International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 13 - Apr 2014 Managing Privacy Retaining Entrust Admission in Public Clouds Sayara Khanum1, Prof.Prabhakar A2 1 PG Student & Computer science and engineering & VTU CIT, Gubbi, Karnataka, India 2 Professor & Information Science and Engineering& VTU CIT, Gubbi, Karnataka, India Abstract— The data stored in the cloud is very confidential. So before storing the data in cloud Platform high secured encryption technologies are used. Present day’s Data owner plays a major role in maintaining privacy of data. He Performs encryption of data, Uploading of data and re-encrypting the data if any change happens to the data. Data owner has all burdens. To reduce Data owner Burden we are Proposing a Two cover Scheme, Where we Share Burden of owner with Cloud. Burden is reduced by dividing the ACP’s(Policy breakdown) among owner and cloud. Encryption is performed twice, one at owner side and other at cloud side. Our scheme Preserves Confidentiality of data by Preserving Identity of user by Providing Unique tokens. Keywords— Confidential, Identity, Cloud Computing, Policy Breakdown, Encryption, Tokens. I. INTRODUCTION Cloud storage is Network of storage system. In virtualized pools data is stored. Cloud technology is a third party storage system, so every User will be concerned about Security and Privacy of his data. To Provide Security and Privacy to User data Encryption is Used. To enforce the access control policies (ACPs) just conventional encryption methods are not sufficient. Many organizations today using ACPs to provide data to users. It is done by using access control languages such as XACML. This Technology named as to as attribute-based access control (ABAC). It assures the data security and privacy. How data will get stored in cloud is depicted in the below Figure 1.It is old technique. Encryption is used to protect access Control of the Data [8],[9]. Users will Get Different Symmetric Key for Group of data. This approach has its own limitations. o User Revocation is Very Difficult since owner does keep a copy of data. ISSN: 2231-5381 o o Issuing new key is difficult since owner has to communicate with user. The privacy of the identity attributes is not protected. Another Method Used to Store data in cloud is single cover scheme, here also all encryption, user revocation is done by owner itself. It causes Performance bottleneck. In this paper we are using two cover Encryption scheme, which overcome the demerits of above approach. This approach going to perform encryption twice. One at the owner side which we can call it as first cover encryption and other at the cloud side is termed as second cover encryption. Other most important part of this technology is Policy Breakdown. Policies which are used to protect the user identification are divided in to two half between cloud and owner. It is very challenging task because we need to get back the policy while decrypting the data. User has to get registered with IDP, which provides identity tokens to the user, then the user has to register with the owner and cloud with that tokens. Users are uniquely identified with that token. In Two cover scheme updating is easier. Changes are occurred to the data then we need to change the cloud part encryption only,This reduces the burden on data owner.It is possible because owner manages only limited attributes and cloud is given more attributes while breakdown of policies.Data owner need not create communication path with user all time. It improves the performance while compared to previous approach. This approach maintains the Privacy of data and identity of user with highly securely manner. In this approach actual keys of encryption are not given to the user,Instead of that secret to that key is given. Now days data hackers are more the keys of encryption can be easily got, to provide the security to the keys secrets are provided. By using that Secrets user can arrive at the key and can decrypt the data from cloud. User will get two secrets in two cover scheme, one from owner and other from cloud .User has to decrypt the file twice two arrive at original data. II. RELATED WORK In this section of paper we introduce to Basic Encryption Technique, encryption by broadcasting to show how broadcasting the data to user is done. Attribute Based Group Page 601 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 13 - Apr 2014 Key Management to preserve privacy to describe the how data is distributed to group of users. Then the overview of Single cover Encryption is given.. A. Encryption It is the method of translating the data into an undisclosed code. Encryption is the more attractive technique to gain data security. Normal data is called plain text; Coded data is referred to as cipher text. It can be classifies into two types: Encryption by asymmetric mode and Encryption by symmetric mode [1] [2]. Encryption by Broadcasting The efficient way of encrypting a message and transmitting it to group of user is solved by encrypting by broadcasting [3]. The user’s subset can change at run time. The set of new users are called a revoked user(R). All revoked users cannot get the access right. Only the Authorized users will get the access right. If any user removed from the access group then he should not get the accessibility. A subset-cover algorithm that supports broadcast encryption. Binary tree is built by this algorithm and users are attached to leaf nodes. Grouping of users is defined. Each group is termed as subset. A user can belong to many groups, here authority is maintained in such a way that only authorised user can access it. For each authorized users a cover is created. Each user is belonged to only one subset. Fig 2 : Single Cover Encryption B. III. OVERVIEW In this section the solution to the problem more burden on the Owner is presented. Here we are going to delegate the some of the responsibility of owner to the cloud. The Two Cover system also contain Four entities,Owner, user,IDP and cloud. In Single Cover Encryption owner going to handle the ACP’s.Where In TCE Both Owner and cloud manages the ACP’s. By doing this obviously the burden on owner will get reduced.Here the encryption of data is done twice,one at owner side and other at cloud side.Dynamic changes are handled by the cloud itself. C. Attribute Based Group Key Management to Preserve Privacy This method uses the scheme introduced in Section 2.2.It uses the group key management technique [4], [5] and privacy is preserved in broadcast Management (BGKM) [6], [7]. In this method the rekey operation is done by single contacting with group of users. Here users are given secrets to the private key.Secrets are combined with Public information to get the private key.Only once communication channel is set to get contact with users. All further operation is done by broadcasting. D. Single Cover Encryption In this scheme encryption is done only one time. So it is named as single cover encryption.It has four entities. They are User, IDP, Owner, and Cloud. USER : He is going to get the encrypted data placed by owner in the cloud. He can get the data only when identity token matches. Owner: He is going to perform encryption on the data and upload the cipher text in cloud. If any credential changes, then owner has to manage. In this scheme burden is more on owner. Cloud: It is the storage system where encrypted data is stored. IDP: Identity Provider,Who Provide unique tokens to the users based on attributes user provide during registration with it. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig 3: Two Cover Encryption Two cover Encryption is described in the fig 3,First the owner has to breakdown the policies. Next the user has to register with owner and cloud with the identity token issued by the idp.In this scheme user won’t get the key of encryption, Instead of that user get the secrets of to that Encrypted key. In this scheme encryption is done twice. The owner perform encryption of the data and then he upload the encrypted data and the policies to the cloud. At the cloud side once again the encryption is done by the cloud and data is stored in the cloud. The user has to download the data from cloud and perform decryption twice. First decryption is done by the secret given by cloud and second decryption is done by the secret given by Page 602 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 13 - Apr 2014 the owner, after all this task user will get the original data uploaded by the user.The two cover encryption can be divided into six phases. Let see those phases now. Grant Identity Token:Identity Provider will Provide the identity token based on the user attributes which he provide while registering with it. Breakdown Policies: Owner will breakdown the Access control Policies into two subset. He is going to do that such a way that he has get less attributes to handle and all remaining attributes are handled by the cloud. The division should be consistent, while decrypting the data the two subset has to get back the original Access control policy. User registration with unique token:User will register with owner and cloud by the unique tokens provided by Identity provider. Then the user will get secrets of Encryption by the owner and cloud. Data encryption and uploading : The owner will encrypt the data first .He is going to consider the subset of attribute provided to him. After encrypting the data,it is uploaded to the cloud. At the cloud side once again the encryption is done with reference to the subset of attributes provided to it.By this method even the cloud will not get the data so easily. To protect the data in cloud environment data is encrypted twice. Data downloading and decryption: User will download the data from cloud and decrypt it by the keys that are derived from the secrets provided to him by owner and cloud. The first decryption is done to remove encryption layer of cloud and the second decryption is done to remove the encryption layer of owner. Encryption growth controlling : When any credential changes. Not like in single cover encryption where owner has to manage it.In this scheme the cloud will manage the changes and provide the new keys to users. It is possible because owner has taken less Attributes while breakdown of Access control policy. If new user gets added then he became member of superset of old group. Then just we need to forward the old data to him. If any changes take place in Access control Policies then the owner has to breakdown the policies once again. the confidential data. Two times encryption give high Protection to the data at cloud. Even Its very difficult to cloud third party to get the data from their storage space. In future work we can select other method even reduce the computational cost. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Smid, M.E. NBS, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Branstad, D.K.” Data Encryption Standard: past and future” Proceedings of the IEEE (Volume:76 , Issue: 5 ). Mengmeng Wang North China Univ. of Water Resources & Electr. 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Breaking of ACP’s are down at owner side to provide less attribute condition at owner. By doing this we can give high Privacy to ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 603