23 JULY 2012 Minutes of a meeting of the PLANNING POLICY & BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am when there were present: Councillors K E Johnson (Chairman) Mrs S A Arnold (Vice-Chairman) M J M Baker B Cabbell Manners Mrs A R Green P W High T Ivory P Williams D Young Local Members/Observers Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Mr T FitzPatrick, Mr R Reynolds Officer Mr M Ashwell - Planning Policy and Property Information Manager (7) CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENT (8) The Chairman welcomed members of the public to the meeting. A public question had been received regarding Agenda Item 6(2). This would be brought forward on the Agenda. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE An apology for absence was received from Councillor N D Dixon. (9) MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. (10) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Chairman stated that there were no items of urgent business which he wished to bring before the Working Party. (11) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Mr B Cabbell Manners declared a personal and non-pecuniary interest. His son attended the college which owned some of the land under discussion. (12) RESPONSE TO NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK – CORE STRATEGY POLICY HO3 The Working Party considered item 1 of the Officers’ reports which discussed the potential impacts of the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework in relation to the Councils adopted policy on affordable housing in the countryside. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 1 23 July 2012 a) The Council needed to look at new ways of delivering affordable housing in rural areas. b) Some Members expressed concern that affordable housing units might not be allocated to local people. However the proposals were likely to be for rural exception schemes which would be subject to the Local Lettings Policy. c) In response to a question about how additional affordable housing could be provided, the Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that there were a number of models which could be looked at. RESOLVED That the Working Party recommends to Cabinet that in response to the NPPF the Council resolves to support the inclusion of elements of market housing within rural exception schemes which otherwise comply with the provisions of Policy H03 subject to: Clear demonstration that the inclusion of market housing is necessary to deliver affordable dwellings which otherwise would not be provided. That the quantity of affordable dwellings exceeds the quantity of market housing. (13) FAKENHAM DEVELOPMENT BRIEF The Working Party considered item 2 of the Officers’ reports which provided a summary of the representations made in relation to the Fakenham Development Brief following the recent consultation and recommends that the brief is not approved at this stage. A public question was received from Mr S Jacklin of Kickstart, Fakenham. The Chairman thanked him for raising some relevant points. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that the papers had been circulated to Members in advance and work on the Fakenham Development Brief had been ongoing for a considerable time. The recommendation to defer a decision at this stage was for further consideration of a number of issues, including access. The land had already been allocated for development. The Council had to decide how it would be developed. The Development Brief was a blueprint establishing the key principles for future development of the site. A consultation had produced 59 representations which were recorded in full in an appendix to the officer’s report. The representations had highlighted some key issues: a) b) c) d) Traffic management and circulation. Employment. Infrastructure and services. Lack of integration with existing town/community. Some minor issues had also been raised which would be addressed by amending the Brief. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 2 23 July 2012 Some of the Highways work, including bus gates, would need to be reconsidered in light of the responses from local people. It was proposed to retain the public open spaces. The area would be designated a village with a village centre, including a small retail development and a drive-through hotel on the road frontage. There was local concern that there should be a swimming pool. However it was not reasonable to ask a developer to provide a swimming pool in Fakenham because there was no direct connection with the development. The report was discussed: a) The Chairman said that the Council didn’t want to proceed with the Brief without addressing local concerns. b) In response to a question from the Vice Chair the Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that a petrol station was not proposed as part of the plan for the hotel scheme at this stage. He would not rule it out, however, as the development could take 10 – 15 years and Briefs could change in this time. Answering a question from Mrs A Green he said that a recent Leisure study had identified a need for a quality hotel in North Norfolk. c) Details of the bus service would be worked out through the planning applications and negotiations between the developer, bus companies and Norfolk County Council. d) In reply to a question about brown field sites in Fakenham, the Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that, even if they were all developed, enough housing would not be produced. Brown field sites were needed as well as the development, not instead of. e) Responding to a question about surface water the Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that the process for consents for drainage schemes was about to change to Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. f) Mr T Ivory, referring to the community facility in the Brief, suggested that the existing community facility should be used. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that the facility was intended for the new development, not the whole town of Fakenham. The Brief would be amended if the facility was not considered necessary. g) The Brief had not specified a site for the swimming pool but it could be developed on the sites marked as public use or public open spaces. h) Mr R Reynolds, a local Member, expressed concern regarding traffic issues in Water Moor Lane, Rudham Stile Lane and Claypit Lane. i) Mr B Cabbell Manners considered that the roundabout on the bypass was a retrograde step and would impede traffic flow. j) Mr M J M Baker suggested that the retail area should be nearer the centre of the development, otherwise it was unlikely to attract a developer. k) Further consideration would be given to a suggestion by Mrs A ClaussenReynolds that a skate park should be included in the development. l) It was uncertain how many allotments would be included in the development. The allotments would be offered to Fakenham Town Council. m) In response to a question from Mrs A Green the Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that the poultry farm had expressed a willingness to relocate. n) Mr P W Moore suggested that, in the interests of road safety, industrial road entrances should be segregated from residential ones. o) In reply to a Member’s question the Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that Tattersett Business Park had been allocated for employment use for industries that would not be suitable near residential areas. p) The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that it would be necessary to look at a traffic assessment, incorporating the issues that had been raised. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 3 23 July 2012 It was proposed by Mrs S A Arnold, seconded by Mr M J M Baker and RESOLVED That the Working Party declines to recommend approval of the Brief at this stage pending further consideration in relation to: The traffic circulation impacts of the proposed development on the existing highway network to include the submission of a Transport Impact Assessment to inform the access strategy. Further consideration of the green infrastructure strategy and the potential to redistribute both formal and informal open space to ensure its better integration within the development. Incorporation of textual changes to the brief as outlined in the ‘response’ section of Table 1 of this report. The Chairman thanked the members of the public and assured them that their concerns would be taken into consideration. The meeting closed at 11.15 am. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 4 23 July 2012