Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 November 2011 Report Title Overview and Scrutiny Update Which Committees is this report intended for? (Please state dates) Cabinet Date: Overview and Scrutiny Date: 16 November 2011 Full Council Date: Is the report Exempt? Yes No Does the report concern a Key Decision? Yes No If a Key Decision is it on the Forward Plan? Yes No Why is it exempt? Ward(s) affected All Responsible Cabinet Member name Tom FitzPatrick Contact Officer Mary Howard Email address mary.howard@north-norfolk.gov.uk Telephone number 01263 511456 Are there Non-electronic appendices? Yes No List of Background Papers, if any File Location 909/WPData/New Committees/Overview and Scrutiny/2011 – 2012/16 November 2011/Draft/Overview and Scrutiny Update Implications/Risks Have you identified and explained within the report the implications of the options available to Members? (Implications should include financial, legal and links to the Council’s existing policies and strategies) Have you highlighted the risks to the Council? Financial Implications and Risks to the Council should have their own separate headings. It is not acceptable to simply state that financial implications or risks have been alluded to in the main body of the report. Have you considered Sustainability issues in relation to this report? Sustainability should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Sustainability has been alluded to in the Yes None Yes None Yes None Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 November 2011 main body of the report Have you considered Equality and Diversity issues in relation to this report? Equality and Diversity should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Equality and Diversity has been alluded to in the main body of the report Have you considered S17 Crime and Disorder issues in relation to this report? Crime and Disorder should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Crime and Disorder has been alluded to in the main body of the report Yes None Yes None This report has been subject to the following processes: Consultations with: Cabinet Member Yes If not please state reason below Local Member Yes If not please state reason below Not applicable S151 Officer Yes If not please state reason below Not applicable Monitoring Officer Yes If not please state reason below S17 Officer Yes If not please state reason below Democratic Services Team Leader Yes If not please state reason below Communications Manager Yes If not please state reason below Other Head(s) of Service: Others: Chair and Vice Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Please confirm this report has been signed off by: Management Team Yes Not apt Relevant Strategic Director Yes The Chief Executive Yes Not apt Not apt Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 November 2011 Agenda Item No____17________ OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE Summary: This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its agreed work programme (attached at Appendix E) and invites Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny Committee’s working style and role is attached at Appendix F. Conclusions: That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed. Recommendations: 1. That Members should consider any followup actions required on these topics. 2. To approve the revisions to the Work Programme Template and the Witness Protocol or 3. to set up a Task and Finish Group to meet once for the purpose of carrying out further work on the Work Programme Template and the Witness Protocol. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Mr T J FitzPatrick All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mary Howard, Democratic Services Team Leader, Tel.01263 516047, mary.howard@north-norfolk.gov.uk 1. Introduction 1.1 The Scrutiny Update report is a standing item on all Overview and Scrutiny Committee agendas. The report updates Members on progress made with topics on its agreed work programme and provides additional information which Members may have requested at a previous meeting. 1.2 The report is prepared by the Democratic Services Team Leader whose role includes that of Scrutiny Officer. 2. Progress on topics since the last meeting 2.1 Public Question Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 November 2011 At the meeting of 18 October a question was received from Mrs Janet Farrow of the Upcher Partnership regarding a review of the Local Area Partnerships by Mark Patchett. The Chairman explained that the Committee had not seen the report but that a full answer would be provided in writing within seven days. However Mrs Farrow returned for Full Council on 19 October and asked the same question. A full answer was provided by the Chief Executive. He explained that the report had been commissioned by the North Norfolk Community Partnership, not North Norfolk District Council. It would have been seen by some Members although it hadn’t been widely circulated. The Leader told Mrs Farrow that the original intention had been that the local area partnerships should have been self-funding by 2010 and that funding had been extended twice since then. The Council would be talking to the local area partnerships in the near future. 2.2 Health Strategy Update and the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee At the last meeting, the Health Improvement Officer told Members that clarity was still required regarding the input of district councils into the County’s Health and Wellbeing Boards. At the request of Members she sought an update and has received the following response from the Senior Policy and Performance Officer at Norfolk County Council: “Regarding the role of districts in the Health and Wellbeing Board, the discussions are still being held but it is likely that: - the districts will be represented on the Health and Wellbeing Board (Leaders?) - there will be some form of locality working that supports/informs the work of the Board. The locality could be based upon district council areas or Clinical Commissioning Groups, what ever makes sense locally. I am sorry that I cannot provide you with anything further at this stage. Draft Terms of Reference for the Operational Health and Wellbeing Board (which will be established in April 2012) will be worked up in anticipation of the final meeting of the shadow HWB on 9 December 2011. Things should be clearer thereafter.” Members will be kept updated by future Health Update reports. The next one is on the Work Programme for 13 December 2011. A meeting of the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee was held on 13 October 2011. North Norfolk District Council is represented on this Committee by Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds. She has provided the Outcomes and Actions from this meeting for Members’ information. It is attached at Appendix G 2.3 The Corporate Plan At the special meeting of Overview and Scrutiny on 4 October 2011, Members drew up a comprehensive list of comments and suggested amendments to the Corporate Plan. The Chairman outlined how the Committee’s comments would be fed back to Cabinet. An initial list of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 November 2011 comments from the meeting would be drawn up and once this was approved by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman it would be circulated to Cabinet Members. It was hoped that Cabinet would be able to provide a written response to the initial comments prior to the next meeting of Full Council on 19 October 2011. The Committee also made the following recommendation, because Members were concerned that the Corporate Plan was not being issued as a draft document and that there was no consultation with key partners: “To recommend to Full Council that the decision to approve the corporate plan is deferred to allow consultation with parish and town councils and other key partners on the key priorities and actions.” At Full Council on 19 October 2011 this proposal was lost with 15 Members voting in favour and 19 against. The Corporate Plan was approved. A Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee expressed disappointment that Cabinet had made no response to the points raised by the Committee, even though they had 2 weeks to do this. The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny told the meeting that the Committee would like to receive a response to their comments which had been made in a constructive manner but to date no specific response has been received. 2.4 Community Infrastructure Levy The following recommendation has been forwarded to Cabinet: “To recommend to Cabinet that the Council investigates CIL and that the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party progresses the detailed work in relation to infrastructure planning, viability testing, and preparation of a Draft Charging Schedule.” 3. Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Members have resolved that the following items should be added to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme: • The work of the Health Trainer team (25 January 2012) • Suicide and Mental Health (to be allocated) • Domestic Violence (to be allocated) A presentation by the Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People was originally scheduled for 18 October 2011 but was deferred to 13 December 2011 because the representative from the Coalition was not available. He is now no longer in post. The presentation will still go ahead for December but will be made by the Community Liaison Officer. 4. Public Transport Time and Task Limited Panel The first meeting of the Public Transport Time and Task Limited Panel was held at the offices of Broadland District Council on 26 October. NNDC’s representatives on this panel are Mr T FitzPatrick, Ms V R Gay, Mrs B McGoun and Mr R Reynolds. Mr P Balcombe of Broadland was appointed Chair and Mr T FitzPatrick Vice Chair. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 November 2011 Three amendments were made to the Terms of Reference which are attached at Appendix H Specific areas in the districts for the focus of the review are Fakenham, North Walsham, Acle and Coltishall. The Panel will also look at some cross country routes. The Panel will wish to meet representatives from the transport operators in the districts, including those who provide community transport schemes and supermarket buses. The Panel has set a target of 4 months to complete the review. An officer with transportation expertise will be invited to the next meeting which is scheduled for 23 November 2011. 5. Work Arising from the Training Day 16 September 2011 At the training day on 16 September 2011 some amendments to the Work Programme Template were suggested by Members. It was also proposed that a Witness Protocol should be produced. The work has since been completed in draft form. 5.1 Work Programme Template The Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Template was introduced, in embryonic form, by the report author in November 2005 as a result of some training she had completed at the University of Birmingham. Since then it has developed in response to the needs of the ever-evolving scrutiny process and changes in legislation. The latest version is the 7th and is attached at Appendix I. Revised explanatory notes are attached at Appendix J. The November 2011 revisions include: • “Objectives and Desired Outcomes” and “How/when/where?” moved forward because Members thought that these considerations should be taken into account early in the scoping process. • “Resources required” is a new category which has been added. • “Urgency” has been added to “priority” and “strategic impact” • The explanatory notes are more comprehensive 5.2 Witness Protocol It is good practice to have a Witness Protocol. Until now, NNDC has not had one although a questionnaire for witnesses was developed in 2006. In producing this work the report author has looked at examples of witness protocols from comparable councils and has found that they are all based on the same model. In the interests of consistency she has therefore adapted this model for NNDC. The questionnaire is a revision of the Council’s existing one informed by the aims of the Witness Protocol. Members may be minded to approve these documents with minor amendments. They may, however, consider that more work is required with greater Member involvement and may wish to form a Task and Finish Group which would meet once for the sole purpose of addressing this work. RECOMMENDATION 1. To approve the revisions to the Work Programme Template and the Witness Protocol or Overview and Scrutiny Committee 16 November 2011 2. to set up a Task and Finish Group to meet once for the purpose of carrying out further work on the Work Programme Template and the Witness Protocol.