Agenda Item 3 STANDARDS COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Standards Committee held on 10 January 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 2.00 pm. Members present: District Councillors: Mr P W Moore Ms B Palmer Mr J Savory Mrs H Thompson Independent Members: Mr A Bullen Mrs M Evans Mr H Gupta Mr S Sankar Mrs A Shirley (Chairman) Parish Members: Mr R Barr Mr M Coates Mr A Nash Officers in Attendance: The Monitoring Officer The Democratic Services Officer (ED) Investigating Officer: Mr J Chinnery 31. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Mr G Allen 32. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received . 33. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Standards Committee held on 10 January 2012 and the Hearing held on 21 October 2011 were approved as a correct record. 34. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There were no items of urgent business. Standards Committee 1 07 February 2012 35. 36. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None ` PARISH AND DISTRICT MEMBERS’ REGISTER OF INTERESTS AND OFFICER REGISTER OF GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY The Registers were open to display and were available for inspection in the Legal Services area. 37. LOCALISM ACT 2011 The Monitoring Officer informed the Committee about the cessation of Standards for England regulatory role. The Council had downloaded material from the website for reference purposes. It was hoped that this information could be used during the transition period prior to the relevant legislation taking effect. It was anticipated that the earliest date for the new arrangements to come into force would be June 2012. The County Council was taking the lead in developing a county-wide Code of Conduct. It was anticipated that Monitoring Officers from across the county would meet shortly to draw up plans and consider how to move forward. There were discussions at national level on sanctions that could be imposed by future Standards Committees. There were currently 6 types and it seemed likely that 4 could be used: 1. The issue of a formal letter 2. Formal censure 3. Removal of a Member from a Committee (this would need the approval of the Group Leader) 4. A press release stating decisions reached. The withdrawal of allowances and suspension from office would not be options available to a Standards Committee. The Monitoring Officer said that he would update the Committee when he had further information. The Committee discussed the update: a) A Member asked why the current Code of Conduct could not continue to be used. The Monitoring Officer said that it could but that it should not conflict with the points just raised. There was also a need to change the Code to reflect the new requirements regarding registering interests. However, it was unlikely that there would be any dramatic changes to the current code. b) Clarification was sought regarding the role of the police, following the introduction of a criminal sanction. The Monitoring Officer explained that it was not clear how this would work yet but it was likely that it would be the Monitoring Officer who would decide whether a complaint should be referred to the police. He added that it would need to be a very serious breach for the police to consider. c) A Member asked how new complaints would be processed and what would happen to complaints logged under the current regime. The Monitoring Officer explained that the existing regime would continue until the final regulations were in place. Current complaints would need to be Standards Committee 2 07 February 2012 resolved at local level as there was no longer an option to refer them to Standards for England. The current sanctions would continue to be applied until the new regulations took effect. The Investigating Officer added that the existing system would continue until the appointed day. There would then be a transition period to complete complaints without the option of sanctions. In response to a further question regarding whether any suspended Members would continue to be suspended after the appointed day, he said usually the law stated that procedures should continue unless stated otherwise in the transitional arrangements. 38. COMPLAINT REFERENCE 135 OF 2011 The Monitoring Officer proposed that the Committee considered the complaint in two parts. If they accepted the Investigating Officer’s conclusion that there had been no breach in relation to some of the allegations then this part of the investigation would be dismissed. Consequently only the allegations where a breach had been found would be referred to a Hearing sub committee. The Committee agreed to proceed with this proposal. The Chairman asked the Investigating Officer to briefly outline the allegations and explain the reasons for his findings. No breach had been found in relation to alleged failures to declare personal and prejudicial interests or conduct bringing the office or authority into disrepute. He concluded that there had been a breach of the Code of Conduct in relation to the alleged failure to register an interest. Members discussed the report: 1. A Member asked whether it was unusual for a Member to be appointed to a role on an outside organisation by the Council and for that appointment not to be ratified by Full Council. The Monitoring Officer explained that was how that position had been dealt with in the past. The Subject Member was appointed to the body as Portfolio Holder not as the official representative of the Council. He added that the procedure would be reconsidered under the forthcoming review of the constitution. 2. It was noted that the Register of Interests was not counter-signed by the Monitoring Officer. He explained that it was not a requirement. The register would need to be reviewed under the new regime and during that process consideration would be given as to how and when it should be updated. 3. A Member commented that if the Subject Member was appointed as a Director to an organisation then it was likely that he had a close relationship with other members of the Board. The Monitoring Officer said that for the term ‘close associate’ to apply the relationship between individuals needed to go beyond that which usually existed between colleagues or political associates. Sitting on a committee or board with someone did not create a close association in itself. AGREED 1. To accept the findings of the Investigating Officer. 2. To dismiss the allegation where no breach was found. 3. To refer the allegations where a breach had been found to a Hearing. Standards Committee 3 07 February 2012 RESOLVED To convene a Hearing sub committee 39. COMPLAINT REFERENCE 136 OF 2011 It was agreed that this complaint should also be considered in two parts so that only the allegations where a breach had been found would be referred to a Hearing sub committee. The Investigating Officer outlined the complaint and informed the Committee that there had not been a breach of the Code in relation to alleged failures to declare personal and prejudicial interests or failing to treat others with respect. There had been a breach of the Code of Conduct in relation to the alleged failure to declare an interest. AGREED 1. To accept the findings of the Investigating Officer. 2. To dismiss the allegation where no breach was found. 3. To refer the allegations where a breach had been found to a Hearing. RESOLVED To convene a Hearing sub committee 40. LOCAL ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK CASES The Monitoring Officer updated the Committee on the status of complaints received. A training session for Briston Parish Council had been arranged for 16th February 2012. It was hoped that this would resolve some of the ongoing issues within the parish. The meeting concluded at 14.50 pm ___________ Chairman Standards Committee 4 07 February 2012