Report Title Overview and Scrutiny Update Which Committees is this report intended for? (Please state dates) Cabinet Date: Overview and Scrutiny Date: 18 October 2011 Full Council Date: Is the report Exempt? Yes No Does the report concern a Key Decision? Yes No If a Key Decision is it on the Forward Plan? Yes No Why is it exempt? Ward(s) affected All Responsible Cabinet Member name Tom FitzPatrick Contact Officer Mary Howard Email address Telephone number 01263 511456 Are there Non-electronic appendices? Yes No List of Background Papers, if any File Location 909/WPData/New Committees/Overview and Scrutiny/2011 – 2012/18 October 2011/Draft/Overview and Scrutiny Update Implications/Risks Have you identified and explained within the report the implications of the options available to Members? (Implications should include financial, legal and links to the Council’s existing policies and strategies) Have you highlighted the risks to the Council? Financial Implications and Risks to the Council should have their own separate headings. It is not acceptable to simply state that financial implications or risks have been alluded to in the main body of the report. Have you considered Sustainability issues in relation to this report? Sustainability should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Sustainability has been alluded to in the Yes None Yes None Yes None main body of the report Have you considered Equality and Diversity issues in relation to this report? Equality and Diversity should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Equality and Diversity has been alluded to in the main body of the report Have you considered S17 Crime and Disorder issues in relation to this report? Crime and Disorder should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Crime and Disorder has been alluded to in the main body of the report Yes None Yes None This report has been subject to the following processes: Consultations with: Cabinet Member Yes If not please state reason below Local Member Yes If not please state reason below Not applicable S151 Officer Yes If not please state reason below Not applicable Monitoring Officer Yes If not please state reason below S17 Officer Yes If not please state reason below Democratic Services Team Leader Yes If not please state reason below Communications Manager Yes If not please state reason below Other Head(s) of Service: Others: Chair and Vice Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Please confirm this report has been signed off by: Management Team Yes Not apt Relevant Strategic Director Yes The Chief Executive Yes Not apt Not apt Agenda Item No_____16_______ OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE Summary: This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its agreed work programme (attached at Appendix A) and invites Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny Committee’s working style and role is attached at Appendix B. Conclusions: That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed. Recommendations: That Members should consider any follow-up actions required on these topics. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Mr T J FitzPatrick All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mary Howard, Democratic Services Team Leader, Tel.01263 516047, 1. Introduction 1.1 The Scrutiny Update report is a standing item on all Overview and Scrutiny Committee agendas. The report updates Members on progress made with topics on its agreed work programme and provides additional information which Members may have requested at a previous meeting. 1.2 The report is prepared by the Democratic Services Team Leader whose role includes that of Scrutiny Officer. 2. Progress on topics since the last meeting 2.1 Public Question At the meeting of 21 September the following question was received from a member of the public, Mrs G Lisher: “Can you tell me if the current funding arrangement between County and District Council, relating to 2nd homes monies being allocated to affordable housing and area partnerships will continue and is ringfenced, and is this redistribution of funding discretionary or mandatory? Meaning will this funding be redirected by County into their possible alternative projects?” It was agreed that the Portfolio Holder – Financial Services would respond in writing within seven days. The letter is attached at Appendix C As a follow-up to this item the Chairman asked for information regarding the number of second homes paying Council Tax across the District. The following response was received from the Revenue Services Manager. It included the second homes table which was updated each year for the CTB1 Government Return and showed the Second Homes at both 10% and the 50% discounts. The 4 Oct 2010 total was 4763 (3677 + 1086) compared to 5 Oct 2009 which was 4675 (3566 +1109). Reduced council tax discount granted Total number of second homes that received a reduced or 50% council tax discount as at 4 October 2010 (Class A & B) No council tax discount (0%) 1% - 9% 10% exactly 3677 (2010) 3566 (2009) 11% - 19% 20% -29% 30% - 39% 40% -49% 50% 2.2 1086 (2010) 1109 (2009) Planning Performance Update An update on Planning Performance will come to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 16 November 2011. This was one of the topics identified at the Scrutiny Training Day (see item 3) 2.3 Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People A presentation by the Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People will be made to the Committee on 18 October 2011. 2.4 Annual Equality Report The Annual Equality Report will come to the Committee later this year. It will include information about Domestic Violence as suggested by a Member at the September meeting. 2.5 Ombudsman Complaints At the September meeting a question was asked, in the context of the report on Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions, about complaints to the Ombudsman. The P A to the Chief Executive advises that complaints to the Ombudsman are minimal. They are kept on record in the Chief Executive’s office and are available for Members’ inspection. 3. Overview and Scrutiny Committee Training Day 16 September 2011 The Overview and Scrutiny Training Day took place on 16 September 2011. It was attended by Members and non-Members of the Committee. Notes from the event were distributed last month but further copies can be obtained from During the training Members identified the need for a report, as soon as possible, on crime and disorder. They also requested an update on Planning Performance (see item 2.2). The following topics were listed as meriting further exploration: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Provisions for healthcare/rehabilitation/convalescence Social Housing Empty Houses Corporate Planning Process Crime and Disorder – Anti-Social Behaviour throughout the District Council budget Waste collection Parking charges Tourism – promoting parts of the District other than Cromer and Sheringham Public conveniences Local transport Localism Bill Making the best of new planning arrangements Performance of planning application process Public awareness of scrutiny Investment in jobs Town centre regeneration Process for Member training Progress of Corporate and Forward plans. Parking charges Public conveniences In choosing the topics Members recognised that Overview and Scrutiny could look for connections between different topics and different services. Some items on the list would come under the heading of overview and other under scrutiny. Some were external matters, others internal. It was important to get the balance right. Members asked for regular sessions where they could get together to focus on choosing topics for the Work Programme. They also suggested some amendments to the criteria and these will be implemented in time for the November meeting. 4. Special Meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 4 October 2011 A special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was held on 4 October 2011 to discuss the Corporate Plan. The Committee made a number of observations and suggestions which have been drawn up into a list and forwarded to Cabinet. The points from Overview and Scrutiny and Cabinet’s response to them will be presented to all Members at Full Council on 19 October 2011. The Committee also made the following recommendation to Full Council: “That the decision to approve the Corporate Plan is deferred to allow consultation with parish and town councils and other key partners on the key priorities and actions” In connection with the Corporate Plan the following topics were identified for future meetings: 5. • Presentation on Economic Development Strategy (TBA) • Financial Plan 2011/12 – 2014/15 (November 2011) • Annual Plan (Corporate Plan) (January 2012) • Housing Strategy (January 2012) • Shoreline Management Plan (TBA) • Localism Consultation (TBA) Revised Date At the last meeting Members agreed that the date of the February 2012 Overview and Scrutiny Committee should be changed from 22nd to 15th. This is because Full Council was moved back to 22 February to accommodate the Council Tax setting.