Overview and Scrutiny Committee ...

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
23 October 2012
Agenda Item No__16__
This report updates the Committee on progress with
topics in its agreed work programme (attached at
Appendix E) and invites Members to identify any
arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny
Committee’s working style and role is attached at
Appendix F.
That progress is being made in some areas, others
need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny
should be discussed.
That Members should consider any follow-up
actions required on these topics.
Cabinet Member(s)
Ward(s) affected
Mr K E Johnson
Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mary Howard, Democratic Services
Team Leader, Tel.01263 516047, mary.howard@north-norfolk.gov.uk
The Scrutiny Update report is a standing item on all Overview and Scrutiny
Committee agendas. The report updates Members on progress made with
topics on its agreed work programme and provides additional information
which Members may have requested at a previous meeting.
Progress on topics since the last meeting
At Full Council on 26 September the Chief Executive reported to Members
that she had been in contact with the East of England Ambulance Trust who
had given assurance that they would send a representative to Overview and
Scrutiny on 23 October, or to a special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny
Committee. Unfortunately the Trust does not now have an appropriate
person available to attend but it is hoped that they will send a representative
to the November meeting. The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny is prepared to
convene a special meeting if necessary.
At the meeting of the Committee on 25 September 2012, Mrs A ClaussenReynolds asked why there had been an increase in fly-tipping in May and if
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
23 October 2012
this was indicative of a trend. The following response has been received from
the Environmental Protection Team Leader:
“I do not believe there is a significant trend here, currently the fly capture
database (maintained by the Environment Agency) is not available and I
cannot access the exact number of fly tips in each category to undertake any
further analysis at this stage. The size of fly tip recorded is not an exact
science and is dependent on the opinion of the operative clearing the waste
at the time, I would be much more concerned if we were seeing significant
shifts to loads larger than a transit van as this may indicate a more serious
shift in position”.
New Regulations
Last month the Scrutiny Officer reported on the implications of the Local
Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)
(England) Regulations 2012. A Member asked if this would impact on town
and parish councils. The answer is that it would not because the Regulations
only apply to Executive decisions.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Review 2011 - 2012
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Review 2011 – 2012 will be
presented to Full Council on 24 October 2012.
Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Outcomes and Actions from the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny
Committee held on 11 October 2012 are attached at Appendix G
Training Opportunity - Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Seminar on the Implementation of the Health and Social Care Act 2012
District Councillors are invited to a seminar hosted by Norfolk Health
Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the implementation of health and social
care reforms in the county. This event will be of particular interest to Members
of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The speakers include Chief Executives from all the Clinical Commissioning
Groups in Norfolk, the Leader and Chief Executive of the County Council and
the Director of Public Health. There will also be an opportunity to learn more
about the transfer of public health from the NHS to the County Council, the
development of the new Health and Wellbeing Board and Healthwatch
Norfolk and the implications of new health scrutiny regulations.
The seminar is on Thursday 22 November 2012 from 1.00 pm to 4.15 pm in
the Edwards Room at County Hall. Coffee will be available in the Edwards
Room from 12.30pm. To book a place, please contact - Christine Byles,
Member Support Officer, 01603 223237, christine.byles@norfolk.gov.uk
Changes to the Work Programme and Future Topics
A report on the first 6 months of the Big Society Fund has been added to the
Work Programme for November.
A monitoring report on Happisburgh Beach Access Steps has been added to
the Work Programme for October 2012.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
23 October 2012