Overview and Scrutiny 23 May 2012 Agenda Item No_____14________

Overview and Scrutiny
23 May 2012
Agenda Item No_____14________
This report outlines progress being made in clearing the backlog
of outstanding enforcement cases which had built up by the end
of 2011
To note the progress being made
Cabinet member(s):
Ward(s) affected:
Keith Johnson
Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Steve Oxenham, Tel.01263 516135, Email.
At its meeting on 15 February 2012 the Committee agreed to receive a report concerning
Planning Enforcement, the Committee noting that a number of initiatives had just been
introduced. The paragraphs set out below were the subject of a report to Development
Committee on 3 May 2012 and updated that Committee on progress.
“Members will recall that at the meeting on 20 February 2012 the Committee considered the
quarterly schedule of current enforcement cases. The Committee also noted that initiatives had
been put in place to reduce the backlog of cases. Higher priority was being given to
enforcement and one of the Planning Officers was helping with the work. A programme of site
inspections was being arranged and local Members would be contacted by Officers to agree
courses of action with the aim of resolving cases expeditiously.
The latest quarterly schedule of enforcement cases is the subject of an exempt report to the
Committee on this agenda. At the end of the most recent quarter there were 162 cases on hand
compared with 165 which were on hand at the beginning of the quarter. However, an unusually
large number of cases was registered during the quarter (69) because of the backlog which had
built up, and 72 cases were resolved during the quarter as a result of the initiatives which have
Overview and Scrutiny
23 May 2012
been put in hand, a third more than were resolved during the previous quarter. Furthermore,
the number of cases more than three months old at the end of the quarter reduced from 109 to
There is clearly a long way to go to reduce the backlog, and the situation is being monitored on
a monthly basis. However, it is considered that by concentrating resources on this part of the
service and with the assistance of Members in resolving cases in an efficient and appropriate
way, there is reasonable confidence that performance should steadily improve over the coming
The Committee is asked to note the situation, which will be considered by Overview and
Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 23 May 2012.”
At the Development Committee meeting, the Head of Planning and Building Control reported
that there had been some slippage since writing the report as April’s figures showed that more
new cases had been received than had been resolved.
The Development Manager explained that a number of ‘special cases’ planning applications had
recently been submitted, which were within the remit of the Team Leader (Enforcement and
Special Cases). He requested that Members bear this in mind when considering the
enforcement performance.
Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones appreciated that it was difficult to resolve some cases, but
considered that it was necessary to be stricter in enforcing against certain breaches of planning
control to send a message to others. There was a tendency towards leniency in some of the
more difficult cases.
The Development Manager stated that the difficult cases to clear were those involving
neighbour disputes and the Council tended to become involved in cases which were important
to the people involved, but were otherwise trivial in nature. It was therefore the intention to
introduce a priority system for complaints. A Local Enforcement Plan, as recommended in the
new National Planning Policy Framework would be prepared for consideration by Development
At the same meeting Development Committee also considered the quarterly Schedule of
Outstanding Enforcement Cases in accordance with its normal practice.
The Committee is asked to note the progress being made. Officers will update Members at the
meeting on any emerging issues.