COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 26 February 2014 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Mrs S A Arnold Mr M Baker Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mrs H Cox Mr N D Dixon Mrs H Eales Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Ms V R Gay Mrs A Green Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P W High Mr T Ivory Mr B Jarvis Mr G Jones Mr J H A Lee Mr N Lloyd Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Mr W J Northam Miss B Palmer Mr J Perry-Warnes Mr R Price Mr J Punchard Mr R Reynolds Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr N Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs A Sweeney Mr P Terrington Mrs V Uprichard Mrs L Walker Mr P Williams Mr R Wright Mr J A Wyatt Mr A Yiasimi Mr D Young Officers in Attendance: The Chief Executive, The Corporate Directors, the Monitoring Officer, the Head of Finance, the Head of Organisational Development, the Chief Accountant and the Democratic Services Team Leader Press: The Press were in attendance Members of the public: Mrs P Porter, Chairman of Walcott Parish Council Mr J Anderson, Walcott 106. PRAYERS The Chairman introduced Reverend Paul Neale, Assistant Minister, Cromer Parish Church with St Martins, who led the meeting in prayer. 107. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The Chairman spoke about recent events that she had attended. 108. 109. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FROM MEMBERS Member Minute No & Heading Nature of Interest Mr J Punchard Council Tax Setting Non pecuniary interest – also a member of Fakenham Town Council APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Mr B Hannah, Mrs B McGoun, Mr R Oliver, Mr J Savory, Mr S Ward and Mr G Williams. Council 1 26 February 2014 110. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 18 December 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 111. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Leader introduced an item of urgent business relating to flood support schemes. He explained that the Government had recently announced a package of funding to support homeowners and businesses that were impacted between 1 December 2013 and 31 March 2014 by the adverse weather conditions. The schemes covered four elements: Repair and renew grant Business Rates Flooding Relief Council Tax Discounts Business Support Scheme In order to implement the scheme, local policies needed to be adopted, business rate reliefs granted and council tax discounts approved in order for the support to be provided to businesses and homeowners in line with the guidance and within the overall funding constraints identified within the Government guidance notes. Members were invited to speak: a. Mr P Williams suggested that registration for business rates was a requirement for any businesses wishing to claim support via the schemes outlined. The Chief Executive replied that the guidance referred to all types of business and uses on non-domestic hereditament. However, it seemed to exclude homeowners running a business who were not registered for business rates. She said that there was still a lot of detail to work through and this would be done in partnership with neighbouring local authorities. b. Mr P W Moore asked whether the proposals would have an impact on the Budget for 2014/15. The Leader confirmed that they would not and said that it was important to act quickly as it would enable the Council to take advantage of the schemes on offer. He added that it may not be necessary to implement them but that the Coucnil should be ready if they did need to act. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RESOLVED „That all power to make and put into effect a scheme, and to take ancillary steps and measures for such a scheme be delegated to the Chief Financial Officer in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer and the Leader, insofar as a delegation from Council is necessary for that purpose‟ 112. PUBLIC QUESTIONS Mrs P Porter, Chairman of Walcott Parish Council had submitted the following question in advance of the meeting: „What do North Norfolk District Council propose to do about the cliff erosion from the end of the sea wall to the end of Horizon Views where some properties are now at risk?‟ Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, Portfolio Holder for the Coast said that before she responded to the question, she wished to welcome Mrs Porter to the meeting. She asked members to show their appreciation for all the hard work and support that Mrs Porter did for her community. Council 2 26 February 2014 Mrs Fitch-Tillett went on to say that since the storm surge in early December 2013, she had done everything she could to prevent similar damage in the future. £1m had been spent on sea defence and flood prevention works and work would continue to be carried out. The County Council had recently replaced the highway drains on the seafront at Walcott which would ensure that any sea water breaching the seawall would be able to drain away quickly. Responding to the specific question raised by Mrs Porter, Mrs Fitch-Tillett said that the cliffs at Horizon View were privately owned which meant that the Council was limited in the action that it could take. She acknowledged that the cliffs were prone to erosion but said that there was a timber revetment in place and it remained intact. The Coastal Management Team Leader and the Coastal Engineer had both provided detailed responses to Mrs Porter‟s question and these were outlined by the Portfolio Holder. Mrs Fitch-Tillett concluded by referring members to information booklets that were held in the Council‟s coastal service area and which would be of particular interest to coastal ward members. The Chairman invited members to speak: 1. Mr M Baker said that Norfolk County Council had recently allocated a flood defence budget of £250,000 for local situations. 2. Mrs L Walker commented that the Council‟s response was not good enough. She said that homeowners would never be fully compensated for the damage to their homes and it was unlikely that they would be able to get another mortgage. She suggested that the Portfolio Holder should push for European funding. Mrs Fitch-Tillett replied that Vicky Ford MEP was working very hard to ensure that all available funding was pursued. The Chairman invited Mrs Porter to come back on her question. She said that she did not feel that the Portfolio Holder‟s response would help those residents who were about to lose their homes. Mr James Anderson of Walcott then read out the following question: „The revetments at Ostend in Walcott were altered 2-3 years ago and the sea is now able to reach the cliff edge. What was the reason for the alteration?‟ Mrs A Fitch-Tillett replied that when the revetments were replaced, struts were installed and in order to bolt them onto the posts, a hole was created. Some water leaked through these holes but she assured Mr Anderson that there was a solid post behind the struts. She added that the storm surge was a momentous events and unlikely to happen again. Mr Anderson replied that the sea now reached the cliff edge on a daily basis and that the alteration had taken away the ledge allowing the sea to undermine the cliff. Mrs Fitch-Tillett replied that the situation had been made worse by the recent storm damage and that work would take place to address that. The Chief Executive informed members that the Council would be contacting individual residents in the affected areas shortly. 113. APPOINTMENTS Mr N Lloyd queried whether either of the proposed appointments were remunerated. The Chief Executive confirmed that they were not. It was proposed by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds and Council 3 26 February 2014 RESOLVED a) To appoint Mr T FitzPatrick as a Director of Norse Environmental Waste Services (NEWS) b) To appoint Mr T FitzPatrick to the Norfolk Waste Partnership Three members abstained. 114. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 3 FEBRUARY 2014 a) Agenda Item 10: Budget Monitoring 2013/14 – Period 9 Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance introduced this item. He advised members that this was the third consecutive reported underspend. The costs of the tidal surge of 5th December 2013 were still being assessed, with the current estimate at £2.7m. . Mr Northam then highlighted some of the service areas where there were savings and additional income. He also drew members‟ attention to the inclusion of a capital budget for the Splash Roof Remedial works, which would be funded by a virement from the underspends within the capital programme and a proposed external match grant funding of £30,000. Mr Northam concluded by saying that the revenue budget was showing an estimated full year underspend for the current financial year of £163,455 and that it was anticipated that the overall budget for the current year would be achieved. He then thanked the Chief Accountant, Mr M Fry, for his hard work and support. Mr P W Moore, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed that the Committee had endorsed the recommendation from Cabinet. Mr G Jones said that he had some reservations regarding the Budget Monitoring report. He was particularly concerned that there had not been a full assessment of car parking charges. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick and RESOLVED To agree the updated budget as set out in section 5.1 of the report. Mr G Jones abstained. b) Agenda Item 11: Treasury Management Strategy Statement Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance introduced this item. He explained that the Strategy Statement was prepared to ensure compliance with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy‟s Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Public Services. He said that it would ensure that the Council was provided with a flexible treasury strategy enabling it to respond to changing market conditions and ensure the security of its funds. Mr Northam thanked the Technical Accountant, Mr T Brown for all his hard work and support. Mr P W Moore confirmed that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had endorsed Cabinet;s recommendation. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mrs S Arnold and Council 4 26 February 2014 RESOLVED To approve the Treasury Management Strategy Statement. c) Agenda item 12: 2014/15 Budget Report The Chief Executive explained to Members that the recommendations from Cabinet relating to the Budget report 2014/15 would be considered as part of Agenda Item 11. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had endorsed the recommendations so Members should now proceed to the next item. 115. BUDGET AND COUNCIL TAX SETTING 2014/15 Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance said that he was pleased to present this report with confidence. Confirmation of the final settlement had been received and this included a settlement for supporting sparsely populated areas for 2014/15 which equated to £56,738 in each of the next two years. The Council Tax freeze grant had been extended and he was pleased to announce that there would be no increase in Council Tax – with the District element remaining at £138.87. Mr Northam went on to say that the Budget included £1.2m in New Homes Bonus income. A considerable amount of this had come from the reduction in empty properties across the District which totalled 325. The report recommended that the surplus for the year was allocated to the general reserve to mitigate the impact of funding costs in relation to the storm surge that occurred in December 2013. Mr Northam concluded by outlining the Council‟s continuing efforts to reclaim the costs of the storm damage that occurred on 5th December 2013. He thanked the Head of Finance for her continued hard work. Mrs A Moore agreed that the previous three months had been very difficult for the district and commended Council staff on all their hard work to restore matters. She acknowledged that in such difficult times it was imperative that the political groups worked together for the sake of their local communities and it would not be appropriate to criticise the Budget 2014/15. That said, she could not support the use of right to buy monies as loans to social landlords rather than grants. She also had concerns over the loss of specialist posts within the Council that were not being replaced and said that the cost of upgrading the reception area would be wasted if the standard of services declined. She went on to say that the continued freeze in council tax was eroding the underlying tax base and as a result the towns and parishes were taking up the burden and raising their precepts by an average of 11%. Mrs Moore went on to suggest a different approach. She said that a full review of car parking charges should be undertaken and the evening charge should be removed. Funding should be made available to the towns to enable them to take over the CCTV service and the housing incentives scheme should be revised to allow more homes to be built on the edge of villages. All of these could be funded by reviewing the Council‟s earmarked reserves and investing some of this money in services and log-term projects. Mr M Baker said that in general he agreed with the proposed Budget for 2014/15, however, he did have concerns about the evening charges for car parking and said that the fact that 35% of penalty charges were issued after 6pm indicated that residents did not understand that they needed to pay to park in the evenings. He went onto comment about the cost of the reception project and said that residents had queried the need for it. Figures had been provided regarding the full cost of the project but they were too general and a clear balance sheet would be more helpful, together with a clear definition of the posts being lost. Council 5 26 February 2014 Mr G Jones said that he agreed with Mr Baker‟s comments. He said that he intended to vote against the Budget 2014/15 as there had not been a thorough assessment of car parking income. He believed that the Council would struggle to run effectively if this income was to fall. Mr B Cabbell Manners commented that a lot of district councils had had their budgets knocked off course by the recent bad weather. He felt that NNDC had coped very well in the circumstances. Mr T Ivory commended the proposal to keep council tax at the same level for the third year running. In response to Mrs Moore‟s point regarding loans to registered providers, he said that the scheme would enable the Council to deliver new homes again and again. He concluded by saying that he did not feel that CCTV was good value for money. Mr J Lee commended the proposal to keep council tax at the same level for a third year. He thanked Mr Northam for his continued hard work. Mr P W Moore said that he had hoped that party politics would not cloud the Budget debate. He felt that during difficult times everyone should be pulling together. He added that it was inevitable that there would be some differences between the political groups. Mrs H Eales referred to Mrs Moore‟s point regarding town and parish councils raising their precepts. She said that her understanding from her own ward was that they were putting up precepts to fund specific services in their communities that could not be provided by the District Council. With reference to Mr G Jones‟ comments about car parking charges, she said that he had been a Cabinet member under the previous administration and that during that time car parking charges had been raised several times. Mr Jones replied that the current administration had introduced evening charges. Mr T FitzPatrick said that he was proud to second the Budget for 2014/15. He said that he did not agree with Mrs Moore‟s assertions that town and parish councils were having to increase their precepts and he said that the towns had never paid the expected contribution towards CCTV costs. He went onto say that loans to registered providers for building homes would be much more effective than grants and that he fully supported making the Council‟s reception area fit for purpose. He concluded by saying that the administration was delivering on their election promises. In explaining the robustness of the estimates, as the Chief Financial Officer was required to do by statute, the Head of Finance referred to the commentary on the adequacy of the reserves and to the assessment of the General Fund reserve, as set out in Appendix B to the report. Risks and fluctuations had been taken into account in a robust budgetary framework, which would be subject to review. The Chairman said that a vote would be taken on the recommendations relating to the Budget 2014/15, before setting the Council Tax. She advised that Cabinet Recommendations 5-9, outlined at Agenda Item 10c would be taken en bloc. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RESOLVED That having considered the Chief Financial Officer‟s report on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves the following be approved: Council 6 26 February 2014 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) To approve the updated Capital Programme and financing for 2013/14 to 2016/17 as detailed at Appendix J; To approve the new capital bids as detailed at Appendix K; To approve the prudential indicators as included at Appendix L; To approve a three year arrangement for the provision of Monitoring officer through NP Law as detailed within section 5.3.4 of the report; That members note the current financial projections for the period 2015/16 to 2017/18. 15 members abstained. The Chairman then asked members to vote on the recommendations outlined in Agenda Item 11: Budget report 2014/15: It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick and RESOLVED a) b) c) d) To approve the General Fund Revenue Budget for 2014/15 (Appendix A) The Policy Framework for the Earmarked Reserves and the Optimum Level of the General Reserve 2014/15 to 2017/18 (Appendix B); The level of the General Reserve maintained at a minimum of £1.75 million; The General and Earmarked Reserves are employed as shown in the Reserves Statement (Appendix C); 15 members voted against the recommendations. The Head of Finance then outlined the different elements of the Council tax recommendations. She explained that section 4.5 of the report set out the statutory calculations for the council tax bases. Section 4.6 gave details of the parish precepts, and section 4.7 provided details of the County Council and Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner‟s precepts. She concluded by stating that the basic amount of Council tax calculated was the same as for the previous year. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick and RESOLVED e) That members undertake the Council Tax and statutory calculations set out at section 4, and set the Council Tax for 2014/15; PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA Alby with Thwaite Aldborough Antingham Ashmanhaugh Aylmerton Baconsthorpe Bacton Barsham Barton Turf Beckham East/West Beeston Regis Binham Blakeney Council COUNCIL PART OF THE TAX BASE COUNCIL’S AREA 93.87 Little Barningham 205.27 Little Snoring 116.50 Ludham 64.46 Matlaske 195.36 Melton Constable 79.03 Morston 464.84 Mundesley 95.03 Neatishead 236.95 North Walsham 106.66 Northrepps 366.12 Overstrand 165.80 Paston 510.58 Plumstead 7 COUNCIL TAX BASE 38.74 202.11 473.60 58.83 166.25 54.16 1,030.48 228.50 3,590.47 311.63 412.79 78.70 46.58 26 February 2014 PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA Bodham Briningham Brinton Briston Brumstead Catfield Cley Colby Corpusty and Saxthorpe Cromer Dilham Dunton East Ruston Edgefield Erpingham Fakenham Felbrigg Felmingham Field Dalling Fulmodestone Gimingham Great Snoring Gresham Gunthorpe Hanworth Happisburgh Helhoughton Hempstead Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Glandford Council COUNCIL PART OF THE TAX BASE COUNCIL’S AREA 153.91 Potter Heigham 61.29 Pudding Norton 119.93 Raynham 796.35 Roughton 24.54 Runton 290.93 Ryburgh 301.20 Salthouse 181.77 Scottow 254.08 Sculthorpe 2,672.30 Sea Palling 129.88 Sheringham 51.27 Sidestrand 179.57 Skeyton 177.47 Sloley 231.12 Smallburgh 2,303.74 Southrepps 66.39 Stalham 177.49 Stibbard 129.91 Stiffkey 169.45 Stody 139.62 Suffield 75.55 Sustead 160.26 Sutton 140.37 Swafield 92.47 Swanton Abbott 283.89 Swanton Novers 112.22 Tattersett 72.53 Thornage 172.44 Thorpe Market 382.33 Thurning 263.26 Thursford 190.31 Trimingham 223.47 Trunch 86.17 Tunstead 1,500.57 Upper Sheringham 115.85 Walcott 583.64 Walsingham 30.14 Warham 697.94 Wells-next-the-Sea 138.62 Westwick 39.89 Weybourne 57.30 Wickmere 83.25 Wighton 86.05 Witton 141.08 Wiveton 191.13 Wood Norton 214.90 Worstead COUNCIL TAX BASE 385.49 63.29 123.67 310.41 682.81 217.39 112.26 278.86 265.14 197.79 2,920.48 43.51 84.34 83.46 173.64 311.48 970.68 128.11 122.89 89.41 51.45 85.62 367.33 108.21 139.50 76.02 260.09 90.60 107.57 29.38 103.00 130.60 329.26 245.34 95.93 203.65 338.66 73.42 1,013.35 26.00 313.30 54.88 104.36 117.91 86.93 98.18 294.66 117.54 8 26 February 2014 being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 6 of The Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which special items (parish precepts) may relate. 4.6 That the following amounts be now CALCULATED by the Council for the year 2014/15 in accordance with Sections 31A to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the relevant regulations and directions as follows:a) £61,261,593 b) £54,519,599 c) £6,741,994 d) £183.3608 e) £1,635,884 f) £138.8700 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the expenditure items set out in Section 31A(2) (a) to (f) of the Act. being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the income items set out in Section 31A(3) (a) to (d) of the Act. This includes the amount the Council estimates will be transferred in the year from its collection fund to its general fund in accordance with Section 97 (3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (Council Tax surplus of £99,276) and Section 97 (2A) (NDR surplus of £720). being the amount by which the aggregate at (a) above exceeds the aggregate at (b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, to be its Council Tax requirement for the year. being the amount at (c) above divided by the amount at 4.5(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year. being the aggregate amount of all special items (parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act. being the amount at (d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at (e) above by the amount at 4.5 (a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item (parish precept) relates. g) PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA Alby with Thwaite Aldborough Antingham Ashmanhaugh Aylmerton Baconsthorpe Bacton Barsham Barton Turf Beckham East/West Beeston Regis Binham Blakeney Bodham Council PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA BASIC AMOUNT £ 164.4372 162.6192 156.5438 193.1672 169.4494 157.8501 168.6479 156.6538 159.9714 162.3089 171.9793 166.0111 200.3001 180.2253 Little Barningham Little Snoring Ludham Matlaske Melton Constable Morston Mundesley Neatishead North Walsham Northrepps Overstrand Paston Plumstead Potter Heigham 9 BASIC AMOUNT £ 159.2107 174.4941 155.4156 143.9694 191.5677 156.7983 184.6108 167.7540 184.3579 180.2427 183.9558 190.1660 171.9743 168.2170 26 February 2014 PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA Brinton Briston Catfield Cley Colby Corpusty and Saxthorpe Cromer Dilham East Ruston Edgefield Erpingham Fakenham Felbrigg Felmingham Field Dalling Fulmodestone Gimingham Great Snoring Gresham Gunthorpe Hanworth Happisburgh Helhoughton Hempstead Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Glandford PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA BASIC AMOUNT £ 155.5463 175.9943 173.4556 166.2604 219.9174 183.8676 217.0592 169.5290 161.1454 175.4959 166.6391 197.3036 173.1372 147.3211 160.6235 169.3863 169.9615 178.5788 170.0693 151.6932 159.2766 161.5231 170.1924 160.6265 177.6487 228.3293 148.0016 175.6520 170.7400 167.8824 192.1830 156.1337 161.1440 171.2853 195.3605 147.5484 198.7847 173.7740 172.6718 178.3819 166.2374 170.5500 153.2022 155.8854 Pudding Norton Raynham Roughton Runton Ryburgh Salthouse Scottow Sculthorpe Sea Palling Sheringham Sidestrand Skeyton Sloley Smallburgh Southrepps Stalham Stibbard Stiffkey Stody Suffield Sustead Sutton Swafield Swanton Abbott Swanton Novers Tattersett Thornage Thorpe Market Thursford Trimingham Trunch Tunstead Upper Sheringham Walcott Walsingham Warham Wells-next-the-Sea Weybourne Wickmere Wighton Witton Wiveton Wood Norton Worstead BASIC AMOUNT £ 194.1709 182.3890 161.7461 153.0027 175.6702 172.0875 189.0744 160.5566 193.1144 206.7074 168.7481 151.1891 165.9728 170.4065 173.8128 191.4104 177.5008 176.9284 165.2540 168.0245 156.9732 161.6478 172.7947 169.4148 171.5193 149.5278 155.7574 172.5503 167.9962 188.1885 189.8935 162.7715 191.0955 170.1737 192.0206 206.9713 199.0170 186.7474 202.6455 172.4077 146.6301 188.9102 164.3334 166.2473 being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 4.6(f) above to the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council‟s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 4.6(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate. Council 10 26 February 2014 h) PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A £ Alby with Thwaite Aldborough Antingham Ashmanhaugh Aylmerton Baconsthorpe Bacton Barsham Barton Turf Beckham East/West Beeston Regis Binham Blakeney Bodham Brinton Briston Catfield Cley Colby Corpusty and Saxthorpe Cromer Dilham East Ruston Edgefield Erpingham Fakenham Felbrigg Felmingham Field Dalling Fulmodestone Gimingham Great Snoring Gresham Gunthorpe Hanworth Happisburgh Helhoughton Hempstead Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Council B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 109.62 108.41 104.36 128.77 112.96 105.23 112.43 104.43 106.64 108.20 114.65 110.67 133.53 120.15 103.69 117.32 115.63 110.84 146.61 127.89 126.48 121.75 150.24 131.79 122.77 131.17 121.84 124.42 126.24 133.76 129.11 155.78 140.17 120.98 136.88 134.90 129.31 171.04 146.16 144.55 139.15 171.70 150.62 140.31 149.90 139.24 142.19 144.27 152.87 147.56 178.04 160.20 138.26 156.43 154.18 147.78 195.48 164.43 162.61 156.54 193.16 169.44 157.85 168.64 156.65 159.97 162.30 171.97 166.01 200.30 180.22 155.54 175.99 173.45 166.26 219.91 200.97 198.75 191.33 236.09 207.10 192.92 206.12 191.46 195.52 198.37 210.19 202.90 244.81 220.27 190.11 215.10 212.00 203.20 268.78 237.52 234.89 226.11 279.01 244.76 228.00 243.60 226.27 231.06 234.44 248.41 239.79 289.32 260.32 224.67 254.21 250.54 240.15 317.65 274.06 271.03 260.90 321.94 282.41 263.08 281.07 261.08 266.61 270.51 286.63 276.68 333.83 300.37 259.24 293.32 289.09 277.10 366.52 328.87 325.23 313.08 386.33 338.89 315.70 337.29 313.30 319.94 324.61 343.95 332.02 400.60 360.45 311.09 351.98 346.91 332.52 439.83 122.57 144.70 113.01 107.43 116.99 111.09 131.53 115.42 98.21 107.08 112.92 113.30 119.05 113.37 101.12 106.18 107.68 113.46 107.08 118.43 152.21 98.66 117.10 113.82 111.92 128.12 143.00 168.82 131.85 125.33 136.49 129.60 153.45 134.66 114.58 124.92 131.74 132.19 138.89 132.27 117.98 123.88 125.62 132.37 124.93 138.17 177.58 115.11 136.61 132.79 130.57 149.47 163.43 192.94 150.69 143.24 155.99 148.12 175.38 153.89 130.95 142.77 150.56 151.07 158.73 151.17 134.83 141.57 143.57 151.28 142.77 157.90 202.95 131.55 156.13 151.76 149.22 170.82 183.86 217.05 169.52 161.14 175.49 166.63 197.30 173.13 147.32 160.62 169.38 169.96 178.57 170.06 151.69 159.27 161.52 170.19 160.62 177.64 228.32 148.00 175.65 170.74 167.88 192.18 224.72 265.29 207.20 196.95 214.49 203.67 241.14 211.61 180.05 196.31 207.02 207.73 218.26 207.86 185.40 194.67 197.41 208.01 196.32 217.12 279.06 180.89 214.68 208.68 205.18 234.89 265.58 313.52 244.87 232.76 253.49 240.70 284.99 250.08 212.79 232.01 244.66 245.49 257.94 245.65 219.11 230.06 233.31 245.83 232.01 256.60 329.80 213.78 253.71 246.62 242.49 277.59 306.44 361.76 282.54 268.57 292.49 277.73 328.83 288.56 245.53 267.70 282.31 283.26 297.63 283.44 252.82 265.46 269.20 283.65 267.71 296.08 380.54 246.66 292.75 284.56 279.80 320.30 367.73 434.11 339.05 322.29 350.99 333.27 394.60 346.27 294.64 321.24 338.77 339.92 357.15 340.13 303.38 318.55 323.04 340.38 321.25 355.29 456.65 296.00 351.30 341.48 335.76 384.36 11 26 February 2014 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A £ Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Glandford Little Barningham Little Snoring Ludham Matlaske Melton Constable Morston Mundesley Neatishead North Walsham Northrepps Overstrand Paston Plumstead Potter Heigham Pudding Norton Raynham Roughton Runton Ryburgh Salthouse Scottow Sculthorpe Sea Palling Sheringham Sidestrand Skeyton Sloley Smallburgh Southrepps Stalham Stibbard Stiffkey Stody Suffield Council B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 104.08 107.42 114.19 130.24 98.36 132.52 115.84 115.11 118.92 110.82 113.70 102.13 121.43 125.33 133.22 151.94 114.75 154.61 135.15 134.30 138.74 129.29 132.65 119.15 138.78 143.23 152.25 173.65 131.15 176.69 154.46 153.48 158.56 147.76 151.60 136.17 156.13 161.14 171.28 195.36 147.54 198.78 173.77 172.67 178.38 166.23 170.55 153.20 190.83 196.95 209.34 238.77 180.33 242.95 212.39 211.04 218.02 203.17 208.45 187.24 225.52 232.76 247.41 282.18 213.12 287.13 251.00 249.41 257.66 240.12 246.35 221.29 260.22 268.57 285.47 325.60 245.91 331.30 289.62 287.78 297.30 277.06 284.25 255.33 312.26 322.28 342.57 390.72 295.09 397.56 347.54 345.34 356.76 332.47 341.10 306.40 103.92 106.14 116.32 103.61 95.97 127.71 104.53 123.07 111.83 122.90 120.16 122.63 126.77 114.64 112.14 129.44 121.59 107.83 102.00 117.11 114.72 126.04 107.03 128.74 137.80 112.49 100.79 110.64 113.60 115.87 127.60 118.33 117.95 110.16 112.01 121.24 123.83 135.71 120.87 111.97 148.99 121.95 143.58 130.47 143.38 140.18 143.07 147.90 133.75 130.83 151.02 141.85 125.80 119.00 136.63 133.84 147.05 124.87 150.20 160.77 131.24 117.59 129.08 132.53 135.18 148.87 138.05 137.61 128.53 130.68 138.56 141.52 155.10 138.14 127.97 170.28 139.37 164.09 149.11 163.87 160.21 163.51 169.03 152.86 149.52 172.59 162.12 143.77 136.00 156.15 152.96 168.06 142.71 171.65 183.73 149.99 134.39 147.53 151.47 154.50 170.14 157.77 157.26 146.89 149.35 155.88 159.21 174.49 155.41 143.96 191.56 156.79 184.61 167.75 184.35 180.24 183.95 190.16 171.97 168.21 194.17 182.38 161.74 153.00 175.67 172.08 189.07 160.55 193.11 206.70 168.74 151.18 165.97 170.40 173.81 191.41 177.50 176.92 165.25 168.02 190.52 194.59 213.27 189.95 175.96 234.13 191.64 225.63 205.03 225.32 220.29 224.83 232.42 210.19 205.59 237.31 222.91 197.68 187.00 214.70 210.32 231.09 196.23 236.02 252.64 206.24 184.78 202.85 208.27 212.43 233.94 216.94 216.24 201.97 205.36 225.16 229.97 252.04 224.48 207.95 276.70 226.48 266.66 242.31 266.29 260.35 265.71 274.68 248.40 242.98 280.46 263.45 233.63 221.00 253.74 248.57 273.10 231.91 278.94 298.57 243.74 218.38 239.73 246.14 251.06 276.48 256.39 255.56 238.70 242.70 259.80 265.35 290.82 259.02 239.94 319.27 261.33 307.68 279.59 307.26 300.40 306.59 316.94 286.62 280.36 323.61 303.98 269.57 255.00 292.78 286.81 315.12 267.59 321.85 344.51 281.24 251.98 276.62 284.01 289.68 319.01 295.83 294.88 275.42 280.04 311.77 318.42 348.98 310.83 287.93 383.13 313.59 369.22 335.50 368.71 360.48 367.91 380.33 343.94 336.43 388.34 364.77 323.49 306.00 351.34 344.17 378.14 321.11 386.22 413.41 337.49 302.37 331.94 340.81 347.62 382.82 355.00 353.85 330.50 336.04 12 26 February 2014 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A £ Sustead Sutton Swafield Swanton Abbott Swanton Novers Tattersett Thornage Thorpe Market Thursford Trimingham Trunch Tunstead Upper Sheringham Walcott Walsingham Warham Wells-next-the-Sea Weybourne Wickmere Wighton Witton Wiveton Wood Norton Worstead All Other Parts of the Council‟s Area 104.64 107.76 115.19 112.94 114.34 99.68 103.83 115.03 111.99 125.45 126.59 108.51 127.39 113.44 128.01 137.98 132.67 124.49 135.09 114.93 97.75 125.94 109.55 110.83 B £ C £ 122.09 125.72 134.39 131.76 133.40 116.29 121.14 134.20 130.66 146.36 147.69 126.60 148.62 132.35 149.34 160.97 154.79 145.24 157.61 134.09 114.04 146.93 127.81 129.30 D £ 139.53 143.68 153.59 150.59 152.46 132.91 138.45 153.37 149.32 167.27 168.79 144.68 169.86 151.26 170.68 183.97 176.90 165.99 180.12 153.25 130.33 167.92 146.07 147.77 E £ 156.97 161.64 172.79 169.41 171.51 149.52 155.75 172.55 167.99 188.18 189.89 162.77 191.09 170.17 192.02 206.97 199.01 186.74 202.64 172.40 146.63 188.91 164.33 166.24 F £ 191.85 197.56 211.19 207.06 209.63 182.75 190.37 210.89 205.32 230.00 232.09 198.94 233.56 207.99 234.69 252.96 243.24 228.24 247.67 210.72 179.21 230.89 200.85 203.19 G £ 226.73 233.49 249.59 244.71 247.75 215.98 224.98 249.23 242.66 271.82 274.29 235.11 276.02 245.80 277.36 298.95 287.46 269.74 292.71 249.03 211.79 272.87 237.37 240.13 261.62 269.41 287.99 282.35 285.86 249.21 259.59 287.58 279.99 313.64 316.48 271.28 318.49 283.62 320.03 344.95 331.69 311.24 337.74 287.34 244.38 314.85 273.88 277.07 H £ 313.94 323.29 345.58 338.82 343.03 299.05 311.51 345.10 335.99 376.37 379.78 325.54 382.19 340.34 384.04 413.94 398.03 373.49 405.29 344.81 293.26 377.82 328.66 332.49 92.58 108.01 123.44 138.87 169.73 200.59 231.45 277.74 being the amounts given by multiplying (as appropriate) the amounts at 4.6(f) or 4.6(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands. 4.7 That it be NOTED that for the year 2014/15 the Norfolk County Council and the Norfolk Police & Crime Commissioner have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:VALUATION BANDS Norfolk County Council Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner Council A £ B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 763.38 890.61 1,017.84 1,145.07 1,399.53 1,653.99 1,908.45 2,290.14 136.50 159.25 182.00 204.75 250.25 295.75 341.25 409.50 13 26 February 2014 4.8 That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 4.6(h) and 4.7 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, HEREBY SETS the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2014/15 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:- PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA Alby with Thwaite Aldborough Antingham Ashmanhaugh Aylmerton Baconsthorpe Bacton Barsham Barton Turf Beckham East/West Beeston Regis Binham Blakeney Bodham Brinton Briston Catfield Cley Colby Corpusty and Saxthorpe Cromer Dilham East Ruston Edgefield Erpingham Fakenham Felbrigg Felmingham Field Dalling Fulmodestone Gimingham Great Snoring Gresham Gunthorpe Hanworth Happisburgh Helhoughton Hempstead Council VALUATION BANDS A £ B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 1,009.50 1,008.29 1,004.24 1,028.65 1,012.84 1,005.11 1,012.31 1,004.31 1,006.52 1,177.75 1,176.34 1,171.61 1,200.10 1,181.65 1,172.63 1,181.03 1,171.70 1,174.28 1,346.00 1,344.39 1,338.99 1,371.54 1,350.46 1,340.15 1,349.74 1,339.08 1,342.03 1,514.25 1,512.43 1,506.36 1,542.98 1,519.26 1,507.67 1,518.46 1,506.47 1,509.79 1,850.75 1,848.53 1,841.11 1,885.87 1,856.88 1,842.70 1,855.90 1,841.24 1,845.30 2,187.26 2,184.63 2,175.85 2,228.75 2,194.50 2,177.74 2,193.34 2,176.01 2,180.80 2,523.76 2,520.73 2,510.60 2,571.64 2,532.11 2,512.78 2,530.77 2,510.78 2,516.31 3,028.51 3,024.87 3,012.72 3,085.97 3,038.53 3,015.34 3,036.93 3,012.94 3,019.58 1,008.08 1,014.53 1,010.55 1,033.41 1,020.03 1,003.57 1,017.20 1,015.51 1,010.72 1,046.49 1,176.10 1,183.62 1,178.97 1,205.64 1,190.03 1,170.84 1,186.74 1,184.76 1,179.17 1,220.90 1,344.11 1,352.71 1,347.40 1,377.88 1,360.04 1,338.10 1,356.27 1,354.02 1,347.62 1,395.32 1,512.12 1,521.79 1,515.83 1,550.12 1,530.04 1,505.36 1,525.81 1,523.27 1,516.08 1,569.73 1,848.15 1,859.97 1,852.68 1,894.59 1,870.05 1,839.89 1,864.88 1,861.78 1,852.98 1,918.56 2,184.18 2,198.15 2,189.53 2,239.06 2,210.06 2,174.41 2,203.95 2,200.28 2,189.89 2,267.39 2,520.21 2,536.33 2,526.38 2,583.53 2,550.07 2,508.94 2,543.02 2,538.79 2,526.80 2,616.22 3,024.25 3,043.59 3,031.66 3,100.24 3,060.09 3,010.73 3,051.62 3,046.55 3,032.16 3,139.47 1,022.45 1,044.58 1,012.89 1,007.31 1,016.87 1,010.97 1,031.41 1,015.30 998.09 1,006.96 1,012.80 1,013.18 1,018.93 1,013.25 1,001.00 1,006.06 1,007.56 1,013.34 1,006.96 1,192.86 1,218.68 1,181.71 1,175.19 1,186.35 1,179.46 1,203.31 1,184.52 1,164.44 1,174.78 1,181.60 1,182.05 1,188.75 1,182.13 1,167.84 1,173.74 1,175.48 1,182.23 1,174.79 1,363.27 1,392.78 1,350.53 1,343.08 1,355.83 1,347.96 1,375.22 1,353.73 1,330.79 1,342.61 1,350.40 1,350.91 1,358.57 1,351.01 1,334.67 1,341.41 1,343.41 1,351.12 1,342.61 1,533.68 1,566.87 1,519.34 1,510.96 1,525.31 1,516.45 1,547.12 1,522.95 1,497.14 1,510.44 1,519.20 1,519.78 1,528.39 1,519.88 1,501.51 1,509.09 1,511.34 1,520.01 1,510.44 1,874.50 1,915.07 1,856.98 1,846.73 1,864.27 1,853.45 1,890.92 1,861.39 1,829.83 1,846.09 1,856.80 1,857.51 1,868.04 1,857.64 1,835.18 1,844.45 1,847.19 1,857.79 1,846.10 2,215.32 2,263.26 2,194.61 2,182.50 2,203.23 2,190.44 2,234.73 2,199.82 2,162.53 2,181.75 2,194.40 2,195.23 2,207.68 2,195.39 2,168.85 2,179.80 2,183.05 2,195.57 2,181.75 2,556.14 2,611.46 2,532.24 2,518.27 2,542.19 2,527.43 2,578.53 2,538.26 2,495.23 2,517.40 2,532.01 2,532.96 2,547.33 2,533.14 2,502.52 2,515.16 2,518.90 2,533.35 2,517.41 3,067.37 3,133.75 3,038.69 3,021.93 3,050.63 3,032.91 3,094.24 3,045.91 2,994.28 3,020.88 3,038.41 3,039.56 3,056.79 3,039.77 3,003.02 3,018.19 3,022.68 3,040.02 3,020.89 14 26 February 2014 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Glandford Little Barningham Little Snoring Ludham Matlaske Melton Constable Morston Mundesley Neatishead North Walsham Northrepps Overstrand Paston Plumstead Potter Heigham Pudding Norton Raynham Roughton Runton Ryburgh Salthouse Scottow Sculthorpe Sea Palling Sheringham Sidestrand Skeyton Council VALUATION BANDS A £ B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 1,018.31 1,052.09 998.54 1,016.98 1,013.70 1,011.80 1,028.00 1,003.96 1,007.30 1,014.07 1,030.12 998.24 1,032.40 1,015.72 1,014.99 1,018.80 1,010.70 1,013.58 1,002.01 1,188.03 1,227.44 1,164.97 1,186.47 1,182.65 1,180.43 1,199.33 1,171.29 1,175.19 1,183.08 1,201.80 1,164.61 1,204.47 1,185.01 1,184.16 1,188.60 1,179.15 1,182.51 1,169.01 1,357.74 1,402.79 1,331.39 1,355.97 1,351.60 1,349.06 1,370.66 1,338.62 1,343.07 1,352.09 1,373.49 1,330.99 1,376.53 1,354.30 1,353.32 1,358.40 1,347.60 1,351.44 1,336.01 1,527.46 1,578.14 1,497.82 1,525.47 1,520.56 1,517.70 1,542.00 1,505.95 1,510.96 1,521.10 1,545.18 1,497.36 1,548.60 1,523.59 1,522.49 1,528.20 1,516.05 1,520.37 1,503.02 1,866.90 1,928.84 1,830.67 1,864.46 1,858.46 1,854.96 1,884.67 1,840.61 1,846.73 1,859.12 1,888.55 1,830.11 1,892.73 1,862.17 1,860.82 1,867.80 1,852.95 1,858.23 1,837.02 2,206.34 2,279.54 2,163.52 2,203.45 2,196.36 2,192.23 2,227.33 2,175.26 2,182.50 2,197.15 2,231.92 2,162.86 2,236.87 2,200.74 2,199.15 2,207.40 2,189.86 2,196.09 2,171.03 2,545.78 2,630.24 2,496.36 2,542.45 2,534.26 2,529.50 2,570.00 2,509.92 2,518.27 2,535.17 2,575.30 2,495.61 2,581.00 2,539.32 2,537.48 2,547.00 2,526.76 2,533.95 2,505.03 3,054.93 3,156.29 2,995.64 3,050.94 3,041.12 3,035.40 3,084.00 3,011.90 3,021.92 3,042.21 3,090.36 2,994.73 3,097.20 3,047.18 3,044.98 3,056.40 3,032.11 3,040.74 3,006.04 1,003.80 1,006.02 1,016.20 1,003.49 995.85 1,027.59 1,004.41 1,022.95 1,011.71 1,022.78 1,020.04 1,022.51 1,026.65 1,014.52 1,012.02 1,029.32 1,021.47 1,007.71 1,001.88 1,016.99 1,014.60 1,025.92 1,006.91 1,028.62 1,037.68 1,012.37 1,000.67 1,171.10 1,173.69 1,185.57 1,170.73 1,161.83 1,198.85 1,171.81 1,193.44 1,180.33 1,193.24 1,190.04 1,192.93 1,197.76 1,183.61 1,180.69 1,200.88 1,191.71 1,175.66 1,168.86 1,186.49 1,183.70 1,196.91 1,174.73 1,200.06 1,210.63 1,181.10 1,167.45 1,338.40 1,341.36 1,354.94 1,337.98 1,327.81 1,370.12 1,339.21 1,363.93 1,348.95 1,363.71 1,360.05 1,363.35 1,368.87 1,352.70 1,349.36 1,372.43 1,361.96 1,343.61 1,335.84 1,355.99 1,352.80 1,367.90 1,342.55 1,371.49 1,383.57 1,349.83 1,334.23 1,505.70 1,509.03 1,524.31 1,505.23 1,493.78 1,541.38 1,506.61 1,534.43 1,517.57 1,534.17 1,530.06 1,533.77 1,539.98 1,521.79 1,518.03 1,543.99 1,532.20 1,511.56 1,502.82 1,525.49 1,521.90 1,538.89 1,510.37 1,542.93 1,556.52 1,518.56 1,501.00 1,840.30 1,844.37 1,863.05 1,839.73 1,825.74 1,883.91 1,841.42 1,875.41 1,854.81 1,875.10 1,870.07 1,874.61 1,882.20 1,859.97 1,855.37 1,887.09 1,872.69 1,847.46 1,836.78 1,864.48 1,860.10 1,880.87 1,846.01 1,885.80 1,902.42 1,856.02 1,834.56 2,174.90 2,179.71 2,201.78 2,174.22 2,157.69 2,226.44 2,176.22 2,216.40 2,192.05 2,216.03 2,210.09 2,215.45 2,224.42 2,198.14 2,192.72 2,230.20 2,213.19 2,183.37 2,170.74 2,203.48 2,198.31 2,222.84 2,181.65 2,228.68 2,248.31 2,193.48 2,168.12 2,509.50 2,515.05 2,540.52 2,508.72 2,489.64 2,568.97 2,511.03 2,557.38 2,529.29 2,556.96 2,550.10 2,556.29 2,566.64 2,536.32 2,530.06 2,573.31 2,553.68 2,519.27 2,504.70 2,542.48 2,536.51 2,564.82 2,517.29 2,571.55 2,594.21 2,530.94 2,501.68 3,011.41 3,018.06 3,048.62 3,010.47 2,987.57 3,082.77 3,013.23 3,068.86 3,035.14 3,068.35 3,060.12 3,067.55 3,079.97 3,043.58 3,036.07 3,087.98 3,064.41 3,023.13 3,005.64 3,050.98 3,043.81 3,077.78 3,020.75 3,085.86 3,113.05 3,037.13 3,002.01 15 26 February 2014 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS Sloley Smallburgh Southrepps Stalham Stibbard Stiffkey Stody Suffield Sustead Sutton Swafield Swanton Abbott Swanton Novers Tattersett Thornage Thorpe Market Thursford Trimingham Trunch Tunstead Upper Sheringham Walcott Walsingham Warham Wells-next-theSea Weybourne Wickmere Wighton Witton Wiveton Wood Norton Worstead All Other Parts of the Council‟s Area f) g) A £ B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 1,010.52 1,013.48 1,015.75 1,027.48 1,018.21 1,017.83 1,010.04 1,011.89 1,004.52 1,007.64 1,015.07 1,012.82 1,014.22 999.56 1,003.71 1,014.91 1,011.87 1,025.33 1,026.47 1,008.39 1,178.94 1,182.39 1,185.04 1,198.73 1,187.91 1,187.47 1,178.39 1,180.54 1,171.95 1,175.58 1,184.25 1,181.62 1,183.26 1,166.15 1,171.00 1,184.06 1,180.52 1,196.22 1,197.55 1,176.46 1,347.37 1,351.31 1,354.34 1,369.98 1,357.61 1,357.10 1,346.73 1,349.19 1,339.37 1,343.52 1,353.43 1,350.43 1,352.30 1,332.75 1,338.29 1,353.21 1,349.16 1,367.11 1,368.63 1,344.52 1,515.79 1,520.22 1,523.63 1,541.23 1,527.32 1,526.74 1,515.07 1,517.84 1,506.79 1,511.46 1,522.61 1,519.23 1,521.33 1,499.34 1,505.57 1,522.37 1,517.81 1,538.00 1,539.71 1,512.59 1,852.63 1,858.05 1,862.21 1,883.72 1,866.72 1,866.02 1,851.75 1,855.14 1,841.63 1,847.34 1,860.97 1,856.84 1,859.41 1,832.53 1,840.15 1,860.67 1,855.10 1,879.78 1,881.87 1,848.72 2,189.47 2,195.88 2,200.80 2,226.22 2,206.13 2,205.30 2,188.44 2,192.44 2,176.47 2,183.23 2,199.33 2,194.45 2,197.49 2,165.72 2,174.72 2,198.97 2,192.40 2,221.56 2,224.03 2,184.85 2,526.32 2,533.71 2,539.38 2,568.71 2,545.53 2,544.58 2,525.12 2,529.74 2,511.32 2,519.11 2,537.69 2,532.05 2,535.56 2,498.91 2,509.29 2,537.28 2,529.69 2,563.34 2,566.18 2,520.98 3,031.58 3,040.45 3,047.26 3,082.46 3,054.64 3,053.49 3,030.14 3,035.68 3,013.58 3,022.93 3,045.22 3,038.46 3,042.67 2,998.69 3,011.15 3,044.74 3,035.63 3,076.01 3,079.42 3,025.18 1,027.27 1,013.32 1,027.89 1,037.86 1,198.48 1,182.21 1,199.20 1,210.83 1,369.70 1,351.10 1,370.52 1,383.81 1,540.91 1,519.99 1,541.84 1,556.79 1,883.34 1,857.77 1,884.47 1,902.74 2,225.76 2,195.54 2,227.10 2,248.69 2,568.19 2,533.32 2,569.73 2,594.65 3,081.83 3,039.98 3,083.68 3,113.58 1,032.55 1,024.37 1,034.97 1,014.81 997.63 1,025.82 1,009.43 1,010.71 1,204.65 1,195.10 1,207.47 1,183.95 1,163.90 1,196.79 1,177.67 1,179.16 1,376.74 1,365.83 1,379.96 1,353.09 1,330.17 1,367.76 1,345.91 1,347.61 1,548.83 1,536.56 1,552.46 1,522.22 1,496.45 1,538.73 1,514.15 1,516.06 1,893.02 1,878.02 1,897.45 1,860.50 1,828.99 1,880.67 1,850.63 1,852.97 2,237.20 2,219.48 2,242.45 2,198.77 2,161.53 2,222.61 2,187.11 2,189.87 2,581.39 2,560.94 2,587.44 2,537.04 2,494.08 2,564.55 2,523.58 2,526.77 3,097.67 3,073.13 3,104.93 3,044.45 2,992.90 3,077.46 3,028.30 3,032.13 992.46 1,157.87 1,323.28 1,488.69 1,819.51 2,150.33 2,481.15 2,977.38 The final demand on the Collection Fund for District purposes (NNDC) for 2014/15 be £5,205,386; The final demand on the collection fund for Parish/Town precepts for 2013/14 be £1,635,884. One member abstained. Council 16 26 February 2014 116. PAY POLICY STATEMENT The Portfolio Holder for Organisational Development, Mr T FitzPatrick introduced this item. He explained that it was a requirement of the Localism Act 2011 that local authorities produce an annual pay policy statement. Mr G Jones asked whether the Council had put forward a specific percentage increase for staff pay. Mr T FitzPatrick explained that the pay settlement had been agreed nationally. The Head of Organisational Development clarified the question and confirmed that the Council had not proposed a 1% increase but had accepted the increase that had been agreed by the relevant national negotiating bodies. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mr R Reynolds and RESOLVED 1) To adopt the attached Pay Policy Statement and to publish the statement for 2014/15 on the Council‟s website. 2) To adopt the revised Travel Policy shown at Appendix D. 117. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE CONSTITUTION WORKING PARTY 03 FEBRUARY 2014 Mrs H Cox, Chairman of the Constitution Working Party, introduced this item. She explained that the following Motion was approved at the Council meeting of 24 July 2013: Appointments to Outside Bodies Proposed by Mr E Seward, seconded by Mr P Terrington: “This Council notes that at its Annual Meeting on May 22nd this year it approved councillor nominations to 35 outside bodies comprising 57 places. Of the 57 places 49 were filled by Conservative members (86%) and 8 (14%) by Liberal Democrat members. The 48 members of the Council comprise 28 (58%) Conservatives 17 (36%) Liberal Democrats and 3(6%) other Affiliations / Independents. This Council believes that representation to outside bodies should be more representative of the political composition of the Council. It therefore asks for the Constitution Working Party to report back to the Council within the current calendar year with their recommendations”. The Constitution Working Party had considered the motion at their meeting on 3rd February 2014 and resolved to make the following recommendation to Council: „To include the following criteria for appointments to Outside Bodies within North Norfolk District Council‟s Constitution: Council Is the appointment relevant to any Council responsibilities (portfolio, chairmanship, for example)? Does the appointee bring skills and experience to the appointment? Does the appointee have the time and resources to devote to the role Does the appointee have a low likelihood of conflicts of interest Has there been any expression of preference / approval from the outside body? What is the term of appointment - long or short term? Is appointee able to commit to this length of term?‟ 17 26 February 2014 If agreed by Council, an additional section would be inserted into the Constitution to include the above. The Chairman invited Members to speak: 1. Mr M Baker said that it was also important to consider whether the Outside Body was relevant to the Council and that members appointed to Outside Bodies should make regular reports to Council. 2. Mr E Seward thanked Mrs Cox and the Constitution Working Party for their work. He said that it was a move forward and he would support the recommendations. 3. Mr P Terrington also thanked the Working Party. He wondered how long it would take to implement the recommendations and whether a protocol would need to be put in place for nominations to Outside Bodies. 4. The Leader, Mr T FitzPatrick said that previously nominations had been considered by the Group Leaders. He was happy to support the recommendations and agreed that the best person should be appointed to an Outside Body. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett reminded Members that it was important for members to feed back to Democratic Services on the Outside Bodies that they attended. It was proposed by Mrs H Cox, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RESOLVED To include the following criteria for appointments to Outside Bodies within North Norfolk District Council‟s Constitution: 118. Is the appointment relevant to any Council responsibilities (portfolio, chairmanship, for example)? Does the appointee bring skills and experience to the appointment? Does the appointee have the time and resources to devote to the role Does the appointee have a low likelihood of conflicts of interest Has there been any expression of preference / approval from the outside body? What is the term of appointment - long or short term? Is appointee able to commit to this length of term? TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES RESOLVED to note the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 119. Constitution Working Party – 15 November 2012 Standards Committee – 05 November 2013 Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 13 November Cabinet – 02 December 2012 Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 11 December 2013 Development Committee – 19 December 2013 Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 15 January 2014 REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET Mr T FitzPatrick said that it was great reluctance that he had recently accepted Mr T Ivory‟s resignation from the Cabinet due to increasing work pressures and family commitments. He praised Mr Ivory for his huge contribution as a colleague and a friend. He said that Mr G Council 18 26 February 2014 Williams would be joining the Cabinet and that changes in portfolio responsibilities would be confirmed at the next Cabinet meeting on 3rd March 2014. Mr B Cabbell Manners thanked officers for their hard work and support in relation to the High Court Action for the wind turbine at Bodham. Mr R Wright drew members‟ attention to a forthcoming event „Business Magic‟ on 25th March at Davenport‟s Magic Kingdom. The event which was supported by the Council and the North Norfolk Business Forum, was aimed at helping local businesses identify and address skill shortages and to show how apprenticeships and training for young people could help businesses to thrive. Mr T Ivory thanked Mr FitzPatrick for his kind words. He paid tribute to the Chief Executive and Corporate Directors and thanked them for their support. He commended all the staff who worked within his portfolio areas and said that they had worked very hard to deliver some exciting and innovative projects. He concluded by thanking the Corporate PA team for their stalwart support. The meeting concluded at 7.46 pm. _________________________ Chairman Council 19 26 February 2014