Agenda Item 3 STANDARDS COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Standards Committee held on 14 May 2013 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 2.00 pm. Members present: 1. District Councillors: Mrs H Cox (Chairman) Mr P W Moore Miss B Palmer Mr J Savory Mr R Stevens Mr P Williams Co-opted Members: Mr A Bullen Mr A Nash Officers in Attendance: The Monitoring Officer The Investigating Officer The Democratic Services Officer (ED) Also in attendance: The Independent Person The Subject Member TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Mr R Barr, Mr M Coates, Mrs M Evans, Mr H Gupta, Mr B Hannah and Mrs A Shirley 2. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There were no items of urgent business. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 4. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Committee considered whether the public should be excluded. The Subject Member was present and said that he had no objections to the Hearing being held in public. The Committee agreed that and confirmed that consequently the minutes would also be publicly available. 5. COMPLAINT REFERENCE 179 The Chairman invited the Monitoring Officer to introduce the complaint. He explained that it was only the second Hearing under the new Standards Standards Committee 1 14 May 2013 regime and the first for a District Councillor. He said the process would be relatively informal and at the discretion of the Committee. The Investigator’s report was included within the agenda pack and the sanctions available to the Committee were outlined. The context of the complaint was around an email exchange between the Subject member and the Complainant. This was reproduced as part of the Investigator’s report and the Committee would need to decide whether that exchange demonstrated a lack of respect. The Complainant was not present at the Hearing so the committee would have to rely on the evidence within the report and any additional information provided by the Subject Member at the Hearing. Mr J Savory suggested that as the Committee had all read the Investigation report it would be helpful if the Subject Member put forward his case. Mr G Jones started by saying that he felt the investigation had been poorly managed. He had raised his concerns with the Monitoring Officer who had agreed to arrange for an independent review of the process. This had been carried out by Ms P Carey at nplaw. She had concluded that although the investigation process could have been more detailed, the investigator had taken the view that it was a straightforward investigation and that the emails, which formed the basis of the complaint, spoke for themselves. Mr Jones reiterated that he still believed the investigation process to be flawed and that the investigator had failed to understand the nature of political banter. He explained that it would be helpful if the Committee were made aware of the background to the emails. He said that he had first clashed with the Complainant, Mr Oliver at a meeting of the Council Tax Support Working Party, when Mr Oliver had asked him the same question six times. He felt that this was aggressive and patronising. The email exchange had begun following this meeting when Mr Jones had sent an email to the Working Party proposing that a resolution was put to the next meeting. The Committee Administrator had inadvertently omitted the Chairman from the circulation list and when Mr Oliver saw that a resolution was being proposed he replied that the Chairman should be made aware. Mr Jones said that he felt this was interfering and objectionable and sent an email response calling him a rookie councillor. The resolution was subsequently drafted in conjunction with Mr G Williams and Ms V Gay and Mr Jones was frustrated when he heard that Mr Oliver then contacted Mr G Williams in an attempt to reach an agreement. He then sent a further email to Mr Oliver telling him to ‘grow-up’. The Chairman thanked Mr Jones for the information and invited the Committee to ask questions: 1. Mr P W Moore said that it seemed to be a spat between two opposing politicians. He said that he was concerned that Mr Jones believed that the report did not cover the whole story and he wondered why the process had taken so long. Mr Jones replied that someone else would have to respond as he had never received an answer when he had raised the same question. The Monitoring Officer reiterated that a second opinion had been provided on the methodology of the report. This had slowed the process down and it was delayed further by Mr Jones’ request to postpone the Hearing so that he could campaign for the County Standards Committee 2 14 May 2013 Council elections. He then reminded the Committee that even if they discounted the method of investigation the allegation would remain and it would need to be considered at a future date. The Chairman invited the Investigating Officer to respond. She said that the email exchange was the basis of the complaint and therefore was the main evidence. She added that it was difficult to dispute the content of the emails only the mitigating circumstances. The draft report had been produced following Mr Jones’ response to her initial enquiries. No further evidence had been offered. Mr Jones had requested that Ms Gay and Mr G Williams were interviewed but she could not see what this would add to the investigation as they were not involved in the email exchange. 2. Mr J Savory said that he believed the timescales were quite acceptable and that the evidence was there for Members to see in the form of the email exchange between Mr Jones and Mr Oliver. Mr Moore replied that he felt that the Committee was disadvantaged as only one side of the argument was presented to them and he still didn’t understand why the investigator had not interviewed Ms Gay and Mr G Williams. The Investigating Officer restated that she did not feel that interviewing them would add anything to the investigation. The main issue was whether the words that Mr Jones had used in the email exchange were respectful and the Committee needed to consider whether it constituted a standard of debate that the Council would wish to uphold. She added that she had acknowledged in the report that politicking was involved. Mr Moore said that he would have been interested to know what other group members views were on the issue as the emails did not provide any background information. 3. Mr P Williams said that he had seen worse behaviour. He had noticed that most of the emails were sent from Mr Jones’ mobile phone which implied that they had been sent quickly without much consideration. He then asked Mr Jones why he had not sent the resolution to Mr Oliver when he first requested it. Mr Jones replied that at the time he wasn’t ready to put forward an alternative proposal and that a draft was sent as soon as it was ready. He said that he found Mr Oliver’s attitude to be patronising and that he felt angry. He said that he had not realised that Mr Oliver was so sensitive and that he might change his language in retrospect. 4. Mr R Stevens asked Mr Jones to confirm that he had used the terms ‘rookie’, ‘schoolboy’, ‘calm down’ and ‘grow up’. Mr Jones confirmed that he had and that he stood by them. Mr Stevens asked Mr Jones whether his earlier comment that he might change his language implied that the original words were insulting and offensive. Mr Jones said that they were not. In response to a further question as to whether they were respectful, he said that they were not particularly disrespectful. The Monitoring Officer said that the Committee had now had a thorough discussion around the main issues and it might be helpful to hear the views of the Independent Person, Mr A Oram. Mr Oram said that he considered the methodology when he received the report. He acknowledged that the investigation could have been wider but Standards Committee 3 14 May 2013 agreed that it had been kept proportionate and that the evidence was sufficient. He had some sympathy for the argument that it was just political debating but he said that the complaint had been made and the Committee now needed to consider whether a breach had occurred. He concluded by saying the principles of Leadership, as outlined in the Code of Conduct should not descend to levels that others have demonstrated. He felt that the choice of words used by Mr Jones were intended to belittle and humiliate the Complainant by referring specifically to his age and position. At 12.50pm, the Chairman thanked everyone for their contribution and asked that all those present, except the Committee and the Monitoring Officer to leave the room so that the Committee could reach a decision. At 1.15pm, the Subject Member and the Independent Person were invited back into the room. The Chairman asked the Monitoring Officer to convey the Committee’s decision to the Subject Member. He said that the Committee had resolved unanimously to accept the findings of the Investigating Officer that Councillor Jones was in breach of the following paragraphs of North Norfolk District Council’s Code of Conduct: valuing colleagues and staff and engaging with them in an appropriate manner Always treating people with respect The Committee had agreed that the Subject Member’s behaviour was not justified by mitigating circumstances and that a letter of reprimand would be sent to him in due course. The meeting concluded at 1.20 pm ___________ Chairman Standards Committee 4 14 May 2013