Agenda Item 4 FULL COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 25 July 2012 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Mrs S A Arnold Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr N D Dixon Mrs H Eales Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Ms V Gay Mrs A Green Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr T Ivory Mr P High Mr K E Johnson Mr G Jones Mr J H A Lee Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Mr W J Northam Mr R Oliver Mr J Perry-Warnes Mr R Reynolds Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr N Smith Mr R Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs A Sweeney Mr P Terrington Mrs V Uprichard Mrs L Walker Mr G Williams Mr P Williams Mr R Wright Mr J A Wyatt Mr D Young Officers in Attendance: The Chief Executive, the Corporate Directors, the Head of Organisational Development, the Democratic Services Team Leader (MMH) and the Democratic Services Officer (ED) Also in Attendance: The Public 25. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The Chairman provided a brief summary of events that he had recently attended. These included a visit to the Queen’s garden party at Buckingham Palace, the welcoming of the Duke of York on a visit to North Norfolk, the Olympic torch procession, a celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee at Norwich Cathedral and the village games awards at UEA. 26. 27. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Member(s) Minute No. Item Interest Mr P Moore 33 Recommendation from the Joint Staff Consultative Committee 25 June 2012 Disclosable pecuniary interest - Member of Local Government Pension Scheme APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Mr M Baker, Mrs B McGoun, Ms B Palmer, Mr R Price, Mr J Punchard, Mr J Savory, Mrs H Thompson and Mr S Ward. Full Council 1 25 July 2012 28. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 30 May 2012 were approved as a correct record. 29. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None 30. PUBLIC QUESTIONS A public question had been received from Mr Spink. The question concerned Agenda Item 8(c) Housing Strategy 2012-2015 and it was agreed that it would be taken when the item was presented. 31. APPOINTMENTS – STANDARDS COMMITTEE Mr K Johnson introduced this item. He explained that changes to the Standards Arrangements were adopted by Council on 30 May 2012 and that the resolution included the establishment of a Standards Committee, the co-option of independent and parish members to the Standards Committee and the recruitment, appointment and remuneration of an Independent Person. Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman At the first meeting of the Standards Committee, on 17 July 2012, Members elected a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman It was proposed by Mr K Johnson, seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick and RESOLVED that The appointment of Mrs H Thompson as Chairman and Mr P Moore as Vice-Chairman of the Standards Committee be approved Co-opted Members It was proposed by Mr P Moore, Vice-Chairman of the Standards Committee, seconded by Mr K Johnson and RESOLVED that The appointment of Mr G Allen, Mr R Barr, Mr A Bullen, Mr M Coates, Mrs M Evans, Mr H Gupta, Mr A Nash and Mrs A Shirley as co-opted members of the Standards Committee be approved. Independent Person It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mr K Johnson and RESOLVED that The appointment of Mr A Oram as Independent Person to the Standards Committee be approved. Full Council 2 25 July 2012 32. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 11 JUNE 2012 AND OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 26 JUNE 2012 The recommendations had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny told Members that the Committee endorsed the recommendations. 2011/12 OUTTURN REPORT RESOLVED to a) Approve the final accounts position for the general fund revenue account for 2011/12; b) Approve transfers to and from reserves as detailed in the report; c) To transfer the surplus to the restructuring reserve; d) Approve the financing of the 2011/12 capital programme as detailed within the report; e) Approve the balance on the general reserve of £1,948,590 at 31 March 2012; f) Approve the updated capital programme for 2012/13 to 2013/14 and the associated financing of the schemes as outlined within the report and detailed at Appendix E of the report. ANNUAL TREASURY MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 2011/12 AND STRATEGY UPDATE FOR 2012/13 RESOLVED a) To approve the Treasury Management Annual Report for 2011/12 b) That, when appropriate, a proportion of the investment portfolio is invested in the LAMIT and Lime Property Funds NORTH NORFOLK HOUSING STRATEGY 2012-2015 (HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE) A public question had been received on this item. Mr Spink requested information on how many empty properties had been made fit for habitation following compulsory purchase by the Council. He referred specifically to two derelict properties in West Runton. Mr K Johnson responded by saying that the Council took the issue of empty properties very seriously. He stressed that compulsory purchase was a last resort and that there would always be an attempt to negotiate with property owners first. He added that there was a possibility that a premium council tax rate could be introduced for empty homes. With regards to the specific properties mentioned, Mr K Johnson said that pressure had been placed on the owners and one had been sold to the owner of the adjacent empty property. A planning application had been received and it was hoped that work would commence soon. The local Member, Mrs H Eales said that she agreed with Mr Spink’s concerns. Despite receiving planning permission for the property, the owner showed no intention of commencing work and the properties continued to blight the village. Mr R Wright was concerned that any attempts to deal with empty properties should be dealt with fairly. He said that there were a lot of empty properties that the public were not aware of and it was unfair to focus on those that were visible from the road. Mr P Williams said that the Council maintained a database of empty properties and each property should be assessed and the owners encouraged to bring it back into use. The Chief Executive confirmed that the council tax database provided information on long-term empty properties. Once a property was empty for more than 6 months, 100% council tax would be Full Council 3 25 July 2012 levied. It was possible that in the future a 150% levy could be introduced and this could discourage owners from leaving properties empty long-term. She added that a change of ownership of an empty property did not mean that it would not be pursued. Members then discussed the North Norfolk Housing Strategy 2012-2015: a) Mr G Williams acknowledged that housing was a priority for the district and that there was support for the Housing Strategy. However, he said he had concerns about how the strategy had been put together and he felt that approval of it would be premature. b) Mr T Ivory said that housing was a fundamental issue for the district and he felt that considerable groundwork had been put into place to support the strategy, including workshops for members and length discussions at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Mr G Williams responded that some of the workshops were held after the documents had been drafted. c) Mr G Jones commented that he hoped the Strategy would produce specific targets for the Council to work towards. It was proposed by Mr K Johnson, seconded by Mr T Ivory and RESOLVED that The North Norfolk Housing Strategy (Housing and Infrastructure) be adopted. The following Members abstained: Ms V Gay, Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr P High, Mr G Jones, Mrs A Moore, Mr P W Moore, Mr E Seward, Mr R Smith, Mrs A Sweeney, Mrs V Uprichard, Mrs L walker, Mr G Williams, Mr P Williams, Mr J Wyatt and Mr D Young 33. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE JOINT STAFF CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE 25 JUNE 2012 It was proposed by Mr K Johnson, seconded by Mr W Northam and RESOLVED that The revised Pensions, Retirement and Discretionary Compensation Payments Policy Statements be approved. 34. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 29 JUNE 2012 It was proposed by Mrs S Arnold, seconded by Mr R Shepherd and RESOLVED that The Direction under Article 4(1) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended) at no.s 7-29 Nelson Road and no.s 1 and 3 Hillside, Sheringham be confirmed and to cover the following matters: • the erection of fences, walls, gates or other means of enclosure, being development comprised within Class A, part 2, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995; • that formal notification of affected householders be carried out; • that a press advertisement be carried out; Full Council 4 25 July 2012 • that the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government be notified of the Council’s intention to confirm an Article 4(1) Direction. Furthermore, that the affected households also be advised that the Council would be prepared to consider without prejudice an application or applications for planning permission(s) for an agreed low key uniform form of fencing for the plots in question. 35. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 16 JULY 2012 POSITION STATEMENT ON THE FORMER RAF COLTISHALL SITE Mr J Lee introduced this item. He said that there were concerns about the make-up of the Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Reference Group but that the nominated representatives would work hard to ensure that the Council’s views were represented. Mr G Williams said that efforts had been made to have an additional representative from North Norfolk District Council on the Liaison Reference Group but that the County Council had refused the request. He was very concerned that parishes to the north of the site were being excluded from the Group and had asked the County Council to explain this but they had refused to respond. He asked the Council to support his request for an explanation. Mr G Jones requested that the two nominated representatives reported back regularly to Members on any developments. Mr T Ivory supported Mr G Williams’ request. He said that it was very important that membership of the Group reflected the local community. The County Council had incorrectly assumed that the former RAF site was in the parish of Coltishall. He said that he would like to second Mr G Williams’ proposal to show there was cross-party support. Mr T FitzPatrick said that he believed the County Council’s purchase of the site could provide a great opportunity for North Norfolk, however, the Liaison Group needed full representation and he therefore supported the amendment. Mr N Dixon commented that he was the County Councillor for the site in question. He believed that the current Liaison Reference Group provided a good starting point and that it should be viewed as a work in progress. Mr G Williams proposed the following amendment to the recommendation: “The Council informs Norfolk County Council of its concern over the future of the former RAF Coltishall site being progressed via the Community Liaison Reference Group without the proper engagement of North Norfolk Communities, particularly the parishes of Swanton Abbott, Skeyton, Westwick and Worstead” The amendment was seconded by Mr T Ivory. A vote was taken on the substantive recommendation, as amended, and it was RESOLVED to Endorse the nomination of Councillors FitzPatrick and Ivory as the Council’s representatives on the Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Reference Group subject to the Council informing Norfolk County Council of it’s concern over the future of the former RAF Coltishall site being progressed via the Community Liaison Reference Group without the proper engagement of North Norfolk Communities, particularly the parishes of Swanton Abbott, Skeyton, Westwick and Worstead Full Council 5 25 July 2012 38. ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 2011/12 Mr N Dixon, Chairman of the Audit Committee presented this item. He thanked the Head of Financial Services for her hard work in producing the Annual Governance Statement 2011/12. Mr G Jones said that he believed the Performance and Risk Management Board (PRMB) should be a cross-party group that reported back regularly to Members. The Chief Executive responded that the PRMB met bi-monthly. It was not a constituted body but an officer and member working group. It reported to the Audit Committee, Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee depending on the nature of its recommendations. In response to a further question from Mr G Jones regarding the input of opposition groups into matters concerning performance management, she said that reports and the minutes of the PRMB were available on the Intranet. She reminded Members that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee could request reports on any topic. It was proposed by Mr N Dixon, seconded by Mr R Oliver and RESOLVED that The Annual Governance Statement 2011/12 be received 39. REVIEW OF POLLING ARRANGEMENTS FOR GUNTHORPE APPEAL 2012 Mrs A Green, local Member for the affected polling districts introduced this item. She said that there had been particular concern over the merger of Gunthorpe North and Gunthorpe South due to the positioning of a major road between the two which could impact on electors access to a polling station. She welcomed the decision to reinstate the two polling districts. Mr R Wright said that he had concerns about the proposal. He believed that the low number of voters at the polling stations concerned meant that it must be an expensive exercise. The Chief Executive replied that it cost £605 every 4 years. She added that if there was a will locally to have two separate polling stations then it should be accommodated where possible. Mr K Johnson reminded Members that there was a working party responsible for reviewing polling arrangements and it could be reconvened to consider any further concerns that Members may have. Mr R Smith, a member of the Polling Review Working Group said that he would welcome the opportunity for further discussion. Mr T FitzPatrick, a Member of the Polling Review Working Group and Portfolio Holder for Electoral Services said that there had been particular concern over the Gunthorpe polling stations due to the busy main road. Mr S Arnold was concerned that the cost implications of running polling stations in polling districts where there was a low number of voters could add-up to a considerable amount over time. She said that more focus should be placed on encouraging alternative forms of voting. It was proposed by Mrs A Green, seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick and RESOLVED to Approve the following change of Polling Districts, effective from 16 October 2012: Polling District UM4 Gunthorpe (South) and Polling District UN4 Gunthorpe North (Bale) be reinstated And to note that the Polling Places and Stations will be as follows: UM4 Gunthorpe (South) – Gunthorpe Village Institute, Swanton Road, Gunthorpe and UN4 Gunthorpe (North) – Bale Village Hall, Sharrington Road, Bale. Full Council 6 25 July 2012 The electors in the reinstated polling districts of UM4 Gunthorpe (South) and UN4 Gunthorpe (North) will be designated to vote in the relevant re-instated polling places and stations as above. 40. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mr T Ivory and RESOLVED to 1. Adopt the arrangements in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests set out in paragraph 3 of the Report. 2. Adopt the arrangements in relation to "other interests" as are set out in paragraph 7 of the Report. 41. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES RESOLVED to receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Audit Committee - 6 March 2012 Licensing and Appeals Committee – 26 March 2012 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 28 March 2012 Licensing and Appeals Committee – 2 April 2012 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 17 April 2012 Development Committee – 3 May 2012 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 23 May 2012 Cabinet – 14 May 2012 Development Committee – 31 May 2012 Mrs S Arnold referred to item f – Development Committee meeting held on 3 May 2012. She said that the appeal relating to the Dudgeon Cable route had been handled extremely well by the Planning Legal Manager and that of the 22 conditions requested by the Council, 21 had been applied. 42. NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL CONSTITUTION The Chairman introduced David Johnson, Interim Monitoring Officer, who would be assisting in the implementation of the Localism Act 2011 and the revision of the Constitution. It was proposed by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Mr K Johnson and RESOLVED to 1. Instruct the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer and the Constitution Working Party to make the required changes as described in this report to the Council’s Constitution 2. Confirm the appointment of the Head of Financial Services as the Council’s designated officer for the purposes of section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972. 43. REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET Mr T FitzPatrick informed Members that he had met Prince Andrew during his recent visit to the District to learn more about the developing offshore industry in the region, and he was able to discuss the work of the Renewables Partnership with him. Full Council 7 25 July 2012 44. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS None received 45. OPPOSITION BUSINESS None received. 46. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received. Mrs S Arnold provided a brief update on the Motion regarding the Coasthopper bus, passed at the previous meeting of Council on 30th May. She said that Norman Lamb MP had held a public meeting about the matter on 24th July 2012 and she was disappointed that there had been no official invitation for a representative of the District Council to attend. The Chief Executive said that she intended to follow-up the matter with Norman Lamb’s office.. 48. LIST OF SEALED DOCUMENTS RESOLVED that the list of sealed documents be received. The meeting concluded at 7.27pm ____ Chairman Full Council 8 25 July 2012