Jr., Elgin E .
Davenport, Erwin D.
Dentzer, Edward Kevin
Dixon, Gerald G.
Garner, Daniel C.
Grudzinski Jr., Chester W.
Hagin, C. Terry
Harr, Steven A.
Hart, Barry L.
Harvey, Jay W.
Haugland, Corey W.
Hines, Stephen A.
Hobbs, Kennett
Huffaker, John T.
Jackson Walker Winstead Cantwell &: Miller
Johnson, Karen T.
Johnson, Stephen D.
Jones, Jeffrey B.
Judge, John W.
Key, Marion T.
Lubbock County Bar Association
Marple, Annette W.
McCleskey Harriger Brazill &: Gra£
McKeehan, Stewart W.
Mitchell, Carmen S.
Morgan, Cecelia Hufstedler
Nelson, James E.
Nickum, Ronald D.
O'Conner, Kellogg L.
Orgain Bell &: Tucker
Peirson, William H.
Provenghi, Ruggero S.
Reese, C. Tom
Renner, Daniel R.
Reynolds Shannon Miller Blinn White &: Cook
Rouse, Randall L.
Russell, Don F.
Schoen, Rodric B.
Scott, Robert L.
Shelton, Wade B.
Shepherd, John L.
Simek, Patrick C.
Skogland, John E.
Snodgrass, Don E.
Stribling, Stancy
Taylor, Weldon E.
Thomason, William L. &: Martha H.
Twenha£el, Mark A.
Ulrich, Diana Dowd
Ulrich, Stephen E.
Wade, William J.
Wallace, Steven C.
Ward, William E.
West, Glenn D.
Wiese, Larry C.
Wittenburg, Charles J.
Womble, Bill
Wood, Lawrence C.
Worley, Mike
Century Members
Actkinson, Johnny W.
Alexander, Leota H.
Alley, Jeffrey S.
Alvarado, Ricardo R.
Andersen, Penny L.
Anderson, Greg D.
Atnipp, Douglas Clay
Avant, Jim F.
Aycock, Robert R.
Badeaux, Joanne M .
Bailey Jr., Prenti.ce Howard
Baker Clifford Krier &: Webb
Barrett, Daniel R.
Bates, Daniel L.
Bavousett, Steve A.
Becker, Herbert A.
Beer, Barry H .
Bellefleur, Robert G.
Benko, Debra R.
Benson, Dan H.
Best, R. Max
Bondurant, Alyce A.
Boone, Billy W.
Boyle, Michael C.
Brock, Ralph H.
Brockett Jr., C.H.
Brown, Deborah D.
Brown, James D.
Brown, Martha L.
Brown, Robert F.
Browning, John R.
Bucker, Rodney D.
Buckner, Adair M.
Buzzard, Mark N.
Buzzard, Vanessa G.
Cable, Chad
Canada, M. Ken t
Cantacuzene, Jr., Rodion
Carr, Thomas E.
Carr Evans Fouts &: Hunt
Carrington, Morris C.
Casselberry, Russell W.
Casstevens, Ernest C.
Chavez, Jose A. (Tony)
Clark, James M.
Clay, W. Michael
Clement, Todd G.
Cobb, David R.
Cobb, Gene S.
Cockerell, Perry J.
Coffey, Timothy V.
Colia, Milton C.
Collins, Jacquelin
Cook, Bennett G.
Cooksey, Curry L.
Cothern, Donald W.
Cowling Jr., Ken D.
Cox, B. Blake
Cox, Heidi Bruegel
Crawford, Kevin B.
Crawford, Stephen O.
Crews Jr., Richard W.
Cummings, Kenneth D.
Davis III, O. Luke
Dawson, William B.
Delaney, Frank G .
Donaho, Scott R.
Donovan, Carol Crabtree
Donovan, Daniel P.
Dossett, Buddy R.
Driskill, Jack D.
Dykhuizen, Richard C.
Eddins, Gerald W.
Ellison, Gary E.
Emerson, Sallv Holt
Engler, Denni~ D.
Epps, Jerald W.
Fadduol, Sam
Fainter Jr., John W.
Ferguson, Carter L.
Fields Jr., Edward J.
Fjetland, G. Michael
Floyd, Joseph Thad
Fomous, John M.
Friedsam, S. Carl
Gallman Jr., James R.
Garay, Juan C.
Gaston, W. Clayton
Gilbert, Risher S. &: Robert G.
Gilkerson, George E.
Gilles, Stephen J.
Gilmartin, John A.
Goheen, Karen J.
Gonzalez, Ricardo
Graham, Rick J. W.
Greak, Nolan E.
Greer, Kenneth L.
Griffin, Nathan K.
Griffith, Thomas J .
Hadden, Lee E .
Hagood, Gene S.
Hale, Kent D .
Hall, Eileen
Hall, Wesley A.
Hammer, David W.
Hammer, Robert W.
Hancock, Mackey K.
Hanna, Jon R.
Harbour , Ted 1.
Hardin, Elaine H. Moore
Century Members (cont.)
Harriger, Bill
Harriger, Harold O.
Harris, Charles Dick
Harris, Martha
Harris Jr., James M.
Hart, David G.
Hartt III, Grover
Harwood, George N.
Hatchell, Michael A.
Hawkins, Steward K.
Hayes, Joe W.
Hershberger, J. Steven
Hewett, Wynette J .
Hicks, Sam R.
Hoffman, Nathan P.
Hoffman Sheffield & Sauseda
Holland, Edelmira N.
Holt, Mike
Hood, Paul Michael
Howard, Bill J.
Hulett, Jimmy D.
Hunnicutt, James C.
Hurd III, Charles W .
Hurst, Michael L.
Husen, Richard L.
Hyatt, Terry P .
Irish, J. Michael
Isaacks, Lewis L.
Ivey, Jon D .
Jacks, James T.
James, Donald E.
Johnsen, Carolyn J.
Johnson, Philip W .
J ones, Loyd N.
J ones II, Robert E.
J unell, Robert A.
Keffler, Robert J.
Ker, Jon R.
King, Charles E.
Kinkaid Jr., Robert W.
Kirk, Eugene P .
Knight, Donald K.
Kolander Jr., Jerome M.
Konugres, Samuel C.
Lam, Phillip N.
Lanehart Jr., Charles W .
Lara Jr., Arthur B.
Lee, Dale W.
Leewright, Martin B.
Leggett, Kenneth G.
Lemmons, Robert W.
Leonard, Jeffrey Allen
Leonard, Tim S.
Lerew, G. Harold
Leverett, J r., Homer W .
Little, Betty H .
Livingston, Randell W.
Llano Estacado Winery
Lobstein, Timothy A.
Lockhart, Tom A.
Loncar, Brian
Lundy, Elizabeth J.
Lupton, Stephen R.
Lybrand, Robert D.
Maddox Renfrow & Saunders
Mahon, Eldon B.
Maner, John F.
Marvel, Karen Lee
Mathews, Joseph c.
Matson, Mark D.
McDonald, James W.
McDonald, Myrtle L.
McGee, Delwin T.
McGregor, John W.
McGuire, Kent
McIntyre, Stephen C.
McKenzie, Melanie lone
McKinney, Michael B.
McLeroy, Jimmy D.
McNeely & Smith
McNey, John W.
McPherson, Eric
McWhorter J r., Owen W.
Meaders, Eddie Loyd
Meador, Terri J.
Meeks, Raymond M.
Menezes, Stephen J.
Minority Law Student Association
Montgomery, John W.
Moore, Carolyn F.
Moore, James F.
Moore, Kelly G.
Moore, Weldon L.
Murdock, Glen R.
Murray, Alan L.
Myers, Thomas W.
Neeley, Gregory W.
Neff, Holland Ann
Nelms, Russell F.
Nelson, J. David
Nelson, Miles R.
New, Warren J.
Nicholson, Robert L.
O'Melveny & Myers
Obeidin, Lonnie M.
Olm, Jane G.
Olson, Dennis O.
O'Neal, Terry L.
Ortiz, Daniel A.
Osborn, Cynthia Snell
Osborn, Mark N .
Osborne, Harry A.
Osborne, Joseph M.
Pachta, Mickey L.
Paine, Gage E.
Pandolfi, Alfred A.
Parsley, L. Cathleen
Parsons, L. Dale
Parsons, Michael D .
Patterson, Randal M .
Patterson, Stephen R.
Peel, Sherry L.
Pendelton, Jane E.
Perez, Albert
Perez, Louis A.
Perkins, Donna Becker
Perkins, Daniel J.
Pipes, Roger J.
Pirtle, Patrick A.
Pochmann, Deborah Norris
Ponton III, Arvel (Rod)
Poole, Benton J.
Postnikoff, Joseph F .
Power, Betsy Kay Brumbelow
Power, Craig E.
Power, Russell Blane
Quilliam, Mrs. William Reed
Quilliam J r., W. Reed
Ra~ey Flock Jeffus Crawford Harper & Collin
RapIer, John E.
Raschke, Fred D.
Reeve, Kenlon W.
Rendall, Robert V.
Rhoads, Terry W.
Richards, Melba H.
Rogers, J. Andrew
Roth, Clarence E.
Rozell, Andrew K.
Rudd, Brenda H.
Rudd, Jim D.
Russell, Kerry L.
Sanders, J. Mike
Sawaya, Michael G.
Sawyer, Jerry K.
Schaap, Daniel L.
Schultz, Steven J.
Schutza, James L.
Settle Jr., John D.
Shackelford, Charles D.
Shaffer, George E.
Sheffield III, James R.
Shelton, Stephen R.
Shepherd, Edward W . "Ned"
Sherman, Larry D.
Shurley, Mark F.
Simank, Ronald A.
Sims, M. Kent
Smith, Alwin Albert
Smith, Brock R .
Smith, Thomas M.
Snuggs, Charles C.
Stevens, J. Monty
Stewart, David C.
Stickels, John W.
Stringer, Kenneth N
Tarbox, Max R.
Taylor, Brad L.
Teel, James C .
Terrill, John E.
Texas Tech Law Partners
Thomas, Larriet E.
Thompson, Larry M.
Treadaway, Gordon
Triana, Frank S.
Turner, Jay S.
Turner, William R.
Utsinger, Kelly D.
Vandi ver, Donald G.
Villa, Carlos
Vint, Robert E.
Wade, W. Burgess
Waggoner, Richard L.
Walker, Frederick X.
Walker, Jonette M.
Wallace, Ben B.
Walston, Thomas H.
Ware, Travis S.
Waters, Vaughan E.
Watkins, Wallace Allan
Watson Jr., Charles "Skip"
Weaver, Stan A.
Webber, David Falconer
Wentworth, E. Jeffrey
Wharton, James L.
White, Dan A.
Whiteside, Tom H.
Wilcox, Ruth N.
Williams, Jerry L.
Williams, N. Keith
Williams, Stephen N.
Wilson, Keitha V.
Wilson, Michael L.
Wilson, Sharen
Withrow, Mark L.
Withrow, Wendel A.
Womble, Wm. Thomas
Wood, Cara C.
Wood, Robert E.
Woodson, Danny K.
Woodward, Michael L.
Wright, Robert G.
Wright, William R .
Wright Jr., William B.
Wylie, Phillip A.
Yates, Crystal Yvette McBee
Yeates, Tommy L.
Yetter, Bruce
Young, George P.
Participating Members
Adair, Kendall D.
Adkins, Carvan E.
Allard, Wendy L. Schneider
Allensworth, Thomas Lasater
Alley, Ronald D .
Anderson, Diana L.
Arwood, Thomas W.
Aufricht, Jennifer D.
Baen, Catherine Louise
Baker, Janet Davis
Baker, Robert W .
Balentine, Sherri Bozeman
Barbee, Robert D.
Barron, Steven B.
Bartley, Kevin R.
Beck, E. Link
Beebe, Lisa A.
Bergle, Beth A.
Bickerstaff, Kelly
Bieck Jr., Robert B.
Birdsong, R. Kent
Blankenship, Mark Owen
Blanks, Mickey J .
Blinderman, Bob L.
Bond, Monte Michael
Bow, Jonathan D.
Bowersock, Richard K.
Bratton, Jerry W.
Bridges, Gary L.
Brigham, David Travis
Britt Jr., Dewey Duane
Bryla, Carroll J.
Buck, Erin Elizabeth
Buzzard, Andrea R.
Caldwell, Suzanne Barnes
Carnohan, Christopher P.
Carter, Michael Arthur
Carter, Robert N .
Casey, Terry M.
Chavez, Luis
Chavez & Gracia
Chorn, Thomas H.
Claiborne, Dan L.
Clifton Jr. , William W .
Clinton, Claudia
Coffey, Karen P.
Connelly, Karon Kay Holley
Conway, Richard W.
Cooper, Stephen M.
Cope, Joe L.
Copeland Jr., Weldon S.
Couture, Alan ].
Craddock, Ramon a Gail Hobbs
Crawford, Ann Dalrymple
Crim, Michael L.
Crowder, Judy Alicia
Crowley Waltman & Fugler
Cruse , Madge C.
Cullen, Christopher T.
Davenport, Mitchell G.·
David, Clinton J.
Davis, Richard Dolman
Deane, William T.
de Hoyos , Orlando Flores
Dennis, Don C.
Dial, Steven R.
Dillinger, Jane Ellen
Doepfner, Phillip Raymond
Donnelly, Kalen
Drinnen, Claud H .
Duncan, Laurence L.
Duval, John R.
Eady, Michael Wayne
Edgar, Mr. & Mrs. ]. Hadley
Eidson, James M.
Elder, Billy T .
Ellis, David J.
Ely, Elata I.
Ervin, Wendi Rai
Faggard, A. Mark
Fergus Jr., Dan M.
Ferris, Linda Gayle
Florey Jr., Ben C.
Forrest, Richard M.
Fostel, Michael L.
Frazier, Kyle A.
Freels , John A.
Friebele, Randell W .
Fristoe, Gene A.
Fulbright, Paul E.
Fuller, Jamie L.
Ganske, Vicki Smith
Garney, Theresa Cullen
Garza Brennan & Wal ters
Gehan, Timothy Edward
Gibson Jr., Jerry R.
Gilles, George D.
Glasheen, Elaine Brock
Glasheen, Kevin Thomas
Godfrey, "Amy Hillhouse
Goebel , Katherine Harrison
Golden, Elizabeth Neal
Gonzalez, E. Juan
Goss, Jay B.
Griffith, Ross Patrick
Grimes, David Link
Gryting, Bruce H.
Haecker, Aaron
Haliburton, Kerry Lee
Hall, Kendall A.
Hall , Mark C.
Hansen , Gerald H .
Haratsis, George Charles
Hardwick, Harvey Ross
Hardwick, Henry Lee
Harrington, James C.
Harrison, Glen Neil
Hart, Kevin C.
Hatch, Leslie F.
Hatten , Russell Ray
Hawthorne, Charles E .
Hawthorne, Richard
Hellewell, Edward D.
Hemmeline, Barbara J.
Henderson, Kevin D.
Henry, G. Steven
Henslee, ]. C.
Hensley, D. Murray
Herrin, Thomas M.
Hevron, Kenric R .
Hewlett, David R.
Hoffman, Kelly F.
Hokanson, Lynn E .
Hollums, John R.
Houchin, Karen L.
Howard, Carla A.
Hughes, Charles S.
Hunter, S. Barcus
Hutchison, Susan
Janssen, Mark B.
Jeanes II, Lyle H.
Jernigan, Joe W.
Joeckel Jr., David B.
Jones, Anderson D.
Jones, Robert L.
Kane, William D.
Keeling, David L.
Keeth, Scott Matthew
Keithly, John E.
Kennedy, James S.
Kennon, Rick J.
Kerr, Coretta W.
Kimmitt II, Gerard Joseph
King, Robert L.
Kinnibrugh, Polly A.
Knight, Michael John
Koenig, Nancy M .
Kollmorgen, M. Ann
Kotara, Stephen W.
Kramer, Beth A.
Krugler, Mark E.
Lawson, Richard, Jerry & Alton Lee
Lockhart, William M.
Long, J. Frank
Looney, Jack C.
Love, Robert L.
Lovell, Joe L.
Lubin, David Adam
Lubke, Norman D.
Lumpkins Jr., Stuart B.
Lutton, Elizabeth Ann
Lyle , Hugh N.
Majcher, Dineen ].
Marks, Robert Eric
Marsh, Michael K.
Marshall , Marvin F.
Martin, Eddie L.
Martin, Randy R.
Mason, John H.
Mateja, William B.
McDonald, Frank G .
McGuiness, Denis E.
McIlhany, Thomas Grainger
McKamie, W . Michael
McLarty, Mary Alice
McWilliams, Stanley R .
Meier, Gerry H.
Meisch, Lisa Kay
Meripolski, Michael L.
Merritt, Johnny Kent
Mewhinney, Len E.
Meyer, Suzanne G .
Miller, Barkley T.
Miller, Jonathan Sosin
Miller, Kyle R.
Miller , Laurie Anne
Miller, Mike A.
Mills, Donald W.
Moody, William E.
Moore, John W.
Moore, Roger D.
Moore & Vrana
Motley, David M.
Murphy, Thomas L.
Nelson & Nelson
Nettles , Charles R.
Nix, David A.
Noe, Laura Laycock
Norman, David A.
Nye, Thomas Fredrick
O'Boyle, John ].
Orwig, Matthew D.
Packard, Mark L.
Palmer, Richard L.
Pappas, Nicholas S.
Parker, Paul S.
Parker, William Bradley
Parsley, George & Mollie
Patterson, David L.
Pearce, R. Edwin
Peele, M. Bruce
Pesce, Paula M .
Pieters, Frances Elizabeth
Pope, Bryan T.
Porter, Diana Lynn
Preston, Joseph R.
Proctor, Max H.
Rake, Michael R.
Raney, Kenneth E.
Rankin, Tyra K.
Reinhardt, Robert L.
Reuter, Stephen Gerard
Richards, Damon C.
Richards, David L.
Rios, Jerry L.
Robert, Marc H.
Robinson, Russel L.
Rodenberg Jr., George W.
Rose, Donald
Ross, Joel L.
Rowe Jr., Stewart F.
Sallee, Stacy Elizabeth
Sawyer, Tom R.
Schardt, Donna Marie
Schuerger, William J.
Scott, Roy L.
Seaver, Jane M.
Segres t, Gene
Self, Sandra Bowers
Self III, Charles C.
Selim, Karen Wilson
Sel tzer, Charles W.
Shapiro, Mark H.
Sheffield, Joel B.
Sheppard III, Joseph L.
Shipman, Robin B.
Shook, Toby L.
Sims, Jody Wayne
Smith, Peter G.
Smith, Bradley Allen
Smithee, John T.
Sowder, James Logan
Sowell III, John H .
Spamer, James B.
Spector, Irwin M.
Srader, Sabra Jan
Steele, Todd P.
Stewart, Mark A.
Stradley, Mark E.
Strouble, Dennis D.
Suarez, William R .
Swank, Pamela A.
Tanner Jr., Edward C.
Tatum, David M.
Tatum, Jeffery Dean
Tatum, Mark D.
Taylor, Larry P.
Taylor, Mark D .
Terrell, Gary R.
Thamer, Richard H.
Thompson, B. Jean
Thompson, Cheryl Huff
Thompson, J. E.
Thompson, Steven Blake
Tisdale, T . Mark
Tompkins, T. Daniel
Toups, Mitchell A.
Trammel, Gary D.
Troutt, Christopher Alan
Truncale, Brian Keith
Vahlenkam p J r. , Virgil L.
Voiles, Jeffrey C.
Von Donop, Paul E.
Walker, R. Milton
Wallace, L. Jean
Waltz, Philip Martin
Warner, John W.
Warren, Shirley W.
Webb, Faron Ross
Webb, Jonathan Brent
Weems Jr., W. Z.
Weisbart, Geoffrey D.
Welch, Deborah D.
Welch, Russell L.
White, Terry H.
Wilkerson, Hardy L.
Williams, W. Bruce
Wilson, Reginald R.
Woody, Darren Gene
Yano, Kennion K.
We'd Like to Know ...
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Named Scholarship Donors
Arkanada Corporation
Fulbright & Jaworski
Gaston, Robert & Anne
Hall, Thomas G.
Hansen, Arthur G. & Nancy T.
Nagy, Mr. & Mrs. Joe H.
Rake Jr., M. E.
Runge, Barbara K.
Simpson III, John E.
Thorn pson & Knigh t
West Foundation, Alice Sneed
Regular Scholarship Donors
Bankston Wright & Greenhill
Carter, R. Guy
Crenshaw Dupree & Milam
El Paso Bar Auxiliary
Gardere & Wynne
Gibson Ochsner & Adkins
Lubbock Area Foundation
McWhorter Cobb & Johnson
Naman Howell Smith & Lee
Scoggin-Dickey Buick
Sherrill & Pace
Texas Tech Ex-Students Association
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