APPENDIX 4 Appendix - Summary of new Permitted Development Allowances. House Extension Allowances Part 1 of the GPDO is amended to allow single storey rear extensions with length up to 6m (attached houses) or 8m (detached houses) to be erected during the 3 year period from 30/05/2013 to 30/05/2016 on houses that are not in the AONB, Conservation Area nor on a site of special scientific interest. Anyone proposing a 3m-6m or 4m-8m extension will have to notify their local authority before starting works and provide information that includes “a written description of the proposed development” and “a plan indicating the site and showing the proposed development”. No fee will be payable for this notification, and the overall deadline for the local authority to complete this process will be 42 days (i.e. 6 weeks). The local authority will need to consult the immediately adjoining neighbours, giving a minimum consultation period of 21 days. If none of the immediately adjoining neighbours objects, then the local authority will have to notify the applicant within 42 days that no objections have been received, after which the applicant can proceed to erect the extension. If any of the immediately adjoining neighbours objects, then the local authority will have to assess the impact of the extension upon the amenity of “all adjoining premises”. To assess this impact, the local authority “may require the developer to submit such further information regarding the proposed development as the local planning authority may reasonably require in order to consider the impact of the proposed development on the amenity of any adjoining premises”. The local authority will have to either approve or refuse the application within 42 days, and in the latter case the applicant would have the right to appeal. If the local authority fails to notify the applicant of a decision within 42 days, then the applicant can proceed to erect the extension. Any 3m-6m or 4m-8m extension must be completed on or before 30/05/2016, and the applicant would need to notify the local authority of the completion of the extension. Technical note: Extensions which are deemed not to require Prior Approval under these new provisions may still require planning permission by virtue of other restrictions in Class A (eg cover more than 50% of curtilage). Confirmation that Prior Approval is not required will not constitute confirmation that planning permission is not necessary. Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings. The new permitted development changes allow existing agricultural buildings to change to a variety of commercial uses: Shops (A1), Financial/professional services (A2), Restaurants & cafes (A3), Business (offices, light industrial etc) (B1), Storage & Distribution (B8), Hotels (C1) or Assembly/Leisure (D2). Listed buildings and those related to a scheduled ancient monument are excluded. The new permitted development changes do not allow for changes of agricultural buildings to a residential use. However, the Government have advised they will consult in the summer on whether to allow such changes. The changes apply to existing agricultural buildings in a sole agricultural use, in connection with a trade or business, as of 3rd July 2012. For any new agricultural buildings built or brought into an agricultural use after this date, the building must be in an agricultural use for at least 10 years before these permitted changes can be applied. The new changes allow for the Change of Use only. Any alterations which will materially affect the external appearance of the building will still need planning permission. The provisions allow for the creation of a hard-standing of up to 50m2 to be used in conjunction with the development. Any further changes, including those necessary to create or improve an access to the site for example, may still require planning permission. Up to a total of 500m2 of floor space can be used on any single agricultural unit. For changes up to a cumulative total of 150m2 within a single agricultural unit owners are required to write and notify the Council of the date the new use will begin with a description of the proposed changes and a APPENDIX 4 Appendix - Summary of new Permitted Development Allowances. plan indicating the site and the buildings which the changes will apply to. For changes between a cumulative total of 150m2 and 500m2 there is a prior notification procedure where owners must apply to the Council to give them the opportunity to approve matters relating to - Transport and highways impacts - Noise impacts - Contamination risks at the site - Flooding risks on the site. These are extensive new allowances and in a rural district with large numbers of agricultural buildings such as North Norfolk may have far reaching consequences. The allowances are not time limited. Change of use of Offices to Dwellings This new class allows a change of use from B1(a) Offices to C3 Residential The property must have last been used as B1(a) Offices immediately before 30/05/2013, and the residential use must start on or before 30/05/2016. As with the changes to agricultural allowances this provision allows change of use only and does not permit extensions or alterations which would otherwise require planning permission. Before exercising this permitted development allowance the developer needs to apply to the local authority under the Prior Approval process with respect to transport and highways impacts, contamination risks, and flood risks. Note: B1(a) offices excludes those falling within Class A2 - Financial and professional services. Change of use of commercial buildings Allows, for a temporary two year period, much more flexibility of use of small commercial uses such as shops, restaurants, banks and building societies. Other notable allowances In addition to the above there are numerous other changes which collective introduce greater allowances to undertake development without the need to secure planning permission This allows a change of use from any of A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1, or D2 to a “flexible use” (either A1, A2, A3, or B1), for a temporary period of up to 2 years, so long as 1) this class is not used more than once for a particular site, and 2) subject to a floor space limit of 150 square metres. The property may subsequently change from one “flexible use” to another “flexible use” within the 2 year period. Example – This would allow a small shop in a town centre to be changed to an estate agents without the need for planning permission. Taller fences around school sites. More flexible interchange between industrial uses of buildings. Bigger extensions on industrial buildings. No need for prior approval of telecoms equipment on Article 1/5 land.(Conservation Areas and AONB).