Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 27 February 2013 at the Council
Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm.
Members Present:
Mr P W Moore
Mrs S A Arnold
Mr M J M Baker
Mrs L Brettle
Mr B Cabbell Manners
Mrs A ClaussenReynolds
Mr N D Dixon
Mrs H Eales
Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett
Mr T FitzPatrick
Ms V R Gay
Mrs P Grove-Jones
Mr B J Hannah
Mr T Ivory
Mr B Jarvis
Mr J Lee
Mr N Lloyd
Mrs B McGoun
Mrs A Moore
Mr W J Northam
Mr R Oliver
Miss B Palmer
Mr R Price
Mr J Punchard
Mr R Reynolds
Mr E Seward
Mr R Shepherd
Mr B Smith
Mr N Smith
Mr R Stevens
Mrs A Sweeney
Mrs V Uprichard
Mr S Ward
Mr P Williams
Mr R Wright
Mr J A Wyatt
Mr A Yiasimi
Mr D Young
Officers in
The Chief Executive, Corporate Director (Nick Baker), Corporate Director
(Steve Blatch), the Head of Finance, the Monitoring Officer, the Scrutiny
Officer, the Communications Editor and the Democratic Services Officer
Also in
Father Denys Lloyd, the press.
The Chairman introduced Father Denys Lloyd, Parish Priest, Our Lady and St Joseph,
Sheringham and Cromer, who led the meeting in prayer.
The Monitoring Officer gave a presentation which updated Members on the requirements for
declaring interests following the changes in the Standards regime introduced by the Localism
Act. Individual local authorities’ codes of conduct incorporated the seven principles that
councillors were required to follow, and this provided the background against which the need
to declare interests should be considered.
The Act had introduced tightly prescribed disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs), which had to
be declared. Having declared a DPI, the Member was unable to take part in the discussion or
voting on the subject in question. Failure to comply was a criminal offence. North Norfolk’s
rules of debate also required a Member declaring such an interest to withdraw from the
meeting. Dispensations were available in certain circumstances and these were within the
remit of the Standards Committee.
This left “other interests”, the declaration of which was at the discretion of the Member, taking
account of the seven principles. There was no specific definition and a declaration of an
interest of this type imposed no restriction upon the Member.
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27 February 2013
The Chairman welcomed Mr Andreas Yiasimi, who had been elected to the Council
following the recent by-election for the Cromer Town Ward. Mr Yiasimi replied that he was
very pleased to be present.
He then reported upon engagements as follows:
The Holocaust Memorial Service held at St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich
A reception at HMS Dauntless at Great Yarmouth
Finally, he drew attention to the civic reception to be held at North Walsham on 19
April, the theme of which would be a celebration of young people’s events.
No declarations of interest were made.
Although it had been established that the ownership of property within the District did not
constitute an interest precluding Members from participating in the debate and decision
making on the budget, Mr B J Hannah, for clarification, mentioned that he had been involved
in the budget making process at Norfolk County Council.
Apologies for absence were received from Mrs H Cox, Mrs A Green, Mr P W High, Mr G
Jones, Mr J H Perry-Warnes, Mr R Smith, Mr P Terrington, Mrs L Walker and Mr G Williams.
The minutes of the meetings of Full Council held on 19 December 2012 and 23 January 2013
were approved as a correct record.
No public questions had been received, but the Chairman welcomed Mrs A Chappel,
Chairman of Dunton Parish Council, who was present to speak on Item 12 (see Minute 124
Mrs A Chappel, Chairman of Dunton Parish Council, spoke in support of the recommendation.
She assured Members that the proposed dissolution was not intended to do away with
democracy locally; the Parish Council had no community assets and the parish precept was
only needed for public liability insurance. The request had been made after considerable local
discussion, which had concluded that it was not justifiable to continue with a Parish Council
and that a Parish Meeting would be more flexible.
Ms B Palmer, ward representative, said that she had been a party to discussions leading to
the request for dissolution. Dunton had an electorate of just 94 and no assets and the proposal
had overwhelming local support.
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27 February 2013
Other Members agreed that the proposal made common sense.
The recommendation was moved by Ms B Palmer and seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick.
That an Order be made under Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1972 to dissolve
Dunton Parish Council and transfer all assets of the Parish Council to the Parish Meeting.
In addition to the appointments set out on the agenda, Ms Gay drew attention to the need for
a Liberal Democrat substitute on the Joint Consultative Committee and put forward Mrs P
Grove-Jones as nominee.
It was proposed by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and seconded by Mr R Shepherd that the suggested
appointments, including that put forward by Ms Gay, be approved en bloc.
a) To appoint Mr T FitzPatrick to replace Mr R Oliver on the Joint Staff Consultative
b) To appoint Mr R Oliver as a substitute on the Joint Staff Consultative Committee.
c) To appoint Mrs P Grove-Jones as a substitute on the Joint Staff Consultative Committee.
d) To appoint Mr N Lloyd as a substitute on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
e) To appoint Mr R Wright to a vacancy on the Norfolk Skills Partnership.
To appoint Mr R Oliver to a vacancy on the Norfolk Parking Partnership Joint Committee.
A revised version of the recommendation had been circulated. Mr R Wright pointed out that
this applied tighter limits to expenditure and addressed concerns as to the balance spent on
administration as against delivery. Mr J Lee agreed that this amendment protected the
Council’s position.
Mr T FitzPatrick observed that DMOs had been introduced in Great Yarmouth and Norwich
and had been considered successful in both instances.
The revised recommendation was moved by Mr Wright and seconded by Mr Lee, who
stressed that tourism must be driven by business. On being put to the vote, the
recommendation was carried. This was then put as the substantive motion (proposed by Mr
Wright and seconded by Mr Lee) and was again carried.
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That the release of up to £25,000 per annum over the periods 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15
(to a maximum of £75,000 for three years) from the NNDC Community Fund and up to
£10,000 per annum over the periods 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15 (to a maximum of
£30,000 for three years) from the Economic and Tourism Development budget be authorised,
by the Chief Executive acting with the advice of the relevant Portfolio Holder following the
provision of a satisfactory Service Level Agreement and the meeting of its performance
targets, as the Council’s contribution to “Visit North Norfolk Coast and Countryside Ltd”.
Mr W Northam presented the report, comprising the budget for the 2013/14 and indicative
budgets for the following three years. He pointed out that an addition had been made to the
recommendation at Cabinet on 4 February, to refer to the use of £100,000 in the New Homes
Bonus Reserve to assist with the delivery of new housing and other economic measures. The
budget had been presented to both Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee earlier
in the month and both had agreed to the recommendations now put forward.
Mr Northam referred to some of the different factors which had affected the budgetary
process, including Council tax reforms, the Council tax support scheme and changes in
business rates. Against that background, the Head of Finance and her staff had worked to a
strategy which took account of known spending pressures, forecast grant reductions and a
Council tax freeze. The grant settlement formula included an element based on revenue
spending power, which featured reductions of 1.9% and 6% for the next two years.
(1) To approve:
a) The 2013/14 revenue account budget as outlined at Appendix A to the Cabinet
report and that the surplus of £240,009 be allocated to the general reserve;
b) The demand on the Collection Fund, subject to any amendments as a result of final
precepts be:
a. £5,082,610 for District purposes
b. £1,450,000 (subject to confirmation of the final precepts) for
Parish/Town precepts
c) The fees and charges as included in Appendix D from 1 April 2013;
d) The statement and movement on the reserves as detailed in Appendix F, with the
addition that £100,000 in the New Homes Bonus Reserve be used in order to
assist with the delivery of new housing and other economic measures;
e) The updated Capital Programme and financing for 2012/13 to 2015/16 as detailed
at Appendix G;
f) The new capital bids as detailed at Appendix H to be financed from new capital
(2) That Members note the current projections for 2014/15 to 2016/17.
Mr Northam explained the requirements of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and
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27 February 2013
Accountancy’s Code of Practice in relation to the setting of a Treasury Management
Strategy Statement each year. The Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy had been
presented to, and discussed by, both the Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny
Committee. The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed that his
Committee’s recommendation concurred with that of the Cabinet.
That the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy and Prudential
Indicators for 2013/14 to 2015/16 be approved.
Mr Northam had been pleased to present this report and those referred to in Minute 127
above with confidence, through the efforts of the Head of Finance and her staff. The budget
had been presented to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee earlier in the month
and included the provisional Government settlement announced on 19 December 2012.
Confirmation of the final settlement had been received on 4 February. This had meant some
minor changes to the headline figure shown in the provisional settlement in terms of the
formula funding, but a more significant change for 2013/14 through the announcement of
specific and special grants.
At the time of reporting to Cabinet on 4 February, some parish precepts had been
outstanding. Although this did not affect the District Council element, it did have a bearing on
the total billed amount. The total District amount billed (with the parish element subject to
receipt of the final 40 precept forms) for a Band D property for 2013/14 would be £178.88 (a
District Council element of £138.87).
An overall surplus of £330,000 in the General Reserve was forecast.
He was pleased to be able to present a balanced budget, with no Council tax increase and
no forced redundancies among staff and acknowledged the big commitment from the
workforce in achieving this.
Ms V Gay understood how difficult a year it had been and deplored the unjust settlement.
She agreed with the principle of producing a budget on the basis of no Council tax increase
being sought. It was essential to support the well-being and prosperity of citizens and she
wondered whether more could in fact be done, in an error of low income, but with many
second homes. Given the prospects over the next two years, she believed it was time to
invest in the District. This could be achieved in various ways. First, by maintaining a
commitment to affordable housing and investing in housing associations by lending capital;
second, by not supporting expenditure on the DMO, as tourism could not be isolated from
other services; thirdly, in a situation where Council tax was effectively capped, by reviewing
car parking income, which amounted to more than the total of local council precepts; and
finally by using Big Society funding to take a lead in providing apprenticeships for young
people. Mr Gay was also concerned that reserves had not been earmarked for specific
purposes; for example, there was no policy for expenditure from the New Homes Bonus
Reserve. In summary, she believed a comprehensive strategic review would be beneficial.
Mr M Baker commended the nil Council Tax increase proposal, but would have supported a
decrease; businesses had to reduce costs year on year, at the same time as improving
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27 February 2013
services. He also felt that the obligation to pay business rates should come with some form of
voting rights for the business community. On the subject of the DMO, he was concerned at
the possibility of a disproportionate amount of the Council’s investment being spent on
salaries and wages, to the detriment of real benefits for tourism.
In reply to Mr B Cabbell Manners, Mr Northam said that the intention was to hold Council tax
at the same level next year.
Mr B Hannah enquired as to the money received from the sale of Lockerbie Flats at
Sheringham. Mr Northam said that this was held in the reserves, although part had been
allocated to the Skate Park. The Chief Executive explained that this was a capital receipt, the
use of which was not restricted to Sheringham.
Mr D Young sought clarification of the item for major litigation and legal claims in the
assessment of the General Fund Reserve. The Head of Finance explained that this was to
cover any major claim that might arise in any of the next four years and would be looked at
closely. In response to a further question from Mr Young on Future Funding Fluctuations in
the same section, the Head of Finance said that this was a new feature of the analysis which
would be reviewed throughout the year.
In response to Ms Gay’s comment on car parking, Mr R Oliver pointed out that the previous
administration had more than doubled charges, compared to the increase of 10% in the
previous year and a reduction in real terms this year.
Mr T Ivory welcomed Ms Gay’s support for the concept of lending to housing associations.
This had been under discussion for some months. He then referred to the new housing in
North Walsham, which he hoped would be replicated in other towns.
Mr R Wright assured Ms Gay that it was the aim that the Council would be the beacon for
apprenticeships. He supported this principle from personal experience and was keen on
making sure that a tailor-made scheme for North Norfolk was developed. Mrs A ClaussenReynolds agreed with Mr Wright’s sentiments and referred to a meeting on the subject which
had taken place earlier that day. Ms Gay was sorry that she had been unable to attend this
Mr T FitzPatrick commented upon the difficult background against which the budget had
been prepared. He emphasised that the Cabinet had pledged a nil Council tax increase,
which was, in effect a cut. A major drive was taking place on apprenticeships; offshore
industry was being promoted in pursuit of bringing full-time jobs to the District and this was
considered to be money well spent. Times were tough and he hoped that all Members of the
Council could work together to bring about change. A positive factor was that more
youngsters aged between 16 and 19 years were in work in North Norfolk than anywhere else
in the County.
Mr J Lee said that he was proud of what had been achieved. The administration had kept to
the commitment set out in its manifesto.
In response to the statement from Ms Gay and other Members’ comments, Mr Northam had
nothing to add to his opening remarks, other than to say that the Cabinet had met its stated
intentions. Mr R Shepherd congratulated the Cabinet on its diligence in achieving the budget
and Council tax proposals as presented, in such difficult times and Mrs H Eales thanked Mr
Northam for doing and continuing to do such a good job as Portfolio Holder for Financial
In explaining the robustness of the estimates, as the Chief Financial Officer was required to
do by statute, the Head of Finance referred to the commentary on the adequacy of reserves
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and to the assessment of the General Fund reserve, as set out in Appendix B. Risks and
fluctuations had been taken into account in a robust budgetary framework, which would be
subject to review.
The Head of Finance then gave details of the outstanding parish precepts and their effects
on the figures in the Council tax recommendations, before addressing the different elements
of the overall proposals. An amended section 4.7, taking account of the outstanding parish
precepts, had been circulated. Section 4.8 gave details of the County Council and Norfolk
Police and Crime Commissioner’s precepts and 4.9 set out the valuation bands for Council
tax. Paragraph 4.10 made reference to the statutory requirement for a referendum where a
Council tax increase beyond the 2.0% threshold was proposed, a principle which did not
affect the Council, the basic amount of Council tax calculated being the same as for the
previous year.
Mr T Ivory commented that he was disappointed that the Police and Crime Commissioner
had been unable to join the District and County Councils in freezing his part of the Council
tax bill.
Part (a) of the recommendation had been agreed in Minute 127(a) above. Separate votes
were taken on the remaining sections.
Part (b) was proposed by Mr B Smith and seconded by Mr Northam and, on being put to the
vote, was carried.
Parts (c) and (d) were proposed by Mr Northam, seconded by Mr FitzPatrick and, on being
put to the vote, carried.
Parts (e), (f) and (g) (as amended) were then moved by Mr Northam, seconded by Mr
FitzPatrick and carried unanimously.
The Chairman added his thanks to the Head of Finance and to all staff for their contribution in
enabling this budget to be put forward and consequent Council tax decisions to be agreed.
That, having considered the Chief Financial Officer’s report on the robustness of the
estimates and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves, the following be approved:
a) The General Fund Revenue Budget for 22013/14 (Appendix A of the report on the Council
b) The Policy Framework for the Earmarked Reserves and the Optimum Level of the General
Reserve 2013/14 to 2016/17 (Appendix B);
c) The level of the General reserve maintained at a minimum of £1.6 million;
d) The General and Earmarked Reserves are employed as shown in the Reserves Statement
(Appendix C);
e) That Members undertake the Council Tax and statutory calculations set out at Section 4,
as amended and set the Council tax for 2013/14;
f) The final demand on the Collection Fund for District purposes (NNDC) for 2013/14 be
g) The final demand on the Collection Fund for Parish/Town precepts for 2013/14 be
In presenting this item, Mr R Oliver asked that the schedule be amended as follows:
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27 February 2013
• The Development Committee on 1 August be relocated (venue to be confirmed)
• The Development Committee meeting on 29 August be put back to 5 September
• 29 August be left as a reserve date for site meetings.
A comment from Mr M Baker that changes to scheduled meetings presented difficulties for
those who had full diaries was noted.
The recommendation was moved by Mr Oliver and seconded by Mr R Shepherd.
That the programme of meetings for 2013/14 be adopted, subject to the amendments referred
to above.
Mr T FitzPatrick explained that it was a requirement of the Localism Act that local authorities
produce an annual pay policy statement. The requirement had been introduced in the
interests of openness and accountability and, as far as North Norfolk was concerned, had
involved no change to existing practice and policy. Since the policy statement had been
drafted, Government guidance had been issued and the policy would need to be reviewed in
the light of this.
The recommendation was moved by Mr FitzPatrick and seconded by Mr R Oliver.
That the Pay Policy Statement for 2013/14 be adopted and published on the Council’s website.
Recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee relating to the Base Budget
and Projections and the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Projections, in
identical terms to those made by Cabinet, were taken under Minute 127 above.
The Chairman questioned the need to present Committee minutes to full Council. These
minutes had been confirmed by subsequent meetings of the respective committees and were
available for inspection by all Members. Democratic Services were asked to provide a brief
report on this to the next meeting.
To receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees:
Full Council
Cabinet – 12 November 2012
Standards Committee – 13 November 2012
Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 21 November 2012
Development Committee – 13 December 2012
Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 18 December 2012
Cabinet – 07 January 2013
Development Committee – 10 January 2013
27 February 2013
Development Committee – 17 January 2013
Mr J Lee reported that the ‘Big Switch and Save’ project would be going live on 1 March,
when details would be accessible on the Council’s website. He urged energy users to join the
scheme, as the greater the numbers involved, the better the price obtainable would be.
Mr R Wright informed Council that Enterprise North Norfolk had £60,000 worth of funding,
provided jointly by the District and County Councils, which was available to assist business
start, through means such as mentoring and pointing to sources of finance. This filled the void
left by Business Link.
Mr T FitzPatrick reminded Members of the East of England Energy Conference taking place
during the following week and at which the District Council would have a stand.
None received.
None received.
None received.
The meeting concluded at 7.45 pm.
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27 February 2013