OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Minutes of a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 24 July 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am. Members Present: Committee: Mr E Seward (Chairman) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Ms V R Gay Mrs A Green Mr P W Moore Officers in Attendance: Members in Attendance: Also in Attendance: Mr B Smith Mr N Smith Mr R Smith Mr P Terrington The Chief Executive, the Corporate Director, the Revenues and Benefits Services Manager, the Environmental Protection Team Leader and the Scrutiny Officer. Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr P W High, Mrs A Moore, Mr W Northam, Ms B Palmer, Mr R Shepherd and Mr D Young. Mr James Bacon, Norfolk Credit Union Democratic Services Officer (AA) 37 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mr B Jarvis, Mr J Lee (Portfolio Holder), Mr J Perry-Warnes and Mr R Reynolds. 38 SUBSTITUTES Mr R Shepherd for Mr R Reynolds. 39 PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received. 40 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 26 June 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 41 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24 July 2012 42 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Minute Item Interest Review of Environmental Services Contract Personal and nonpecuniary: had put out a bag of textile recycling which was not collected. No. Mr E Seward 47 43 PETITIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC None received. 44 CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE BY A MEMBER None received. 45 RESPONSES OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CABINET TO THE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be received at Full Council on 25 July 2012. To date there had been no response from Cabinet regarding the provision of a temporary extra resource in Planning Enforcement. The Scrutiny Officer would follow up on this, as well as a report on the Splash. 46 THE FORWARD PLAN AND MANAGEMENT OF COUNCIL BUSINESS No comments were made. 47 SIX MONTHLY REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONTRACT a) The Corporate Director explained that Barry Brandford was employed by King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council but was also contracted to NNDC in an Environmental Services Management role. This arrangement was working quite well but Mr Brandford was also lead technical officer for the MRF (Materials Recycling Facility) and was not able to make as much direct input into the team than if it was a 5-day per week arrangement. b) The Contract with Kier had been in place for 15/16 months. Performance was as expected from a new contract and a new contractor. Kier had made some significant changes to the waste collection round, for example, changing the day of collection. Customer satisfaction had been maintained at a reasonable level. Overall, where there had been problems, Kier had resourced a solution. c) There had been some problems with Kier’s IT systems and interface with NNDC. This had not affected service provision which had been largely without problems. d) Over 60,000 collections were made per week. The industry norm for missed collections was 35 missed collections per 100,000. Officers had set the target of 15. At its peak, during October/November, there were 214/279 missed collections per 100,000 due to round changes. NNDC had made every effort to communicate the Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24 July 2012 SIX MONTHLY REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONTRACT (Continued) changes but it was clear that some customers did not read the information given to them. Missed collections were now down to 40-50 per 100,000. A robust improvement plan had been put together and there was a commitment on the part of the contractor to get things right. e) Mr P Moore noted that there now seemed to be more people sweeping paths in North Walsham and he had noticed a big improvement. He asked whether this was part of the new contract. The Corporate Director said that this was so – the contract had moved to an output specification which meant that sweeping took place as often as was needed. Mr Moore congratulated Kier on their performance in this area. f) Mr P Terrington said that in respect of the output specification, whilst cleansing was carried out brilliantly in Wells, he had some concerns over whether this was effective in villages. The Corporate Director replied that some additional input may be required in villages, but all villages would be swept at times. Villages had a lot of detritus (wash-off from fields) which blocked drains. This did not tend to be a priority because it was in a rural area, but more priority was given to litter. Where there was a considerable amount of detritus, Parish Councils could contact Environmental Services or Kier and this would be addressed. g) In response to a question from Mr P Terrington over whether kerbside textile collections would be going ahead, the Corporate Director said that the textile collection had been a trial. It had been impacted by higher textile prices which had led to the theft of textile bags, and by other organisations making similar collections. The cost of collecting 20,000 tonnes of textiles outweighed the recycling credits which the Council could get and it was better to let another charity benefit. A number of options were being considered. h) The Corporate Director clarified to Mr R Shepherd that the number of collections included garden waste and the number of missed collections equated to the number of customer complaints received. This included customer error. i) The Chairman asked how this tied in with Customer Services complaints. The Corporate Director said that some complaints were directed at Kier. Others came via Customer Services who would try to resolve them or refer the customer to Kier. Kier fed complaints into their database which the Council could access. j) Ms V Gay expressed concern regarding future change to Bring Sites as many people were used to visiting certain sites. The Corporate Director explained that changes to the sites were dependent on the dry recyclables contract for the MRF unit. Technology had progressed since the MRF began. Plastics technology had moved on and most places could now take a wider range of plastics. Cardboard and glass could also be taken. The tonnage of glass was down already and there was the question of what to do with glass banks – there could be a potential saving here. k) In response to a question from Ms V R Gay regarding fuel usage, the Corporate Director said that Kier had initially had to hire extra vehicles because some of the vehicles they had procured were not suitable for North Norfolk. This had now been resolved and the number of vehicles was back down to 13 instead of 15 and less fuel was being used with a further drop expected. l) Third Party Monitoring for Cleanliness did not add value to the contract and would be discontinued at a saving of £15,000. m) Mrs P Grove-Jones asked why it was necessary to pay for a garden waste collection when it was turned into compost and sold. She considered that garden waste collection customers should be given a bag of compost. The Corporate Director advised that free bags of compost were available at the Green Build event which would be advertised. The reason for charging for garden waste collection was that some people did not have gardens and they should not subsidise it. Alternatively, garden waste could be composted at home or taken to a County Council collection centre. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24 July 2012 SIX MONTHLY REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONTRACT (Continued) n) Mrs P Grove-Jones referred to fuel shortages earlier in the year and considered that there should be a reserve tank nearby. The Corporate Director said that this matter had previously been raised at a meeting of Full Council. Kier did not hold reserves of fuel, but in the procurement process had stated that they would rely on an emergency fuel plan but this did not come into effect until the Government announced it. It had therefore been decided to suspend the waste collection service. Kier had been asked to ensure that resilience was provided in future and were trying to address this problem. o) Mrs A Moore said that when verges on the A149 in North Walsham were cut, this resulted in litter being pulled out. She asked whether Norfolk County Council advised NNDC when they carried out cutting. The Corporate Director advised that cutting was carried out by local farmer contractors and that this could be unpredictable. As soon as the Council was made aware, they could arrange for litter pickers to tidy up. p) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds asked how quickly missed waste collections were picked up. The Corporate Director said that there were different reasons for missed collections, including changes of round or vehicle breakdown. It was important that customers reported a missed collection within a day. Sometimes it was possible to resolve the matter on the same day. Otherwise it would be the next working day. q) Mr R Smith noted that street cleansing was very good in Sheringham but was concerned at litter accumulating on the promenade. An organised litter pick of the promenade took place every month and last month the litter on the foreshore had been significant. He asked whether Kier cleaned the beach. The Corporate Director responded that he was not sure whether Kier cleaned the beach apart from the Blue Flag area. The accumulation of debris could be washed up by the tide. The Chairman asked that the Corporate Director look into this and report back to Mr Smith. r) The Corporate Director explained to Mr R Smith that the IT systems interface had three main problems; interface between the Council and Kier; in-cab technology and the communications technology behind that – which was being installed and; getting the routing right – the most efficient routes did not take account of, for example, roads which were too narrow for vehicles. In response to a question about the volume of calls to Kier, and how they were fed into the Customer Services system, the Corporate Director said he would look into this and provide information to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee via email. s) A response from the Head of Environmental Services to a question from the Committee on response to fly-tipping had been included in Overview and Scrutiny Update. The Corporate Director responded to Mr B Smith that worsening performance was partly due to it not being reported quickly, the interface issue and the way in which the street cleansing crews were run. t) The Corporate Director replied to Mr B Smith that tetrapaks could not be included in the recycling bin because the materials they were made of contaminated the cardboard stream. Hopefully, tetrapaks could be included in the dry recyclables contract. Should the Council decide to include glass in its contract, it would be collected in the recycling bin. The manual handling implication for handling glass, however, was the weight. There were other ways of collecting glass. Empty paint cans and those containing a small amount of paint could be disposed of in the domestic rubbish bin. Paint cans with lids on must not be placed in the bin. The Corporate Director would take Members’ questions regarding paint back to the Environmental Services team for more clarification. u) Mr P W Moore requested that an update on fly-tipping be included in the additional information which the Corporate Director was providing for Members. v) The Corporate Director replied to the Chairman that the continuation of textile collections would be a decision for the Portfolio Holder and managers. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24 July 2012 RESOLVED To note the report and to receive further information by email on the various items raised. 48 REVIEW OF SURVEILLANCE POLICIES AND AUTHORISATIONS a) Copies of a Member brief on Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act were distributed. This is attached at Minutes Appendix A. b) The Corporate Director said the legislation was designed to protect people’s privacy and had only been used 5 times last year. Dog fouling was now excluded from this as the legislation now only included covert surveillance. Some legislative changes were expected later this year and their implementation would be incremental but would be reported to Members. The Chairman asked to be kept informed. c) It was proposed by Ms V Gay and seconded by Mr P Moore that this be reported back to the Committee. d) It was noted that one of the authorisations listed was a technical breach of the legislation, but management of it was being reviewed. e) The Corporate Director explained to Mr P Moore that some of the cameras used for surveillance were movement activated. RESOLVED a) That Members note the report of authorisations made in the past year and note and accept the delay to changes made to the policy in light of the on-going management restructuring. b) That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is kept informed of progress and once the policy is in draft form, it be brought to the Committee for pre-scrutiny. 49 NORFOLK CREDIT UNION PRESENTATION Mr James Bacon made a PowerPoint presentation to Members on Norfolk Credit Union. The slides could be made available to Members on request. a) The Chairman suggested that the Council’s Outlook magazine could advertise the service provided by Norfolk Credit Union. b) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds asked what training was given to volunteers. James Bacon said that volunteers received a 3-hour training session and were supervised for the first few weeks. He himself had a background in banking and a management degree. c) Mrs P Grove-Jones pointed out that the Credit Union was in direct competition with loan sharks. She recalled national savings stamps which used to be sold to children to encourage them to save. Stalham Town Council were interested in corporate membership of the Credit Union and asked that it be drawn to people’s attention. James Bacon responded that he was willing to come and talk to groups. d) James Bacon explained to Mr D Young that whilst people could save with Norfolk Credit Union, it was not an instant access account and notice would be required for any withdrawals. A current account could also be opened. Broadland and Breckland District Councils were working with the Union and South Norfolk Council was intending to work with them. e) Mr P Moore asked what type of security vetting was in place for volunteers. James Bacon said that depended upon the environment you were working in. In schools, a CRB check was required. f) James Bacon replied to Mr B Smith that there was a charge of 98p per week on a current account. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24 July 2012 NORFOLK CREDIT UNION PRESENTATION (Continued) g) Ms V Gay was very interested in the Money Magic course but had concerns that any person with literacy problems might be deterred from attending a course if it was held in a school. James Bacon noted this and said that the course was put together for adults but was now being tailored for children. h) The Democratic Services Team Leader said that an item could be prepared to be published in Outlook magazine. i) Mr D Young requested that Members be emailed application forms for use in their wards. j) The Chairman thanked James Bacon for his presentation. The meeting was adjourned at 11.30am and reconvened at 11.45am. 50 ANIMAL CONTROL UPDATE a) The Environmental Protection Team Leader reported that Environmental Health Officers were now picking up duties previously undertaken by the Pest Control Officers. There was, however, a training requirement for Officers. A Pest Control Officer post had been made redundant and the main impact was on rat control. There were no implications for dog fouling because this was enforced by Environmental Protection Officers. b) Mr R Shepherd considered that some convictions would be helpful in preventing dog fouling. The Environmental Protection Team Leader responded that patrolling was now carried out on a more intelligence-based approach. Convictions depended on a member of the public’s willingness to give evidence in court. c) Mr P Moore asked whether patrols were high visibility or low key. The Environmental Protection Team Leader said that they were both: high visibility to advise people and get the message across, but where there was a problem a low key approach would be taken. d) Officers carried a small supply of bags to hand out where appropriate but this had a cost implication and it was the dog owner’s responsibility to provide them. RESOLVED To note the contents of the report. 51 SHARED SERVICES INCLUDING ICT PROCUREMENT FOR REVENUES AND BENEFITS REPLACEMENT SYSTEMS a) The Revenues and Benefits Services Manager made a PowerPoint presentation, the slides for which are attached at Minutes Appendix B. b) Mr P W Moore suggested that Members be kept up to date on progress through regular reports. He had a number of questions which he would let the Revenues and Benefits Services Manager have so that she could email the answers to Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. c) Ms V R Gay asked whether there was a backlog of work. The Revenues and Benefits Services Manager replied that there was six weeks of work outstanding in Benefits but this was improving as the staff became more familiar with the system. Dedicated staff, including agency staff, were addressing the backlog. The Revenues work was approximately five weeks behind. d) Ms Gay expressed concern at the limited timescale for the implementation of Council Tax Localisation and any risk to the Council. The Chief Executive said that the main Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24 July 2012 SHARED SERVICES INCLUDING ICT PROCUREMENT FOR REVENUES AND BENEFITS REPLACEMENT SYSTEMS (Continued) risk was to the County Council. A working party had been set up by Cabinet to oversee the implementation and there was confidence that it would be delivered on time. e) Mr W Northam said the Council’s Revenues and Benefits staff were working well under pressure and he congratulated them on what they had achieved so far. The Partnership was working as a team. f) The Chairman expressed the hope that, when necessary cabling work had been completed, the process would be speeded up and asked that a further report on performance issues be made to the November meeting of the Committee. The Vice Chairman supported this. RESOLVED a) That an update report be made to the November meeting of the Committee. b) That the list of questions from Mr P W Moore together with answers be circulated to the Committee. 52 REVIEW OF OUTSIDE BODIES a) This item was deferred to the September meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. b) More information was requested by Mr R Smith on Norfolk Tourism. c) The Democratic Services Team Leader replied to Mr B Smith that she did not believe that the removal of the North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership from the list of Outside Bodies would affect NWACTA as it came under the Community Strategic Partnership but she would look into this. d) Ms V R Gay said that the North Norfolk Skills Partnership carried out very important work to raise the standards of skills in North Norfolk. e) Mr P Terrington asked for clarification regarding nominations to Outside Bodies. The Democratic Services Team Leader explained that nominations to Outside Bodies were made by Full Council unless they were specific to a particular role or portfolio. RESOLVED to defer until September. 53 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE a) The Democratic Services Team Leader informed the meeting that the first meeting of the Council Tax Working Party was to take place on 8 August 2012. b) Broadland District Council was discussing public transport recommendations on Tuesday 31 August at 10am. Mr B Smith and Mr P Moore would attend the meeting. c) The first meeting of the Police and Crime Panel had taken place on 20 July. It had been attended by Mr R Shepherd. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman had been elected and it had been agreed that future meetings would take place at Norfolk County Council as it was more central. d) Mr P Moore informed Members that Sadlers Wood had received a Flag Award. Consultations were taking place on setting out the play area which, because of the work involved, would mean it was unavailable during the summer holidays. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24 July 2012 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE (Continued) e) A briefing on the proposed changes to the NHS would be welcomed by the Committee. The Scrutiny Officer would discuss this initially with the Health Improvement Officer. f) Mr P W Moore said Mr G Williams hoped to make a report to the Committee on the Task and Finish Group and would be available to do so in October. The meeting concluded at 12.50pm. ____________________ Chairman Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24 July 2012