Council Please Contact: Emma Denny Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516010 16 June 2015 A meeting of the North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 24 June 2015 at 6.00 p.m. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: All Members of the Council Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. PRAYER Led by Bob McKay, Senior Pastor, Fakenham Baptist Church 2. PRESENTATION ON THE ROLE OF THE CHAIRMAN To receive a presentation by the Monitoring Officer on the role of the Chairman 3. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the Chairman’s communications, if any. 4. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 5. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence, if any. 6. MINUTES (attached – page 1) (Minutes Appendix A – p.9) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 20 May 2015. 7. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 8. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To consider any questions received from members of the public. 9. APPOINTMENTS To consider any appointments 10. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 8 JUNE 2015 a) AGENDA ITEM 9: 2014/15 OUTTURN REPORT (Cabinet Agenda – 08 June 2015 Page 6) (Appendix A – p. 22) (Appendix B – p.23) (Appendix C – p.44) (Appendix D – p.46) (Appendix E – p.54) (Appendix F –p.59) To approve the following: a) The provisional outturn position for the general fund revenue account for 2014/15; b) The transfers to and from reserves as detailed within the report (and appendix C) along with the corresponding updates to the 2015/16 budget; c) Transfer the surplus of £431,525 to the restructuring/Invest to save reserve; d) The financing of the 2014/15 capital programme as detailed within the report and at Appendix D; e) The balance on the general reserve of £2,289,024 at 31 March 2015 and forecast balance of £2,082,065 at 31 March 2016; f) The updated capital programme for 2015/16 to 2016/17 and the associated financing of the schemes as outlined within the report and detailed at Appendix E. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 17 JUNE 2015 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the recommendations at their meeting on 17 June 2015 and the Chairman will provide an oral update at the Council meeting. b) AGENDA ITEM 10: DEBT RECOVERY 2014-2015 (Cabinet Agenda – 08 June 2015 Page 63) (Appendix A –p.70) (Appendix B – p.80) To approve the annual report giving details of the Council’s write-offs in accordance with the Council’s Debt Write-Off Policy and performance in relation to revenues collection. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 17 JUNE 2015 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the recommendations at their meeting on 17 June 2015 and the Chairman will provide an oral update at the Council meeting. c) AGENDA ITEM 13: TREASURY MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 (Cabinet Agenda – 08 June 2015 Page 83) To approve the Treasury Management Annual Report and Prudential Indicators for 2014/15. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 17 JUNE 2015 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the recommendations at their meeting on 17 June 2015 and the Chairman will provide an oral update at the Council meeting. 11. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 17 JUNE 2015 To consider any further recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting of 17 June 2015. (Please note this meeting was held after the Council agenda was published and a hard copy of any recommendations will be provided prior to the meeting) 12. REVISED PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2015/16 AND CHANGES TO MANDATORY STANDING ORDERS (page 12) (Pay Policy Statement – p. 16) Summary: a) Pay policy statement: Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 (“the Act”) requires the Council to produce an annual pay policy statement (“the statement”) for the start of each financial year. Full Council approved the current Pay Policy Statement on 25 February 2015. That statement needs to be amended as the Joint Negotiating Committee agreed a pay increase for Chief Executives on 25 March 2015. The attached statement is drawn up in compliance with the Act to cover the period 2015/16. It is a legal requirement that Full Council formally signs off this statement and the responsibility cannot be devolved to any other person or committee. b) Changes to mandatory Standing Orders: Recent amendments to the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 require local authorities to make some changes to their standing orders relating to the dismissal of certain Chief Officers. This report and Appendix G outline the required change. Conclusions: a) The attached amended statement sets out remuneration arrangements for officers and incorporates the national pay increases agreed during 2014/15 for staff. b) Appendix G sets out the proposed changes to Council’s Standing Orders. Recommendations: a) To adopt the amended Pay Policy Statement and to publish the statement for 2015/16 on the Council’s website. b) To instruct the Monitoring Officer to make the changes to the Council’s Standing Orders to comply with the change in the law. Cabinet member(s): Ward member(s) Contact Officer telephone and e-mail: 13. Cllr T FitzPatrick All Julie Cooke, 01263 516040 TO RECEIVE THE APPROVED MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES Members are requested to note that the minutes of the undermentioned committees have been approved. Copies of all the minutes are available on the Council’s website or from Democratic Services. a) Cabinet – 20 April 2015 b) Development Committee – 23 April 2015 c) Standards Committee – 10 March 2015 14. REPORTS, UPDATES AND BRIEFINGS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET To receive reports from the Cabinet or Members of the Cabinet. 15. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS Councillor Eric Seward has submitted the following question: ‘Given the important role that the Bittern Line has to play in the economic and social life of North Norfolk what plans do the Council have to monitor and provide input to the arrangements for the new operating franchise for the line commencing in October 2016?’ 16. OPPOSITION BUSINESS To receive any opposition business. 17. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received 18. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution – if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 19. PRIVATE BUSINESS Circulation: All Members of the Council. Members of the Management Team and other appropriate Officers. Press and Public COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 20 May 2015 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Officers in Attendance: Mr P W High Mr B Jarvis Mr M Knowles Mr J Lee Mr N Lloyd Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Mr W J Northam Mrs J Oliver Miss B Palmer Mr N Pearce Mrs G Perry-Warnes Mrs M Prior Mr J Rest Mr R Reynolds Mr P Rice Mr E Seward Mr S Shaw Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr D Smith Mr N Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs L Walker Mr S Ward Mr A Wells Mr G Williams Mr A Yiasimi Mr D Young The Chief Executive, The Corporate Directors, the Monitoring Officer, the Head of Finance, the Communications Editor and the Democratic Services Team Leader A member of the press was in attendance Press: 1. Mrs S Arnold Mrs S Butikofer Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr N Coppack Mrs H Cox Mrs J English Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr V FitzPatrick Mr T FitzPatrick Ms V R Gay Mrs A Green Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr S Hester PRAYERS The Chairman invited Reverend Dr Peter Herbert, Curate of Cromer Parish Church with St Martin’s to lead prayers. 2. OUTGOING CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The Chairman welcomed new and returning Members. He said that he had received letters of thanks from the Benjamin Foundation, the British Legion and the Round Table following the recent donations of £1000 to each charity. He then went onto inform members that he had recently attended the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace and it had been one of the highlights of his year as Chairman. He said that he had been very proud to have served as Chairman and he had received many invitations to interesting events. It had been a real honour to have been a member of the Council and he said that new Members should not underestimate the privilege of the role. He said that North Norfolk was a great council and although it wasn’t the biggest it was very special. The Chairman then went onto thank the Head of Economic Development and Communities for all his support in making the vision of the Big Society Fund a reality. He also thanked the Head of Legal Services for her hard work in making Eastlaw a huge success and the Democratic Services Team Leader for all her support. He said that he had enjoyed working with the Corporate Directors and that the Chief Executive was outstanding and had been very supportive. He thanked the Corporate PA Team Leader for all her hard work and support in his role as Chairman. 1 Finally, the Chairman thanked the Vice-Chairman, Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds for helping him with his civic duties over the past year and her husband Mr R Reynolds for being so understanding. He concluded by thanking his wife and son for their support. 3. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett that Mrs A ClaussenReynolds be elected Chairman. There being no other nominations, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds be elected Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. Mr T Ivory then vacated the Chair in favour of Mrs Claussen-Reynolds. 4. INCOMING CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The incoming Chairman thanked members for her nomination and said that it was a great honour to be chosen to represent NNDC as Chairman. She thanked Mr Ivory for the dedication that he had given to the role last year and his wit, humour, professionalism and style – which made him a difficult Chairman to follow. The Chairman then gave special thanks to those members that had retired as councillors or not been re-elected. She welcomed all new Members to the Council and said that they might find some of the work as a councillor frustrating at times but that it was also very interesting and rewarding. She then congratulated all the returning members on their re-election. The Chairman said that during her year in office she would like to involve the military services in recognition of the centenary of WW1 and 70 years since the end of WW2. The district had special connections with the military, especially in the west of the region where there was continual military movement and flying activities. The Council would be unveiling a special poppy memorial on Monday 22nd June and the Chairman urged as many members as possible to attend this event. She then thanked Democratic Services on the induction programme and again encouraged as many members as possible to partake in the programme. The Chairman concluded by saying that she would give considerable thought to her nominated charities for her year in office and would announce her decision in due course. 5. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick and seconded by Mrs S Arnold that Mr J Lee be appointed Vice Chairman of the Council. There being no other nominations, it was RESOLVED that Mr J Lee be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. Mr Lee thanked Members for their support and said that he was looking forward to the role. 6. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 2 7. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Mr N Dixon, Mr B Hannah, Mrs B McGoun, Mr R Price, Mr J Punchard and Mrs V Uprichard. 8. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the record of attendance being amended. 9. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None 10. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None 11. APPOINTMENT OF LEADER OF THE COUNCIL It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RESOLVED that Mr T FitzPatrick be appointed Leader of the Council. 12. REPORT ON APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE CABINET The Leader informed Council that the following Members had been appointed to Cabinet; Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, Mrs S Arnold, Mr N Dixon, Mrs J Oliver, Mr W Northam, Mr J Rest and Miss B Palmer. He said that Mrs A Fitch-Tillett had been appointed as Deputy Leader. Portfolios would be confirmed shortly. 13. REPORT ON APPOINTMENT OF LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION Mrs A Moore confirmed that she had been appointed as Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and that Mrs B McGoun was the Deputy Leader. 14. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES, CHAIRMEN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN AND SUBSTITUTES Mr T FitzPatrick proposed the appointments of Committees, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen and Substitutes as tabled. He proposed that he was given delegation in conjunction with the Chief Executive and Opposition Group Leader to agree any unfilled appointments. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mrs A Moore and RESOLVED To appoint Committees, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen and Substitutes as detailed below for the ensuing year: 3 COMMITTEE CONSERVATIVE(S) LIBERAL DEMOCRAT(S) Scrutiny Committee (politically balanced) Mr N Smith Mr B Smith Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr D Smith Mrs J English Mr M Knowles Mrs M Prior Mrs A Green Mr P W Moore Ms V Gay Mrs S Butikofer Mr E Seward Development Committee (politically balanced) Mr N Smith Mr B Smith Mr P Rice Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr S Ward Mr N Pearce Mr S Shaw Mr S Hester Mr N Coppack Mrs P GroveJones Mrs V Uprichard Mr P W High Mrs S Butikofer Audit Committee (politically balanced) Mr S Hester Mr M Knowles Mr V FitzPatrick Mr R Shepherd Mrs A Moore Mr D Young Licensing & Appeals Committee (politically balanced) Mr B Smith Mr P Rice Mr R Reynolds Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr R Price Mrs H Cox Mr N Coppack Mr S Shaw Mr J Lee Mr B Hannah Mr P W High Mrs P GroveJones Mr P W Moore Mrs V Uprichard Standards Committee (politically balanced Mr R Reynolds Mr R Stevens Mrs H Cox Mr R Shepherd Mr N Smith Mr N Coppack Mrs G Perry-Warnes Ms V Gay Mr B Hannah Joint Staff Consultative Committee Mr N Smith Mr T FitzPatrick Mrs J English Mrs B McGoun Mr P W Moore 4 OTHERS (co-opted members) JOINT COMMITTEES & PARTNERSHIPS Norfolk Joint Museums Committee (x1) Norfolk Parking Partnership Joint Committee (x1) Norfolk Waste Partnership (x1) PATROL Adjudication and Bus Lane Adjudication Joint Committee (x1) CONSERVATIVE(S) LIBERAL DEMOCRAT(S) SUBSTITUTES Police and Crime Panel (x1) County Community Safety Partnership Scrutiny Panel (x1) Mr N Dixon Mr R Shepherd Mr R Reynolds Mr P Rice Miss B Palmer Mr J Rest Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mr J Rest CHAIRMEN, VICE – CHAIRMEN AND SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS OF COMMITTEES COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Scrutiny Mr P W Moore Committee VICE-CHAIRMAN Mr N Smith Development Committee Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Audit Committee Mr V FitzPatrick tbc Licensing & Appeals Committee Mr R Price tbc 5 SUBSTITUTE(S) Mr D Young Mr A Yiasimi Mrs B McGoun Mrs A Wells Mr R Price Mr S Ward Mr R Shepherd Mr N Coppack Mr R Reynolds Mrs B McGoun Mr E Seward Mrs L Walker Mr P W Moore Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs A Green Mrs M Prior Ms V Gay Mr A Wells 15. Standards Committee Mrs H Cox Mr R Stevens Joint Staff Consultative Committee Alternate Members and Staff Mr P W High Mr P W Moore Mr S Hester Mr N Pearce Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P W High Mrs S Arnold Mrs A Fitch-Tillet APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS ON WORKING PARTIES, FORUMS AND PANELS Mr T FitzPatrick proposed the appointments of Members on Working Parties, Forums and Panels as tabled. He said that there would be some minor adjustments depending on the allocation of portfolios to Cabinet members and therefore proposed that he was given delegation in conjunction with the Chief Executive and Opposition Group Leader to agree any unfilled appointments. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mrs A Moore and RESOLVED: To appoint Members on Working Parties, Forums and Panels as detailed below, for the ensuing year WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party (politically balanced) No of seats 11 Member Development Group Non political Member/Officer Group (Not Politically Balanced) Coastal Forum (Members with Coastal Wards or Special Responsibility for Coastal Issues) (Not Politically Balanced) 6 Constitution Working Party 5 CONSERVATIVE Mrs S Arnold Mr R Reynolds Mr J Punchard Mrs J English Mrs A Green Mr N Pearce Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr S Shaw Miss B Palmer Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr N Pearce Mrs G PerryWarnes All Coastal Members Mrs H Cox Mrs A Fitch-Tillett 6 LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Mrs V Uprichard Mr P W High Mrs P GroveJones SUBS Mr P W High Mrs B McGoun Lee Walker Brian Hannah Ms V Gay Mrs A Moore Mr S Shaw (politically balanced) WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL Council Tax Support Working Party (politically balanced) Miss B Palmer No of seats 5 CONSERVATIVE Mr W Northam Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr T FitzPatrick LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Mrs A Moore Mr D Young SUBS Mrs V Uprichard Mrs H Cox Mrs G PerryWarnes Big Society Fund Grants Panel 7 Mr T FitzPatrick Mr J Lee Mr R Reynolds Mrs J English Mr B Jarvis Mr P W High Mrs P GroveJones Business Enterprise and Start Up Scheme Advisory Panel (BEST) 2 Mr N Smith Mrs L Walker CHAIRMEN AND VICE – CHAIRMEN (WHERE APPROPRIATE) WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party CHAIRMAN VICE - CHAIRMAN Mrs S Arnold Mr R Reynolds Member Development Group Constitution Working Party 16. Council Tax Support Working Party Mr W Northam Big Society Grants Fund Panel Mr T FitzPatrick / Miss B Palmer APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO OUTSIDE BODIES Mr T FitzPatrick proposed the appointment of Members to Outside Bodies as tabled. He said that there would be some minor adjustments depending on the allocation of portfolios to Cabinet members and therefore proposed that he was given delegation in conjunction with the Chief Executive and Opposition Group Leader to agree any unfilled appointments. RESOLVED To appoint Members to the schedule of approved Outside Bodies for the 2015/16 civic year as detailed in Minutes Appendix A. 7 17. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES RESOLVED To receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: Cabinet - 09 March 2015 Development Committee – 26 February 2015 18. REPORTS, UPDATES AND BRIEFINGS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET Mr T FitzPatrick thanked Mr J Lee and Mr G Williams for their support during their time on Cabinet. He then thanked Mr T Ivory for all his hard work on the Big Society Fund and housing and planning issues. He thanked Mr Ivory personally for his unwaivering support when Mr FitzPatrick first became Leader of the Council 20. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS None received 21. OPPOSITION BUSINESS None 22. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None 23. PRIVATE BUSINESS The meeting concluded at 6.30pm. _________________________ Chairman 8 Minutes Appendix A REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED & Status B Palmer Active Norfolk (under review) 1 Bacton Gas Terminal Environmental Liaison Committee 5 A Fitch-Tillett W J Northam R Price B Smith L Walker Broads Authority 1 P Rice Broads Internal Drainage Board 8 A Fitch-Tillet W J Northam P Rice R Price N Dixon B Jarvis Broads Tourism 1 N Dixon Citizen’s Advice Stakeholder Forum 2 B Palmer V Gay Community Rail Norfolk 1 N Dixon (Director) Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association 3 J Oliver N Pearce T FitzPatrick Coastshare 1 J Oliver (Director) Duty to co-operate Members’ Forum 1 S Arnold Fakenham Community Campus Trust Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Reference Group 1 J Punchard 3 N Dixon S Shaw G Williams Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust 1 L Walker 9 ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED & Status A Claussen-Reynolds Health and Well Being Board 1 HMP Bure Liaison Committee 3 S Shaw R Shepherd G Williams Local Government Association – SIG - Coastal issues 1+ Sub A Fitch-Tillett (H Cox) Local Government Association – SPARSE Rural Sub SIG 1 T FitzPatrick Mid-Norfolk Citizens Advice Bureau 1 D Young Norfolk Arts Forum Executive Norfolk Coast Partnership 1+ Sub B Jarvis (J English & M Prior) 1+1 Sub A Fitch-Tillett (S Hester & V FitzPatrick) Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (must be a Member of Overview & Scrutiny Committee) 1+Sub A Claussen-Reynolds (N Smith) Norfolk Rail Group 1+Sub N Dixon (H Cox) Norfolk Records Committee 1 A Claussen-Reynolds Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board 5 A Green G Perry-Warnes B Palmer R Reynolds S Ward Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance 1 N Dixon Norse Environmental Waste Services (NEWS) 1 T FitzPatrick (Director) North Norfolk Renewables Partnership (under review) 1 N Dixon North Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust 1 A Green 10 ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES North Norfolk Community Transport Association North Walsham Sports Hall User Forum 1 MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED & Status N Coppack N Lloyd N Lloyd 2 N Dixon N Dixon 2 Rural Development Programme England – LAG Boards - Wensum - Broads Sheringham Little Theatre Society Board 2 D Smith R Stevens Sheringham Sports Association 2 J Oliver R Shepherd Southrepps Commons Management Committee 1 S Arnold The Wash & North Norfolk Coast Marine Special Area of Conservation Management Group Wells Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee Visit North Norfolk Wells Maltings Trust 1 (1 sub) A Fitch-Tillett H Cox (sub) 1 V FitzPatrick 2 N Dixon Conservative TBC (Directors) 1 (1 sub) S Hester V FitzPatrick (sub) Under Review: Active Norfolk Changed to a Board of Directors North Norfolk Renewables Partnership Likely to be disbanded 11 Agenda Item No__12__________ Report covering the revised Pay Policy Statement 2015/16 and changes to mandatory Standing Orders Summary: a) Pay policy statement: Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 (“the Act”) requires the Council to produce an annual pay policy statement (“the statement”) for the start of each financial year. Full Council approved the current Pay Policy Statement on 25 February 2015. That statement needs to be amended as the Joint Negotiating Committee agreed a pay increase for Chief Executives on 25 March 2015. The attached statement is drawn up in compliance with the Act to cover the period 2015/16. It is a legal requirement that Full Council formally signs off this statement and the responsibility cannot be devolved to any other person or committee. b) Changes to mandatory Standing Orders: Recent amendments to the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 require local authorities to make some changes to their standing orders relating to the dismissal of certain Chief Officers. This report and Appendix G outline the required change. Conclusions: a) The attached amended statement sets out remuneration arrangements for officers and incorporates the national pay increases agreed during 2014/15 for staff. b) Appendix G sets out the proposed changes to Council’s Standing Orders. Recommendations: a) To adopt the amended Pay Policy Statement and to publish the statement for 2015/16 on the Council’s website. b) To instruct the Monitoring Officer to make the changes to the Council’s Standing Orders to comply with the change in the law. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Councillor All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: 12 1. Introduction to the Pay Policy Statement 1.1 Section 38 (1) of the Localism Act 2011 (“the Act”) requires English and Welsh local authorities to produce a pay policy statement (“the statement”) for each financial year. The first statement went to Full Council on 22 February 2012 to cover the period 2012/13. The current Pay Policy Statement went to Full Council on 25 February 2015 and incorporated the national pay awards for all officers excluding the Chief Executive as that particular award had not been agreed nationally. Notification was received on 25 March 2015 that the award for Chief Executive’s covered by the National Agreement had been agreed to cover the period to 31 March 2016. This is the first national pay award that has been agreed for Chief Executive posts since April 2008. 1.2 1.3 2. The Statement 2.1 The statement must set out: 2.2 With regard to the process for approving the statement, it must: 2.3 Be approved formally by Full Council and cannot be delegated to any sub committee. This includes any amendments in each financial year Be approved by the end of March each year Be published on the authority’s website and in any other manner that the Council thinks appropriate as soon as it is reasonably practicable after it is approved or amended Be complied with when the authority sets the terms and conditions for a Chief Officer For the purpose of the statement the term ‘Chief Officer’ in a local authority context is defined as set out in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 as: 2.4 A local authority’s policy on the level and elements of remuneration for each chief officer A local authority’s policy on the remuneration of its lowest-paid employees (together with its definition of “lowest-paid employees” and its reasons for adopting that definition) A local authority’s policy on the relationship between the remuneration of its chief officers and other officers A local authority’s policy on other specific aspects of chief officers’ remuneration: remuneration on recruitment, increases and additions to remuneration, use of performance related pay and bonuses, termination payments, and transparency. The Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive) The Monitoring Officer A statutory Chief Officer and non statutory Chief Officer (section 2 of that Act) A deputy Chief Officer (section 2 of that Act) This definition of Chief Officer is wider than that contained within the Constitution where the term ‘chief officer’ indicates the senior posts which sit on Corporate Leadership Team i.e. the Chief Executive and Directors. 13 3 3.1 Changes to Mandatory Standing Orders Recent amendments to the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 require local authorities to make some changes to their standing orders. 3.2 One of these changes relates to the dismissal of certain chief officers (chief finance officer, head of the authority's paid service or monitoring officer). 3.3 In summary, instead of engaging a “designated independent person” to provide an independent external view on any proposed dismissal, we would now use a panel composed of at least two of the independent persons appointed under the Localism Act 2011. 3.4 These posts were created in 2012 to deal with standards and ethics issues. As most authorities only appointed one independent person it will usually be the case that an independent person from another authority will need to be engaged to form the panel now required by the new standing orders. 3.5 The Council’s current independent person is Mr Alex Oram. The dismissal of chief officers is of course unlikely to be a frequent event but it will nevertheless be appropriate to brief the independent persons on their new duties. Expenses for this duty will be at the same rate as currently paid to the independent person for existing duties. 3.6 The proposed new standing orders compliant with the recent changes are set out in Appendix G. 4 Conclusion 4.1 The Pay Policy Statement meets the statutory requirements of the Localism Act and it is therefore recommended that the attached statement be approved. The proposed changes to the Council’s Standing Orders shown at Appendix G enable the Monitoring Officer to ensure compliance with the change in the law. 4.2 5 Financial Implications and Risks 5.1 There are no increased risks as a result of setting and publishing the Pay Policy Statement. The report and the statement outline arrangements for 2015/16. This statement builds on the publication of senior officer salary information which is already available on the website at Any financial implications relevant to national pay awards have been factored into the budget for 2015/16. 5.2 The chances put forward to Standing Orders are required under the amendments to the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001. 14 6 Equality and Diversity 6.1 The Equality act 2010 places requirements upon all public sector bodies to ensure that its policies and procedures promote equality, this document supports that requirement. 15 PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2015/16 (Revised June 2015) Context This policy statement has been produced in accordance with Sections 38 to 43 of the Localism Act 2011 (“the Act”), which, from 2012 onwards, requires all local authorities to publish an annual statement of their policy for the relevant financial year in relation to: The remuneration of their most senior employees (which the Act defines as the Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive), the Monitoring Officer, the Chief Officers (or Directors), and the Deputy Chief Officers (i.e. managers who report directly to a Chief Officer)); The remuneration of their lowest-paid employees; and The relationship between the remuneration of their most senior employees and that of other employees. The Secretary of State has produced guidance on the provisions in the Act relating to transparency and accountability in local pay, which local authorities must have regard to in preparing and approving their annual pay policy statements. This Pay Policy Statement takes full account of this guidance as well as the provisions of the Act. The policy statement also refers to information which the Council already publishes under other legislation: Information on the level of remuneration paid to senior managers, as required by the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 (Statutory Instrument 2011/817). Policy on the exercise of its discretions over payments upon termination of employment under the Local Government Pension Scheme, as required by Regulation 66 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Administration) Regulations 2008 Policy on the exercise of its discretions over payments upon termination of employment under the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006, as required by Regulation 7 of those regulations. This Pay Policy Statement must be reviewed on an annual basis and a new version of the policy will be submitted to Full Council for approval by 31 March immediately preceding the financial year to which it relates. The pay policy statement can also be amended during the course of the financial year, but only by a resolution of the Full Council. If it is amended during the year to which it relates, the revised version of the statement must be published as soon as possible after the amendment is approved by Full Council. This policy statement was considered by Full Council on 24 June 2015 following the agreement of the Joint Negotiating Committee on the pay award for Chief Executive’s 2015/16. It is available on the Council’s website. The Council’s website also includes separately published data on salary information relating to Senior Officers and this can be viewed at 16 For the purpose of the pay policy statement the term ‘Chief Officer’ in a local authority context is defined as set out in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989: a) b) c) d) The Head of Paid Service (i.e. the Chief Executive) as designated under section 4 of that Act; The Monitoring Officer designated under section 5(1) of that Act; A statutory Chief Officer and non statutory Chief Officer under section 2 of that Act; A deputy Chief Officer mentioned in section 2 of that Act. Remunerating Chief Officers/Deputy Chief Officers The remuneration for Chief Officers/Deputy Chief Officers within the Council can be found at Appendices A, B, C, E and F. The Monitoring Officer (MO) service is brought in on a contract basis so the Council does not directly remunerate the MO who is currently an employee of Norfolk County Council. Remunerating the Lowest Paid in the Workforce The Council applies terms and conditions of employment that have been negotiated and agreed through appropriate collective bargaining mechanisms (national or local) or as a consequence of Council decisions, these are then incorporated into contracts of employment. The lowest pay point in use by the Council for employees on the council’s pay scale is spinal column point (SCP) 8. This relates to an annual salary of £13,871 (full time equivalent (FTE) and can be expressed as an hourly rate of pay of £7.1897 as at 01 January 2015. Employees on this pay point are defined as our lowest paid employees. This pay point and salary has been determined by the National Joint Council (NJC). See Appendix D for pay scales for staff on grades 5-13. Full Council agreed to pay a Living Wage supplement for SCP’s 8 – 10 for 2015. This will be subject to review in November 2015 when the Living Wage is reviewed nationally. The Council employs a number of apprentices and the salary for these staff complies with the National Minimum Wage. The Relationship between Chief Officer Remuneration and that of other employees The highest paid salary in the Council is that of the Chief Executive at £101,766 as at 1 January 2015. The median for Chief Officers is £52,806 and for non-Chief Officers is £19,742. This gives a ratio of 1:2.675. The Council does not have a policy on maintaining, reaching or applying a specific pay multiple. However the Council is conscious that remuneration at all levels needs to be adequate to secure and retain high-quality employees but not be seen as excessive. Other Aspects of Chief Officer Remuneration Other aspects of Chief Officer remuneration are appropriate to be covered by this policy statement, these other aspects are defined as remuneration on recruitment, pay increases, additions to pay, performance related pay, earn back, enhancements 17 of pension entitlements and termination payments. These elements are shown in Appendix A and B. Pay Awards Pay awards are determined nationally in accordance with the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Chief Executives, the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Chief/Deputy Chief Officers and the National Joint Committee (NJC) for staff paid under the national spinal column points covered by internal grades 5-12. Tax Avoidance The Council is committed to tackling all forms of tax avoidance and therefore encourages the direct employment of staff and pays them via the payroll system. In a few circumstances where it is more appropriate to engage people on a self-employed basis, the Council will utilise the procurement policy and follows guidelines to ensure that the correct employment status is identified before being engaged. When a need arises for an ‘interim’ appointment, the Council may consider the use of an agency. Re-engagement of ex North Norfolk District Council staff within the scope of this policy All permanent / fixed term posts are advertised in accordance with the council’s recruitment practices and procedures and appointment is made on merit. Interim management appointments are made in accordance with the council’s procurement policy. Review The Localism Act 2011 requires relevant authorities to prepare a Pay Policy Statement for each subsequent financial year. The next statement will be submitted to Full Council for approval by 31 March 2016. As necessary, the Council may by resolution amend the pay policy statement at times other than that of the prescribed annual statement. 18 Post Salary grade Chief Executive 1 Expenses / car allowances Travel and other expenses are reimbursed through normal Council procedures. Bonuses / PRP / Earn Back The current terms and conditions of employment does not provide for any of the above elements Honoraria / Acting Up Honoraria and acting up payments for any increased duties and responsibilities do not apply Market/Salary Supplements A salary/market supplement has not been applied to this post Car allowances are paid in accordance with the rates set out in Council’s Travel Policy (see Appendix D) Election Fees As the Returning Officer (RO), the Chief Executive will receive a fee, locally in respect of County, District and Parish Elections. The fee for undertaking this role in Norfolk is determined by an independent panel made up of the Chairs of Norfolk Local Authority Member Remuneration Panels. Fees for conducting Parliamentary and European Parliamentary Elections, National Referendums and other Elections such as for the Police and Crime Commissioner. etc. are determined by Government. The RO is a separate appointment and therefore not factored into the salary range shown.The fees will be published on the Council’s website (once agreed). As above (where applicable) Severance Arrangements The Council’s normal policies regarding redundancy and early/flexible retirement apply to the postholder Corporate Directors x 2 Head of Finance/s151 Officer 2 As above As above As above As above As above 4 As above As above £4553 pa (s151 responsibilities) As above (where applicable) As above Head of Planning 4 As above As above Could be applied where appropriate on authorisation of Corporate Leadership Team As above As above (where applicable) As above Head of Service x 6 4 As above As above As above £4553 pa (specialist delegated responsibilities) Could be applied where appropriate on authorisation of Corporate Leadership Team As above (where applicable) As above Appendix A 19 Appendix B Aspect of Chief Officer Remuneration Recruitment Council Policy The post will be advertised and appointed to at the appropriate approved salary for the post in question and individuals will be placed on the appropriate SCP within the pay grade for the post that they are appointed to. The rules regarding appointment to a Chief Officer role are set out in the Constitution (Chapter 10). Employees will receive an annual increment (and in some cases, 6 months after starting work with the Council), subject to the top of their grade not being exceeded. Where the Council is unable to recruit to a post at its designated grade, it will consider the use of temporary market supplements. Access to appropriate elements of the Council’s relocation Scheme may also be granted in certain circumstances, when new starters move to the area. Pay Increases The above applies to all employees. The Council will apply any pay increases that are agreed by the relevant national negotiating bodies. The Council will also apply any pay increases that are as a result of Council decisions to significantly increase the duties and responsibilities of the post in question beyond the normal flexing of duties and responsibilities that are expected in senior posts. Additions to Pay This applies to all employees. The Council would not make additional payments beyond those specified in the terms and conditions of employment. Professional Subscriptions This applies to all employees. These are payable where they are required for the post and should be limited to one subscription per Officer. Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) (includes access to advice and counselling) Contract for Services Redundancy and payments on termination Pension contribution rates This applies to all employees. Access to the EAP scheme is available to all employees and Elected Members. Where the Council remains unable to appoint chief officers on recruitment, or there is a need to provide interim support to cover for a vacant substantive chief officer post, the Council will, where necessary, consider engaging individuals under ‘contracts for service’. These will be sourced through a relevant procurement process ensuring the Council is able to demonstrate value for money from competition in securing the relevant service. The Council has a single policy which applies to all employees (see Appendix F). Where termination of employment is subject to a settlement agreement that agreement may include a negotiated payment in exchange for which the employee undertakes not to pursue claims against the Council. This is always subject to the completion of a business case and appropriate authorisation as laid out in the above policy. Staff who opt to join the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) pay contribution rates between 5.5% to 12.5%. The employer contribution rate is currently 14.5% and this is the same rate for all staff. 20 Salary grades for Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers (2015) Appendix C Grade 1 (Chief Executive) Annual SCP Amount 300 301 99,634.00 101,766.00 Grade 2 (Directors) Annual SCP Amount 310 311 312 313 314 67,846.00 69,554.00 74,777.00 76,696.00 78,853.00 Grade 3 (Not utilised) Annual SCP Amount 320 321 322 323 324 55,135.00 56,833.00 58,415.00 64,125.00 65,570.00 Grade 4 (Heads of Service) Annual SCP Salary 330 331 332 333 334 46,081.00 47,332.00 48,565.00 49,808.00 53,862.00 The pay award has been agreed for Chief Officer grades (4-1) above (with effect from 1 January 2015). Confirmation of the pay award for Chief Executives was received on 25 March 2015. 21 Appendix D Pay scales for grades 12 - 5 (Effective from 25 February 2015) Grade SCP 8* 9* 10* 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade 9 Salary 13,871 14,075 14,338 15,207 15,523 15,941 16,231 16,572 16,969 17,372 17,714 18,376 19,048 19,742 20,253 20,849 21,530 22,212 22,937 Grade Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 5 SCP 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Salary 27,123 27,924 29,558 30,178 30,978 31,846 32,778 33,857 34,746 35,662 36,571 37,483 39,267 40,217 41,140 42,053 43,863 These posts are supplemented to the Living Wage for the period 2015. 22 Appendix E TRAVEL POLICY INTRODUCTION The purpose of this policy is to set out North Norfolk District Council’s policy on travel arrangements that employees are eligible to claim in reimbursement for journeys made in carrying out their duties. GENERAL TRAVEL PRINCIPLES Employees will be required to ensure that:- the use of public transport is prioritised above a car where the journey time is comparable to that of a car - the choice of travel mode should always be the most cost effective to the Authority, taking into account both claim costs and staff time - they ensure that journeys are planned to do the least number of miles possible, through good route planning and car sharing - a full record of their journey is kept including the reason for travelling and the names of official passengers carried - they do not use their own vehicle on journeys where there is room in the car of another officer making the same journey on the same business. In this situation, an essential car user should drive in preference to a casual user, if possible - they have included and maintain in their policy of insurance a clause indemnifying the Authority against all third party claims (including those concerning passengers) arising out of the use of the vehicle on official business - all claims exclude home to work mileage (and vice versa) if the journey starts or ends from the officers home i.e. they should only claim for excess business mileage over and above their normal daily commute mileage - all claims must be made using the appropriate claim form (these can be obtained from the intranet or HR) - VAT receipts are obtained and attached to the travel claim form to enable the Authority to reclaim VAT - they are familiar with and comply with the Driver Policy and Handbook CAR ALLOWANCES North Norfolk District Council recognises that employees will be required to use their own motor vehicle for the efficient performance of their duties and that it is appropriate to reimburse for additional authorised expenditure. All employees are designated as casual users unless their post attracts an essential car user allowance or they are currently in receipt of either a lease car or cash equivalent payment. 23 ESSENTIAL USER ALLOWANCES Essential users are those whose duties are of such a nature that it is essential for them to have a motor car at their disposal whenever required. If the employee uses a private car in carrying out those official duties then they shall be entitled to receive the lump sum allowance and mileage rates set out in this policy. To determine eligibility to an essential car user allowance, the Essential Car User Assessment Form (obtained from HR) must be completed by either the line manager (for vacant posts) or the postholder. The assessment form will be scored by HR and eligibility will be confirmed or declined based on that assessment. If the postholder is not satisfied with the outcome, they can request an assessment by a Corporate Director in consultation with UNISON. A record of the request and scoring will be kept on the post file and where appropriate, the personnel file. The essential car user allowance will be paid to all employees whose eligibility is confirmed and they will receive a lump sum in accordance with their terms and conditions of employment along with the approved mileage rate for claimed business miles undertaken. Eligibility for essential car user status will be checked annually via completion of the car allowance scheme assessment form and if the post does not meet the criteria for this allowance, it will be removed immediately and the employee will be re-designated as a casual user. The employee will be entitled to appeal this decision and eligibility will be rechecked and the decision confirmed by a Corporate Director in consultation with UNISON. CASUAL USER ALLOWANCES Casual users are those for whom it is desirable that a car should be made available when required and as such are eligible to receive the appropriate mileage rate set out in this policy. ALLOWANCES AND MILEAGE RATES See Appendix A – please note these rates are reviewed and where appropriate, updated and published annually. CAR LOAN SCHEME Employees may apply to the Authority for a loan to purchase a vehicle if it is deemed necessary by a Corporate Director for them to use a vehicle for work purposes. Details of the scheme can be obtained from the Payroll Officer. 24 OTHER MILEAGE RATES Lease car scheme Training1 Motorcycle Cycle Car sharing- - 15.47 pence per mile 15.47 pence per mile 24 pence per mile 20 pence per mile 5 pence per mile (not per person(s) carried) MILEAGE CLAIMS All claims must be submitted on the appropriate claim form and passed to Payroll for payment within 3 months of undertaking the journey/expenditure. All claim forms are to be authorised by the appropriate authorised line manager according to the ‘authorised signatories list’. See Appendix B for details of what can be included in a mileage claim. Failure to submit a claim within 3 months of undertaking the journey would mean that, except under exceptional circumstances, the claim would not be met. OTHER ALLOWANCES SUBSISTENCE2 Subsistence will be paid to employees who necessarily incur additional expense in the course of their work. Reimbursement will be on the actual cost incurred up to the maximum amount shown below. This is subject to producing a receipt which shows the actual cost of the meal. Maximums are:Breakfast Lunch Tea Evening meal - £6.88 (Where work/travel commences before 7.30 am) £9.50 (When away for entire lunch period 12.00 – 14.00) £3.76 £11.77 (When work/absence extends beyond 7.30 pm) OVERNIGHT ALLOWANCES Overnight £3.63 Max per week £14.55 Any exceptions to the above (subsistence and overnight allowances) would need to be agreed in advance with a Corporate Director. LINK TO OTHER RELEVANT POLICIES 1. Driver Policy and Handbook – employees are required to comply with the requirements of this policy. 2. Environmental Policy – found within the Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Implementation Plan. 3. Green travel Plan. MONITORING This policy will be reviewed, updated and published on an annual basis by the Head of Organisational Development in line with the national agreement or as required by the Authority. 1 2 There is a specific claim form for qualification based training – speak to HR for details Rates are updated annually and are correct with effect from April 2010 25 APPENDIX A TRAVEL RATES3 Casual User Rate Mileage:Per mile first 10,000 Per mile after 10,000 52.2p 14.4p Essential User (based on NJC rates for 1000-1199cc band) Lump sum £963 per annum (paid pro-rata on a monthly basis) Mileage:Per mile first 10,000 Per mile after 10,000 40.9p 14.4p APPENDIX B MILEAGE CLAIMS Mileage claims can be made as follows:- 3 1. Journeys from home to first visit: a) If the mileage is less than that from home to work base then no claim is made b) If the mileage is more than that from home to work base then excess mileage can be claimed 2. Journeys from last visit to home: a) If the mileage is less than work base to home then no claim is made b) If the mileage is more than that from work base to home then the excess mileage can be claimed 3. Extra journeys out of hours: When work is undertaken that results in additional journeys out of normal hours then the extra mileage may be claimed Rates are updated annually and are correct with effect from April 2010 26 Appendix F Pensions, Retirement and Discretionary Compensation Payments Policy Statements - Equalities Statement North Norfolk District Council wishes to promote equality and has a number of obligations under equality legislation. All employees are expected to adhere to this procedure in line with these obligations. Reasonable adjustments or supportive measures should be considered to ensure equality of access and opportunity regardless of age, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marriage, civil partnership, disability, religion or belief. General Introduction Since 1997, Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) legislation has required all local authority employers to publish a written Policy Statement on how it will exercise the various discretions provided by the scheme; to keep it under review; and to revise it as necessary. This policy statement is outlined below: In developing these Policy Statements it is important to clarify that: a. The Policy Statements confer no contractural rights in relation to the Local Government Pension Scheme and discretionary compensation payments. b. The Policy Statements may be changed by the Council at any time. c. These policies should not restrict the Council’s discretion. There may be circumstances where the Council may decide to make an exception to any of these particular policies. Any exceptions to a policy contained within these Policy Statements will only be made following consultation with the Council’s Monitoring Officer. It should be noted that any future changes to this policy statement will only become effective one month after the revised policy statement is published. The policies incorporated within this Policy Statement include: 1) 2) 3) 4) General policy - retirement Policy relating to flexible retirement Statements relating to the exercise of discretionary powers under the LGPS Discretionary compensation payments policy It is important in considering this document to note the following: All decisions relating to the operation of the policies outlined in this document are delegated to the Corporate Leadership Team, Leader and Cabinet Member for Human Resources following consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer, Monitoring Officer and the Head of Organisational Development. 1) General Policy - retirement 27 The Council’s policy relating to employee retirement is: a. Employees who wish to retire from their employment are required to give notice of their intended date of retirement to their manager in writing. The length of notice required must be at least the same as the notice required to resign from employment. However, employees are encouraged to give an early indication of their planned retirement date. b. Retirement from employment does not establish entitlement to either occupational or state pension benefits. Equally this policy does not change an employee’s entitlements as a member of an occupational pension scheme. Employees who are members of the LGPS are advised to seek advice about the impact of their planned retirement date on their pension benefits. This is particularly important where the employee is planning on retiring either earlier or later than their Normal Retirement Age4. c. Employees who are members of the LGPS can elect to retire and receive their benefits between the ages of 55 to 75 (subject to the provisions of this policy). 2) Policy Relating to Flexible Retirement Flexible retirement occurs where an employee draws their pension and carries on working, either at a lower grade and or on reduced hours. It is available to LGPS members who are aged 55 or over, and who with the Council’s consent reduce their hours or grade. Subject to necessary approvals, such employees will be able to draw their local government pension whilst continuing to work. In addition they can remain in the LGPS until the day before their th 75 birthday, building up further benefits in the scheme. In all cases, employees must receive advice as to how flexible retirement will affect their net pay and pension entitlement. This is important, as an employee’s pension will normally be actuarially reduced if paid before their Normal Retirement Age. 4 Normal Retirement Age is the same as the employees State Pension Age – with 65 as the earliest age. 28 3) Statement Relating to the Exercise of Discretionary Powers under the LGPS Since 1997, the LGPS has required the Council to issue a written policy statement on how it will exercise the various discretions provided by the scheme; to keep it under review; and to revise it as necessary. These discretions are outlined below and it is compulsory for the Council to make an individual decision for each of the first five discretions (a – e) and outline these decisions in the Council’s Policy Statement. It is also a legal requirement that the employer has regard to the extent to which the policy on exercising these five discretions might lead to a serious loss of confidence in public service. The remaining discretions are not compulsory but are recommended by the Norfolk Pension Fund (F-M). Compulsory Items as required under Regulation 60(1) of the LGPS (Administration) Regulations 2013 and Regulation 66(1) of the LGPS (Administration) Regulations 2007. a) Funding of Additional Pension: Regulation 16(2e) 16(4d) An employer may fund wholly, or in part, a members additional pension contract (APC). The payment can be paid by regular contributions or a lump sum. The Council will not exercise this discretion. However where an APC is used to cover a period of unpaid leave North Norfolk District Council is required to automatically pay 2/3rds of the cost with the member paying the rest providing the APC request is made within 30 days of the member returning from leave. b) Awarding Additional Pension: Regulation 31 An employer may increase a member’s benefits by awarding additional pension up to a maximum of £6,500 pa from April 2014. The Council will not exercise this discretion. c) Flexible Retirement: Regulation 30(6) An employer may give consent for a member aged 55 or more who reduces their grade or hours of work (or both) to receive all or part of their LGPS benefits immediately, even though they haven’t left its employment. By taking their pension benefits early an employee may incur a reduction in their benefits. In some cases there will be no reduction for the employee and the cost of the early retirement will therefore be borne by the Council. The Council has decided that: Flexible retirement will be allowed only in circumstances where it is demonstrated to be in the Council’s long term interests Each case will be considered on its merits. Before a decision is made, the Council must be informed of the full economic cost of granting flexible retirement (Note:- the above decisions are delegated to the Corporate Leadership Team, Leader and Portfolio Member for Human Resources following consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and the Head of Organisational Development.) d) Waiving of Actuarial Reduction: Regulation 30(8) 29 If the benefits payable on retirement before normal pension age would normally be reduced for early payment, the employer may agree to waive all or part of the reduction. The Council has decided that: The waiving of actuarial reductions may be specifically applied to cases which are being considered as an employer consent on compassionate grounds Each case will be considered on its merits. Before a decision is made, the Council must be informed of the full economic cost of waiving all or part of the reduction (Note:- the above decisions are delegated to the Corporate Leadership Team, Leader and Portfolio Member for Human Resources following consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and the Head of Organisational Development.) e) Early Payment of Pension: Regulation 30 of LGPS (Benefits, Membership and Contributions) Regulations 2007 (2 parts to this) (1) An employer may give consent for a member aged 55 or more who has left its employment prior to April 2014 without an entitlement to immediate LGPS benefits to receive them straight away regardless. (2) If the benefits payable would normally be reduced for early payment, the employer may agree to waive all or part of the reduction on compassionate grounds. The Council has decided that: Each case will be considered on its merits. Before a decision is made, the Council must be informed of the full economic cost of waiving all or part of the reduction (Note:- the above decisions are delegated to the Corporate Leadership Team, Leader and Portfolio Member for Human Resources following consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and the Head of Organisational Development.) Non-Compulsory Items in the 2013 Regulations f) Membership Aggregation: Regulation 22(7b)(8b) A member who transfers from another LGPS employer, either directly or after a break, must aggregate the two periods of membership provided they do so while still an active member in the new post. The member has twelve months from the aggregation to opt to keep their periods of membership separate. The Council requires any request to aggregate LGPS membership to be made within the twelve months time limit. g) Shared Cost AVCs: Regulation 17(1) An employer may contribute towards a Shared Cost AVC Scheme. The Council will not contribute towards a Shared Cost AVC Scheme. h) Forfeiture of Pension Rights: 19(2), 91, 92, 93 If a member leaves as a result of a conviction for an offence in connection with their LGPS employment or as a result of their own criminal, negligent or fraudulent act in connection with that employment, the employer has discretion (within the terms of these regulations) to direct that all or part of their LGPS pension rights should be forfeited and/or paid over to the employer or specified dependants of the member. The Council will exercise this discretion depending on the circumstances of the case. These decisions are delegated to the Corporate Leadership Team, Leader and Portfolio Member 30 for Human Resources following consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer, Monitoring Officer and the Head of Organisational Development. i) Appointment of Adjudicator for Member Disagreements Regulation 74(1) There is a three-stage dispute procedure for members who disagree with any LGPS decision made by their employer. The first stage is handled by an independent person appointed by the employer. Second Stage appeals are dealt with by the administering authority, Norfolk County Council. The third and final stage is an appeal to The Pensions Ombudsman. The Council appoints the Monitoring Officer as the independent person to deal with the first stage of any disagreement between a LGPS member and the Council. j) Transfers of Pension Rights: Regulation 100(6) A member who has previous pension rights in a different pension scheme* may transfer them into the LGPS provided they opt to do so within twelve months of joining it. The employer has discretion to extend the twelve months time limit. The Council will not use the discretion available to it to extend the twelve month application period. *This does not include rights in the LGPS, which are dealt with under f). k) Members’ Contribution Rates: Regulation 9(3) Employers are required to allocate employees into the appropriate contribution band for 2014/15 and every financial year from then on. If a member’s pay moves into a different band during the financial year, the employer has the discretion to implement the new band immediately. The Council will use the contribution rate defined in the regulations and apply it to staff who are members of the pension scheme in accordance with their pensionable pay*. The contribution rate is assessed on a monthly basis based on the employees pensionable pay. *There is a new definition of pensionable pay in the regulations which includes all payments made to an employee (with the exception of a limited few items) including, but not limited to, non contractual overtime and/or additional hours. l) Temporary reduction in contributions – the 50/50 option The 50/50 option is designed to be a short term temporary arrangement during times of hardship, and allows employees to given written notice to pay half the contributions and accrue pension benefits at half the normal rate. The Council will pay contributions at the 100% rate in line with the regulations. Non-Compulsory Items in the 2008 Regulations m) Membership Aggregation: Regulation 16(4)(b)(ii) A member who transfers prior to 1st April 2014 from another LGPS employer, either directly or after a break, may opt to aggregate the two periods of membership provided they do so while still an active member in the new post and within twelve months of joining. 31 The Council requires any request to aggregate LGPS membership to be made within the twelve months time limit. 4) Discretionary Compensation Payments Policy (Required by The Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006) The Council can exercise certain discretions under the LGPS. In addition, if it is necessary to declare posts redundant or consider early retirement, the Council can compensate employees under the provisions outlined in the above regulations. Therefore, under this policy the Council will: a) In the case of redundancy operate with its general policy which is outlined in the Redundancy policy b) Discretionary compensation for redundancy:- calculate redundancy pay using the statutory redundancy calculator, the actual weekly rate of pay multiplied by 1.5 weeks for each year of completed local government service (up to a maximum of 45 weeks pay). This compensation will be payable in the form of a lump sum with any statutory redundancy payment offset against the discretionary award c) Where a business case has been agreed pay a one-off payment, based on the merits of each individual case, up to a maximum permitted under the new regulations (i.e.104 week’s pay calculated on a sum up to the employees actual week’s pay). Only in exceptional cases would the payment exceed 45 weeks pay (the maximum proposed for redundancy cases) d) The Council will aim to achieve a payback period of up to 3 years to cover associated costs. 32 Appendix G STANDING ORDERS IN RELATION TO DISMISSAL OF CERTAIN CHIEF OFFICERS 1. In the following paragraphs— (a) “local government elector” means a person registered as a local government elector in the register of electors in the authority's area in accordance with the Representation of the People Acts. (b) “the Panel” means a committee appointed by the authority under section 102(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 for the purposes of advising the authority on matters relating to the dismissal of relevant officers of the authority. (c) “relevant meeting” means a meeting of the authority to consider whether or not to approve a proposal to dismiss a relevant officer. 2. A chief finance officer, head of the authority's paid service or monitoring officer (each defined as in regulation 2 of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001) may not be dismissed by the authority unless the procedure set out in the following paragraphs is complied with. 3. The authority must invite relevant independent persons (meaning persons appointed under section 28(7) of the Localism Act 2011) to be considered for appointment to the Panel, with a view to appointing at least two such persons to the Panel. 4. In paragraph 3“relevant independent person” means any independent person who has been appointed by the authority or, where there are fewer than two such persons, such independent persons as have been appointed by another authority or authorities as the authority considers appropriate. 5. The authority must appoint to the Panel at least two such relevant independent persons who have accepted an invitation issued in accordance with paragraph 3 in accordance with the following priority order— (a) a relevant independent person who has been appointed by the authority and who is a local government elector; (b) any other relevant independent person who has been appointed by the authority; (c) a relevant independent person who has been appointed by another authority or authorities. 6. The authority must appoint any Panel at least 20 working days before the relevant meeting. 7. Before the taking of a vote at the relevant meeting on whether or not to approve such a dismissal, the authority must take into account, in particular— (a) any advice, views or recommendations of the Panel; (b) the conclusions of any investigation into the proposed dismissal; and (c) any representations from the relevant officer. 8. Any remuneration, allowances or fees paid by the authority to an independent person appointed to the Panel must not exceed the level of remuneration, allowances or fees payable to that independent person in respect of that person's role as independent person under the Localism Act 2011. 33 34