Licensing and Appeals Committee Author’s Title 20 June 2011 Licensing Manager Are there background papers? Yes No Exempt Yes No Key Decision? Yes No If Key Decision is it on the Forward Plan? Yes No Decision for Full Council? Yes No Reason for Exemption? Ward(s) affected? All Responsible Cabinet Member Councillor Trevor Ivory Chairman of Licensing Committee Councillor Richard Price Contact Officer Chris Cawley E-mail address Telephone number 01263 516252 Are there Non Electronic Appendices? Yes No List of Background Papers File Location: 1.1. PLEASE REFER TO SECTION 7 OF THE GUIDANCE NOTES FOR TEMPLATES Implications / Risks: Have you identified & explained within the report the implications of the options available to members? Yes None Yes None (Implications should include financial, legal and links to the Council’s existing policies and strategies) Have you highlighted the Risks to the Council? 1.2. Financial Implications and Risks to the Council should have their own separate headings. It is not acceptable to simply state that financial implications or risks have been alluded to in the main body of the report. Licensing and Appeals Committee 20 June 2011 This report has been subject to the following processes: Consultations with: Cabinet Member Yes Chairman Licensing Committee Yes Local Member Yes Not applicable S151 Officer Yes Not applicable Monitoring Officer/legal services Yes Communications Manager Yes Not applicable Other Head(s) of Service: Others: Financial Services Manager Please confirm this report has been signed off by: Management Team Yes Not apt Relevant Strategic Director Yes Not apt The Chief Executive Yes Not apt Licensing and Appeals Committee 20 June 2011 Agenda Item No____6_________ LICENSING FEES Summary: This report outlines the position regarding Licence fees and the framework for such charges. Conclusions: . Recommendations: 1. That Members note the report 2. That Members agree to reimbursement of annual fees for village halls etc where they have been paid in the past although exemptions have applied. Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: Councillor Trevor Ivory All Licensing Committee Chairman Councillor Richard Price Contact Officer, number, and e-mail: telephone Chris Cawley Licensing Manager 01263 516252 1. Introduction 1.1. Fees for alcohol and entertainment licences; some gambling licences and certain other licences are prescribed by law. Many of the fees were set some time ago and do not reflect the current costs of the work involved. 1.2. The Council is currently only able to set the fees for licences in relation to hackney carriage and private hire; animal welfare licences and street trading. These have been revised annually but do not fully reflect or cover the Councils costs. For some Licence types (notably Caravan site licensing) there is no provision in law for the Council to charge licence fees. 1.3. In general fees are set as application fees to offset the costs of processing and determining licence applications. They are not refundable in cases where licences are not granted for whatever reason. Licensing and Appeals Committee 20 June 2011 2. Proposed changes to law 2.1. Under the provisions of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill currently being considered by parliament there are powers for licensing authorities to set fees for licensing transactions and annual fees under the Licensing Act 2003. 2.2. Proposals in the Localism Bill may also enable licensing authorities to set fees and charges for certain licence activities. 3. Review of North Norfolk Licence fees 3.1. Officers are currently undertaking a project to establish the actual costs (direct; indirect and overheads) to the Council of processing and issuing each of the range of Licences. This will facilitate the next round of fee setting for the Council whether or not additional powers are granted. 4. Refunds of certain annual fees 4.1. Under the Licensing Act 2003 venues which benefit from a Premises Licence are required to pay an annual fee to the Council for each year the licence continues in force. That fee is prescribed by law. An exemption from this fee was provided for certain village halls and similar venues where the licence only covered regulated entertainment. Exemption was not given if the licence for the venue covered sale of alcohol or provision of late night refreshment. 4.2. It has been discovered that a number of village halls and similar venues have erroneously been invoiced for an annual fee over the past few years. When identified the invoices have been cancelled and no further fee sought. However operators of such venues are seeking to be reimbursed for the fees paid in good faith over the period. 4.3. Members are recommended to approve in principle reimbursement of such fees where officers clearly establish they have been paid in cases where the exemption has officially applied.