Please Contact: Mary Howard Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516047 21 May 2012 The Annual Full Council meeting of the North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 30 May 2012 at 6.00 p.m. There will be an opportunity before the start of the meeting for Members to take part in prayer led by Councillor Barbara McGoun, Licensed Reader, Ashmanhaugh, Barton Turf, Beeston St Lawrence, Horning, Irstead and Neatishead. Members are requested to bring their Cabinet Agenda (14 May 2012) and Overview & Scrutiny Agenda (23 May 2012) for item 17. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: All Members of the Council Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. OUTGOING CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the outgoing Chairman’s communications, if any. 2. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN To elect a Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. 3. INCOMING CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the incoming Chairman’s communications, if any. 4. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. 5. TO RECEIVE DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Please indicate whether the interest is a personal one only or one which is also prejudicial. The declaration of a personal interest should indicate the nature of the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. In the case of a personal interest, the member may speak and vote. If it is a prejudicial interest, the member should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is discussed. 6. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence, if any. 7. MINUTES (pages 1 - 16) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 18 April 2012. 8. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 9. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To consider any questions received from members of the public. 10. REPORT ON THE CABINET The Leader will report to the Council on any appointments and changes to the Membership and portfolio responsibilities of the Cabinet 11. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES, CHAIRMEN AND VICE CHAIRMEN AND SUBSTITUTES AGENDA NOTE: If the Council is to approve alternative arrangements for appointments to a Committee other than those required by law on political balance, it must be without any member voting against them. Council will recall that there is no substitution permitted on Cabinet. Members are also reminded of the need for Committee Members or Substitutes on the Development, Standards and Licensing and Appeals Committees to have undertaken the necessary training. The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will normally be drawn from the opposition group and the Vice – Chairman from the ruling group. Cabinet Members can not sit or substitute on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Decision: To recommend Council to appoint Committees, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen and Substitute Members as outlined below. COMMITTEE No OF SEATS Scrutiny 12 Committee CONSERVATIVE Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mrs A Green Mr B Jarvis Mr J H PerryWarnes Mr R Reynolds Mr B Smith (VC) Mr N Smith LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Ms V R Gay Mr P Moore Mr E Seward (C) Mr R Smith INDEPENDENTS Mr M J M Baker Development Committee 14 Mrs S A Arnold (C) Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners (VC) Mrs A Green Mr J H PerryWarnes Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mrs P GroveJones Mr P High Mrs A Sweeney Mrs V Uprichard Mr J A Wyatt Audit Committee 6 Mr N D Dixon (C) Mr B Jarvis Mr R Oliver Mr S Ward Mrs A Moore Mr D Young Licensing & Appeals Committee 15 Mrs P GroveJones Mr B J Hannah Mr P W High Mrs A Sweeney Mrs L Walker Mr J A Wyatt Standards Committee 7 Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mrs A Green Mr B Jarvis Miss B Palmer Mr R C Price (C) Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mrs H Thompson (VC) Miss B Palmer Mr J D Savory Mr R Stevens Mrs H Thompson Mrs H Eales Mr E Seward Partnership Mr B J Hannah Mr P W Moore Mr P Williams Mr P Terrington Mr G Allen Mr R Barr Mr A Bullen Mr M Coates Mrs M Evans Mr H Gupta Mr A Nash Mr S Sankar Mrs A Shirley Committee – Revenues and Benefits Shared Services Mr W J Northam (Miss B Palmer) Norfolk Joint Museums Committee Police and Crime Panel Mrs L Brettle (Mr R Reynolds) (Mrs A Moore) Mr R Shepherd County Community Safety Partnership Scrutiny Panel CHAIRMEN, VICE – CHAIRMEN AND SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS OFCOMMITTEES COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Mr E Seward Scrutiny Committee VICE-CHAIRMAN Mr B Smith Development Committee Mrs S A Arnold Audit Committee Mr N D Dixon Licensing & Appeals Committee Mr R C Price Mrs H Thompson Standards Committee Mrs A Shirley Mr S Sankar Police and Crime Panel Mr B Cabbell Manners SUBSTITUTE(S) Mr M J M Baker Ms V R Gay Mr G R Jones Mrs B A McGoun Mr D Young Mr R Price Mr R Shepherd Mr S Ward Mrs B McGoun Mr E Seward Mrs L Walker Mr N Smith Mr S Ward Miss B Palmer Mr N Dixon Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr P Terrington Ms V R Gay Mr R Reynolds Mr P W High Mrs B A McGoun Mr J A Wyatt Mr R Shepherd Mr N Smith Mr S Ward Mr J Punchard 12. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS ON WORKING PARTIES, FORUMS, AREA AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES Decision: To recommend Council to appoint North Norfolk District Council Members on Working Parties, Forums and Area Advisory Committees as outlined below: No of seats CONSERVATIVE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT OTHER 11 Mr B Cabbell Manners Mr N Dixon Mrs A Green Mr T Ivory Mr K Johnson C Mrs S Arnold VC Mr P W High Mr G R Jones Mr P Williams Mr D Young Mr M Baker Joint Staff Consultative Committee 6 Mrs S A Arnold Mrs H Eales Mr K Johnson Mr P W High Mrs B A McGoun Vacancy Member Training, Development & Support Group (Non political Member/Officer Group) (Not Politically Balanced) 6 Mr K Johnson Mr J Lee Mr B Smith Mrs V Uprichard Mr P W High Vacancy Coastal Issues Forum (Members with Coastal Wards or Special Responsibility for Coastal Issues) (Not Politically Balanced) 23 Mr J Lee Mr R Price Mr K Johnson Mr B Smith Mr W Northam Mr J Savory Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mrs L Brettle Mrs H Thompson Mr B Jarvis Mr D Young Mr B Hannah Mr R Smith Mrs L Walker Mr P Williams Constitution Working Party 5 Mrs A M FitchTillett Mr K E Johnson Mrs H Thompson Ms V R Gay Mrs A M Moore WORKING PARTY, FORUM, AREA/ADVISORY COMMITTEE Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party Mr P Terrington CHAIRMEN AND VICE – CHAIRMEN (WHERE APPROPRIATE) WORKING PARTY, FORUM, AREA/ADVISORY COMMITTEE Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party CHAIRMAN VICE - CHAIRMAN Mr K Johnson Mr S Arnold 13. Joint Staff Consultative Committee Mr K Johnson Member Training, Development & Support Group (Non political Member/Officer Group) (Not Politically Balanced) Mr K Johnson Constitution Working Party Mrs H Thompson Phil Godwin APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO OUTSIDE BODIES (pages 17 - 56) (Appendix A – pages 22 - 40) (Appendix B – pages 41 - 43) (Appendix C – pages 44 -56) Summary: This report requires Members to make nominations and appointments to the Council’s schedule of approved Outside Bodies for the 2012/13 civic year. Recommendations: Cabinet Member(s) All 1. That the Outside Bodies list be amended in accordance with section 4 and 6 of the report. 2. That the outside bodies referred to in section 5 are referred to the Scrutiny Committee for further consideration as to whether they remain on the Outside Body list. 3. That the Council appoints Members to the schedule of approved Outside Bodies for the 2012/13 civic year as detailed in Appendix B. Ward(s) affected All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Emma Duncan, Legal and Democratic Services Manager, 01263 516045, 14. ESTABLISHMENT OF NORFOLK POLICE AND CRIME PANEL (pages 57 - 82) Summary: This report sets out the arrangements for establishing a Norfolk Police and Crime Panel, in accordance with the requirements of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. Conclusions: That the Council agrees the establishment and proposed arrangements for the Norfolk Police and Crime Panel (PCP) and appoints Mr R Shepherd to the PCP. Recommendations: Council is RECOMMENDED to:(i) Agree the establishment of a Police and Crime Panel (PCP) for Norfolk, as a joint committee of the district, borough and county councils, and agree the proposed Panel Arrangements. Cabinet Member(s) (ii) Appoint Mr R Shepherd from the North Norfolk District Council majority group to the PCP and appoint Mr J Punchard as the named substitute. (NB The appointed member and named substitute must be from the same political group). (iii) Endorse the proposed Rules of Procedure and recommend to the PCP that they be adopted. Ward(s) affected Cllr T. FitzPatrick All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Tony Ing, 01263 516080, 15. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LICENSING AND APPEALS COMMITTEES 2 April 2012 and 21 May 2012 LICENSING FEES FOR 2012/13 – ANIMAL WELFARE LICENCES (2 April 2012, minute 40) RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL 1. To retain a banding system for Animal Welfare Licences for a period of one year, after which time it will be reviewed. 2. That the three bands and charges are as follows: a) Animal Boarding, Dog Breeding Establishments and Pet Shops £110.00 per annum. b) Dangerous Wild Animals £145.00 per annum. c) Zoos and Riding Establishments £155.00 per annum 3. To increase the cost of Animal Welfare Licences annually by increments with the aim of achieving cost neutrality within the lifetime of the present Licensing and Appeals Committee. LICENSING FEES FOR 2012/13 (21 May 2012) RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL To follow 16. RECOMMENDATION FROM CABINET 16 April 2012 NORTH LODGE PARK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL (minute 116) (Report to Cabinet – pages 83 - 89) RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL 1. Authorise Officers to progress with a development scheme for North Lodge Park as described in the report, to include ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders. 2. Agree to a capital expenditure of £197,000 for the scheme, to be financed from capital receipts. 3. To authorise Officers to enter into negotiations and complete legal contracts and where necessary, planning applications in respect of: a) b) c) 17. the financial offer from Cromer Town Council to fund the toilets and the Park the transfer of the existing toilet buildings to the Sea View Pre-school the transfer of the existing bowls green to the Town Council at no future cost to North Norfolk District Council RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 14 May 2012 AND OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY 23 May 2012 (please note the item references below refer to the agenda numbering in the Cabinet and Scrutiny Agendas) PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK INCLUDING PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT OF THE ANNUAL ACTION PLAN 2012/13 CABINET RECOMMENDATION (Item 7); RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL To approve: a) the revised Performance Management Framework, and b) the performance measures for the Annual Action Plan 2012/13 SCRUTINY RECOMMENDATION (Item 11) To be reported at the meeting; A POLICY POSITION ON SECTION 106 ASSOCIATED WITH RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS CABINET RECOMMENDATION (Item 9); RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL That the key principles detailed at paragraph 4.1 of the report form the basis of the procedure to be adopted by the Council in negotiating Section 106 contributions from new retail proposals be endorsed with effect from 1st June 2012 SCRUTINY RECOMMENDATION (Item 13); To be reported at the meeting 18. LOCALISM ACT 2011 – CHANGES TO THE STANDARDS ARRANGEMENTS (pages 90 - 107) (Appendix D – pages 97 - 99) (Appendix E – pages 100 - 103) (Appendix F – pages 104 - 105) (Appendix G – pages 106 - 107) Summary: The purpose of this report is to seek a decision from members on implementation of the new standards regime under the Localism Act 2011 (“the Act”). Conclusions: This report seeks to address the following key issues: • Adopting a new Code of Conduct • Arrangements for dealing with allegations relating to the new Code of Conduct • Interim arrangements for the registration and declaration of interests • Co-option of Town and Parish Councillors to a new Standards Committee • Joint recruitment of an Independent Person and incorporates views expressed by the Standards Committee at its meeting held on 8 May 2012. Recommendations: To adopt as of 1 July 2012 with or without amendments the standards arrangements set out in this Report including:(i) the new Members’ Code of Conduct set out in Appendix D; (ii) the arrangements for dealing with standards allegations and the establishment of a Standards Committee all as set out in Appendix E; (iii) the procedures for the Monitoring Officer and/or the Independent Person to follow in considering standards complaints set out in the Annex to Appendix E; (iv) the appointment and remuneration of an Independent Person in accordance with section 6 of the Report and Appendix F; (v) the adoption of the Authority’s current arrangements in relation to the registration and declaration of personal and prejudicial interests until such time as regulations in relation to ‘disclosable pecuniary interests’ are published in accordance with Clause 29 of the Act and new recommendations in relation to interests are put before the Full Council for approval; (vi) the delegation of dispensation powers under section 33 of the Act to the Standards Committee and the designation of the Monitoring Officer as Proper Officer for the receipt of applications for dispensations; (vii) the changes to the Authority’s Constitution necessitated by the changes to the standards regime and procedures outlined above; (viii) the delegation to the Monitoring Officer of the power to take all steps and deal with all such ancillary matters as are required to implement any of the above and to render the Authority compliant with the Act, including engaging with Town and Parish Councils in relation to the adoption of a Code of Conduct and the arrangements for dealing with Standards allegations. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Cllr T. FitzPatrick All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Tony Ing, 01263 516080, 19. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES (pages 108 - 131) To receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) Cabinet – 12 March 2012 Development Committee – 5 April 2012 Cabinet – 16 April 2012 20. REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET 21. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS 22. OPPOSITION BUSINESS None received 23. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION COASTHOPPER SERVICE I have been assured from the responsible officer at North County Council that whilst there are no immediate plans to make changes to the Coasthopper, the contract with Norfolkgreen ends in 2013. The service is heavily subsidised by Norfolk County Council and also through the concessionary pass scheme. It is anticipated that the County Council’s transport budget will be cut by £200,000 next year and whilst no decisions have yet been made regarding the Coasthopper it is important that we make every effort to retain this well used and popular service which, apart from the pleasure given to users, both local and tourists, has brought very real benefits to local businesses along its route. I therefore ask this Council to contact Norfolk County Council and Norfolkgreen endorsing its support for this important service and urging that everything possible is done to ensure its continuance with current or even improved service for the foreseeable future. Proposed by Cllr. Sue Arnold Seconded by Cllr. Jonathan Savory 24. SEALED DOCUMENTS (page 132) Recommendation: That the list of sealed documents is received by Members. Contact: Tony Ing 01263 516080 Email: 25. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution – if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 26. PRIVATE BUSINESS Circulation: All Members of the Council. Members of the Management Team and other appropriate Officers. Press and Public